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Chapter 542 The Dragon Court Appears

The world of Longxing is one of the largest worlds in the world. Because this world has many dragon veins and there are many dragons in the mountains, rivers and rivers, it is called Longxing.

Longxing merged with the three worlds of Changping, Daoning, and Yanyou successively, and the scale became even larger. The dragon veins that were originally hidden in these worlds emerged, and the scale became larger and larger.

At this time, golden light would rise from the ground and illuminate the sky with a shocking momentum.

And the sky and sea have become more vast and boundless, with many dragons and snakes flying in the sea.

Experts from the immortal world had long observed this scene and rushed to Longxing World to wait for their fate.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor summoned Wei Xu and said: The world of Longxing will merge with the world of Yuanshou. During the merger, Dragon Court will appear in the sky. It is extremely extraordinary. You can take my disciples there and reap the opportunity. You can also take advantage of this opportunity to restore a few percent strength.

Wei Xu's cultivation strength has now recovered to 40 to 50%, and he said: I am your junior brother. You asked me to go and seize the opportunity, I am afraid it is not to make people unhappy. The birth of Longting will definitely attract the covetousness of many people.

The Immortal Emperor smiled and said: You can go ahead, it's their business to be unhappy.

Wei Xu said: Allow me to kill people?

The Immortal Emperor said: As long as you don't kill innocent people indiscriminately.

Wei Xu was a little unhappy and said, Where is your disciple?

Zhao Zheng, come out.

As soon as the Immortal Emperor finished speaking, Wei Xu saw a young man in black walking out from behind the screen. He had a resolute appearance, good looks, sharp eyes, and a scarlet cloak hanging on his shoulders.

What surprised Wei Xu was that the young man named Zhao Zheng actually had magic weapons such as the Five Sacred Mountains, the First Mysterious Passage, and the Water and Fire Alchemy Cauldron hanging in the air behind him. The pattern of the magic weapons hanging behind Xu Ying was actually the same!

It’s just that Zhao Zhenggua has more magic weapons. From the Five Mountains to Yujing Immortal City, there are nine sets of magic weapons. However, there are also six sets of magic weapons in the realm of immortals, Tao realm, Taoist temple, Tao tree and so on!

This Zhao Zheng actually imitated the fourteen realms from collecting qi to Tao tree with magic weapons and hung them behind him to form the fourteen outer realms!

What surprised Wei Xu even more was that in the sky above Zhao Zheng, there were actually six mechanical caves!

Zhao Zheng's cave is actually made up of extremely exquisite magic weapons. It is exquisitely conceived. The magic weapons are running all the time, penetrating the void and drawing power from the six other shores!

This person used external power to the extreme, and his cultivation strength was not weak, which surprised Wei Xu!

Zhao Zheng is my new disciple, he has great ideas.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor ordered, He has a destiny with Longting. If you take him there, not only will you get benefits and restore your cultivation level, but he will also gain a lot.

Wei Xu said yes.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor ordered Zhao Zhengdao: You take Abbot Dongyuan to Longting. If you meet an old friend and want to exchange Abbot Dongyuan with you, you must open your mouth and exchange a few good things.

Zulong Zhao Zheng didn't understand what he meant, but he knew that his teacher had a clever plan, so he bowed his head and took the abbot Dongyuan. The cave abyss of the abbot is only the size of a palm. In the cave abyss is a fairy mountain the size of an abbot. There is also a vague fairy spirit overflowing and flowing out along the entrance of the cave abyss.

However, the abbot's cave is too small, and the spiritual energy it produces is pitiful.

Wei Xu laughed. He had never seen such a small hole.

Zhao Zheng originally relied on this abbot Dongyuan to travel from the untraveled heavenly road to the immortal world. He is the only immortal in recent years who has survived the catastrophe by relying on his own ability and completed the journey to heaven with his strong willpower.

After arriving in the immortal world, the immortals were greatly shocked, and they did not expect that anyone could successfully overcome the tribulation.

The Immortal Emperor appreciated Zhao Zheng's will and ability, so he accepted him as a disciple and gave him the Immortal Lord-level Dongyuan training. Zhao Zheng finally no longer had to guard the abbot's cave, so he put the cave away.

However, the Immortal Emperor said that Abbot Dongyuan could exchange for the big treasure, which was really beyond his expectation.

Who would trade treasure for the abbot's fairy mountain? Zulong Zhao Zheng shook his head secretly.

On the border of the Immortal Realm, in the Tianxu Land, a burly giant was sitting on his back, practicing diligently. This man has a muscular body and a ferocious aura of a savage, but he also has an elegant and elegant temperament, which is very contradictory.

He is Xing Daoyuan, who claims to be the master of Niwan Palace. Although he has transcended the tribulation and ascended to heaven, he has no way to lead him. He is a murderer who sneaked into the fairy world from the world of heaven.

After arriving in the immortal world, Xing Daoyuan committed many crimes, intercepted and killed immortal officials, and plundered the cave. He once committed a murderous crime in Daohai, killing the six immortal kings guarding Daohai and seizing their cave abyss.

Before the death of those six Immortal Kings, he tortured them severely to extract confessions and extract their skills, and then they were killed.

Xing Daoyuan's murderous reputation spread far and wide, and he was already on the wanted list. He was the murderer chasing the top of the list.

Xing Daoyuan, the owner of Niwan Palace, was practicing when he suddenly heard a voice, saying: Xing Daoyuan, if you practice like this, in what year and month will you be able to reach the highest level?

The owner of Niwan Palace's heart skipped a beat and he jumped up, making a defensive posture.

He is a person whose name is on the wanted list. He has been frightened for a long time. Tianxu is extremely dangerous. He is hiding here to avoid pursuing soldiers, but he never expected to be found.

However, what caught his eye was a kind-hearted old Taoist with a smile on his face, walking lightly in the dangerous Tianxu, as if he were walking on flat ground.

The seals and restrictions he had placed were as if they didn't exist, and he could easily overcome them.

Who are you? the master of Niwan Palace asked.

The old Taoist smiled and said: Xing Daoyuan, when you first entered the immortal world, the volume of the Tao Zhuan Heart Sutra you accidentally obtained was the one I placed in front of you.

The face of Xing Daoyuan, the owner of Niwan Palace, suddenly changed. He had no connections or resources in the immortal world, so he came to the immortal world to kill. After arriving in the immortal world, he became a bandit and a fugitive, and was hunted down by the immortal court.

He fought back bravely and killed many immortals, but this also exposed his weakness.

He has been harvesting the Yuanshou world for more than 40,000 years as a leek farmer and a fisherman. He has mastered six caves, one of which is the Nuo ancestor cave.

His cultivation was extremely powerful and surpassed that of the Immortal King. However, after fighting all the way, he found that his strength was still much inferior to that of the Immortal King.

He learned from the pain and pondered for a long time, and realized that the reason why his strength could not keep up with his cultivation was because the five caves were not the real Nuozu caves, and because too many people were harvested, there were too many types of vitality in his body.

At this moment, he accidentally entered an abandoned Xianjia cave and found a book called Tao Zhuan Heart Sutra inside. This Tao Zhuan Heart Sutra is obscure and difficult to understand, but it is really powerful. He studied it for several years and finally achieved some success.

At that time, the owner of Niwan Palace left the cave and planned to get rich. He heard that Tian Chou Chou had come to the border area, so he came to look for Tian Chou Chou and met Emperor Chongtong and Xu Jing.

After Tian Chou Chou told his fortune, he rushed to Daohai, killed the Immortal King who guarded Daohai, and seized a fortune. As a result, the Dao Zhuan Heart Sutra was greatly improved, and he completely refined the alien energy in his body, and the Dao foundation was profound.

Did he deliberately place the Tao Zhuan Heart Sutra in front of me? He also knows my name! After I arrive in the immortal world, I am afraid that every move I make will fall into his eyes.

Xing Daoyuan hesitated for a moment, then bowed and bowed, saying: It turns out to be the teacher. The disciple has been taught by the teacher, but he still doesn't know the teacher's name.

The old Taoist chuckled and said: My Taoist name is Taiyuan, and I am known as Taoist Taiyuan. Xing Daoyuan, you don't have to have doubts. I saw that you have extraordinary qualifications and understanding, are extremely perseverant, and have great ambitions, so I took pity on you. meaning.

Xing Daoyuan knelt on the ground without raising his head and said yes. As for what was going on in his mind, no one knew.

Taiyuan Taoist smiled and said: Get up, I will accept you as a disciple. You have been practicing with the Immortal King's Cave Abyss in the past few years, and your progress is not good, right? No matter how much you get, it is not as good as an Immortal King's Cave Abyss. .Now that the tide of the Three Realms is getting stronger and stronger, all the heavens and all realms merge, and the Three Realms become one, even the Immortal Realm will become part of the Earthly Immortal Realm. It is useless for you to stay on the border of the Immortal Realm.

Xing Daoyuan stood up, extremely shocked, and lost his voice: The three realms merged into one realm?

He's lost his soul, so wouldn't it be that his ascension, which he had planned for so many years and worked so hard for, was just a dream?

Taiyuan Taoist said: The unification of the three realms is the general trend. Six hundred thousand years of peace in the immortal world has been a long time. This time the three realms are unified, chaos has emerged, and a hero will emerge. Xing Daoyuan, if you can't get out of the immortal world , your talents are wasted. Now the Longxing World will be merged with the Yuanshou World. When the Dragon Court reappears, you can go there and get a great fortune, which will serve as capital for your rise.

Xing Daoyuan was surprised and happy, and thanked him.

Taiyuan Taoist said: There are many people who are eyeing Longting, and there are many masters among them. Those who are far better than you are like the crucian carp crossing the river. I will give you some luck.

He raised his old palm and saw a Taoist tree emerging behind him. A branch fell off the tree and fell into Xing Daoyuan's hand.

This branch contains one of my avenues. You can sacrifice it and make it into a soldier. It will keep you safe.

Xing Daoyuan thanked him.

Taiyuan Taoist waved his hand and said, You can go down to the next world.

Xing Daoyuan was respectful, took a few steps back, turned around, jumped into the air, and followed the big crack in the sky to the bottom.

Taiyuan Taoist watched him go away, stood there and pondered for a long time, then stood up and left.

The road is difficult to cross. Recently, I have always been frightened and have a feeling of imminent disaster. Even if I live in Da Luo Tian, ​​I have to make plans for the future early. I hope this master of Niwan Palace can help me survive the disaster. Tribulation.”

The world of Motonsuri.

Emperor Zhou looked at the strange phenomena in the sky. The clouds in the distance were surging like a tide. The sky and the sea were driving towards the clouds, and various magnificent phenomena appeared in the clouds, like thousands of dragons flying.

Moreover, people along the coast often hear the deep and deep roar of the dragon coming from the sea. It is astonishingly dull and makes people's chests resonate with it.

Recently, there have been more and more visions in the world of Yuanshou. This world is troubled by disasters, and this vision is unavoidable for people to feel uneasy.

Ji Man, the emperor of Zhou Dynasty, was also one of them. He knew that the cause of the vision was caused by the merger of the two worlds, and he had also heard people say that a Dragon Court would be born.

However, faced with this opportunity, he was powerless. Compared to the giants in the fairy world, his power is still too small and insignificant to seize his fate in this great opportunity.

Is Senior Brother Ji Manji here? Suddenly, a voice came from the sky.

Emperor Zhou looked up and saw a beautiful fairy flying from the fairy world on a fairy cloud. There was a fairy palace on the fairy cloud, shrouded in clouds and mist, like a dream.

In Haojing, Grand Master Jiang Qi and others raised their heads and looked at this scene.

Although Haojing is a fairy city they have worked hard to build, preparing to use it to overcome the tribulation and ascend, it is extremely gorgeous and majestic. But compared with the fairy palace in the clouds, it pales in comparison.

The fairy cloud descended slowly, and a group of fairies came forward with a woman in a pale pink dress. The woman said: I am Liu Ruyi, the servant girl of the Taoist Lord of the Nine Palaces of the Great Luotian above the Nine Heavens. Senior Brother Ji, Your ancestor was originally a disciple of Taoist Lord Jiugong, and became an Immortal King in the immortal world. Unexpectedly, he lost power in the court, was plotted against, and died. Lord Taoist Jiugong knew this and was very sad. Senior Brother Ji still retains the five colors. Fairy King Flag?

After hearing this, Emperor Zhou Ji Man quickly took out the five-color Immortal King flag.

Liu Ruyi raised the five-color Immortal King flag and said with tears, It is this Immortal Flag. This flag is the token of the Jiugong Dao Lord's family.

The five-color Immortal King flag floats in the air, and among the five-color fairy light, there is a vague word Nine Palaces.

Liu Ruyi returned the five-color Immortal King flag to Emperor Zhou and said: Senior brother, Lingzu was once a disciple of Jiugong. Now the Taoist misses Lingzu. If you are interested, you can return to Jiugong.

When the Emperor of Zhou heard this, he was overjoyed and naturally agreed.

Liu Ruyi said: We are here to welcome Senior Brother Ji to Longting to obtain wealth and honor on the order of Dao Lord, so that Senior Brother Ji can solidify his Dao foundation and have a place in the future immortal world.

Zhou Tianzi said: Senior sister...

Liu Ruyi chuckled and said sweetly: Senior brother, you are a disciple of Daojun, how can you call us senior sister? You are embarrassing us. We are all your maids, how dare we call you senior brother! If senior brother let us We warm the bed, but we don’t dare to say otherwise!”

After saying that, she and the fairies all started laughing.

Emperor Zhou was surprised and delighted. He looked at the fairy palace in the clouds and at these fairies who looked like flowers and jade. For a moment, he seemed to be in a dream.

After a while, he came back to his senses and said, Ruyi, what's going on in Longting?

Liu Ruyi said: Senior brother, I don't know. It is said that Longting was the divine court before the demon court. At that time, the dragon ruled the world and the dragon clan was prosperous and dominated the world. Later, the dragon court declined for some reason, which led to the rise of the demon clan. Longting became the dragon clan. The ancestral court is buried in the sky and the sea. This time the Longxing world merges with the Yuanshou world, and Longting appears, there must be a chance. Senior brother, please enter the middle palace to speak.

Surrounded by the ladies, Emperor Zhou ascended the fairy cloud and walked into the middle palace. Jiang Qi and others quickly followed and filed in.

Liu Ruyi said: Ordinary people, there is no need to go to Longting to avoid being robbed. He drove them away.

The fairy clouds carried the middle palace and flew towards the sky and sea.

Liu Ruyi said: The opportunity of Longting's appearance this time is as great as that of Ginseng Tao Fruit. Although Longting's opportunity is good, it is not enough to attract powerful beings such as Daluo Jinxian and Supreme. Therefore, it is not that important to us. Horribly dangerous.”

As soon as she said this, there was sudden lightning and thunder in the sky, and an extremely terrifying fist burst out, penetrating the sky. Then an immortal and the ten thousand-foot-long soul fell from the sky and smashed into the sky and the sea, and the blood dyed the sea red.

Xu Laomo has killed someone! someone shouted.

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