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Chapter 530 The so-called beauty is on the water side

Xu Ying came to Hunyuan Palace. After working hard these days, he finally settled down and made some repairs.

When Xiao Tianzun heard about his arrival, he hurried from out of town to see him. Although Xu Ying didn't remember much about his past with Xiao Tianzun, he still took great care of this disciple and helped him through difficulties many times.

When Xu Ying saw Xiao Tianzun, he still hesitated and regretted not taking an extra ginseng fruit.

The five remaining ginseng berries he had were all useful. Da Zhong, An Qi, Jin Ye and his parents each had one, but he had forgotten about Little Tianzun.

He consciously felt a lot of guilt towards this disciple, but this guilt did not come from his current life, but from the memory of his first life.

It was the sporadic memories of the first life that made Xu Ying risk his own life to help Xiao Tianzun survive the disaster in Weixu and help him complete his unfinished plan to mend the sky for tens of thousands of years, thereby resolving the emotional gap between master and disciple.

He also resolved grievances with his followers in the first life, Mr. Wu Liu, Xuan Yazi, Pan Demon Shen, and the Four Evils of the Ling Family, allowing them to get rid of their resentment towards Xu Ying and help Little Tianzun build the ancestral court.

He also helped Little Tianzun find many helpers and did his best. Many people saw the benefits of inheriting the first life, but the benefits were not much, and it was more of responsibility and burden.

It would be nice if I could ask for one more ginseng fruit. He didn't realize the influence that Xu Ying had on him in his first life, and said with regret in his heart.

He still didn't give the ginseng Tao fruit to Xiao Tianzun, and decided to leave the Tao fruit to Da Zhong, An Qi, Jin Buyi and his parents.

Da Zhong noticed his hesitation and said: A Ying, I am just a magic weapon. Taking the ginseng Tao fruit is useless. Just give my Tao fruit to Little Tianzun.

Xu Ying shook his head and asked Little Tianzun: How is your cultivation?

Little Tianzun held the disciple ceremony and said: This disciple has now reached the level of Heavenly Immortal, the eighth level of Xuan Gong.

Xu Ying said: You show it and let me see it.

Xiao Tianzun said yes, came outside, activated the Celestial Immortal Dojo, and operated the Xuan Gong. The physical body, soul, and spirit merged into one, becoming larger and smaller in an instant. After eight times of this operation, the physical body has reached the level of the Immortal Lord!

His physical body was already extremely strong, and the achievement of his seventh physical transformation was better than that of other immortal kings, who were still in the semi-immortal realm at that time. Now, he has broken through the barrier between immortals and humans, and has become an immortal, an earthly immortal, and a heavenly immortal. It is normal for him to achieve this.

It's just that when Little Tianzun reaches the realm of immortals, it will be difficult for him to make any progress. From a Celestial Immortal to an Immortal King, you can't just accumulate some Immortal Spirit Energy. You must have an Immortal King-level Cave Abyss to cultivate to the Immortal King realm.

Xu Ying killed the spirit unintentionally and captured many caves, so he chose an Immortal Lord-level cave for him and said: You need to use this cave first. Although it is not as good as the Yingzhou Cave that I was my teacher, it is not trivial. The inside It’s enough for you to support 81,000 immortals. I’ve seen your dojo, but that’s it.”

Little Tianzun was quite dissatisfied, and showed his posture in the dojo, saying: Please teach me, teacher.

Da Zhong said to Tianhe Monster Flower who was suppressed by him: Er Gou means, please ask the teacher to beat me.

The Tianhe Monster Flower has been suppressed by it for a long time, rushing left and right, and has never been able to escape.

Xu Ying entered Wuzhuang Temple this time and had studied the Celestial Immortal Dojo of Wuzhuang Temple. He was already a master in this field. Wuzhuangguan's Tianxian Taoist Temple contains six kinds of Taoism, which are four less than his Taoist temple.

Little Tianzun also practices six kinds of Taoism, which are integrated with the Taoist temple, but the integration is not so perfect.

Xu Ying was not polite to him and activated the Ruyi Daluo Dojo, and the Ten Scenes of Daluo emerged, pressing down on Xiao Tianzun's Celestial Immortal Dojo.

Little Tianzun groaned, the dojo could not operate, and the ten scenes suppressed him, making him unable to move. His bones crackled and almost broke.

Xu Ying said: When your Xuan Gong reaches the eighth level, the flaws will be obvious. As for the dojo, it is even more vulnerable.

Teacher, save me! Little Tianzun couldn't hold on anymore and shouted.

Xu Ying stopped rotating the Ten Scenes of Daluo and said: These ten scenes are the wonders of my Tao. You can understand six of them carefully. The remaining four are life and death, Tao power, void and Hunyuan. You first Don’t comprehend it. Even if you comprehend it, you won’t be able to comprehend it thoroughly.”

Little Tianzun was quite dissatisfied, and entered the state where the teacher was teaching me, to comprehend the four wonders of the Tao.

Xu Ying wanted to rest in Hunyuan Palace for a few days, and let him go and leave the Daluotian Daoist Temple to him for enlightenment, while he worshiped the Shanshui Zhangtian Ruler in Hunyuan Palace.

It is extremely difficult to leave a mark on a mountain, river, sky, ruler or even a sacred magic weapon, let alone one who can send and receive it at will through sacrifice?

But fortunately, Xu Ying has mastered Taiyi Cave Abyss, and his spiritual consciousness has become extremely powerful. After repeated imprints, he finally imprinted his own mark on the mountains and rivers.

Just having a brand is not enough!

Xu Ying suddenly remembered his experience when he got the Jade Plate of Guidao. He fell into the deepest part of the Jade Plate of Guidao and saw the origin of the Jade Plate of Guidao, a ball of energy of creation.

Since they are both supreme magic weapons, there must be something similar in the Shanshui Zhangtian Ruler.

Thinking of this, his heart moved slightly, he raised the ruler of the mountains and rivers to the sky, and suddenly he jumped into the mountains and rivers.

The internal space of Shanshui Zhangtianchi is vast. Xu Ying passes through the mountains and ridges. At his feet are ridges like the backs of fish and dragons, and there is a long river flowing through it, with clouds and mist curling up on the river.

He entered the next mountain and river from one mountain and river, but saw that the geography here was different. It was a yellow sand desert, and tornadoes were like smoke pillars, moving slowly in the desert.

Xu Ying walked through the desert and came to a large mountain. A long river like a waterfall fell from the top of the mountain.

He passed through one landscape after another, his speed getting faster and faster. However, every landscape he saw was different, and there was no repetition!

If the Mountain, Water, and Sky Ruler were refined to the extreme, I'm afraid it would be able to cover all the starry skies in the heavens and all the worlds and submerge all the heavens and all the worlds!

Xu Ying couldn't help but marvel in his heart. If he could reach that step, he would be able to measure the sky and the earth. If he went down one foot, all realms would be destroyed!

Only these magic weapons can be called supreme!

But how can I find the origin of this treasure?

He continued to fly forward and said in his heart, I am offering sacrifices to this treasure, just like the East King was offering sacrifices to the jade plate for returning home. It is only superficial. In this case, the power that the Shanshui Zhangtian Ruler can exert is only superficial. , cannot reach the level of covering all the heavens and all realms.”

He passed through countless mountains and rivers, but the mountains and rivers within Zhangtianchi were still endless. After an unknown amount of time, Xu Ying finally lost patience and started to turn back.

The moment he turned around, he suddenly saw from the corner of his eye that the landscape behind him was changing as he turned around.

He vaguely seemed to see a turbulent river. On the other side of the river, there was a beautiful woman in white standing by the water.

Xu Ying hurriedly turned his head and swept behind him. The mountains and rivers in front of him were still endless, with no end in sight, no long river, and no so-called sweetheart in the water.

He slowly turned his head, paying attention to the corner of his eyes, and then saw the big river and the woman in white on the other side of the river.

Although it was a startling glance, the woman's peerless appearance and grace still disturbed Xu Ying's Taoist heart and caused ripples in his heart.

How is this going?

Xu Ying was surprised, calmed down, and thought, The reason for this situation should be that I, Zhang Tianchi, and the woman on the water side are in different time and space.

His eyes flickered. This situation was similar to looking back at his hometown from Wangxiangtai. It was a bend in time and space, similar to the overlap of Yin and Yang, and an overlap in space.

There is only one way to deal with this situation!

Xu Ying turned his back to the long river and the woman on the other side. Suddenly his mind moved slightly, and the Taiyi Bridge flew out, across the long river, connecting time and space!

On both sides of the sacred bridge, the sky and the earth are dark and yellow, and countless mountains and rivers are flowing under the bridge. The mountains and rivers flow like water, turning into black and yellow water under the bridge!

Xu Ying turned around, and the countless mountains and rivers in the sky had all turned into black and yellow Qi, forming a surging black and yellow long river, flowing endlessly under the bridge!

The river is majestic, and the water rushing below makes a deafening roar. The waves rising in the river turn into pieces of magnificent mountains and rivers in the air, and when they fall, they turn into surging river water.

Xu Ying boarded the Taiyi Bridge, his heart was surging. He finally found the origin of the mountains and rivers and the sky!

This surging long river formed by the two qi of black and yellow is the origin of the mountains and rivers. Countless mountains and rivers are all formed by the long river of black and yellow!

But what's going on with the woman on the other side of the river?

Xu Ying looked across the river, but there was no one on the other side.

Xu Ying was puzzled, so he withdrew his gaze and concentrated on worshiping and refining this mysterious and yellow river. Among his ten scenes of Daluo are Xuanhuang and Xuanqi, and his understanding of Xuanhuang's way has reached an extremely profound level.

This time, refining the river was much easier than he expected. After a long time, Xu Ying had gained a little bit, but felt that it was difficult to go further, so he got up from the Taiyi Bridge and walked under the bridge.

The moment he turned around, he vaguely saw the woman in white on the other side of the river. She was shadowy and curling up on the water side, as if she was waiting for someone to return from the other side, or looking into the distance.

Xu Ying turned his head, and the scene he saw just now disappeared without a trace.


Xu Ying walked down the Divine Bridge and dispersed the Taiyi Divine Bridge. He saw that the long river formed by the black and yellow water suddenly turned into countless mountains and rivers, flying up one after another and disappearing into the depths of time and space.

Xu Ying was about to leave, when suddenly an idea flashed in his mind, he turned around and said in a voiceless voice: I understand! There are three levels of time and space here! My Taiyi Bridge was only built on the second level of time and space just now!

He once again used the magical power of the Taiyi Divine Bridge, and countless mountains and rivers rushed in, turning into a long black and yellow river, and the Divine Bridge was built on the long river.

Xu Ying flew up, landed on the sacred bridge, and offered another sacrifice to the sacred bridge!

The Taiyi Divine Bridge is a magical power that he realized after studying the Huangting Sutra and the Shangqing Great Cave Sutra. However, this magical power needs to connect Tai Chi and Wuji to form a rainbow bridge between Tai Chi and Wuji. To use this magical power, the amount of magic power required is astonishingly huge. !

Xu Ying stood on the first Taiyi Divine Bridge and activated the second Taiyi Divine Bridge. Even if he mobilized the nine magic weapons, it was still difficult to support it.

This sacred bridge flew out, Xu Ying looked to the other end of the bridge, and sure enough he saw another big river. The Taiyi Divine Bridge spanned the long river, and the sacred bridge was blown by the strong wind, looming.

On the other side of the river, there is a beautiful woman, on the other side of the water.

Xu Ying said loudly: Girl, have you seen my bridge? I'll cross it for you!

The woman on the other side raised her head as if she heard something, her eyebrows were like smoke, her eyes seemed affectionate, ruthless, both close and far away.

As she walked back and forth this way, Xu Ying's voice came in a trance and she couldn't hear it clearly.

Xu Ying shouted: Jump to the bridge! I will ferry you!

The woman looked around and seemed to have seen the promised Taiyi Bridge, and she was about to jump up. Suddenly, the strong wind on the river blew the Taiyi Bridge to pieces!

Xu Ying groaned, his energy and blood revolted, and he was so sad that he almost vomited blood.

He activated the Taiyi Immortal Sutra, suppressed the surging Qi and blood, and calmed down his vitality and consciousness. He was a little shocked in his heart: What kind of river is that long river? Why is the wind on the river so strong?

His Taiyi Divine Bridge is almost a supernatural power at the supreme level. He has fought against the Eastern King and the Emperor's clone, and everyone who has seen it says it is good.

However, just the strong wind on the river blew his Taiyi Bridge to pieces, leaving him inexplicably shocked.

My cultivation is still a bit lacking, so I'd better wait a little longer. When I reach the third Knocking Gate stage and open the Jade Capital Heaven Pass, I should have enough magic power. Xu Ying thought to himself.

On the other side of the long river, the woman blinked her eyes and looked at the void on the river. She saw that the sacred bridge was shattered and disappeared.

She was also a little surprised and whispered: What was that scene that just happened? Could someone cross the long river of time and come here to save me?

The turbulent long river is the long river of time formed by the accumulation of endless years. She is trapped at the other end of time and can never set foot in the real world.

It's a pity that his magical power is still a little weak and cannot withstand the erosion of time. She whispered.

Time is like the wind and time is like a knife. Even Taiyi Shenqiao cannot last long on this long river.

She waited quietly, knowing that if the person who saved her took action once, he would definitely take action a second time!

Xu Yingfei came out of Shanshui Zhangtianzhi and told Dazhong about this matter. Dazhong was surprised: Who is this woman? Why is she in the time and space of Shanshui Zhangtianzhi? And why is she separated by three layers of time and space? ?”

Xu Ying shook his head and said, I don't know either.

Da Zhong suddenly said: A Ying, do you think it is possible that this woman is the original owner of the Shanshui Zhangtian Ruler?

Xu Ying was stunned and laughed out loud: Master Zhong, if she is the original owner of the Zhangtian Ruler, she is a supreme being. How could she be sealed in her own supreme magic weapon? Impossible!

Da Zhong also felt that his guess was extremely outrageous, and said: That's right. If the existence of the Supreme Realm is sealed in one's own magic weapon, then how terrible it would be to seal her existence. It is impossible to have such a powerful existence. Also, Ah Ying, what should I do with this strange Tianhe flower?

It has been suppressing the Tianhe Strange Flower for a long time. This strange flower has to collide with it from time to time, which makes it quite difficult for it.

Xu Ying's eyes fell on the strange Tianhe flower. When he took the ginseng Dao fruit, the strange flower actually tried to swallow his Shijing Dao flower. Fortunately, the big bell discovered it and knocked it away.

By now, Xu Ying also noticed that something was not right about this strange flower.

Stay still for now, don't alert the enemy.

Xu Ying sent a message and said, Master Zhong, you continue to suppress it, I will ask Little Tianzun to send people to find Taoist Wukong!

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