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Chapter 531 Let me control it

Immortal Court.

Xu Jing found the Supreme Immortal Emperor. He followed the etiquette and kowtowed before standing up and explaining his purpose, saying: Doubu is one of the six tribes and is the most loyal subordinate of the Immortal Emperor. I heard that the other five tribes all have ginseng and Tao fruit. Only Doubu didn't have it, and I'm sorry for Doubu! The other five tribes all had second thoughts, but Doubu didn't. This time, the other five tribes all got the Ginseng Tao Fruit. If Doubu didn't have it, wouldn't it be a grudge against his relatives? Who is faster?

The Immortal Emperor glanced at him and said: Xian son-in-law, you have already taken the ginseng fruit. Taking the second one will be useless to you.

Xu Jing said: I also want to be fair. This ginseng fruit was given to me by Princess Xian. Princess Xian cared about me, so she secretly gave me one. But I am also the Heavenly Lord of the Doubu, and your majesty gave it to the other five Ministry, except for Doubu, what do the officers and men of Doubu think? I have just arrived at Doubu, and I am afraid it will be difficult to convince the public. Please give me a clear warning, Your Majesty!

The Supreme Immortal Emperor said: I understand the truth, but you have been running away more than ten times recently, and you keep talking about this.

Xu Jing said: Doubu has been loyal and loyal for generations...


The Supreme Immortal Emperor laughed angrily and shouted, The only one who rebelled in Doubu is your son. Where did the loyalty come from? Even though the Emperor and Tianzun had two intentions, they did not rebel at all. Your son has lived for 48,000 years. I turned against you before!

Xu Jing said: The traitor and I are inseparable! As long as your majesty gives the order, I will bring the soldiers and horses down to the border to capture the traitor Xu Ying and bring him to justice!

The Immortal Emperor glanced at him, suddenly laughed, and said: Xu Jing, Ying'er is also my grandson, how can I not give him a chance to repent? Don't worry, you and your son will be reunited in the future. You and your son will be together. Being Doubu Tianzun, then it will not be Doubu’s shame, but a good story.”

Xu Jing quickly said: Then Ginseng Taoguo...

The Immortal Emperor has a headache.

Xu Jing struck while the iron was hot and said, Your Majesty, a bowl of water must be leveled.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor waved his hand, and Xu Jing immediately retreated and left, saying: Your Majesty, I will come back another day...

Come back! The Immortal Emperor shouted.

Xu Jing stepped forward and lowered his eyebrows.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor hesitated for a moment and said: I will give you Dou Bu a ginseng fruit, please do not tell anyone else.

Xu Jing was surprised and happy, and he quickly bowed and thanked him, thinking: The book says it well, if you are shameless, you will be invincible. Sure enough, the ancients will not deceive me!

He had previously received a ginseng Taoist fruit from Lan Suying and had already refined it. However, he was just an Immortal Lord. He had just cultivated the Taoist tree and had not yet refined it into a Taoist flower. The Taoist tree had a Taoist fruit hanging on it.

Xu Jing felt that his cultivation and Taoism were both rising, but he also knew that the state achieved by relying on ginseng and Tao fruit was just a false state, allowing him to enter the realm of the pseudo-Daluo Jinxian. He was still far away from truly becoming a Daluo Jinxian.

Moreover, the Dao Fruit that he was asked to cultivate by the Ginseng Dao Fruit was a flowerless fruit and a false Dao Fruit, which was not what he wanted.

What he really wants to achieve is the Supreme Realm.

The troubled times are coming, and the fairyland will be peaceful for a long time. In the face of these troubled times, I am afraid that strength is the most important thing. Without strength, talking about the foundation will be just empty talk in the end.

He accepted the Dao Fruit given by the Supreme Immortal Emperor, and felt calm in his heart, without any worry about gain or loss.

He stood in the immortal world, looked down, and saw all the heavens and worlds coming into view.

The fairy world and the mortal world are very, very close.

Under the influence of tides, worlds continue to merge with each other, causing greater space-time tides.

As the tide intensified, many buried ancient ruins emerged one after another in all the worlds. Although not as amazing as Wuzhuang Temple, they were still of no small importance, attracting many immortals and qi-refiners to explore.

Immortals and mortals have begun to live in the same world.

But only when the immortal world is integrated with the heavens and the world and turns into the earthly immortal world, can the separation between immortals and mortals be truly eliminated.

In these troubled times, who will take the opportunity to rise?

In the ancestral court, in Ruyi Daluo Tianzhong, Da Zhong was refining the Dao Fruit promised to him while continuing to suppress the Tianhe Strange Flower. It could not eat the Dao Fruit, so it simply refined and absorbed the Dao Fruit as a spiritual elixir.

The power in the Tao Fruit continuously flowed into its dojo. Da Zhong suddenly felt that his Taoism was rising with the tide, and he couldn't help but feel elated, knowing that he was on the right path.

By the time Xu Ying refined the origin of the Zhangtian Ruler and got out of it, the big bell had already refined less than half of the Dao Fruit. There was only a small Dao Fruit hanging under the mouth of the bell. It was green and had a beautiful appearance. Rough, with flowing lines, like dragon eggs.

This Dao fruit is extraordinary. Inside the bell is the dojo of the big bell. If it hangs under the bell, it is in the dojo of the big bell.

It's just that the hanging position seems a bit indecent.

The big clock quietly moved the Dao Fruit and hung the Dao Fruit on the clock, like a dragon egg hanging on the head. It hung the Dao Fruit behind the clock, like a dragon egg growing behind it.

Moreover, the most suitable location for Dao Fruit is the dojo.

Forget it, just put it inside me.

It's a pity that Da Zhong can't display his Dao Fruit. Wouldn't it be that he walks at night in brocade clothes and blinds his Dao Fruit in vain?

Little Tianzun was still meditating on the ten wonders of Taoism in Xuying Daluotian, but after more than ten days, he gave up on life and death, Tao power, void and Hunyuan, and turned to study the other six.

It was extremely difficult for Xu Ying to comprehend these four wonders. He wanted to achieve it in one go. Unless his talent was much higher than Xu Ying's, it would be impossible.

The little Tianzun concentrated on studying other Daluo Six Scenes, and he became familiar with it. The six secret sources of Taoism that Xu Ying learned were also the Xu family’s Six Secret Ancestral Dharma. Shortcomings in the dojo.

Xu Ying came to check his entry and asked Xiao Tianzun to perform his dojo again.

Little Tianzun's eyes flashed, and he was full of fighting spirit: Please teach me, teacher!

He activated the dojo, and Xu Ying's Da Luo dojo came. Little Tianzun still kept the dojo running, his confidence doubled, he activated the Xuan Gong, his body turned eight times, and he was unmatched, and he went straight to kill Xu Ying!

Xu Ying let him fight to her, and exchanged several moves with him. Feeling his incomparably powerful body, she secretly praised the wonders of the Nine Turns Mysterious Technique.

It's not bad, it's not bad. Apart from some problems with the eighth level of Xuan Gong, there are no major problems. Xu Ying praised.

Little Tianzun's confidence soared and he smiled and said, Teacher, why don't you give me some advice?

Xu Ying sighed. As a disciple, he was good at everything, but he was prone to swelling sometimes. He didn't know who he learned it from.

His thoughts moved slightly, and a chaotic golden lotus emerged from the chaotic sea among Luotian's ten scenes, exuding a thick Taoist charm.

Little Tianzun groaned, and suddenly felt that his dojo seemed to be suppressed by a hundred and eight thousand immortal kings and could not operate.

He could still move, but the next moment, there was also a Xuanhuang Dao flower in the Xuanhuang Erqi, the second scene of the Ten Scenes of Luotian, which was born from the clear and turbid qi. Dao flowers take root between heaven and earth, absorbing the power of heaven and earth.

As soon as the flower appeared, Little Tianzun felt as if he was being ridden by one hundred and eight thousand immortal kings, unable to move.

Immediately, the glazed flowers bloomed in the glazed clear sky in the third scene, as if they were made of glass, and then an immortal immortal plant grew out of the immortal aura in the fourth scene, and the aura gathered all over the body.

In the fifth scene, twin plants of Yin and Yang grow in the Yujing Fairy City. In the sixth scene, black and white strange flowers grow in the Taiji Fairy City. In the seventh scene, flowers of life and death grow on the water under the Shenqiao. Void flowers grow out of the nine sceneries of void flames.

When the Nine Scenery Taoist Peanuts appeared, the little Tianzun had already been suppressed to the point where he could not even move his consciousness, let alone his cultivation power.

In addition to these nine kinds of Taoist flowers, there is also a tenth kind of Taoist flower, which is the Taoist flower of Taiyi Cave Abyss in the tenth scene, but this Taoist flower is hazy and located in Taiyi Cave Abyss.

Taiyi Cave Abyss is still far away from the present world, and this Taoist flower has never been able to appear.

Xu Ying accepted the Dao flower and said with a smile: You are already very good. It is amazing that you can withstand the suppression of a Dao flower from me. Could it be that this is the achievement of opening up the other side of martial arts?

Little Tianzun was both disappointed and a little happy.

He and Emperor Wu Shen Luo worked together to open up the other side of martial arts. This other side is now getting stronger and stronger, and his achievements are getting higher and higher.

Dazhong whispered: Ah Ying, why do I feel that something is wrong? Your Dao flower should be at the Tianjun realm, right? A Dao flower at the Tianjun realm can't suppress Xu Ergou?

Xu Ying said with a dark face, Master Zhong, he is my disciple, but he is not my enemy. I want to give him some confidence, and I can't kill him all at once. Besides, his name is Xiao Tianzun, don't call him Xu. Two dogs.”

If it were in the past, Xu Ying would occasionally call Little Tianzun Xu Ergou, but later he got used to it. Little Tianzun is the second dog, so who is the big dog and the old dog?

Isn’t this just a bald thing on a head of lice? It’s obvious?

Moreover, since the separation between immortals and mortals was no longer so strict, Xu Ying also met many immortals, who secretly called him Xu Laogou.

So much so that when Xu Ying heard Xiao Tianzun's name, he felt sad and felt a tingling feeling.

Little Tianzun, there is a big problem with your eighth level of Xuan Gong. If you meet an ordinary immortal, that's all. If you meet a master, I'm afraid they can crack your eighth level of Xuan Gong.

Xu Ying said: It is difficult to advance in the immortal world. It is impossible to ascend without a backing. Therefore, most of the immortal kings in the immortal world are not ordinary immortal kings. If you meet them, you will definitely suffer. I have a plan. It is better to find the founder of Nine Transformations Xuan Gong. In the Immortal Tomb, you might be able to find the complete Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique...

Little Tianzun's nine-turn mystical skill was found while practicing with the first generation Xu Ying, but it was only a fragment. In this life, Xu Ying relied on his own knowledge to help him complete the eighth turn. But there is a big flaw in the eighth turn. It's just that Xu Ying's achievements in martial arts and physical body are not higher than that of Xiao Tianzun, and he can't continue to complete this skill.

Little Tianzun was about to speak when suddenly an immortal from the ancestral court came and said: Qingzun Tianzun, we have found the whereabouts of Taoist Wukong.

Xu Ying was in high spirits, and Little Tianzun asked quickly: Where has this senior gone?

The ancestral immortal said: I went to the sea of ​​immeasurable fire!

Xu Ying was surprised, boundless sea of ​​fire? Isn't this place where the immortal tomb of the True Lord Erlang is located? Moreover, there are also rumors that the Bagua alchemy furnace of Taiqing Taoist fell to the mortal world, forming that sea of ​​fire.

What is Taoist Wukong doing there?

Xu Ying couldn't help but have a daydream in his heart, Could he also know that the master of Ruyi Daluotian is still alive, so he plans to accept Daozu's Bagua Alchemy Furnace as an apology? How can he be embarrassed?

He was inexplicably excited and had no embarrassment at all.

The Immortal of the Ancestral Court said: In recent times, the boundless sea of ​​​​fire has been bursting out with flames, which are very violent. Some people suspect that something suppressed under the immortal tomb of Erlang Zhenjun is causing trouble. I am afraid that this thing is about to escape.

Little Tianzun asked: Teacher, is it for this matter that Taoist Wukong went there?

Xu Ying also heard that there was a powerful being suppressed under the immortal tomb of Erlang Zhenjun, who was immortal. Before his death, Zhenjun Erlang suppressed him in the sea of ​​fire formed by the Bagua Alchemy Furnace just to borrow this Daluo Immortal Artifact. The power of it will turn it into ashes!

But now it seems that even the Great Luo Immortal Weapon has not been able to refine it, and what was suppressed in the sea of ​​fire is really unbelievable.

Back then we got the fragment of the Nine Transformations Mysterious Technique, which came from the immortal tomb of Zhenjun Erlang. Now there are riots under Zhenjun's immortal tomb. It's time for our master and disciple to repay our kindness.

Xu Ying said to Little Tianzun, You have taken advantage of True Lord Erlang, so of course you must devote yourself to True Lord Erlang to suppress the demon in the sea of ​​fire. This time, you and I, master and disciple, will go there in person.

Little Tianzun was overjoyed and quickly said yes.

When he was still a young boy, he always followed Xu Ying around, visiting tombs and mausoleums, exploring the truth about the decline of his ancestral home, so everyone was shouting about beating him and killing him.

It was truly a lush period of time that is nostalgic.

Xu Ying offered sacrifices to the emperor's chariot. Seeing how gorgeous the emperor's chariot was, the little Tianzun did not dare to get up. Xu Ying said earnestly: Being a teacher is not about luxury and extravagance, but being a teacher has too many enemies. If you are not careful, you will be killed. Get rid of it, you have to guard against it.”

When the little Tianzun heard this, he had no choice but to board the chariot with him.

Xu Ying was sitting on the imperial chariot, with no canopy above his head to protect him. He was always worried that Leng Buding would come down with a big hand from above and pin him to death in the imperial chariot, or that Leng Buding would fly down with a fairy sword and open up his imagination.

It's a pity that I couldn't borrow a canopy from Emperor Ai. He secretly regretted it in his heart.

Little Tianzun is now the leader of the ancestral court. He summoned several ancient giant beasts, but they were two Tianpeng. He pulled the imperial chariot and flew towards the boundless sea of ​​fire.

Xu Ying was sitting in the imperial chariot, with a cloud of clear light above his head, as clear as a cloud. On the cloud sat three Xu Yings in green, yellow, and white clothes. They were not big, and they were all three or four inches tall. Some of them looked up specially. In the sky, some looked around, fearing a sudden attack.

How many people did the teacher offend when he went out this time? Xiao Tianzun asked cautiously.

Not many, most of them are dead.

Xu Ying was still a little nervous and said, But those who survived are all powerful characters.

Especially the Changsheng Emperor made him even more frightened.

Emperor Changsheng must have known that the person who killed his incarnation and seized the Ruler of Mountains and Rivers was Xu Ying. Even if Xu Ying approached Empress Ziwei to sell the stolen goods, Emperor Changsheng would still find him.

With the Changsheng Emperor's ability, it would be easy to kill him and take back the Zhangtian Ruler!

Immortal world, Palace of Immortality.

The Changsheng Emperor looked at each other across the border, taking in Xu Ying's every move, and whispered: This kid is so sneaky, what are you doing looking around? He is not a good person at first glance. When he sacrifices the Zhangtian Ruler, I will knock him unconscious , take action to take it back... Hey, are they going?

His heart beat violently twice, and he saw an infinite sea of ​​fire appearing in front of the imperial chariot. Now the sea of ​​fire was rioting, and there seemed to be a huge thing making waves in it!

The tide of the three realms has changed the geography greatly, and the heavens and the world have merged into the earthly immortal realm, which has caused the seal of Erlang Zhenjun's immortal tomb to be greatly reduced!

Emperor Changsheng's eyes flashed, The powerful character who was suppressed took this opportunity to get out of trouble! I'm afraid Taiqing Daozu's Bagua Alchemy Furnace will also come out! Is this boy Xu Ying a treasure-hunting rat? Where can I find it? Baby, he will appear wherever you are!

He was so eager that he thought of going down to the lower world himself.

Anyway, this kid doesn't have any experts around him, why don't you just let me control him?

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