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Chapter 529 The abacus becomes perfect

The Changsheng Emperor, the Emperor and others retreated and stared at the Supreme Immortal Emperor, especially the Changsheng Emperor. Although they remained calm, they still felt a little embarrassed.

He had previously tried to collect the ginseng fruit tree in front of everyone, but failed. He had to pick three Tao fruits, and planned to retrieve the Shanshui Zhangtian Ruler before seizing the tree.

The Immortal Emperor ran into him on the way and held his hand, forcing him to come with him. The Supreme Immortal Emperor was tall and tall, and holding his hand was like holding a child. It was obvious that he had bad intentions.

He originally accepted three ginseng fruits and planned to give one to Yuanjun. However, before he had time to give it away, the Immortal Emperor Supreme had already given one to Yuanjun.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor deliberately refused to give Dong Wang the Ginseng Tao Fruit, which was to beat him and force him to give one of his Tao Fruits to Dong Wang.

In this way, he not only lost a Dao Fruit, but also failed to win over anyone.

Now, the Supreme Immortal Emperor wants to harvest the ginseng fruit tree again in front of everyone. His intentions can be imagined. It is nothing more than announcing in public that the Supreme Immortal Emperor is still above his Immortal Emperor, and the Supreme Immortal Emperor is still the master of everyone. !

It's just that the Immortal Emperor's work was impeccable, so he secretly suffered a loss, but he didn't let anyone know.

The Immortal Emperor's Supreme Dojo spread out, overlapping with the dojo of the ginseng fruit tree. The two dojos collided, extremely dangerous, but brilliant. The rays of light rose up, rising like water vapor, and slowly dispersed.

But the Supreme Immortal Emperor came under the Tao tree and allowed the ginseng fruit tree to attack him, but it was still difficult to invade him at all.

He placed his palm on the ginseng fruit tree, using his great cultivation to suppress the abnormal movements of the ginseng fruit tree, and using his own moral conduct to suppress the ginseng fruit tree's moral conduct!

This refining was surprisingly ordinary, with no earth-shattering movements or earth-shattering visions. The Supreme Immortal Emperor showed his composure.

The more this happens, the more unfathomable he becomes in the hearts of everyone.

After a while, the ginseng fruit tree's dojo no longer resisted the Immortal Emperor Supreme.

The remaining ten Dao fruits on the tree will be reserved for meritorious ministers.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor came over and said with a smile, There will definitely be people in the tide of the Three Realms who have made great achievements. These ten Dao Fruits are prepared for these people.

The emperor and others felt awe-struck. The Supreme Lord's move undoubtedly told them that I can shape you and help you achieve Taoism and fruition. If you are disobedient, I can promote others and replace you!

Seeing this, Emperor Changsheng sighed secretly in his heart: The power of the Supreme Being is unfathomable and remains the same as before. Then, should I still go after Xu Ying?

He hesitated for a moment, two Dao Fruits were not worth the supreme magic weapon.

We still have to get the ruler back, it's just a matter of the means.

He said silently in his heart, The Ruler of Mountains, Waters, and Heaven has long been impregnable after my sacrifice. No matter where it is, I can sense it. When it comes to the outside world, I can just take it back. As for the promise, I can only give it a little punishment.

After a while, Emperor Changsheng said goodbye and left.

The Immortal Emperor stood up to see him off, and said very earnestly, Fellow Taoist Changsheng, when I said you were petty, it was just a joke. Don't take it to heart. You should be more generous.

Emperor Changsheng said yes and left Wuzhuang Temple, saying: Your Majesty, stay here.

He rose into the sky and returned to the fairy world, thinking: If you want me to be generous, the sky will thunder!

He carefully sensed the direction of the mountain, water, and sky ruler, and his heart suddenly tightened. He couldn't sense the mountain, river, and sky ruler!

The Immortal Emperor sat down, stimulating his soul and mobilizing the Tao tree's Tao fruit. He saw plum blossoms on the old tree, and its roots penetrated into the heavens and the world, strengthening his perception.

The eyes of his soul are so bright that they can penetrate the three realms, from the fairy world to the underworld, with a panoramic view!

However, he still did not find the ruler of mountains and rivers.

A thin layer of cold sweat broke out on the forehead of the Emperor Changsheng. The mountain, water and sky ruler seemed to have disappeared out of thin air. The brand he had been tempering for hundreds of thousands of years seemed to have been wiped away and could no longer be sensed!

My Supreme Magical Weapon... That's right, the Supreme asked me to be generous just now. He must have thought of this... I'll be generous to his grandma!

The Changsheng Emperor was angry and was really angry. He wanted to find Xu Ying and cut him into pieces, but he hesitated when he remembered the methods of the Supreme Immortal Emperor.

That's all, he asked me to be generous, so I will be more generous. If I don't avenge this revenge, then I promise to take away my mountain, water, and sky ruler. Sooner or later, I will use it. As long as he sacrifices this treasure, I will use it. If he knocks it over, he can take back this treasure.

Thinking of this, he felt a little relieved. Xu Ying was just a little monk, the plaything of the Supreme Being. If he was knocked unconscious or killed, the Supreme Being would not fall out with him over this.

But, how did this kid erase my mark?

He wondered in his heart, after all, he was also a Daluo Jinxian. What kind of realm was Xu Ying? How could it be possible to erase his mark?

In Ziwei's ancestral court, Nan Ziyan shouted from a distance: Your Majesty, the traitor is here!

After hearing the news, Empress Ziwei quickly ordered several disciples, saying: Take all our treasures away and don't let the thieves see them!

Several disciples hurriedly hid all kinds of treasures and looked at Nan Ziyan's boat warily.

Xu Ying jumped off the boat and placed the ruler of mountains and rivers in front of Empress Ziwei.

Empress Ziwei saw this treasure, heard the string and knew its elegant meaning, and said: Zi Yan, take the teacher's lamp.

Nan Ziyan quickly fetched the real glazed lamp from Taicang Cave. Empress Ziwei held the glazed lamp, and a ray of light shone on the ruler of the mountains and rivers. All the imprints that the Changsheng Emperor had worked hard to polish and forged for more than 400,000 years were revealed. Burn.

What a great magic weapon!

Empress Ziwei saw that the Shanshui Zhangtian Ruler had not suffered any damage, but was getting brighter and glossier than new. She couldn't help but admired and said, The refining of this treasure is the same as the refining method of the Da Luo Wonderful Realm magic weapon in ancient times. It’s different, could it be the supreme magic weapon?”

He was originally a being in the wonderful realm of Daluo, and his cultivation and practice had reached the ultimate peak. Few people could surpass him, so the difference between the Shanshui Zhangtian Ruler and his magic weapon could be seen at a glance.

This treasure is floating in the air. On one side of the ruler is the celestial scale. Between the scales, there are strange rune marks. Different scales have different runes.

On the other side is a landscape painting, but with the different brilliance reflected by the ruler, the landscape painting is also constantly changing, endless and extremely magical.

Xu Yingdao said: This treasure is the supreme magic weapon, but I don't know which supreme being left it. If Emperor Ai likes this thing, I can exchange it with you.

His eyes flashed and his abacus jingled, intending to exchange his master's glass lamp.

In terms of pure power, Liuli Zhan is probably still higher than the Heavenly Ruler, so he likes Liuli Zhan even more.

Empress Ziwei shook his head and said: Fellow Daoist Xu, your abacus beads almost splashed on my face. The glass lamp is my sacrificial object. It can be sent and received according to my heart. What do I want to do with the Heavenly Ruler? Will I protect you from disasters? The person in charge of this treasure must be extremely powerful. You can't afford to offend him, so you came to me to sell the stolen goods. If I exchange it with you, that person will target me.

Xu Ying was not embarrassed at all when he saw through it. He laughed and said, Your Majesty is wise! I can't hide this little plan from Your Majesty!

Empress Ziwei sighed: If I were still in power and you had such a sweet mouth, I would have beheaded you long ago. I would never see a sycophant like you!

Xu Ying smiled and said: Brother Aidi...

Empress Ziwei glared at him: Call me Empress! You ask me for help, yet you dare to call me Emperor Ai?

Xu Ying took advantage of the situation and changed his words, saying: Master, the person in charge of this treasure is a Daluo Jinxian, who has a title, called the Changsheng Emperor. I heard that he took the Shanshui Zhangtian Ruler back then. There were two supreme magic weapons born that year. , the Zhangtian Ruler is one of them, and another treasure is the Guidao Jade Plate. I once came into contact with the Guidao Jade Plate, and found that the owner of the jade plate may not be dead. In other words, he is not dead yet.

Back in the Wei Ruins, Xu Ying had the opportunity to obtain the Guidao Jade Plate. It was because he realized that the owner of the Guidao Jade Plate was not dead and was worried about being implicated, so he abandoned the Guidao Jade Plate.

Now he was worried that Zhang Tianchi would be in the same situation.

After all, the supreme magic weapon must be extremely rare, but more than 400,000 years ago, two supreme magic weapons suddenly appeared. There must be something weird in this.

Upon hearing this, Empress Ziwei suddenly became interested and asked tentatively: You mean, the owner of Zhangtian Ruler may not be dead?

Xu Ying nodded lightly and said: But it is extremely dangerous to test a living Supreme Being. The Changsheng Emperor is the Great Luo Jinxian. If the original owner of this magic weapon is not dead, he will definitely be able to detect it. Therefore, I am not sure.

Empress Ziwei was aroused by him, his eyes fell on the Zhangtian Ruler, and he said with a smile: Daluo Jinxian? Isn't the new era about cultivating the supreme? This person has followed the old path of Daluo Jinxian. It can be seen that he cannot cultivate to the supreme state. He has to Follow our old path. If he has the ability, can he use other people's supreme magic weapons?

He smiled slightly and said: What is the purpose of a supreme being who is not dead, throwing out his magic weapon? It is definitely not because he thinks that he has too many magic weapons.

Xu Ying cheered up and said with a smile: Sorry... Brother Taoist Master, how can we know whether the owner of the treasure is dead or not?

Empress Ziwei smiled and said, You will know after you give it a try.

Xu Ying blinked: How to try?

Empress Ziwei smiled and said: You want me to try it for you? If I try it and annoy that person, I'm afraid I won't be able to survive ten moves in my current state.

Xu Ying said: The state of that Supreme Being is probably not much better than His Majesty's. If he hadn't been severely injured, how could he throw out his Supreme Magical Treasure?

Empress Ziwei made up her mind, shook her head and said: It's useless for you to provoke me. I was besieged and died by the existence of the Supreme Realm back then, and I know how terrifying the new realm is. I still want to stay as a useful person and do my best for the ancestral court. One last effort, rather than an inexplicable duel with a supreme being.”

Seeing that he couldn't convince him, Xu Ying had no choice but to put away the ruler of mountains and rivers.

Empress Ziwei smiled and said: Have you ever thought about why a being in the Supreme Realm would throw out his magic weapon? If you can figure this problem out, you will know that possessing a supreme magic weapon may not be a good thing. .There is no pie falling from the sky, only traps falling.”

Xu Ying hesitated and said, If there is really a trap in this treasure, Emperor Changsheng will definitely notice it.

Empress Ziwei chuckled and said, This Immortal Emperor can't even reach the Supreme Realm. It shows that he is also an incompetent person.

Xu Ying hesitated for a moment, then summoned up the courage to say: Brother Taoist Master, I have one more thing to do here. The canopy on my imperial chariot has been destroyed twice. Do you think you can...


Empress Ziwei flatly refused and said, Zi Yan, see off my master's guests!

Nan Ziyan quickly stepped forward and said with a smile: Xu Tianzun, please.

Xu Ying said: You still have several Immortal Emperor Tombs that you haven't dug out, and there must be extra canopies inside. How about I dig them out for you? I won't accept your extra treasures, I want some of the ones you don't want!

Empress Ziwei turned a deaf ear, so Xu Ying had no choice but to board the ship. Nan Ziyan sent him out of Ziwei's ancestral court, and then returned.

Empress Ziwei smiled and said: Zi Yan, you are not far away from becoming the strongest among the younger generation. This promise is full of barriers and weak spots everywhere. I am afraid you are not far from destruction.

Nanzi said: Master, why did you say this?

Empress Ziwei said: You see, he made Taiyi Cave Abyss and was targeted. There is an ancient soul hidden in Da Luo Tian, ​​which is ready to go. He offended the Emperor Changsheng, the Da Luo Jinxian. The old longevity star hanged himself, and he was still holding on to him. Living in mountains and rivers as far as the sky, he will definitely be plotted by the existence of the Supreme Realm. He has flags all over his body, and he is not singing an opera, so it shows that he is not far from death.

Nan Ziyan quickly said: I'll warn him!

Empress Ziwei sneered: If you go, the ancient spirit in his Daluotian will know about it, and he will kill you immediately! Don't interfere in this matter!

Xu Ying left Ziwei's ancestral court and planned to go to Xiao Tianzun's Hunyuan Palace to rest for a while. The voice of the goddess came and said: Immortal Master, Lan Suying left a note for the Immortal Master.

Xu Ying took the note and read it over. He couldn't help but sneer with a frosty look on his face: The old dog of the Immortal Emperor really wants to harm me! After that, he crumpled the note into pieces.

What was written on the note was the method of uniting the ten caves and heaven into one and summoning the Taiyi Cave Abyss!

On the other side, Lan Suying returned to Xianting, looking for an opportunity, and came to Doubu Helingdu Ancient Palace to see Xu Jing. She took out a ginseng fruit and said with a smile: I grabbed this for you, eat it quickly. Bar.

Xu Jing was surprised and happy, and was about to take it when he woke up and asked quickly: Have you eaten, madam?

Lan Suying took out another Dao Fruit and said with a smile: Assuming you have a conscience, I am planning to take it with you.

The couple looked at each other and smiled.

Xu Jing thought of Xu Ying again and said quickly: Where is Ying'er? Has he eaten?

Lan Suying said: He took one and still has five Dao Fruits in his hand, which is more than us. Two of them intend to honor us.

Xu Jing said: Ying'er is interested. Now we and our husband can take two pills each!

The couple took the Tao Fruit and while refining it, they talked about their experiences in Wuzhuang Temple. When Xu Jing heard that all the Heavenly Lords had Tao Fruit, he immediately stood up and said: I am Dou Bu Tianzun, and my father-in-law should give me a Dao Fruit, otherwise it will be unfair to Dou Bu! I will go to him to ask for it!

Lan Suying smiled and said: You are very smart in your calculation, but how could he not know that you have already consumed a Dao Fruit?

Xu Jing hurriedly walked out and said, This is what Madam gave me, it has nothing to do with him. I'm not fighting for myself, I'm fighting for face for the Fighting Department!

Lan Suying praised: Master's abacus is so good!

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