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Chapter 494 Kill them all


Yuan Jun hurriedly offered sacrifices to his soul, stretched out his palms, and suppressed Ling Wuxin's soul. After Ling Wuxin's physical body exploded, his soul also showed signs of exploding. Without her suppression, even his soul would be shattered to pieces!

Mom, promise to kill me.

Ling Wuxin Yuanshen felt confused and out of spirits. Xu Ying's finger just now seemed to wipe a drop of blood on his forehead, but in fact it was a huge soul power that suddenly rushed into his body and strengthened his soul.

One of the promised seven immortal caves can refine the spiritual energy of the immortal world and turn it into soul power. This powerful impact of soul power caused Ling Wuxin's soul to immediately crush his physical body.

And Xu Ying's finger was also a magical power. The Zhuxian sword followed the soul power and slashed towards his soul!

This blow is the most fatal!

God damn your promise, you don't miss your old relationship with me, but you actually do this to you!

Yuan Jun cursed angrily and helped him suppress the Immortal Killing Sword Qi in Yuanshen. Ling Wuxin was still in a daze, sometimes awake and sometimes unconscious.

Yuan Jun tried to break the Zhuxian sword energy, but this sword energy was so fierce and domineering. If it could be broken so easily, it would not be worthy of being called Zhuxian.

Yuan Jun tried several times, but failed to break the Zhuxian Sword Qi. Instead, Ling Wuxin's Yuan Shen was injured even more.

When the emperor, Tianzun and others heard about this, they each came to Yuanjun's mansion to check Ling Wuxin's injuries and frowned.

Has Xu Ying's conduct reached this level?

The emperor was quite surprised and said, His Dao method is difficult for me to break easily. If Yuanjun can suppress this sword energy for thousands of years, I should be able to break it.

Yuan Jun sighed: Thank you, Brother Dao. This sword energy has been wearing down my son's spirit. I'm afraid he won't be able to hold on for that long.

The emperor sighed, said goodbye and left.

Tianzun inspected it and said, Does Yuanjun intend to have another child?

Yuan Jun shook his head.

Tianzun also said goodbye and left.

Yuan Jun bid farewell to everyone, with a gloomy expression on his face. He wanted to let go of this relationship between mother and son and refine the devil, but he was extremely reluctant to let go. He cried and said: Don't worry, my son, my mother will do her best to save you and let you go. Kill Xu Ying with my own hands to take revenge.

Ling Wuxin said: Mom, is it dark? I can't see anything...

Yuan Jun cried a few more times and thought to himself: Now I don't have much to worry about. I have to go find Xin'er's father and let this heartless man take action to deal with this sword energy. But is he really willing to take action?

She hesitated, but went out anyway.

After an unknown amount of time, Ling Wuxin felt hazy, as if he saw his mother coming back, and vaguely saw someone else next to him, but he was extremely sleepy and his mind was in chaos, making it difficult to make out clearly.

He could only faintly hear the words Zhu Xian and Remnant Soul, and soon passed out again.

When Ling Wuxin woke up again, he felt much better and conscious, but still without a physical body. The Immortal Killing Sword Qi hidden in his soul has been cleared away, and the severed soul has been restored to integrity.

When Yuan Jun saw Ling Wuxin wake up, he breathed a sigh of relief and said: Although you have no body now, your body is nothing more than a skin. If you want to practice the divine way, my mother will build a golden body for you. If you want Continue to be an immortal, just tell me which immortal's body you like, and my mother will capture it for you. You can also be reincarnated, and after reincarnation, your mother will open your mind, let you restore your memory, and live another life.

Ling Wuxin said: It is difficult to become a great weapon in the divine way. It is too slow to advance to the new level, and you need to practice again. The child is willing to seize the body, but I am afraid that the physical body of this seizing body can be stronger and will not be exploded by the soul.

Yuan Jun smiled and wiped away his tears, and said happily: I will find you an Immortal King or Immortal Lord with a stable physical body. He will only be stronger than the original physical body, not weaker.

Ling Wuxin was overjoyed and said: I heard that Hao Kaiyang, the leader of the Four Evils in the Hidden Land, has a tyrannical body. He created his own Eight-Sect Reversal of Life and Death Technique, and in the realm of the Immortal King, he refined his body to be comparable to the Immortal King. He urged During the Life and Death Art, the physical body can withstand eight times the impact of mana.

Yuan Jun smiled and said: There are many geniuses among Sanren. It is rare that Hao Kaiyang has refined his body to such a state. It is really remarkable. My son got his body and then cultivated to the level of Immortal Lord. His cultivation has not retreated but advanced, and his strength has also been greatly improved. Improvement!

She left happily.

The hidden land of the fairy world.

This is a hidden fairyland in the fairy world. There is a deep cave in the sky, forming a world of its own. There is a broken fairyland in the world, and fairy light and fairy energy gush out and hang down into the hidden valley.

Thousands of scattered people gathered in Yindi, took refuge under the four evil spirits of Yindi, and practiced with the four evil spirits of Yindi.

There is also a strict hierarchy here. Immortals are ranked according to their cultivation level and seniority. Immortals of different realms receive different amounts of fairy energy every day. Just like hungry people waiting for relief, they wait for porridge and rice from alms every day. Those with low status use small bowls, and those with high status use large bowls.

Hao Kaiyang is the leader of the four evil spirits in the hidden world. He originally planned to capture Xu Ying in the lower world and gain fame and become an official in the court.

Unexpectedly, Xu Ying's cultivation was too strong. He failed to kill Xu Ying with three moves. He thought that he would not be able to kill Xu Ying if he continued to fight, so he retreated.

However, his strength was really amazing. After three moves, Xu Ying was at a disadvantage and was forced to retreat continuously under his pressure.

Eldest brother has been unable to come out of seclusion since he came back this time. It should be because he failed to kill Xu Ying. He has learned from it and wants to take another step forward.

The second among the Four Hidden Evils is Chen Shilin, who is also an Immortal King. His cultivation strength is not inferior to that of Hao Kaiyang. He smiled and said, Brother will definitely be more diligent when he comes out of seclusion this time!

The third child's name is Li Yakun, who is also the Immortal King. He said: I heard him say that he was ashamed because he failed to kill Xu Ying with three moves. He thought that his physical achievements were not high enough, so he worked hard to train his physical body after he came back.

Not high enough? He has already reached the point where he has become obedient to the eight gates. How much further can he improve?

Brother is a genius. If he didn't have the Immortal Realm, he would have cultivated to the Immortal Lord Realm a long time ago. We can't improve, so he can naturally improve.

Several people were talking when suddenly a loud rumble came from the hidden place where Hao Kaiyang was retreating. The world shook violently, and then there was no movement.

The three evil spirits were startled and doubtful, and suddenly they all rushed towards Hao Kaiyang's retreat place. When they arrived at the hidden fairyland, they saw a bronze fairy hall opened, and a large hole of half an acre in size was torn open on the top of the hall, and they gained enlightenment in it. Hao Kaiyang, who was cultivating, disappeared!

Yuan Jun directly tore apart the retreat place of the genius Hao Kaiyang, captured the man, and took him to see Ling Wuxin.

She was worried that Hao Kaiyang was extremely talented and would be attacked by Hao Kaiyang when he had no intention to seize his body. She immediately pointed at Hao Kaiyang's soul with jade fingers as green as green onions, blocking Hao Kaiyang's soul cultivation, making him unable to resist.

What a wonderful body, so well tempered.

Yuan Jun couldn't help but praise, With this body, my son is a blessing in disguise, and he can take further steps.

Hao Kaiyang tried to struggle, but to the high-ranking and powerful people in the immortal world, they and other loose people were just resources that could be taken away from them, so how could they struggle to escape?

When Ling Wuxin snatched his body away and ate his soul as a tonic, feeling the body that had been tempered for many times, he couldn't help but praise: Mother, this body is so well tempered. By the way, mother, my dad is Who is it? In my sleep, I vaguely saw someone coming to see me, could it be my father?

Yuan Jun didn't want to talk more and said: He is a big shot, and I don't want to ruin his good reputation. He also wanted to save you out of the love of flesh and blood and erase the promised Immortal Sword Qi. As for who it is, you can decide who it is. Stop asking.

Ling Wuxin said yes.

Yuan Jun said: I know that you and Xu Ying have a deep hatred, but Xu Ying's current cultivation strength is very important. You are not familiar with this body yet, and the connection between the soul and the physical body is not deep, so you must not seek revenge on him. You first Let’s go to my mother’s Liangyi Treasure Realm to practice and raise this body’s cultivation level to the Immortal Lord Realm.”

Ling Wuxin suppressed his dissatisfaction in his heart and entered the realm of two treasures.

These two ritual treasure realms are Yuanjun's fiefdom, hanging over Yuanjun's mansion, containing countless fairy mountains and blessed places. Looking from bottom to top, they look like a black and white rotating Yin and Yang diagram.

With such treasures, one can cultivate to become a heavenly king.

Ling Wuxin entered the Liangyi Treasure Realm and practiced diligently for about half a year. Hao Kaiyang was originally the perfect realm of the Immortal King. Kunai had enough resources to break through in one fell swoop. Ling Wuxin broke through to the realm of the Immortal King in just half a year.

Xu Ying killed my real body and almost destroyed my soul, so I had to live in the world as someone else. This revenge must be avenged!

He quietly left the Liangyi Treasure Realm, stole Yuanjun's lower realm fairy talisman, and secretly descended to the fairy realm.

Let's say that Xu Ying avoided the attack of a group of immortal weapons and entered the third heaven, so that the thousands of immortal weapons had no target to attack, and then returned to the underworld.

At this time, Dongyue and Beidi had killed Wang Ruoan and avenged Dongyue's murder.

Emperor Cangwu and Master Yuhu are still fighting on that section of the Milky Way, and the blood has stained the Milky Way red. That is Master Yuhu's blood.

The old man was covered in blood and kept shouting: Cang Wu, do you still remember the friendship between you and me back then? Have you forgotten that we became close friends? Back then, I was a little monk, a young man, and I accidentally entered Cangwu Zhiyuan met you, and you and I had a great conversation! After that, I often went to see you. You watched me grow up, and you had the heart to kill me?

Emperor Cangwu couldn't help but think of those days. At that time, Master Yuhu was indeed an extraordinary qigong practitioner with amazing insights and talents. Therefore, he looked at this junior in a different light.

Emperor Cangwu saw mostly awe from everyone in the world, but only Master Yuhu made friends with him.

One of them is a Qi practitioner and the other is a primitive god, and they have formed a deep friendship.

Later, the jade pot ascended. Emperor Cangwu was both happy and a little sad for him. He was happy that he ascended to become an immortal. His talents would be put to good use, and his old friend would surely flourish. Sadly, they rarely see each other again.

Although Master Yuhu cannot go down to the world often, he can invite him to the fairy world and still continue the friendship between the two.

But after arriving in the fairy world, this old friend's face gradually lost a lot of smiles. He always sighed and talked about the strict hierarchy and numerous classes in the fairy world.

The two of them often lamented that Yu Hu Zhenren had not met his talents, and Cang Wu also wished he could help Yu Hu Zhen Zhen.

He also visited his old friends who were officials in the Immortal Court, but they all said that they were helpless.

Until Master Yuhu invited him to visit the immortal world again, this old friend was very happy and told him at the banquet that he was no longer a Sanren, had found a supporter, and became a Master of Yuanjun's family.

Emperor Cangwu was very happy for him, and the two of them got very drunk. Emperor Cangwu was ambushed on the way back, and died at the hands of Immortal Lord Zhang Shanzong and others.

He never understood what was going on until a Qi Refiner was ordered to come to Cangwu Abyss and whip his physical body with a divine whip.

God whips God, and only Yuhu Zhenren, who knows him so deeply, can design this kind of divine whip to restrain him.

Only then did he realize that Yuan Jun became Zhenren Yuhu's backer, and the price Zhenren Yuhu paid was him, his old friend.

Father, be careful!

Suddenly, Chu Xiangxiang's screams came, awakening Emperor Cangwu. At the moment when he was in a trance, Master Yuhu suddenly attacked him and attacked him directly in the face.

Emperor Cangwu had no time to dodge, Chu Xiangxiang rushed from the horizontal stab, trying to block the blow.

Master Yuhu laughed loudly, and immediately slapped Chu Xiangxiang hard on the body with his backhand. Chu Xiangxiang groaned, and all the magic weapons on his body exploded. He vomited blood in his mouth and was dying.

That section of Tianhe suddenly collapsed, and it was no longer possible to restrain the real person Yuhu.

What Master Yuhu wanted was this opportunity. He immediately jumped up, escaped into the void, and shouted: Cang Wu, it seems that our relationship has faded, and you actually want to kill me! From now on, we will never be sworn in!

His Hutian Enlightenment Sutra was truly exquisite and unparalleled. He immediately broke through time and space, rushed into the worlds of the heavens, and escaped from the underworld in an instant.

However, in those layers of void, there were actually thick roots everywhere.

Those huge roots penetrate time and space, extend in all directions, and pass through worlds. No matter where Yuhu Zhenren flies, all he sees are roots!

Cangwu roots.

The Cangwu Abyss is originally an abyss connecting all the heavens and worlds.

Emperor Cangwu is originally the countless spreading roots in the abyss, taking root between the yin and yang realms of the heavens and realms!

Yuhu Zhenren's space method is originally the way of space that he understood through his understanding of Emperor Cangwu.

Master Yuhu ran away like crazy, escaping from one world to another. However, no matter how fast he was, there was always a tall old man behind him, walking towards him, approaching him.

The old man wore a crown of thorns on his head, gray mist flowed around him, his eyes were like fire and lava, and he came with torrential anger.

Seeing that he couldn't escape, Yuhu Master quickly turned around and shouted: Brother Taoist, you said that I have amazing talent and a bright future, but I have been rejected in the immortal world for hundreds of years, and I am just a little human immortal. There’s no progress at all! If I didn’t betray you, how could I have a future?”

Emperor Cangwu had a gloomy look on his face as he walked towards him. With one step out, Yuhu Zhenren's dojo was torn apart with a click, and an abyss appeared!

The abyss crack passed between the legs of Yuhu Zhenren. The next moment, the Immortal King was torn in half, and blood sprayed everywhere in the sky!

Seeing that the situation was not good, Yu Hu Zhenren Yuanshen had already escaped from his physical body and ran away in a hurry, shouting: Brother Taoist, don't rush to kill them all!

Emperor Cangwu raised his hand, and an abyss opened in the sky, tearing his soul into two halves!

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