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Chapter 495 Therefore I am not myself

Emperor Cangwu stood in front of the body of Zhenren Yuhu, recalling his past with him, and was filled with emotion for a moment.

He slowly raised his hand, and an abyss appeared, swallowing the two halves of Master Yuhu's body into the abyss. Then the abyss closed and buried Master Yuhu.

——After all, they once had a deep friendship. This friendship has been forgotten by Yuhu Zhenren, who has broad shoulders and gray hair, but Emperor Cangwu has not forgotten it yet.

He hurried back to the mouth of the Naihe River and was relieved when he saw that Xu Ying had rescued Chu Xiangxiang. The person in the world who best understands Yuhu Zhenren’s Taoist and magical powers is Xu Ying. Xu Ying can easily refine Chu Xiangxiang’s Taoist injuries and save her.

Even if Xu Ying cannot be saved, there are Dongyue, Beidi and the Empress of Reincarnation who are in charge of the ghosts and reincarnation. Even if they die, they can be sent back to the earth from the underworld.

Emperor Cangwu thanked Xu Ying and said, If fellow Taoist Xu hadn't arrived in the underworld in time, we four old bones would have fallen into trouble again this time.

Xu Ying returned the gift and said with a smile: I also happened to meet the virtuous niece collecting heavenly water in Tianhe, and then I learned that Master Yuhu invited you to fight. Fortunately, I know Master Yuhu is cunning, so you must have done everything possible to invite a fight. Prepare, so come here. Where is the real Yuhu?

Emperor Cangwu said: It has been buried.

Xu Ying breathed a sigh of relief: This person did something wrong. Brother Dao, being friends with him has buried you in vain. If you make friends carelessly, you will regret it for the rest of your life.

Emperor Cangwu was silent for a moment and said: Zhenren Yuhu was not like this originally. When he was in the mortal world, he was very sincere, sensitive, eager to learn, and very motivated. I got to know him well and found that he was very ambitious and not a vulgar person. .”

Chu Xiangxiang complained: Father God, that man hurt you like this, and you still have to speak for him!

Emperor Cangwu said: He was not like this back then. He gradually became like this after ascending to the immortal world.

He fell silent, feeling very sad.

After Master Yuhu ascended, he gradually died. His body was just buried today.

Emperor Dongyue stepped forward and said with a smile: Fellow Taoist Xu is becoming more and more handsome with his skills. If fellow Taoist had not arrived in time this time, the consequences would have been disastrous. Thank you, fellow Taoist, for your help!

Xu Ying said with a smile: I am capable of being handsome, and I am becoming more and more handsome.

Emperor Dongyue laughed loudly, but did not answer the question and said: Fellow Taoist, please don't joke.

Emperor Beiyin stepped forward and said, I have formed a good relationship with fellow Taoist Xu again.

Xu Ying smiled and said: As Taoist friends, we should help each other. You Tao brothers are too divided. Now the ancestral court is in full swing to mend the sky, and the ancestral court also has the ancient sea of ​​underworld. Everyone is preparing for the arrival of the tide of the three realms. Why don't you contact the fellow Taoists in the ancestral court? Then you don't have to fight alone.

The Empress of Samsara came over and said softly: What Taoist Xu said is true. Our four fellow Taoists in the underworld are indeed somewhat complacent. This time, it was just the Yuanjun of the Immortal Realm who sent out a small amount of his forces, and almost wiped out our entire army. Let alone the Immortal Realm. Take action, even if Lord Yuan has murderous intentions, it is not something we can bear. Although we have a competitive relationship with the ancient sea of ​​​​underworld, we are not in conflict with each other, and we have no interest in the Taoist friends of the ancestral court, so why not join forces?

Cang Wu looked at Beidi and Dongyue, and the two men also looked at each other. The three underworld emperors each nodded.

The Empress of Reincarnation said: I have rescued Little Heavenly Lord, and Little Heavenly Lord is a disciple of Fellow Daoist Xu, and has a deep connection. I would like to ask Fellow Daoist Xu to introduce him to you this time.

Xu Ying smiled and said, This is not difficult.

Everyone set off immediately.

Xu Ying raised the Third Heaven Pass and led them to the ancestral court. The underworld did not reach the ancestral court, and the four emperors could not go there through the underworld. Without the promised third heaven pass, they could only walk on foot.

However, when the third heaven gate was opened, they walked out of the portal and came to the ancestral court. They were all amazed.

Fellow Daoist Xu, this magic weapon of yours is really great. How to refine it? Beidi humbly asked for advice.

Xu Ying smiled and said: It's simple. After cultivating to the realm of Immortal Lord, possessing the Dao of Heavenly Lord, and then being beaten to death, it can be refined by using the third level of Tianguan period.

Beidi was not used to making such jokes, so he remained silent.

Everyone headed towards the Ziwei Remnant Realm. The Golden Crow on Dongyue's shoulder broke the silence and said with a smile: Fellow Daoist Xu, how are you doing now?

Xu Ying said with a smile: Jin Buyi is now prosperous. He became the Demon Emperor in the Demon Clan's ancestral court and learned a lot of skills. He is even more tyrannical than me!

The Golden Crow was the mother of Jin Buyi. Hearing this, he was worried and said, Wouldn't it be more dangerous for him to become the Demon Emperor?

Xu Ying smiled and said: This is an opportunity for you to contact the demon clan.

Dongyue nodded lightly and said: That's what fellow Taoist said. After meeting Little Tianzun, we will go to the Demon Clan's ancestral court. This line of not leaving money behind will also provide an extra safety guarantee in the future.

The Empress of Samsara walked up to Xu Ying and asked in a low voice: Master Xu has a profound spiritual practice, comparable to that of the Heavenly Lord, and his strength is also astonishing. Why haven't you unlocked the seal imposed on you by the Emperor yet?

Xu Ying sighed, shook his head and said, I still have a five-character seal on my body that I can't break.

The Empress of Samsara hesitated and said: Other characters can be deciphered, so why can't these five characters be deciphered? Is it because it can't be deciphered, or is it because you don't want to decipher it?

Xu Ying took a deep look at her and felt that this mysterious woman who mastered reincarnation seemed to know a lot of things, as if she had seen through her own heart.

Do you have any concerns, fellow Taoist Xu? You might as well tell me, said the Empress of Samsara.

Xu Ying hesitated for a moment and said, After I unlock the seal of my first life, will it still be me?

The Empress of Samsara was stunned.

Xu Ying seemed to be talking to Him or to himself, saying: I have met many people, some of them are enemies, some of them are friends, but no matter whether they are enemies or friends, they all admire me very much in my first life. Even if He is a person with a blood feud. When I mention my first life, I will give a thumbs up and praise him. His experience is like a legend, like an epic, which makes people look up to and respect. He has experienced deep hatred and hatred, and in desperate situations He rose up, struggled hard, became the leader of all people in the ancestral court, and then ascended alone, enduring humiliation and heavy burdens in the fairy world. The aura around him is so dazzling.

He was in a daze, and after a moment, he said: And what about me? I am just a snake catcher who grew out of his immortal spirit. I am an accessory. I follow the path arranged by him and inherit his legacy. All my efforts will be compared with him. No matter how hard I work or how hard I study, people will say that I am not as good as him.

He walked forward alone, feeling a little lonely and desolate. He looked back at the Empress of Samsara and said, Unlock those five words of Emperor. Am I still me? Or will I become him?

The Empress of Samsara frowned slightly.

Even if He is a god created by the wishes and incense of sentient beings, there is no accurate answer to this complicated question.

Seeing that he didn't answer, Xu Ying sighed.

He never moved the five-character seal.

The ancestral court was vast, and Xu Ying walked with them for more than ten days, covered in dust and wind, before they arrived at the Ziwei Remnant Realm.

Along the way, everyone saw various heaven-repairing artifacts floating in the sky of the ancestral court, restoring the heaven and earth avenue of the ancestral court to integrity. Pieces of artifacts fell from the sky and were put away by the qi-refining masters of the ancestral court.

The heaven and earth avenue of the ancestral court has been restored, and it is of little use to continue to sacrifice the artifact. These artifacts are so powerful that they can mobilize the power of heaven and earth to suppress the fate of the ancestral family. Therefore, artifacts are often left in local sects in case of emergencies.

Xu Ying passed through these places and saw that the ancestral court was gradually starting to catch fire. He put aside his melancholy thoughts and felt very happy for the little Tianzun.

When I left my ancestral home and ascended to the immortal world, the others were demoralized. Only Little Tianzun inherited my ambition and continued along this path. Now, he has finally achieved something.

Along the way, he saw the older generation who followed him, such as Wuliu Taoist, Xuan Yazi, Pan Demon God, the Four Fiends of the Ling Family, etc., who were busy helping Little Tianzun build the ancestral court.

This great situation has never happened before.

Suddenly, Xu Ying remembered what he had seen and heard on Tianhe, and his heart sank.

The tide of the Three Realms is getting stronger and stronger, and the Immortal Realm is coming towards all the heavens and realms like a dark cloud.

The ancestral court has no chance to develop and will be destroyed by the coming fairy world!

He calmed down and came to the Hunyuan Palace in the Ziwei Remnant Realm. Half of the Hunyuan Palace was originally burned down by Zhu Chanchan. It has been repaired now, but the colors on both sides are different.

Xu Ying entered the palace, and Little Tianzun happened to be there too. The two masters and disciples met. Xu Ying introduced Cangwu, Beidi, and Dongyue to him, saying: These Taoist brothers are my seniors. You are so kind to receive them. .”

Xiao Tianzun paid homage to Cang Wu and others with the courtesy of juniors. As for the Empress of Samsara, when he died, he almost had his face cut off by Xu Ying to make a Nuo master's magic weapon, but was saved by the Empress of Samsara, so he was no stranger to it.

——In his reincarnation, he also had a relationship with the empress.

Cang Wu smiled and said: Little Tianzun, there is no need to be polite. You are the leader of the ancestral court, how can you call us seniors? Fellow Taoists can just be commensurate.

Little Tianzun said: You are my mentor's Taoist friends, so naturally you are my seniors. How dare you mess up the seniority?

Dongyue laughed and said: He makes friends with his people, and you make friends with yours, without delay. You are the leader of the ancestral court. If you call us senior, some Taoist friends in the ancestral court will be unhappy and feel inferior to us. .Don’t shirk it.”

The little Tianzun looked at Xu Ying, who nodded slightly and said: The etiquette matter is of no importance. Now there is a big event. I went deep into the Tianhe River not long ago and saw the tide of the three realms pulling the fairy world and appearing in the sky above the realm of Taixu. The fairy world will be To, this is the big deal.”

Everyone was awestruck.

Little Tianzun said: Senior Sister Xixi also told me about this matter. I thought hard and still had no solution. Master, do you have any solution?

He looked hopeful, just like the child who always followed Xu Ying, dragging his nose and always looking at Xu Ying when he was in danger.

At that time, he had this expression of trust and expectation on his face.

In his mind, Xu Ying was so tall, strong and capable of doing anything.

Xu Ying met his gaze, hesitated, and said with a smile: The arrival of the immortal world will be about three or four years away, so don't be nervous. The ancestral court is not vulnerable. The Queen Mother of the West of Kunlun, the Four Saints of the North Pole, and the ancestor gods and demon ancestors are all here. There are otherworldly masters like Taoist Taiqing and Taoist Yuxu, as well as the Ten Palaces of Yama... By the way, there is also Wangxiangtai, which is also a help to resist the Immortal Court! Besides, there is also Taoist Wukong, whose strength is unfathomable. , comparable to the supreme!

He laughed and said: It seems that the strength of the ancestral court is not weak, and it is still capable of fighting! What's more, it will take three or four years before the immortal world comes. During this period, it is full of variables.

He patted the little Tianzun on the shoulder and said with a smile: You have to step up your practice and don't get entangled in worldly things. Now that the ancestral court's heaven and earth avenue is complete, can you overcome the tribulation and become an immortal?

Little Tianzun also seemed relieved and said quickly: Although the Heaven and Earth Avenue of the Ancestral Court has been restored to its integrity, there are still some places that have not yet been restored. For example, in the purple air behind my Hunyuan Palace, there is the Ziwei Ancestral Court, the heaven and earth. The road is broken. Not long ago, a visitor from Ziwei's ancestral court, named Nan Ziyan, came to me and said that the teacher promised that he would go to Ziwei's ancestral court as a guest, but he never went.

Xu Ying's face turned red, and he laughed and said: It turns out to be Taoist friend Nan Ziyan, I... Well, I probably promised you, oh, but it was a long time ago. I thought he had forgotten it.

Little Tianzun looked at the words and knew that Xu Ying was lying, and said: Nan Ziyan has been here many times, and he always asks me when the teacher will be there, like a grudge. Since the teacher is here, why not go there? Anyway, he is here In the purple air behind Hunyuan Palace.

Xu Ying thought of Taoist Yuan who was still waiting in Tushita Palace, and felt entangled in his heart: If I go directly to the Ziwei Ancestral Court instead of the Shangqing Ancestral Court, I will not be a believer...

At this moment, Nan Ziyan's voice suddenly came from outside, full of resentment, and said: Little Tianzun, I'm here again! When will the master come back?

Just as Xu Ying was about to slip away, Little Tianzun quickly grabbed his hand and said loudly: Brother Ziyan came just in time, Master is back!

There was a flurry of excitement outside, but it was Nan Ziyan who came by boat. Because he was so excited, the fairy boat crashed into the Chinese watch. The Huabiao was newly made by Zhu Chanchan and was extremely strong, but it was also broken by him.

Nan Ziyan rushed into Hunyuan Palace like a gust of wind and said with a smile: Where is Mr. Xu?

Xu Ying glared at Xiao Tianzun, who quickly let go and said with a smile: Teacher, you can't always let him bother me, right? You just said that I should practice my cultivation quickly, but he comes to bother me every three days. How to practice? Besides, the way of heaven and earth in Ziwei's ancestral court is incomplete, and the way of heaven is always incomplete...

Just as he said this, Nan Ziyan's voice came: Ziwei Ancestral Court is the destiny of the human race and the destiny of all races! Ziwei is the fairy court and the fairy world back then! Ziwei is not Again, who can become an immortal or a Buddha?

A gust of wind blew towards his face. Nan Ziyan, wearing a yellow robe, had already entered the palace and came to Xu Ying.

This young man was graceful and dignified. When he saw Xu Ying, he bowed his head to the ground and said: Nan Ziyan asked Mr. Xu to go to Ziwei's ancestral court! If not for anything else, just for the sake of the ancestral court's heaven. For the sake of the sentient beings in the ancestral court, I will become an immortal!

His words really moved Xu Ying.

If you go to the Ziwei Ancestral Court, you can complete the Heavenly Way of the Ancestral Court and allow people to become immortals. Before the arrival of the immortal world, you can make the Ancestral Court have a large number of immortals!

Over the past 48,000 years, there have been a large number of masters in the ancestral court who were stuck in the realm of semi-immortal, half-footed in the Jade Capital and unable to become immortals!

Xu Ying raised his head, two lines of clear tears fell down his face, and his voice was choked: Master Yuan, Xu is sorry for you...Okay, I will go with you to the Ziwei Ancestral Court!

Nan Ziyan was overjoyed and hurriedly walked out and said with a smile: My Ziwei Ancestral Court is behind Hunyuan Palace. Mr. Xu, please come aboard!

Xu Ying followed him, and when he thought of Taoist Yuan who was still in Tushita Palace, his heart felt like a knife, and he said silently: Taoist Yuan will definitely forgive me, he will definitely understand my difficulties...

He boarded the fairy boat, and a few drops of tears fell into the wind.

Nan Ziyan immediately set sail, and the fairy boat took off, passed Hunyuan Palace, and flew towards the purple air waterfall that stood between heaven and earth.

The Ziwei Ancestral Court is hidden in this purple energy!

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