Choose a day to soar

Chapter 493 I am not him, I am ruthless

The moment Xu Ying soared into the sky was when Emperor Dongyue and Emperor Beiyin joined forces to fight against the Immortal King Ruoan.

When the four emperors of the underworld were provoked by others, they all had dissatisfaction with each other. When Dongyue died, the Beidi did not come to rescue him. At this time, Beidi came to help, also with the intention of resolving the grudges.

Both of these emperors have powerful souls. Although they are not in their peak state, they each have their own special skills targeting the souls. Wang Ruoan's soul does not dare to sacrifice them. They are passive and their defeat is certain.

On the other side, Emperor Cangwu abandoned Zhang Shanzong and went straight to the real person Yuhu. Zhang Shanzong was secretly happy and was about to rush away when he saw a cold moonlight shining in front of him. There was a beauty under the moonlight, hazy.

The Mysterious Lady of Reincarnation! This woman is the most unfathomable among the four giants of the underworld!

Zhang Shanzong immediately turned around and flew hundreds of thousands of miles across the sea of ​​hell, chasing the stars and the moon.

He was speeding when he suddenly saw a bright moon in front of him. The moonlight only illuminated one person. She was a beautiful woman, noble and elegant.

Zhang Shanzong's heart suddenly suddenly turned around again, and he flew all the way. He didn't know how far he flew, but he saw that he was getting closer and closer to a bright moon, and the moonlight was shining on a woman.

Space magic power?

He jumped up, used his magical power to tear apart the space, and flew away.

This leap, jumping out of space, is full of freedom and ease.

However, when he turned over and jumped, he saw a bright moon hanging in front of him, blocking his way.

A sudden thought occurred to him: The so-called reincarnation is nothing more than the birth and death of life, and the end and rebirth of the soul. After the Empress of Samsara came back from the dead, did she take her understanding of reincarnation to a higher level?

He stopped running away, raised his hand to grab it, and a large flag appeared, looking like a flag but not a flag, and looking like a gun but not a gun.

The name of this treasure is the Tusita Burning Heaven Banner, which he refined from the Tusita Immortal Fire. When this flag is sacrificed, the sky is filled with immortal fire, burning one's spirit, destroying one's physical body, and all one's life's practice has been wiped out!

Moreover, this treasure is also a powerful weapon in close combat. Holding a large flag and performing spear skills, with the Tushita Fairy Fire spraying out from the side of the flag, it is even more difficult to guard against!

Since there is no way to escape, the only choice is a showdown!

Zhang Shanzong's pace became faster and faster, heading straight towards the Empress of Samsara under the bright moon. Suddenly, the dojo spread out, and the Tao tree burst out with dazzling light at this moment, blessing his attack!

Zhang Shanzong knew the Empress of Samsara's abilities. He used all his strength in this attack and made sure to hit it with one hit!

The moment his big flag hit the Empress of Samsara, the empress suddenly disappeared. Due to his inertia, he still rushed forward, but he felt like he was falling without weight.

Zhang Shanzong was shocked and hurriedly mobilized his magic power to fly. Instead, no matter which direction he flew, he felt like he was falling!

Human beings cannot escape joy, anger, worry, sorrow, fear, hearing, smelling, smelling, touching the mind, and all seven emotions and six desires are among them.

The voice of the Empress of Samsara came from all directions and reached his ears very clearly. The voice fell with him and resounded in his heart.

Even an immortal cannot escape the seven emotions and six desires. Zhang Daoyou, as an immortal king, can you escape from this cycle of seven emotions and six desires?

Zhang Shanzong angrily waved the Tusita Burning Heaven Flag and attacked in all directions. Suddenly, he saw that the time and space of reincarnation was shattered. The reincarnation Xuannv was unable to escape and was burned to ashes by a handful of Tusita immortal fire!

Zhang Shanzong killed the reincarnation empress and saw that Wang Ruoan was in danger due to attacks by Dongyue and Beiyin, so he went forward and attacked the Dongyue emperor. In an instant, Dongyue was executed, the Beiyin Emperor was beheaded, and the two emperors died unexpectedly!

Zhang Shanzong succeeded in the killing, rushed to Tianhe, killed Emperor Cangwu, and rescued the real Yuhu.

Master Yuhu hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed, shouting: Thank you so much to the Zhang Xian family for saving your life!

Zhang Shanzong laughed loudly and saw that the daughter of Emperor Cangwu was beautiful. Unconsciously, he had evil thoughts in his heart. He reached out and grabbed Chu Xiangxiang and imprisoned him. He thought to himself: Let's play with it later. Kill Xu Ying first!

He led Yu Hu and Wang Ruo'an to attack the immortal world brazenly, and surrounded and suppressed Xu Ying with Ling Wuxin. In just a few moments, they picked up Xu Ying's nine magic weapons, and Xu Ying was immediately captured.

Xu Ying still shouted to himself: If it weren't for the Zhang Xian family, even if Yuan Jun took action himself, there would be nothing I can do!

Ling Wuxin also knelt down and thanked him, saying, If it weren't for Zhang Xian's family, I would be in danger.

Zhang Shanzong was so happy that he escorted Xu Ying into the fairy court to show off his power. This incident alarmed the emperor, Tianzun and others, and they came to pay their respects one after another, feeling very ashamed.

The Supreme Lord personally summoned him, awarded him the Heavenly Treasure Realm, and gave him the Heavenly Yuan Treasure Realm. He said: This realm is enough for the Zhang Xian family to cultivate to Heavenly Kings. If you can cultivate to Heavenly Kings within a hundred years, I will reward you with the Supreme Treasure Realm and let you practice in it and break through. Supreme.

Zhang Shanzong burst into tears with gratitude and choked with sobs: Your Majesty is so kind and loving, I am so heartbroken that I will not hesitate to repay the emperor's kindness!

This time he became famous, and he became a Heavenly King within a hundred years. He was so fast that even the promise he made back then could not catch up with him.

Immortal kings, immortal kings, emperors and deities from all walks of life sent their daughters over one after another to marry him. What Zhang Shanzong ate was dragon liver and phoenix gallbladder, and what he wore was heavenly clothes woven by the goddess of heaven. His splendor and wealth were nothing more than this.

But the Supreme Lord broke his promise and never allowed him to enter the Supreme Treasure Realm to practice.

Someone said to Zhang Shanzong: The Supreme Being is jealous of the virtuous and capable, and thinks that you threaten his rule, so he will not grant you the Supreme Treasure Realm. It is better to simply rebel!

Zhang Shanzong was so angry that he shouted: Rebellion! I will proclaim myself emperor today, rebel against the Immortal Court, and kill the Supreme Being. I will be the Immortal Emperor!

So they rebelled.

He rebelled in the morning and was taken to the Immortal Killing Platform in the afternoon. Zhang Shanzong looked back on his life and laughed to himself: In my life, I have slept with countless fairies, gained countless treasures, received countless compliments, and been an Immortal Emperor for half a day. What? Enjoy everything you can, it’s worth it!”

When the immortal sword fell, Zhang Shanzong was also frightened. When his head fell to the ground and his consciousness fell into darkness, he ended his life.

In the underworld, at the mouth of Naihe, Emperor Cangwu stood on half of the Tianhe River and attacked Master Yuhu crazily. Chu Xiangxiang floated outside the river, controlling the water of the Tianhe River, trapping Master Yuhu so that he could not escape.

On the sea, the Beiyin Emperor showed his extremely majestic true body, carrying a clear oil lamp, and the light was like a pillar, sweeping towards Wang Ruoan.

Emperor Dongyue also showed his true body, his whole body was like a doomsday flame, burning all souls, and attacked Wang Ruoan!

And on the shore of the estuary, the Empress of Samsara stood in the moonlight.

Immortal Lord Zhang Shanzong stood in front of him, and suddenly a raging flame ignited in his body, burning from the inside out. In an instant, it burned throughout his body, burning the dojo and the Xiyi Domain, and his soul also burned on its own.

By the time the strange fire dissipated, the immortal king had been completely burned, leaving only a handful of dust and clothes.

You haven't escaped any of the seven emotions and six desires. I wonder what kind of immortality you cultivate? The Empress of Samsara shook her head.

After experiencing the reincarnation of death, this Xuannv's understanding of reincarnation has reached a new level, and she unknowingly took the life of an immortal king.

Cracks in the fairy world.

Ling Wuxin stood behind the crack, grabbed a handful of elixir and drank it. Behind him was his heavenly palace.

Suddenly, a strong wind blew in his face. The biting wind carried boundless anger, and the impact made his cheeks tremble like waves!

A lot of the elixir was shaken out before it could be chewed.

He obviously looked like a young man, but he had many wrinkles blown by the evil wind.

There was a roaring sound all around him, and the sparks in the space were flying backwards, threatening to ignite the heavenly palace!

Ling Wuxin stared at the crack in front of him, and saw a figure rushing towards him, stepping on the air, and the space where he landed exploded.

His figure caused the heaven and earth to tremble, and the sky was like a glass plate. Cracks appeared under the pressure of the rushing figure, and it might break at any time!

Ling Wuxin gritted his teeth and sneered: Xu Ying, you are not an immortal and cannot enter the immortal world...


The barrier in the immortal world seemed to be unable to withstand the heavy pressure, and exploded with a bang. With an excited expression on his face, Xu Ying jumped into the crack in the immortal world and came towards him!

Although Xu Ying's soul body has not yet cultivated to the realm of immortals, it has mastered three thousand heavenly runes, which can avoid disasters, control disasters, and has the Ruyi Great Luotian movement, turning it into a dojo.

Although he is a mortal, the nine realms behind him have pushed his realm to the ascension stage, and even entered the Jade Capital City, where he can be regarded as an immortal.

That's why he was able to break through the barrier between immortals and mortals and get in front of Ling Wuxin!

Ling Wuxin shouted violently, and the soul squeezed into the physical body again, facing Xu Ying's blow with the power of breaking the world!

Pah, pah, pah—

His sleeves exploded from the cuffs, extending to his shoulders and collar. The fine fairy clothes he was wearing were torn to pieces by the terrifying power transmitted from Xu Ying's palm, and his upper body was naked in an instant.


The purple-blond crown that bound his hair exploded on its own, and his hair flew wildly.

Ling Wuxin drummed up his cultivation and activated the thirty-third level of the Heavenly God Assembly Technique. This technique was created by his mother Lingsu Yuanjun. It is an extremely powerful Heavenly Lord cultivation method. After activating it, the Yuan Shen's fighting power becomes stronger. But the pressure on the physical body is also greater!

He had been unable to suppress the impact of his soul on his physical body before, and it was even more difficult to suppress it with this skill.

But Xu Ying brought him a greater sense of oppression, forcing him to activate this skill to deal with it. But he was not unprepared. He had taken so many elixirs just now, all of which were elixirs full of physical vitality, in order to allow his physical body to repair itself at all times.

Xu Ying's body rolled like a big python in the air, and he struck down hard with another palm. With this palm strike, the entire space in the immortal world was shaken.

Ling Wuxin pushed the Thirty-third Heavenly God's Gong to the extreme, and his physical body almost exploded, but the next moment the power of the elixir exploded, restoring his physical body!

He met Xu Ying's palm: Xu Ying, I have long wanted to fight you again, let you see who is me!

The palms of the two collided, and the palm power exploded. Xu Ying laughed loudly, and a ball of Qing Qi rushed out of his head, turning into three Xu Ying and killing from top to bottom.

Ling Wuxin connected with three heavy blows, his breath was unstable, Xu Ying's real body came to kill him, and with a series of heavy blows, he blasted through his dojo, stepped forward and punched him in the face!

Ling Wuxin's eyes, nose, and mouth were sunken, but he remained calm in the face of danger. The Taoist tree behind him rose up, and the light swept over him!

The colorful sacred tree appeared behind Xu Ying, and he faced the Tao tree's attack. The colorful sacred tree could not compete with it, and was beaten to pieces, which shows the power of the Tao tree.

The Dao tree looks like a tree, but is not actually a tree. It is made up of chains of Dao. Refining Dao becomes a tree, and one branch is a kind of Dao view.

If you pull this thing out, it will be indestructible and indestructible!

Xu Ying's Sanqing Yuanshen rushed forward and showed off their magical powers, but after a few moves, they were blown up by the Tao tree and turned into three rays of true energy and returned to Xu Ying's body.

Ling Wuxin stood under the Tao tree, pumping up his energy and blood, and rushed his eyes, mouth and nose out of his head. Seeing this, he breathed a sigh of relief and thought to himself: Why should I fight with him physically? His realm is too low for me. I stand Under the Tao tree, there is an invincible place!”

The next moment, Xu Ying came over and grabbed his Dao tree with his bare hands. There was a constant popping sound, and branches exploded one after another!

Ling Wuxin suddenly felt that his magic power was rapidly decreasing, and he was panicking. He saw Xu Ying coming with a punch, and without caring much, he hurriedly hid and left under the Taoist tree!


Xu Ying's punch hit his Dao tree. The Dao tree burst out with light, and Dao chains were flying. The reaction force of the Dao tree actually shook Xu Ying's right hand until the skin exploded, and blood shot out. , and even broke several of his fingers.

Xu Ying stepped back with his right hand and clenched his right hand into a fist again. His muscles were like a dragon or a python, swimming under his skin. The cracked skin and broken bones repaired themselves quickly.


He punched out again, and the crown of Ling Wuxin's Tao tree suddenly flew out and fell out of Ling Wuxin's dojo.

Ling Wuxin's cultivation was greatly damaged, he vomited blood, his breath was weak, his body was backfired by the unbound soul, and it almost exploded. Even the elixir could not suppress it!

Xu Ying came to him, raised his bloody fist, and said with a smile: Who is me?


Ling Wuxin knelt down, covered in blood, raised his head and smiled, Xu Ying, you are my little daddy the way you are now! I lost, and I am convinced. Little daddy, spare my life!

Behind him, many immortals flew out of the heavenly palace and offered various magic weapons. In the distance, more powerful auras rose into the sky and rushed towards him.

This is the Fairy Garden.

The battle between Xu Ying and Ling Wuxin was short but intense, and had already alarmed countless powerful people in the Immortal Court.

You are wrong. I am indeed not the Xu Ying you knew back then, and I will never be him again.

Xu Ying's fist was still bleeding, but he stretched it out, stretched out his index finger, tapped Ling Wuxin's eyebrows lightly, and said lightly, Xu Ying back then wouldn't kill you, but I am more ruthless than him.

The smile on Ling Wuxin's face froze.

Xu Ying turned around and left, suddenly jumped down to the fairy world.

From behind, clouds of fairy weapons came one after another, smashing into the mortal world, chasing Xu Ying.

Xu Yingren was in mid-air, offering sacrifices to the Third Heaven Pass, and his figure disappeared without a trace.

Yuan Jun and a group of immortals rushed over quickly and arrived in front of the crack in the fairy world. The crack in the fairy world had begun to heal. The clouds were curling below, and Xu Ying had long disappeared.


Yuan Jun heard Ling Wuxin's cry and looked back, only to see a trace of blood on Ling Wuxin's eyebrows. Her face suddenly changed and she rushed forward, but it was too late.

Ling Wuxin's body was suddenly stretched open by the sharply expanding soul, and the explosions were everywhere!

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