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Chapter 492: The oars and oars disappeared into ashes

What state did I defeat you in the first life? The lowest level is the Immortal Lord! I defeated you with the Yaochi state! Even if the nine magic weapons are taken away, I am still better than before!

Xu Ying couldn't help but feel a surge of anger in his heart.

Although he was powerful in the first life, his cultivation level was also high. When he sat on the throne of Doube Sanzhen, he was already an immortal king.

In this life, he is still in the Yaochi realm. Doesn't defeating Ling Wuxin mean that he is better than the first life?

Immortal Lord and Yaochi are separated by the Divine Bridge, the Third Heaven Pass, Ascension, Human Immortal, Earth Immortal, Heavenly Immortal, and Immortal King realms. Even if Xu Ying takes away the nine magic weapons, he cannot fill the gap in these realms.

He is stronger than the first life because of his Taoism and his understanding of the cave. His Taoism has also surpassed that of the first life. But Ling Wuxin still said that he was not as good as the first life!

In this life, including the seven years of memories that were instilled in me, I am only thirty-two years old!

Xu Ying rolled his sleeves, comparing these people's achievements of hundreds of years of practice in his first life with his achievements of more than 20 years of practice, it would be too harsh to say that he is not as good as his first life.

After practicing for more than 20 years, no matter how fast his cultivation speed is, it is impossible to compare with the first life when he practiced for hundreds of years.

However, he soon calmed down.

Ling Wuxin obviously didn't know how many years Xu Ying had practiced in this life and what his level was. He just tried his best to attack Xu Ying from the Taoist heart and find Xu Ying's flaws.

Even if there are no flaws, we must create flaws.

At this time, he was still standing in front of the crack in the fairy world, looking down at the underworld, looking for opportunities. If Xu Ying loses his mind, it is easy for him to seize the opportunity and turn defeat into victory.

Ling Wuxin's soul was separated from the physical body, like an eagle or a hungry wolf, staring at Xu Ying.

He seemed defeated and escaped back to the fairy world, but it was not Xu Ying who hurt him, but his own powerful soul.

His soul was too strong and put great pressure on his physical body, which was unable to bear it. This is a common shortcoming of the inheritance of Yuanjun. Yuanjun's soul is also extremely powerful, so powerful that the physical body cannot bear it, and has to be placed in the dojo.

What Xu Ying did just now was just to put more pressure on Ling Wuxin and crush his body.

But Ling Wuxin was not really defeated.

He retreated just to look for better opportunities.

Xu Ying looked up and looked at Ling Wuxin. All around him, fighting broke out.

Immortal Lord Liang Yue and Immortal Lord Yin Yu, one on the left and one on the right, came towards the Northern Emperor. King Ruoan of the Immortal Lord faced Emperor Dongyue, Zhang Shanzong faced off against Cang Wu, and Immortal King Erbasu surrounded the Empress of Samsara, but did not take action.

Liang Yue and Yin Yu worked together with Jinhe Sword Lord to kill Beidi. Beidi naturally refused to let go of this opportunity for revenge. However, after his resurrection this time, he never had the chance to gather the incense of all heavens and worlds, and his divine power was far less than before. , in danger under the offensive of the two immortal kings!

Suddenly, the Qi Fu Lord of the Taisha Shizong Tiangong led the gods to kill. Other Tiangongs, such as Wucheng, Sin Qi, Qifei and other Tiangongs, came to help. The five big Fu Lords joined forces to fight against Beidi. Two immortal kings.

Eldest brother, after you die this time, can I be the Northern Emperor? asked the Chief Lufu Lord of Gansi Lian Wanzui Tiangong.

Beidi snorted.

The other princes were also furious, attacking Immortal Lord Yin Yu while scolding him: Brother is not dead yet, how can you say such treasonous words? Brother, please kill this beast first! I'll wait for you. After I die, how about I become Beidi? You bastards, I'm ranked second, so it's never your turn!

Liang Yue and Yin Yu, two Immortal Lords, I promise you, we should have met before. Xu Ying said suddenly.

Immortal Lord Yin Yu sacrificed a sacred bridge to block the pressing down of Fengdu Holy Mountain. The five princes of the palace each mobilized the Tiangong to press on the sacred bridge and attack him with one shot!

Immortal Lord Yin Yu mobilized the dojo, and the Taoist trees behind him slowly rose, and the fairy light fell, blocking all the tens of thousands of divine magic weapons.

Even if the five heavenly palaces in Fengdu join forces, they can't hurt him at all. They can only put some pressure on him, leaving him no time to join forces with Liang Yue to besiege Beidi.

Immortal Lord Yin Yu still had some energy left, and said with a smile: Xu Tianzun has a good memory. Back then, we brothers were shocked to hear that Old Beiyin was about to be resurrected, so the soul came and was blocked by Xu Tianzun.

He was talking about Xu Ying's resurrection of Beidi.

When Xu Ying came to Minghai Fengdu Mountain and resurrected the Beiyin Emperor, the Beiyin Emperor asked him to carry a lantern. If there were any changes in the sky, he would use this lantern to illuminate the sky.

When Beidi was resurrected, there was indeed a sacred bridge pressing down on Fengdu Mountain, and a masked man with a ghost face stepped on the bridge towards Fengdu Mountain.

At that time, there were some powerful figures outside the sky, which were extremely terrifying. Xu Ying used the pure oil lamp to shine and immobilize the ghost-faced man, which is the spirit that immobilizes Immortal Lord Yin Yu.

The real bodies of the two immortal kings Yin Yu and Liang Yue were in other worlds. When they noticed that Beidi was resurrected, their real bodies could not come, so they had to go with their souls. Beidi's clear oil lamp is a magic weapon aimed at the soul, and can immobilize the two souls when they invade Fengdu Mountain.

However, Xu Ying's cultivation level was low at that time, and the pure oil lamp could only illuminate one soul at a time, almost allowing the souls of two immortal kings to descend. Fortunately, Immortal Lord Liang Yue was not in the mood to fight to the death with Beidi because of his demotion. Seeing that Beidi's recovery was a foregone conclusion, he escaped with Yin Yu.

Xu Ying said with a smile: Immortal Lord Liang Yue said a word at that time, and the two of you retreated. I am very grateful.

Immortal Lord Liang Yue fluttered his long beard and brandished a Green Dragon Crescent Moon Sword. At this time, he had entered Beidi's dojo. Beidi held up a pure oil lamp to immobilize his soul, but the Immortal Lord still charged forward and attacked boldly.

Xu Yingdao: At that time, Immortal Lord Liang Yue said that everyone was reduced to the lower realm like Beiyin and treated like prisoners. Why are we risking our lives? I was deeply impressed and I am still grateful to this day. When I met Sword Lord Jinhe not long ago, Jinhe was still with me. I mentioned two.

Immortal Lord Liang Yue swung the Qinglong Yanyue Sword and slashed it down. The green dragon was flying, and the sword's light was as sharp as practice. However, at this moment, his sword's light suddenly stopped.

Beidi's Fengdu Mountain was blocked by Yin Yu, and he was ready to fight Liang Yue to the death, but he suddenly stopped when he saw this.

Xu Ying continued: Jinhe Sword Lord is currently in the ancestral court, that is, the Demon Realm, and is used by the little Heavenly Lord. He has been depressed all his life and is not reused by the Immortal Court. He has the deeds of the Heavenly Lord, but cannot enter the realm of the Heavenly Lord. It's really sad. But when he arrived at the ancestral court, there were many smiles on his face.

Immortal Lord Liang Yue put away his sword and stood tall.

Seeing this, Immortal King Yin Yu also accepted his divine bridge and frowned slightly.

Jin He, Yin Yu, and Liang Yue, the three great immortal kings, were ordered to go down to the world to kill the Beiyin Emperor. The three of them had different practices, but their experiences were similar.

Immortal Lord Liang Yue returned to the Immortal Realm and became an Immortal Lord. Although he was rewarded, he was not reused. Later, he was ordered to go down to the realm and guard the entrance to the abandoned land for more than 60,000 years.

It was an easy job for Yin Yu to work as a guard in the primitive world, but there was nothing there except a group of savages.

The two Immortal Lords have lived unsatisfactory lives for more than 60,000 years.

But what was even more unsatisfactory was Sword Lord Jin He. Because Jin He scared ghosts during the battle to kill Beiyin Emperor, he was sent to the Wei Ruins to suppress the corpse ghost fairyland. Every day, he got together with the corpse of Lord Pingnan.

Seeing this, Ling Wuxin quickly said loudly: Liang Yue, Yin Yu, don't accept his instigation! You two are not reused in the immortal world, but this time Yuan Jun re-enables you, it is to give you a chance to return to the immortal world. !”

Yin Yu raised his head and smiled: We have to kowtow to express our gratitude for Lord Yuan's charity, otherwise we won't even have any bones to feed the dogs, right?

Ling Wuxin knew something was wrong and quickly laughed and said: Two brothers, this is the tide of the Three Realms. The tide is coming and the Three Realms will be unified. If you stand in the wrong position at this time, your life will be at risk in the future.

As soon as he said this, Immortal Yin Yu hesitated a little.

Xu Ying put his hands behind his back and said with a leisurely smile: Yuanjun, what kind of status can I, Xu's concubine, have to promise to the two immortal monarchs? Although Lingsu has been named Yuanjun, he has no real power. Standing on her side, isn't it? Disgraceful?

Ling Wuxin was furious, her eyes fixed on him, waiting for an opportunity to take action, but Xu Ying stood there, seemingly locked by his Qi, but at the same time Xu Ying's Qi also locked him!

If he takes action, Xu Ying's counterattacks will follow one after another under the influence of Qi. The outcome of both sides is yet to be determined!

Liang Yue sheathed his sword, turned around and left, frustrated and said: Taoist brother Jin He is so capable, but he can only look at corpses in the cemetery. We practice hard, and with each skill, one is guarding the savages in the mortal world, and the other is guarding the big shots. Discarded pickled things. Hehe, we are already barking like dogs like dogs before there is a reward in the fairy world. Isn’t it stupid? It’s not too late to wait for a reward in the fairy world and then try our best again!”

Yin Yu hesitated for a moment, then quickly followed him and shouted: Brother, wait for me!

Ling Wuxin said angrily: You two, never expect to be reused in the future!

Emperor Beiyin also said loudly: I will seek revenge from you two!

Liang Yue waved his hand and said without looking back, We are following orders, but we also have enmity with you. If you want to seek revenge, just come to me in the abandoned place. I will sacrifice my life to accompany you!

The two immortal kings left quickly without stopping.

Xu Ying smiled slightly and looked at the Twenty-eight Immortal Kings who had never made a move. Seeing him, the twenty-eight Immortal Kings looked away and hesitated.

Seeing this, Ling Wuxin laughed loudly and shouted: Xu Laogou, the Immortal King of the Twenty-Eight Constellations is the Immortal King of the Four Heavens Palace. You can't persuade him with your clever words and tricks!

Xu Ying turned a deaf ear to his words and said with a smile: Twenty-eight Taoist brothers have not moved yet. Presumably they should know Xu's false reputation. Since the two Immortal Lords Liang Yue and Yin Yu have left, let's vacate the Beiyin Emperor This great master. Beiyin joins forces with me, plus the Empress of Samsara, how many of you fellow Taoists can survive?

Among the twenty-eight immortal kings, the Juntian Spica Immortal King smiled and said: Xu Tianzun, don't try to scare us. We have heard about the name of Doubu Sanzhen for a long time, but we belong to the Qinglong White Tiger Suzaku Xuanwu Fourth Palace and have nothing to do with you Doubu . Our Fourth Palace is not afraid of your Dou Bu at all.

You are locked by Prince Yuanjun, and you can't move even if you want to.

The Cangtian Xinsu Immortal King saw through Xu Ying's bluff and said, The Beiyin Emperor can't scare us. The only thing we are afraid of is the Empress of Samsara. The last time we encircled and suppressed the Empress of Samsara, the Twenty-Eight Immortal Kings lost ten of them. Swallowing reincarnation, so we are still afraid.

Xuantian Nusu Immortal King said: Although Xu Tianzun, your Doubu, has a great reputation, we in the Fourth Palace are not afraid at all. Although the Empress of Samsara is strong, that was in the past. She was resurrected from the dead, and it is not yet known how much power she has left.

Xu Ying felt a little embarrassed and said with a smile: You are the power of the Fourth Palace. The Fourth Palace guards the Immortal Palace and has a high position. However, you obey Yuanjun's orders. Where will you place the Palace Master of the Fourth Palace?

The twenty-eight immortal kings each frowned.

Their twenty-eight constellations belong to the four palaces of Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku and Xuanwu. The four heavenly palaces guard the Immortal Palace. They are a major force outside the six tribes. The Lord of the Fourth Palace is the emperor who is personally conferred by the Supreme Lord and obeys the Supreme Order of the Immortal Court.

Xu Ying said: In the past, you were ordered to kill the Empress of Samsara, and you still had merit, and even if you died in battle, you would show sympathy. This time, the name is not justified, and even if you die in battle, there will be no reward. The Qinglong Emperor, the Suzaku Emperor and other palace masters still have to be there. After you die, you will spit and curse, saying that you are a piece of shit.

Ling Wuxin said quickly: Don't listen to Xu Ying! Xu Ying, you are not a man who relies on your words!

Xu Ying raised his head and said with a smile: Back then, I used my words to please my parents, and you admired me so much. Why am I not a man now?

While speaking, the twenty-eight Immortal Kings each looked at each other, hesitated for a moment, then stepped back one after another, and each body disappeared.

The Empress of Samsara nodded slightly to Xu Ying in thanks.

He was resurrected from the dead, but his strength was not as good as before. If he really took action, the Immortal King of the Twenty-Eight Constellations could kill him without many deaths.

It is difficult to say whether this death can lead to resurrection.

Xu Ying looked at Wang Ruoan who was fighting with Emperor Dongyue, smiled slightly, and said nothing.

As for Zhang Shanzong and Yuhu Zhenren who were besieging them, they also secretly said something was wrong.

Liang Yue, Yin Yu and Ershi Basu were persuaded to leave by Xu Ying with only a few words, leaving them alone. Originally, they thought Xu Ying would continue to persuade him, but this bastard actually stopped there and did not speak!

The bastard named Xu wants the three of us to die here!

Zhang Shanzong and Wang Ruoan's scalps were numb, but Master Yuhu saw that the opportunity was not good and immediately ran away, leaving the two immortal kings behind.

Emperor Cangwu roared angrily, abandoned Zhang Shan Sect, and went straight to Yu Hu. Zhang Shanzong was the enemy who killed him back then, and the blood feud was naturally sworn in, but Emperor Cangwu hated Yuhu Zhenren even more.

He regarded Master Yuhu as a friend, but was betrayed by his friend. After his death, his friend arranged for a Qi practitioner to flog the corpse every day. This great hatred was deeper than a sea of ​​blood!

But he was not good at rushing, and when he was about to be escaped by Master Yuhu, suddenly a long river rushed in front of him, blocking the way of Master Yuhu.

That long river is unusual. The appearance of a long river interferes with cause and effect. The stronger the cause and effect, the harder it becomes to fly on the river.

Yu Hu Zhenren created the Hu Tian Zhen Tao Sutra. His abilities and talents are naturally extraordinary. He had no connections in the court, so he had no choice but to seek refuge with Yuan Jun. Yuan Jun had no real power, so naturally he could not give him more resources.

If he had more resources, he would have been able to break through the Immortal King realm, become an Immortal Lord, and even aspire to a higher realm.

However, when his Hutian Zhengdao Sutra encountered the water of the Milky Way, it could be said to have met its nemesis. Yuhuzhenren's body movements changed continuously, but he was still pulled by the power of the Milky Way and fell to the river.

Emperor Cangwu was also restrained by the river water and fell towards the river.

When the enemy met, he was extremely jealous. Emperor Cangwu immediately attacked Yuhu Zhenren, looking like he was going to kill him at the risk of his life. He was extremely ferocious.

It was Chu Xiangxiang who offered sacrifices to the Tianhe River. She knew that what her father hated the most was the real person Yu Hu, so she saw the right moment and sacrificed the Tianhe water in the jade bottle, and it worked.

Xu Yingze still stood where he was, looking up at Ling Wuxin with a smile on his face.

Only this time, his Taoist heart that was disturbed by Ling Wuxin recovered. On the contrary, Lingwuxin's Taoist heart was in chaos.

It was clearly a good situation just now, but it was suddenly disintegrated by Xu Ying, and it was difficult for his Taoist heart to stay in chaos!

He now felt that Xu Ying's Qi was getting stronger and stronger, like a mad dragon and a python, wrapping around him tightly, preventing him from moving.

Does he still dare to kill in the immortal world?

Cold sweat broke out on Ling Wuxin's forehead, and he thought to himself, There is a difference between immortals and mortals. He is a mortal, and I am an immortal. If I stand in the immortal world, I will occupy an invincible position...

At the moment when he was distracted, Xu Ying rose into the sky, and a rainbow light came straight to the fairy world. He laughed loudly: What a big boy, today my father will beat you until you call me daddy!

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