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Chapter 471 Old Father

When Xu Jing rushed over and hugged Xu Ying, it was like hugging a child.

There are two Xu Ying in his mind. One is when Xu Ying escaped from Kunlun, he was still a small child. He was frightened and helpless. He ran out of the fire and fled to an unknown place while being chased by the gods. .

The other is that Xu Ying came to the mortal world from the fairy world. When he found him, he was a young Xu Ying, confident and strong, with a different kind of charm.

But now, when he held Xu Ying in his arms, he realized that this promise was not a child's promise, nor an adult's promise, but a teenager's.

The young Xu Ying's frame is very broad, but a little thinner. Before escaping from Kunlun, Xu Ying was a well-fed child. His body was not fat, but he could not be said to be thin.

The young man Xu Ying is a handsome man, not thin either, and very well-proportioned.

Only Xu Ying, the young man in his arms, looked very thin.

Xu Jing felt a little sad in his heart. Xu Ying suffered all the hardships during this period of his youth.

He held his son's shoulders, pushed Xu Ying away slightly, and looked at Xu Ying. What he saw was a somewhat shy young man, with skin slightly tanned by the sun on his face, with big eyes, and his eyes were a little evasive. There is also some confusion and joy.

This is a promise, not a promise from a hero among immortals, nor is it a child running for his life.

For Xu Jing, the fire that destroyed Xujiaping was so clear, and the face of an immortal god seemed to be in front of his eyes, as if everything happened yesterday.

But to Xu Ying, the fire was so blurry, and the faces of the immortals appeared blurry and ferocious, like a childhood nightmare.

In this nightmare, everything about childhood collapsed in the fire and was buried in the emperor's sixteen-character seal. Only the fire was still burning, and even the emperor's seal could not suppress it.

For more than 40,000 years, nightmares appeared from time to time and haunted him.

Xu Ying longed for family affection, especially longing for it. Whenever she dreamed, she wanted to return to her father and mother.

But suddenly one day, his father Xu Jing appeared in front of him and held him in his arms, but he felt a little strange and even dared not recognize him.

He still had the feeling of wanting to escape from here.

He was like an adopted child who finally returned to his parents one day. There was an uncle beside him, pointing at the strange-looking middle-aged man and saying, Look, this is your biological father.

Maybe it was the strangeness, or maybe the happiness came so suddenly that his heart couldn't accept it.

Xu Ying was confused and called daddy, and then listened to the excited Xu Jing talking about this and that.

In his memory, Xu Jing's face gradually became clearer. Many memories about his father have emerged, but he always seems to be separated by a film. This film separates him from Xu Jing, and even hearing Xu Jing's voice becomes hazy and dreamy.

It wasn't until he sleepwalked to the couch in Hunyuan Palace, lay down and fell into a deep sleep. When he woke up the next day, Xu Ying came out of this state.

His heart was wrapped in a huge family affection, filled with unprecedented joy. The emotion of father and son's reunion surged out like a tide, nourishing his dry soul.

He came to Xu Jing's side.

Xu Jing was still a little disappointed because Xu Ying's reaction to him yesterday was not so friendly. He treated him like a stranger and just called him daddy politely.

He saw resistance, saw unnaturalness.

But this time, Xu Ying walked towards him and hugged him tightly, hugging his neck and shoulders. Xu Jing felt his neck being wet with tears, and felt the strong affection between father and son coming over him, which made his eyes blurry for a moment, and the tears couldn't help rolling down anymore.

Only then did he feel that the son hugging him hard was not the child crying in fear and helplessness, nor was he the hero with the pearl of wisdom in his hand.

The promise made as a child requires sitting at the desk and listening to his instructions. The promise he made when he was young, strategizing and calculating everything, even his father was well arranged.

The son in his arms was just a young man who had gone through many hardships, growing up but not yet fully grown up.

His frame is broad but not strong enough, his emotions are strong but not strong enough, his wisdom is extremely high but not deep enough.

Xu Jing couldn't help but burst into tears. He always felt that he had missed the growth of his son, but the appearance of this young man Xu Ying seemed to make up for this.

However, how much suffering has Xu Ying experienced during this period?

After all, forty-eight thousand years have passed.

The immortal immortal lives and dies, being sent to one family after another, and being instilled with false memories one after another, like a puppet on strings, being manipulated life after life.

What he has experienced in these forty-eight thousand years, only Xu Ying himself can feel the unforgettable pain when he recalls it.

After a long time, Xu Ying seemed to vent the joy and sorrow in his chest and let go of Xu Jing. The shoulders of both father and son were wet.

Xu Ying wiped away her tears and said with a smile: Dad, I found the message left by my mother.

He took out the hairpin and put it in Xu Jing's hand.

The ancient hairpin evoked a memory in Xu Jing's life. It was a hairpin that Xu Jing made by himself in his spare time, collecting fairy gold and gems in the mountains and hammering them. His wife also laughed at him for this, saying that he was not as considerate as his son.

Xu Jing pinched the hairpin, and various memories came flooding back to him, making him a little melancholy.

This family of three has been separated for nearly 50,000 years. When will they be reunited again?

Xu Ying inspired the six ancient secrets in the hairpin, the ruby ​​rotated, and suddenly words appeared around them. Xu Jing put aside his distracting thoughts and observed the six chapters of the Six Secrets of the Ancestral Method, and was surprised.

This is not the ancestral method I passed on to you!

Xu Jing looked solemn and said in a deep voice, This method is more ancient, the wording is very particular, and it has an ancient rhyme. It should come from an older era.

He checked them one by one and said to Xu: This is not your mother's handwriting, it is your handwriting. Where did you get these six ancient laws?

He suddenly woke up and said: That's right, you have never broken the seal or recovered the memory of the first life, so you definitely don't remember this. The purpose of showing you the ancient method is to ask me about the ancestral method of the Xu family. Where did it come from.”

He was not idle these days when he came to the ancestral court. He was always asking people about Xu Ying's past.

He always felt that he owed too much for this life. He first chatted a lot with the Goddess, Fairy Gushe and others on the Penglai Fairy Mountain. Later, under the guidance of the Goddess, he found the Little Tianzun and talked with the Little Tianzun for a long time. .

He met Zhuchanchan again and talked about Xu Ying's past with Zhuchanchan. It happened that fool Afu returned from Yuanshou, and he asked fool Afu about Xu Ying's past.

The stories everyone told him were different, but when put together, Xu Ying's experiences of more than 40,000 years could be pieced together.

He cried countless times because of Xu Ying's tragic experience, and he was also relieved that Xu Ying could rise again. He also heard the love story between Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang, and was very curious about this woman. He wished he could fly to Kunlun to have a look.

Although he doesn't look old, he is quite an old father.

The origin of Kunlun's ancestral law is actually very ancient. It can be traced back to the ancient times, when people migrated from the ancestral court and spread to all the worlds.

Xu Jing recounted the history of the Six Secrets of the Ancestral Method and said, I have heard the clan elders talk about the Ancestral Fa. The clan elder once said that the Ancestral Fa is actually derived from the Immortal Fa of the Ancestral Court.

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly: Ancestral Immortal Technique?

He couldn't help but have an absurd feeling in his heart. The source of the Nuo method was actually the immortal method from the ancestral court. What should this make those who reject Nuo law think?

Xu Jing nodded and said: I once wanted to explore the origin of the ancestral law, but Kunlun is an important place connecting all the heavens and worlds, so I was never able to do so. The Six Secrets of the ancestral law already existed about 600,000 years ago. , but the ancestral method at that time was simple and rough. I once read through the ancient books of the clan, which were written a hundred thousand years ago, and the records about gathering the energy of the Six Secrets and refining it into elixirs were already outdated.

The Six Secret Ancestral Methods are constantly evolving and are not complacent. The Six Secret Ancestral Methods have been passed down to Xu Jing's generation, and they have already taken the form of gathering the Qi of the six other shores, refining them into elixirs in the cave sky, guiding them into the body, and refining them in the body.

This ancestral method is extremely complex and requires special techniques to be used in conjunction with it to refine the elixir. This kind of technique is called Taiyi Xiantian Kung Fu.

If you don’t practice Taiyi Xiantian Kung, there is no way you can achieve it!

However, there are still many simplified versions of Nuo methods that have been passed down and taught from the Xu family to the undead people of Kunlun.

The ancestral method was passed down to Xu Ying's generation. After Xu Ying's drastic improvements, he refined Tushita, Niwan and other six palaces in the six other shores. He collected the energy from the six other shores and put them into the immortal furnace to directly turn them into elixirs. In this way, everyone can practice Nuo.

But it also caused a lot of trouble.

Xu Jing said: The ancient method in the hairpin should be even older, older than the ancient book written a hundred thousand years ago. In this case, there may be a great figure in the immortal world who is proficient in Nuo method and has a very high status...

He is also a smart person and thinks of the key quickly.

The reason why Xu Ying was able to establish a foothold in the immortal world so quickly and become the number one true king among the three true kings of Doubu in three hundred years was probably because of this big shot!

If this big shot comes from 100,000 to 600,000 years ago, then his surname is Xu and he is the ancestor of the Xu family.

Xu Jing said, If it comes from 600,000 years ago, then...

His face became solemn and he said: Ah Ying, he might be the one who left ten caves in the sky above Kunlun!

Xu Ying asked in shock: The ten caves in Kunlun?

He once heard the Queen Mother of the West mention that there are ten caves in the sky above Kunlun that are connected to the fairy world. These ten caves are extremely ancient. They attract fairy spirit energy from the fairy world and turn it into ten different forms of energy, turning Kunlun into something extraordinary. wonderland!

Among them, the Yaochi Cave in Kunlun was sealed by the fairy world, and the fairy energy attracted by this cave passed through the cave and turned into the Yaochi fairy water!

Yaochi Fairy Water is the key to saving Xu Ying from the Four Emperors of the Underworld!

If the Ten Caves of Kunlun were left by man, then how powerful must the person who created the Ten Caves be?

Xu Jing said: There are always two voices in the clan about the ten caves in Kunlun. One is said to be naturally formed, and the other is said to be created by the people who created the ancestral method. Those who say it is naturally formed believe that the ancestral method is actually the ancestor's immortal. The Dharma coupled with the Ten Caves of Kunlun brought enlightenment to the ancestors and allowed them to understand the ancestral Dharma. When it comes to man-made creation, it means that the person who created the Ancestral Dharma gained supreme magical power, opened up the immortal world, and opened up the Ten Caves of Kunlun.

No matter which guess is made, it is extremely surprising.

Xu Ying couldn't help but said: Dad, could the person who pioneered the ancestral method be the ancestor of the Xu family?

Xu Jing hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said: Not necessarily. My Xu family was ordered to guard Yuxu Peak in Kunlun. Since I was ordered to do so, there should be someone above me. Maybe the Xu family's ancestral laws were passed down from the ancestral court 600,000 years ago. Later, it may have been created by the ancestors of the Xu family. But no matter what, the person who created the ancestral method is the ancestor of the Xu family.

Time is too old, and the Xu family's oldest classics are only the ancestral laws from a hundred thousand years ago, and the older ones have been lost due to various reasons.

Xu Jing said: When I was a child, I saw a plaque in the Xu family's ancestral hall enshrined in the Xu family's ancestral hall for their meritorious service.

Xu Ying reminded: We were killed as rebels!

Xu Jing said: I know.

He is a teacher and educator, and he is also puzzled by this matter. He said: My Xu family is ordered to guard Yuxu Peak in Kunlun and is responsible for the connection between immortals and mortals. Emperors from all walks of life come to Kunlun to worship their ancestors and ascend. Passing Yuxu Peak. In other words, there are actually people in the immortal world who are responsible for guiding the ascended emperors. The Xu family is actually a part of the immortal court in the mortal world. They became rebels overnight. My Xu family did not do anything wrong... …”

He looked confused and couldn't figure out the reason.

I know the reason. It's just that the immortal world wants to control the mortal world and open a heavenly world.

Xu Ying patted his father on the shoulder and said, Kunlun is a small heavenly world that controls the people's beliefs, and the same is true in the underworld. Therefore, it is a crime to possess a jade.

Xu Jing nodded slightly, holding the ancient hairpin, his voice was a little hoarse: If that's the case, why didn't the founder of the ancestral method save the Xu family?

He was puzzled.

Xu Ying walked out of Hunyuan Palace, breathing in the biting cold air outside, and the purple air flowing through the sky and earth behind him.

He looked towards the ancestral court and saw huge sky-repairing artifacts rising everywhere in the sky and earth. Dao light burst out from various forms of artifacts. The rays of light connected and the avenues connected, creating a magnificent scene.

Xu Jing walked to his side and watched this magnificent scenery with him.

Six hundred thousand years ago, the ancestral court was destroyed by the war in the fairy world. Since then, the ancestral court has been regarded as a demon realm. The ancestors living in the ancestral court are called demons.

Xu Ying looked into the distance and said, Six hundred thousand years ago, people from the ancestral court passed through Kunlun and migrated to all the worlds. Dad, there is a big problem here.

Xu Jing said: You are also from the ancestral family, why is the ancestral family being slandered as a demon?

In the distance, the wind and clouds are gradually rising, and the clouds are treacherous and treacherous.

A woman in white is walking towards this side. The surrounding clouds are steaming, forming dragon and phoenix patterns, which are constantly flying around her.

Xu Ying asked in surprise: Miss Qingyu? Why did she leave the Yuanzheng world and come to the ancestral court?

Xu Jing said happily: Is she my daughter-in-law?

Xu Ying felt slightly embarrassed and shook his head: No.

Xu Jing looked forward to it even more: Is it my other daughter-in-law?

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