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Chapter 472 Xu Jinghui Six Yuan

Fairy Qingyu felt a little panicked when she saw Xu Ying.

When she entered the world this time, what she was most worried about was meeting Xu Ying, worrying that Xu Ying would disturb her peaceful heart.

After she received the Taishang Dongyuan Cang Emperor's Heart Sutra taught by Emperor Cangtian, she knew that even if she wanted to live in seclusion, she would not be able to escape the troubles of the world. Emperor Cangtian's cause and effect would definitely find her, so she took the initiative to enter the world.

She had never been to the ancestral court. After arriving at the ancestral court, she originally planned to look for the Cangtian Emperor. She walked around but failed to find the Cangtian Emperor. She didn't expect to meet Xu Ying again.

Her relationship with Xu Ying started from a vague life as a shepherd, but it was based on love and politeness, and did not go beyond the half step. Later Xu Ying disappeared, and she also kept this relationship in her heart and did not want to be with him forever. Immortals have too many entanglements.

But Xu Ying's contact with her again in this life has a strong tendency to rekindle his old love.

But she still kept her Taoist heart and was determined to completely let go of this relationship, so she chose to live in seclusion and escape from the world.

However, when she came to Xu Ying, she became calm again. Since you can't escape, then face it. She is such a monk who can always look straight into her heart.

Xu Ying, we meet again. She greeted Xu Ying cheerfully.

Xu Ying was a little surprised. In the past, when this girl met him, she always avoided him and didn't want to get too involved with him. For some reason, she took the initiative to greet him this time and seemed quite free and easy.

Miss Qingyu, you seem to be much more cheerful than before.

Xu Ying couldn't help but be happy for her and said with a smile, I'm glad you can get out of the Yuan Zheng world.

Fairy Qingyu smiled and said: The Cang Emperor was resurrected and taught me the Cang Emperor's Heart Sutra. I know in my heart that it will be difficult for me to be tainted with this relationship. Since sooner or later I will be implicated in the cause and effect of the ancestral court, why not just take the initiative to enter the ancestral court , even if there are changes in the future, we should be prepared to deal with it in advance.”

Xu Ying said happily: I also heard Emperor Cangtian talking about you. I didn't expect that his skills could actually make you enter the world. It's really great.

Xu Jing frowned at the side, worried: What does it mean to be too good? I used to teach him poetry and songs. If I randomly picked out a sentence or two and chanted it, wouldn't it look like I was very educated and it would be easier to win the girl's heart?

However, he did not expect that this promise was different from the promise in the first life.

Xu Ying, who was born in the first life, was influenced by his teachings. He had outstanding literary talent, heroic gestures, and many articles in his conversation.

And this Xu Ying has only been alive for sixteen years. Although he recalls the memories of the past forty thousand years, he is still essentially a snake catcher and an illiterate person.

His silly son can write, which is already great. If it weren't for the careful teaching of a certain big snake, I'm afraid the value of conversation would be even lower than it is now.

In Xu Ying's memory of more than 40,000 years ago, there were certainly many Xu Yings who knew poetry, poetry, music, chess, calligraphy and painting, but for Xu Ying today, those are things that have settled deep in his memory.

He needs to painstakingly go through his memory to remember these things, and he cannot use them skillfully.

Fairy Qingqi didn't think there was anything wrong with Xu Ying's words. Instead, she liked his frankness and said: After I obtained the Cang Emperor's Heart Sutra, I discovered a very interesting question. Xu Ying, take a look at the six chapters you passed on to me. The secret ancestral method is somewhat similar to the Cang Emperor’s Heart Sutra.”

Xu Jing was filled with joy and said with a smile: Ah Ying, have you passed down the ancestral method?

He took it for granted that this ancestral law must be a token of love. Even the ancestral law was passed down, which showed that the young couple did not run away.

Xu Ying saw his expression and knew that he had misunderstood, but he had no way of explaining it.

He came to Fairy Qingyu. Qingyu took out the Heart Sutra of Taishang Dongyuan Cang Emperor that he copied, and also took out the Six Secret Ancestral Techniques passed down by Xu Ying. He opened the two volumes and said, Look here.

Xu Ying came closer and saw that her face was fair and flawless, her nose was like jade, her lips were red, her eyebrows were like crescent moon, and her eyes were like moon pupils, which was touching.

I don't know if it was due to the effect of practicing the Cang Emperor's Heart Sutra, but this girl looked more fresh and attractive than before.

Xu Ying unconsciously recalled the time when she pretended to be a ghost to scare him and Gong Qi, and smiled. Qingqi looks like an iceberg, but inside she is a girl who likes to play pranks.

He gathered his energy and looked in the direction pointed by Qingqiu.

This passage in the Cang Emperor's Heart Sutra says that there is a realm of the Supreme Being in the dark, hanging high in the void. That is the source of Tao, and the Qi of the Supreme Being is hidden in it.

Fairy Qingzhu pointed at the scriptures, slid her fingers, and said, To practice the Cang Emperor's Heart Sutra, you must first determine the location of the Supreme Realm, and then open the Supreme Cave Abyss to draw the Supreme Qi to practice. This method of cultivation is related to you. Isn’t it similar to the method passed down from my ancestors?”

Xu Ying carefully studied the scriptures and found that although the Cang Emperor's Heart Sutra opened up a cave to the sky and collected the Qi of the Supreme Being, it did not open up the other shore.

The Heart Sutra of Emperor Cang should connect oneself with the place called Taishang Cave Abyss. What is Taishang Cave Abyss? Is it also the other side?

Xu Ying suddenly remembered what he saw in the Taixu Realm.

There are more than six other shores seen in the Taixu Realm. What he saw alone was nine!

There may be more that he hasn't seen yet, so I don't know how many there are.

Is Taishang Cave Abyss the other shore in the realm of Taixu? The Cang Emperor's Heart Sutra is probably related to the Xu family's ancestral law!

Xu Ying compared the two methods, thought for a moment, and said, Just now, my father and I were talking about the origin of the Kunlun Xu family's ancestral method. It seems that the Xu family's ancestral method was indeed created based on the ancestral immortal method.

Uncle? Qingzhen looked at Xu Jing and blinked at Xu Ying in confusion.

Xu Ying smiled and said, Miss Qingyu, this is my father.

Fairy Qingqiu paid Xu Jing the courtesy of a junior and said softly: Junior Qingqiu, I haven't had time to pay my respects to my uncle yet.

Xu Jing smiled and said, Girl, you don't have to be polite.

He took out a jade pendant from the Xiyi Realm and said with a smile: Ah Ying doesn't care about others, so he neglects the girl. This is warm jade from Yingzhou. This jade is extremely rare. It is a thing of the immortal family. Wearing it on your body can avoid being attacked by evil spirits. A calamity of death. If you face a calamity of life and death, the jade pendant will be broken on your behalf, and you will be safe and sound. When we meet for the first time, Miss Qingzhu, don’t refuse.

Fairy Qingyu was surprised and looked at Xu Ying.

Xu Ying smiled and said, Just accept it.

He looked at Xu Jing: Dad, do you still have a similar jade pendant like this?

Xu Jing took out another piece, handed it to his hand, and said with a smile: I was practicing in Yingzhou and picked two pieces. I originally planned to give one piece to you and one piece to my daughter-in-law. That's all, I'll give this piece to you first.

Qingqian's face turned red, and he wanted to send the jade pendant back, but he didn't know how to speak.

She has never encountered this kind of forced marriage of a wife.

Xu Ying winked at her and said, Let's continue talking.

Qingzhu thought he had a way to return the jade pendant, so he felt relieved and said: I have been practicing the Cang Emperor's Heart Sutra these days, and found that the soul can enter the realm of the Supreme along the Taishang Cave Abyss, travel in it, and communicate with the Supreme Way. Communicate. The way of the Supreme Being does not seem to be the way of immortality.

Xu Jing saw that she had accepted the jade pendant and thought to herself: It's obvious that the man is in love with his concubine. All he had to do was break the window paper.

Xu Ying thought about it: The Immortal Way in the Immortal Court is different from the Immortal Way in the Ancestral Court. The great avenue in the Supreme Realm should be the Immortal Way in the Ancestral Court.

Qingqian continued to talk about his discovery, saying: The Tao of the Supreme is extremely strange, vast, deep, and incomplete. Every time I travel to the Realm of the Supreme and come into contact with the Tao of the Supreme, there is always a kind of forgetfulness of things and myself, and I feel panic. The feeling of returning together. I saw many monks sitting and forgetting there. They were extremely ancient, some were infinitely powerful, beyond my knowledge, and some had become skeletons. So I always forced myself to wake up and leave the realm of the Supreme. , so as not to be assimilated into the Tao.

Xu Ying and Xu Jing looked at each other with surprise.

The phenomenon Qingzhu mentioned has never appeared in the realm of Taixu.

Many of the other shores hidden in the realm of Taixu are actually phenomena nurtured by the Great Dao in the universe, such as the Black and Yellow Qi, the Sea of ​​Chaos, and the Immortal Aura. These places will not be assimilated if they come into contact.

The Taishang Realm mentioned by Qingqiu can assimilate the monks, and the Taishang Dao is incomplete, which is also strange.

The realm of Taishang should not be in the realm of Taixu.

Xu Ying hesitated and said, Miss Qingyu, can you give me a copy of the Cang Emperor's Heart Sutra?

Qingqian nodded, gave him the copy he copied, and said: I still have a stone slab here, which is the original version of Cang Emperor's Heart Sutra.

Xu Jing was delighted and thought to himself: Exchanging skills is like exchanging love tokens.

Suddenly, his heart moved slightly and he said with a smile: A Ying, don't let the girl stand in the wind. You go to Hunyuan Palace and talk slowly.

Only then did Xu Ying wake up and quickly invited Qingzhen into the palace.

Xu Jing shook his head and whispered: I wish I could teach you step by step... But the good friends who came here this time have extraordinary cultivation!

He rose into the sky, and after a few ups and downs, he arrived on the Chongshan Mountain outside Hunyuan Palace. Looking from a distance, he saw a fairy light shining down from the sky. The fairy light concentrated on a tall man.

The man has a majestic appearance and a majestic manner. He holds a three-pointed two-edged sword. He is surrounded by an immortal dojo. In the dojo, countless chains are intertwined to form a jade bamboo tree.

Xu Jing raised his eyebrows and said calmly: Stop.

The man stopped, raised the three-pointed two-edged sword, and said with a voice like thunder: Xianting Doubu, Beidou Qiyuan, Tianquan Renxuanji. I was ordered to go down to the lower realm to capture the rebel Xu Ying, which immortal family are you? Friend? Why are you blocking me?

Xu Jing smiled slightly: My son is having a major life event and cannot be disturbed. How did you come back?

Tianquan Ren Xuanji chuckled: What a courage. Beidou Qiyuan is not a wasted reputation...

Xu Jing said: The fourth element of Beidou, Ren Xuanji of Tianquan Heavenly Palace, practice the Nine Lao Xiandu Gong, practice nine different avenues, practice a jade bamboo in the dojo, and unite the nine paths into one.

Ren Xuanji had a sudden thought and shouted: Who are you? Why do you know my magical powers?

Xu Jing said: My son has collected all the skills and magical powers of all the immortal masters in a mountain for me to refer to and understand. He wants me to learn by myself without a teacher, and use your skills and magical powers as the basis to understand more profound methods. .I have been enlightened for more than 40,000 years...

Before he finished speaking, Ren Xuanji couldn't help but jumped up and swung the three-pointed two-edged sword down in the air!

Xu Jing sighed and whispered: I have been trapped in Yingzhou for so long, and I never know where my cultivation has reached, nor what my strength is. But I saw your moves...

He suddenly moved and faced Xuanji, the director of Tianquan Palace. He raised his hands and palms and changed them one after another, facing the three-pointed two-edged sword.

It's all flaws!

With the palm of his hand, he slapped or tapped it, and all the Tao power contained in this sword was instantly broken away!

The next moment, he rushed into Ren Xuanji's dojo. After a few rounds, Ren Xuanji vomited blood and flew backwards. He hit a mountain hard and looked up at the sky with blank eyes.

Xu Jing stopped his hand, looked at his hands, and murmured: I still don't realize where my upper limit is. I only know that Lord Jinhe Sword and Lord Ping Nantian respect me.

He sighed melancholy and was about to leave. Suddenly, three rays of fairy light descended from the sky and surrounded his path.

There are three majestic figures in those three fairy lights, each with boundless spiritual power. They are Fu Hui, the master of Yaoguang Palace, Chen Bin, the master of Tianheng Palace, and Liang Hao, the master of Tianxuan Palace of Beidou Qiyuan.

This person is very strong... As soon as Ren Xuanji said these words, he coughed up blood and became breathless.

Xu Jing turned to look at them and saw the auras of the three palace masters soaring into the sky. They each offered sacrifices to their souls and spread out their dojos. Their souls even uprooted the Tao trees in their respective dojos.

Using the Dao tree as a weapon is the strongest attack method that the Immortal Lord can use!

Xu Jing's eyes fell on them, he quickly identified them, and said: Your skill is Wenchang Tianxin Jue, your skill is Ziyang Danyuan Gong, and yours is Danhua Fire Bell Returning True Skill. You are not weak. …”

The three palace masters suddenly came from three directions. Fu Hui, the master of Yaoguang Palace, sneered: If you dare to open your eyes for the rebels, I will send you back to the west!


The seemingly frail scholar actually blocked his attack with one hand, broke his Zi Yang Dan Yuan Gong, entered his dojo, and destroyed his Tao tree in a few moves!

Fu Hui landed next to Ren Xuanji. His eyes, ears, mouth and nose were bleeding continuously. He struggled and said, Old Ren, what is the origin of this person?

I do not know.

Ren Xuanji wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, tried his best to suppress the injury, and gritted his teeth and said, He suddenly appeared and asked me not to delay his son's life events. Who knows who his son is!


The master of Tianxuan Palace, Liang Hao, hit him on the left side, his eyes were lifeless, and he was speechless.

Suddenly there was another loud bang. Chen Bin, the master of Tianheng Palace, was also seriously injured. His soul was seriously injured. He fell down and hit the three people on their heads.

The four people vomited blood and looked at the scholar with gray temples floating in mid-air in horror.

Where did such an immortal king come from? With such terrifying strength, he must not be an unknown person!

But no matter how hard they turned their heads, they couldn't imagine when there would be such a great master in the fairy world.

Xu Jing was about to turn around and return to Hunyuan Palace when he suddenly saw a slender man walking towards him and a ray of fairy light falling from the sky.

Behind this slender man was a Taoist priest dressed in green. Their auras were extremely powerful, much deeper than those of the previous palace masters.

This strange Taoist friend injured four of the Seven Beidou Elements and even destroyed their Taoist Tree. Leaving like this is too disrespectful to our Beidou Seven Elements.

Xiu Yushu is the leader of the Seven Elements of Beidou and the master of Tianshu Heavenly Palace. His cultivation strength may not be inferior to that of Zhongdou Sanzhen. Without any explanation, he raised his aura to the extreme and said lightly, No matter whether we are enemy or friend today, I will keep you. Give Doube an explanation!

His breath became more and more powerful, and without mobilizing the power of the immortals in Tianshu Heavenly Palace, his cultivation level was already approaching that of Tianjun!

Xu Jing showed a look of surprise, his face changed, and he solemnly said: Your Excellency is worthy of my full strength.

Buzz buzz buzz!

Six slight vibrations came, and six extremely ancient caves behind him rotated, opened, and were unparalleledly thick, penetrating the void and connecting to the other side, causing his momentum to skyrocket!

The muscles at the corners of Xiu Yushu's eyes and mouth twitched, and he suddenly restrained his breath and said: Your Excellency is indeed amazing, Xiu Mou admires it. Master Qingke, take these incompetent people with you, let's go!

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