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Chapter 470 The Secret of the Hairpin

Mother is in the fairy world?

Xu Ying held the hairpin, and this ancient memory emerged, tugging at his heartstrings.

Fang Songhuai once said that he chased my mother to the world of Fuqing and lost her trace. How did my mother escape from being hunted and ascend to the fairy world?

He wanted to get more memories, but there were still five words in the sixteen-word seal that had not been unsealed. If these five words were not solved, it would be difficult for him to solve all the memories of his first life.

The person who brought the hairpin is suspicious!

Xu Ying mobilized this memory and wanted to see clearly the face of the person who sent the hairpin, but he still couldn't. He thought to himself, If my mother is in the fairy world, then how did this person come down from the fairy world and bring this hairpin? of?

Ordinary immortals have to undergo self-cultivation before going to the immortal world. It costs a lot to go down to the immortal world once. And it is naturally impossible for mortals to travel to and from the fairy world.

Only people in the Immortal Court, and immortals in charge of important positions, can travel between the immortal and mortal realms. For example, the six parts of Immortal Court.

However, when the six tribes of Immortal Court travel between the immortal and mortal realms, they do not come and leave at will. Otherwise, the lower world would be full of immortal officials descending to earth.

Those who could make a special trip to the lower world and hand over the hairpin to Xu Ying at that time must have an extraordinary status.

It is not yet known whether the person who ordered me to go down to the lower world to give the hairpin to me is my mother.

Xu Ying was stunned and murmured, If it's my mother, I will definitely go to find her as soon as I ascend to the immortal world. If it's not my mother, then this person has ulterior motives for giving the hairpin to me... Joy, you are assassinating me. When I leave, shall I give this hairpin to you?

Joy nodded in agreement and said: I lurked in the Helingdu Ancient Palace, pretending to be a servant, and finally got into the palace. I saw you playing with this hairpin. I suddenly tried to kill you, but you dodged it. I When you are about to leave after missing the hit, you put this hairpin into my hand and let me go.

When she said this, she suddenly thought that Xu should have had the opportunity to kill her at that time, but he did not do it.

She also thought at that time that the reason why the old thief Xu did not kill her was probably because of his guilty conscience. Now that I think about it, I may have made a mistake in scolding him for being unfaithful and unjust.

She felt uneasy and secretly glanced at Xu Ying. She felt ashamed when she thought that she might have wronged Xu Ying for more than 40,000 years.

Xu Ying played with the hairpin, was silent for a moment, and asked: How many years did it take from the time I ascended to the immortal world to the time I became Xu Tianzun of the Helingdu Ancient Palace?

Joy said without hesitation: It's less than three hundred years. I spent three hundred years cultivating to a level that surpassed that of my teacher. I had just ascended to that level and was inquiring about you when I heard that you had become the number one eagle in the Immortal Courtyard...

She didn't say the last word.

In three hundred years, I have cultivated from a human immortal to an immortal king?

Xu Ying suddenly raised his head, his eyes bright, and said, Joy, how many years did you just say it would take you to accumulate enough resources to become an Immortal King?

Joy said: To occupy Tianhe and monopolize the smuggling business, I need to work for 70,000 years to accumulate enough resources to become an Immortal King. If the breakthrough fails, I will need to save for another 70,000 years.

When she said this, she felt even more ashamed.

Compared with other Sanren, she is already amazing. It only took her more than 40,000 years to cultivate to become a Celestial Immortal, and she is expected to challenge the Immortal King. This alone surpasses countless Sanren, and even most of the immortals who serve in the Immortal Court are not as good as her.

But compared to Xu Ying, she was far inferior.

Xu Ying said: Have you cultivated to the level of Immortal Lord?

Joy shook his head and said: It is impossible to cultivate to the Immortal Lord by relying on Tianhe's business. At least it will take hundreds of millions of years.

Xu Ying said: Then how did I accumulate the wealth to become an Immortal King in three hundred years?

Joy said cautiously: Master, do you still remember that those immortal kings and immortals you beat to death said that you betrayed your lust?

Xu Ying glanced at her: This is their slander!

Joy tentatively asked: Is it possible that it's not a slander? Not long after I ascended to the immortal world, I heard that you were a suave and had trouble getting along with many powerful fairies. You are still the face of Yuanjun...

Xu Ying snorted coldly and said, I'm not handsome...

He said with a joyful smile: Master is a young man now, but Master was in his twenties at that time. Although his complexion was not white, he had a majestic appearance, extraordinary demeanor, heroic appearance, and a masculinity that a white-faced man did not have. He was unique. Charm.”

Xu Ying's expression softened slightly and he said warmly: When I grow up to about 20 years old, I will look like this? You didn't flatter me?

He shook his head happily: What the disciple said is true, and there is absolutely no lie. Otherwise, how could Yuanjun and the other female immortal kings favor the master and look at him differently? I heard that you don't need to inform you when you enter Yuanjun's mansion. So you can do it Face to face matter...

Don't mention the matter of face-to-face again. Xu Ying said flatly.

Ling Siyi couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Xu Ying glared at her fiercely and said sternly: To become an Immortal Lord, you need a territory as huge as the world. How can you get this by relying on soft rice? You overestimated my beauty, and underestimated Yuanjun and other women. .”

I am so happy that I can't express my joy.

Ling Siyi smiled and said: If I were Yuan Jun, it wouldn't be impossible. Maybe I would like this bite?

Joyful and awe-inspiring: The female demon wants to be my master's wife!

Xu Ying looked at the hairpin he made and asked, Did I say anything to you when I gave the hairpin to you?

Joy thought for a moment and said, You put this hairpin in my hair and said you would return it to me in the future.

When Xu Ying heard this, his heart moved slightly. He looked at the hairpin carefully and found no engraving or branding on it.

He tried to use his vitality to sacrifice into it, and saw the hairpin floating gently, and a series of words emerged from the rubies hanging down from the hairpin.

This is a scripture inscribed with the Six Secrets of the Ancestral Dharma.

Xu Ying was slightly startled and looked at these Six Secrets Ancestral Laws. He had awakened the memory of the Six Secrets Ancestral Laws and was naturally no stranger to the Ancestral Laws.

However, there are slight differences between the Six Secrets of the Ancestral Methods engraved in the hairpin and the Six Secrets of the Ancestral Methods that he learned. Xu Ying read it carefully and compared it. The differences were not only different in wording and sentence formation, but also in some details. different.

The Six Secret Ancestral Dharma in the hairpin is more ancient, concise and obscure, while the Six Secret Ancestral Dharma taught to him by Xu Ying's father is easier to understand and practice.

There are some details in the hairpin version of the ancestral method that were lost in the ancestral method taught by my father and have been improved.

Xu Ying opened his eyes wide and whispered: If I want to carve the Six Secrets of the ancestral method, I will definitely not carve the ancient and obscure ancestral method, but the version that my father taught me. Then, why should I carve it in the hairpin? Leaving behind such a version of the Six Secrets of the Ancestral Method? Where did this ancient version of the Ancestral Method come from?

He suffered great changes when he was young, Kunlun was destroyed, Xujiaping was razed to the ground, and he was separated from his parents ever since. It was impossible for him to obtain such an ancient Six Secrets Ancestral Technique.

That is to say, I actually obtained the Six Secrets of Ancient Dharma in the Immortal Realm.

Xu Ying's eyes twitched, he put away the hairpin, and murmured, The Six Secrets of Xujiaping in Kunlun were not created by my father. There was someone else who opened up the six other shores.

He unconsciously remembered the words of Buyi Wu Emperor Shen Luo. Shen Luo once said that he had been to the other shore and was trapped there, and found that the six other shores were all opened up by one person. Shen Luo had been on those other shores and saw the traces left by this person to open up the other shore.

Could it be that this person ordered an immortal to go down to the realm, give me the hairpin, and use my mother's information to force me to go up to the realm?

Xu Ying said silently in his heart, I probably haven't met my mother since I went to the world. Instead, under this person's arrangement, I have made friends with important people in the immortal world. This person is quietly promoting me, allowing me to succeed in just three hundred years. Then he will achieve the achievements that others only dream of and become an Immortal King. Who is this person?

This person took control of his mother's life and forced him to ascend to the fairy world and obey his orders!

Xu Ying felt a little sad. He didn't know where Xu Jiaping's ancestral method came from. When he was living outside, he was just a frightened child.

Even if he breaks the emperor's seal and awakens all his memories, he still won't know the history of Xu Jiaping.

Only my father knows the history of Xujiaping, but my father left Yingzhou and disappeared?

He sighed melancholy. He could not remember his father's face. The emperor's seal always disturbed his memories of his father and mother.

Xu Ying calmed down and continued to clean up the pollution in the immortal path.

Joy and Ling Siyi stepped forward to help, and together with Xu Ying gathered the thousands of immortal corpses together.

With so many immortal corpses gathered together, there will definitely be chaos. Sooner or later, some kind of spirit will be born from the immortal corpses and come out to harm people.

Xu Ying was thinking about how to deal with it when he suddenly discovered that there were more than a dozen immortal corpses in his Xiyi Domain, and he quickly took out these immortal corpses.

He remembered the origins of these dozen immortal corpses, but it was when he was affected by the six-character curse that he killed all but one of the immortals on the ferry who wanted to kill him, and placed their corpses in his own Xiyi territory. Prepare to refine the magic weapon.

I was so evil.

Xu Ying shook his head and suddenly noticed that thousands of immortal corpses were piled up in front of him.

A sudden thought occurred in his mind: Am I still affected by the emperor's six-character seal?

Suddenly, a voice came from afar: Mr. Xu, don't you want these immortal corpses? I'm going to use them to fill my immortal realm of zombies!

Xu Ying's expression suddenly changed, and he couldn't help but sacrifice the nine magic weapons and transform them into nine realms. In an instant, his cultivation level was raised to the extreme!

Xu Ying staggered his steps, opened the six caves behind him, and raised the Purple Netherworld Sword as if facing a formidable enemy.

Just now, even if he faced the siege of Kaiyang Palace Master and others, he was still strolling around, with ease and calmness. However, this voice made him have to cheer up!

Suddenly, layers of fog came over, and the vision of Xu Ying, Joy and Ling Siyi was blocked by a huge shadow in the fog. The violent power of the immortal power rushed over, shaking their cultivation, and even affecting Xu Ying, Joy and Ling Siyi. The spiritual consciousness of the memory made their consciousness disordered!

Xu Ying activated the six caves, and his consciousness suddenly became violent, suppressing the interference of the immortal path caused by the shadows in the mist.

Joy and Lingsiyi regained their consciousness, and saw an extremely huge shadow in the mist, with numerous shadows and countless red hairs flying in the mist.

Pingnan Tianjun!

Xu Ying raised the Purple Netherworld Sword, and with his other hand he had already grasped the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Extermination Immortal Formation, ready to activate these two magic weapons at any time. If he was truly defeated, he would sacrifice the Extermination Immortal Formation, alert the emperor, and lure him to have a showdown with Emperor Pingnan, the Corpse Immortal!

This is a plan to drive away tigers and swallow wolves!

However, Pingnan Tianjun in the corpse fog did not have much hostility and said: Master Xu, don't get me wrong. I just saw many immortals dying here, so I came to check and find some fresh corpses, intending to expand my corpse ghost immortal realm. . If you leave these corpses, it will also pollute the immortal world. Why not leave them to me and leave no future troubles.

Xu Ying did not dare to relax at all and said: It is okay for Tianjun to take away these corpses, but it is extremely difficult to take away the lives of the three of me! You can also see that I have found my own realm, and now my strength is Things are different now!”

Tianjun Pingnan said in surprise: Why did Mr. Xu say this? Now we are on the same front, resisting the tyranny of the immortal world together, and we are a family.

Xu Ying was extremely shocked. He turned back to look at Joy and Ling Siyi and asked, Do you know what's going on?

Joy guessed: Maybe Ergou recruited him.

Xu Ying shook his head slightly, there was no way Xiao Tianzun could recruit such a ruthless person as Pingnan Tianjun.

Moreover, Pingnan Tianjun died in the battle of Zhenwu Temple, and he was a mortal enemy of Emperor Zhenwu, one of the Four Saints of the North Pole!

These two existences are close to the supreme existence. Even after death, they have boundless combat power, which is definitely not something that Little Tianzun can recruit.

Ling Siyi whispered: I heard that Little Tianzun recently recruited a group of weirdos. Maybe he is really one of them.

Pingnan Tianjun said with a smile: I won't take your benefits in vain if I get these immortal corpses. I will take you to see someone later and keep you crying for your father and mother!

Xu Ying said solemnly: He wants to kill me?

Pingnan Tianjun was a Tianjun who aspired to be the supreme king during his lifetime. His cultivation strength was so astonishing that Xu Ying had no chance of winning against him.

——Even the Taoist practice that he is most proud of, Pingnan Tianjun is far above him!

Only a being like Jinhe Sword Lord can compete with him, but he will still be defeated by him!

Corpse fog surged around Tianjun Pingnan, and soon engulfed Xu Ying and others. However, when the corpse fog reached Xu Ying and others, it bypassed them, only covering the thousands of corpses.

Strange to say, the corpse fog enveloped these immortal corpses, and each immortal corpse opened its eyes one after another, and its figure floated up and took on breath.

Tianjun Pingnan breathed a long sigh of relief and said: In the past few days, a bald donkey came to the ancestral court and said that he killed many immortal corpses in Yingzhou. It is expected that the immortals under me were killed by him. . This bald man is extremely evil, he must be taught a lesson if he has the chance... Mr. Xu, stand firm!


The corpse fog filled the air and the strong wind roared. The corpse fog actually lifted up the promises, joy and spiritual memories and flew away through the air!

Joy made a prompt decision and offered sacrifices to the immortal cha. He stretched out his hand to pull Xu Ying onto the cha. After a moment's hesitation, he also pulled Ling Siyi up.

Master, my immortal chariot is unparalleled in the world. It is the fastest chariot in the world. I can definitely escape!

Full of confidence, she immediately urged the Immortal Cha to fly away. In an instant, she rushed out of the sky of the ancestral court and flew through the air. The Immortal Cha flew past countless stars, getting faster and faster.

Yet there was still mist surrounding them.

Little girl, the boat is nice. Is it made of wood or fuso? Pingnan Tianjun's voice came from the front.

Joy's face changed slightly, and he said loudly: Made of Xunmu!

She suddenly turned around and flew downwards, and the next moment she escaped into the underworld. The immortal chariot traveled through the underworld, flying over an unknown distance in an instant.

However, Xiancha was still surrounded by a thick fog of corpse aura, making it impossible to fly out of the scope of the corpse fog.

Xu Ying praised: The way of being close to the Supreme Lord of Heaven is truly unimaginable.

Tianjun Pingnan is dead, and his cultivation has not yet reached the level of Tianjun, but his Taoism is too high.

Suddenly, Pingnan Tianjun's figure suddenly stopped, the corpse fog restrained, and he smiled: We're here! Xu Ying, you are ready to cry for your father and mother, I'm leaving!

The billowing fog of corpses broke through the air and flew away.

Xu Ying stood on the Xiancha of Joy, and saw that underneath was the Hunyuan Palace of the Little Heavenly Lord, and behind the Hunyuan Palace was a line of purple energy that penetrated the sky and the earth.

He was about to go to Hunyuan Palace. At this moment, he saw a scholar-like figure walking out of Hunyuan Palace. He had gray hair on his temples. He walked out and said with a smile: Brother Pingnan Dao, you...

He raised his head and saw Xu Ying coming down from the Xiancha.

Xu Ying looked at the scholar and had mixed feelings for a moment. All kinds of childhood memories awakened in an instant, flooding him like a tide.

He babbling, his father lifted him high over his shoulders. When he was sick and cried, his father tried to make him smile. When he made a mistake and was beaten, the wooden stick in his father's hand was in his hand.

He thought of a loving father and a stern father. He thought of the fire and how his father tried his best to escort him out of Kunlun, risking his life.

He thought of his blank face that he had been trying to remember for all these eternity.

At this moment, the blank face in the eternal memory is compatible with the scholar's face.

A Ying, your appearance has not changed, just like when you escaped from Kunlun. Xu Jing came over and said in a low voice.

————I accidentally wrote too much, 4,600 words, is it considered a big chapter? Asking for a monthly ticket! !

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