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Chapter 463 Swinging a knife to subdue the heart ape

Jin Daoli and the other two people couldn't help but activate the Donghuang Pingtian Jue. The three people's bodies burst out with the demonic power that only the three-legged golden crow of the ancient demon could have. The golden light soared into the sky, and the fusang tree and the vision of ten suns appeared behind them. !

They are the Golden Crow clan, the scattered remnants of the Imperial clan. The Donghuang Pingtian Jue can stimulate the power of their bloodline, allowing them to revive the memories of battles in the ancient times, stimulate the Tao power in their bloodline, and allow them to gain astonishing cultivation strength. promote.

At this time, behind Jin Daoli, Jin Yiqi and Jin Lan, the ancient Golden Crow Primordial Spirit fluttered its wings, its combat power soaring.

But the three of them were horrified, their expressions solemn, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

From the moment Xu Ying offered sacrifices to the wooden barrel and put it down, in just a few words, he put the three demon kings into the barrel and exiled them to the outside world.

The power of this wooden barrel is amazing!

However, the three demon kings did not even have the chance to resist with powerful magic weapons, and were actually used as toilets!

There are many powerful treasures in the Demon Clan Ancestral Court. After all, it has a long history and the Demon Clan Immortal Court was once established.

Even though it is in decline, the skinny camel is bigger than the horse, and there are still many good things.

The Demon Clan's ancestral court also has magic weapons with the power of wooden barrels, but not many.

Of those treasures, none of them were offered as offerings to ancestors. How could they be used as toilet barrels?

Xu Ying laughed heartily and activated the Nine Turns Mysterious Skill. His body suddenly grew larger and smaller, and in an instant, the Mysterious Skill circulated. He suddenly jumped up and was in mid-air!

Jin Yiqi and the others looked up and saw nine interlocking domes in the sky, with strong wind and thunder, suddenly superimposed on each other and pressing down!

That layer of sky is like a world composed of strong wind and thunder. With nine layers of sky superimposed, the power is more than nine times increased?

You are not qualified enough to compete with my demon clan's emperor-level skill, Donghuang Pingtian Jue, without using magic weapons!

Ten days behind Jin Yiqi came out to meet Xu Ying's blow. The moment their palms met, the six caves behind Xu Ying penetrated the fairy world, instantly increasing his cultivation strength by more than ten times!

Xu Ying greeted the tenth day. For a moment, the bright light in front of his eyes flickered, illuminating people's eyes. Then the tenth day dimmed and was almost shattered by his palm.

Jin Yiqi raised his hand and used the Donghuang Pingtian Jue to meet Xu Ying's palm. The hibiscus tree sprouted out from behind him. It rose again in ten days and flew around Xu Ying, like a furnace composed of ten great suns, trying to turn Xu Ying into ashes!

At the same time, the hibiscus tree fell, and its branches were composed of countless Dao images. Just like the Dao, a long whip was drawn down, which could hit the physical body or the soul!

And behind the hibiscus tree, his majestic soul fluttered its wings, and three sharp wings stretched out, grabbing Xu Ying's shoulders and head!

At the same time, his wings slashed forward, and the golden feathers spread out in layers, like the sharpest and most beautiful blades in the world, slashing towards the soul of Promise!

As the most powerful race among the demon clan, even Xu Ying, with his three heads and six arms, couldn't resist his attack!

However, Xu Ying did not resist at all.

Jin Yiqi's soul grasped Xu Ying's shoulders with three claws, and clasped Xu Ying's eyes with the third claw. He exerted force suddenly, Xu Ying's eyes didn't even move, and the sharp claws he stabbed into Xu Ying's shoulders seemed to I caught the hardest thing in the world and couldn't pierce it at all!

His soul's wings struck Xu Ying's soul, sizzling, leaving two strings of bright sparks, and then his wings were caught by his soul.

Just hearing a whoosh, Jin Yiqi Yuanshen was grabbed by two wings and smashed on the rushing Jinlan Yuanshen. The two Yuanshen rolled over and fell backward!

At the same time, the branches of the hibiscus tree struck Xu Ying, leaving traces of blood, but they healed as soon as they appeared, as if they had never existed.

And those ten rounds of great sun smelting can reach a hundred times the temperature of the sun in an instant, and even immortals will be turned into fly ash!

Xu Ying was burned red, but his palm burst out of the flames and collided with Jin Yiqi's palm!

Jin Yiqi groaned and stepped back. At the same time, two of his three legs flew up, bang bang, one kicked Xu Ying in the head, and the other kicked Xu Ying in the ribs.

Xu Ying was swept so that his body tilted, but he grinned, straightened up, and suddenly raised his leg to sweep away. There was a loud bang, and Jin Yiqi was hit on the head by this sweep. His neck seemed to be broken, and he rolled over. Roll to one side and smash!

Behind Xu Ying, Jin Daoli and Jin Lan came together to fight, one on the left and the other on the right, hitting Xu Ying on the back, catching him off guard.

But the next moment, a horrifying scene appeared for the two of them. On the back of Xu Ying's head, his hair parted, his flesh and blood grew, and two faces appeared on the left and right.

These two faces were exactly the same as Xu Ying's, but one was ferocious and the other was full of hostility, and four arms grew out of it.

Xu Ying laughed heartily, spinning around, with three faces and six arms, attacking the two of them like a whirlwind.

Jin Daoli and Jin Lan also practiced the Donghuang Pingtian Jue. Their combat power was astonishing and they had an astonishing variety of attack methods. They were able to block all his crazy attacks!

Xu Ying's two faces became more and more angry as they fought, and suddenly the two faces struggled hard and squeezed out from the back of his head.

I saw these two faces pushing outward while giving birth to brain bones and even necks. When they grew out, another face emerged from Xu Ying's side face, but it was Xu Sha.

Two more arms grew out of Xu Ying's armpits, making a total of eight arms.

Xu Ying Yuanshen also laughed and grew four heads and eight arms.

You rely on the large number of people, right?

Xu Ying slapped his forehead, and his energy melted into the three realms. Xu Ai, Xu Huang, and Xu Shang flew out reluctantly.

Jin Yiqi also committed suicide, and four people, seven souls, rose into the air and fought in the air.

Suddenly, Jin Yiqi, Jin Daoli and Jin Lan, plus Yuanshen, six pairs of wings, and twelve magic swords, all struck Xu Ying. The three of them dragged the knives, and twelve bloody marks suddenly appeared on Xu Ying's body.

The three of them were overjoyed and saw the blood marks healed quickly.

Xu Ying laughed loudly, spinning like a strong wind, bang bang bang, each of the three of them got punched and fell backwards!

Xu Ying rushed to Jin Lan, and the violent storm attacked her. Jin Yiqi and Jin Daoli rushed to rescue, but were blocked by Xu Bao and Xu Rui behind Xu Ying.

The more the three of them fought, the more frightened they became.

The Golden Crow clan is an imperial clan, an alien species among the ancient beasts. They are born powerful and can fight dragons and phoenixes. Especially after awakening the ancient bloodline, they are a natural fighting race, and their wings are better than the immortal weapons that have been tempered thousands of times!

After fighting Xu Ying for so many rounds, their palms, claws, and wings were all sore and swollen from the shock, and the pain was unbearable.

Their internal organs were also shaken and internally injured, and they gradually became unable to support themselves.

What is even more frightening is that the Yuanshen of the three of them besieged Xu Ying's Yuanshen, and Xu Ying's Yuanshen suppressed him and beat him violently!

In just a few moments, Jin Lan was beaten to the point of broken bones and tendons, her wings were broken, her head was beaten to one side, and she fell from the air!

Xu Ying dealt with her and freed up his hands to fight Jin Yiqi and Jin Daoli. Without Jin Lan's help, the two were even more embarrassed.

Within a moment, Jin Yiqi's three legs were swept hundreds of times by Xu Ying's legs, and finally all three legs were swept off. Then Xu Ai, Xu Huang, and Xu Shang surrounded his head and beat him violently until he passed out.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Jin Daoli immediately flew into the air and flapped his wings, turning into a rainbow light and flying through the air.

My Golden Crow clan is the fastest race in the world...

As soon as he thought of this, he looked back and saw that the space in the Tiandao Ancestral Court was being crushed by Xu Ying's rushing body.


The stacked space exploded, and Xu Ying ran towards him with four heads and eight arms, followed by four souls.

Why is he so fast?

Jin Daoli's eyes widened and he thought to himself, However, he is still not as good as me!

Tiandao Dojo!

Xu Ying raised his hand in the distance, and the next moment Jin Daoli's eyes almost popped out of his sockets. He saw various heavenly runes changing in the sky, and then turned into a big hand falling from the sky!

The big hand of heaven suddenly slapped him on the body, beating him until blood spurted from his mouth and he fell downwards.


The mountains were turbulent, and Xu Ying's big palm of heaven pressed down on Jin Daoli, driving him into the ground.

Xu Ying fell like a meteor, with excited smiles on his four faces, and a fierce light flashing in his eyes. Three more Xu Yings flew behind him, and swish, swish, and landed next to Jin Daoli.

Kill them, crush their bones and ashes, and avenge Lord Jin!

Just when Xu Ying said this, Ling Siyi suddenly flew in from afar and said loudly: Master Xu, please show mercy!

Xu Ying swayed, put away the three heaven and earth souls, and whispered: This woman is here, let's kill her together. The hole you dug can't be wasted!

He was about to kill Ling Siyi Pain, when suddenly a big snake appeared in the sky. The giant snake poked its head out from the clouds, opened its mouth, and saw a silver trap falling!

Xu Ying knew something was wrong and immediately ran away, shouting: Niuji Qi, you and I are incompatible with each other!

An Qi offered up the Vajra Diamond. The Vajra Diamond radiated brilliantly, and the two qi of Yin and Yang in the sculpture turned into a Tai Chi Diagram. He fixed Xu Ying's figure and pulled him towards the Tai Chi Diagram!

Xu Ying struggled hard and shouted: Gan Qi, when I escape, I will kill you and make snake soup!

He took out the beads, and suddenly the Buddha beads flew out, spinning to the top of Xian Qi's head, and transformed into one hundred and eight giant Buddhas to suppress him.

An Qi groaned, fell from the air, and shouted: I can't survive anymore. Miss Siyi, why don't you take action?

He was suppressed by the Buddha beads, and Vajra suddenly found it difficult to trap Xu Ying again.

Xu Ying immediately got rid of Jingang Zhuo and rushed towards Nian Qi, but Ling Siyi had already rushed over, grabbed the willow branch and gently swung it away.

I saw the willow branches bursting with light, and the willow leaves were as big as mats, and they rolled up Xu Ying.

Xu Ying struggled hard, and suddenly the Five Sacred Mountains, the Water-Fire Huntian Cauldron and other magical weapons appeared behind him, and he turned towards Ling Si Yi Zhen!

Ling Siyi escaped the impact of the Five Sacred Mountains and was locked by the Water and Fire Mixing Heaven Cauldron. The water and fire locked her and pulled her into the cauldron.

Ling Siyi struggled hard, but couldn't escape.

At this moment, the big bell rushed in diagonally and hit Xu Ying's forehead with a clang.

A big blood bag suddenly swelled up on Xu Ying's forehead, and the big bell flew around him, ringing continuously, making Xu Ying dizzy.

An Qi got this opportunity, got rid of the Buddha beads, rolled up his tail and stabbed Xu Ying with the Purple Nether Sword.

The Purple Netherworld Sword was half a broken sword without a handle, and it immediately cut his tail. He didn't care much and tried his best to activate the power of the Purple Netherworld Sword, hoping that the big bell could calm Xu Ying.

Xu Ying's incarnation of Huang Shang Ai immediately rushed out and besieged the big bell. The big bell persisted and shouted: Miss Siyi!

Ling Siyi was dragged into the cauldron, and tried her best to move and shake the willow branches, but she saw layers of light hitting Xu Ying, stimulating Xu Ying's physical functions.

The three cruel and violent consciousnesses in Xu Ying's body immediately felt like they were about to be freed, and they were separated from Xu Ying's body. Xu Ying was wrapped tightly in willow leaves, but flesh and blood continued to grow from his body. Grow three new bodies.

This is exactly the evil power of the willow branches.

The three Xu Ying crawled out, and at the same time, Xian Qi swung the Purple Nether Sword and slashed at Xu Ying, who was wrapped in willow leaves and couldn't move!

Just as the Purple Netherworld Sword was about to fall on Xu Ying, suddenly a sky gate appeared, the door opened wide, and the Purple Netherworld Sword struck in the door.

An Qi hurriedly finished and prepared to cut again, but Ling Siyi had been suppressed into the water and fire cauldron.

Before the big bell could strike again, the twelve-story tower crashed down, silencing it.

Xian Qi slashed at Xu Ying with his sword, and saw the willow leaves torn into pieces. Xu Ying was so fierce that he attacked Xian Qi and shouted: Niu Xian Qi, we can no longer be brothers!


Suddenly a golden light flashed, and Jin Buyi appeared in front of An Qi, blocking Xu Ying's path.

Master Jin, get out of the way!

Xu Ying paused hastily and shouted, They want to kill me! I'm going to send them on their way today!

Jin Buyi turned his hand to avoid the Purple Netherworld Sword, raised his hand and knocked An Qi down with a palm, and said with a smile: I know, I'm here to help you.

Xu Yingda was very happy and said with a smile: I also exiled three demon emperors for you. Jin Daoli, Jin Yiqi and Jin Lan were injured by me. I know it is not convenient for you to kill them, so I will help you deal with them!

Jin Buyi smiled and said: I know you are doing it for my own good.

He walked up to Xu Ying, suddenly raised his hand and stabbed Xu Ying into Xu Ying's abdomen.

Xu Ying still had a smile on her face and was not prepared for him at all. She was stabbed by him with an expression of disbelief on her face.

Master Jin, I'm on guard against Master Zhong, I'm on guard against Gong Qi, I'm on guard against anyone, but I've never been guarded against you...

Xu Ying's body softened and she fell into his arms, confused, I did this for you, why did you kill me?

Jin Buyi looked into his eyes, suddenly sad, and tears fell down.

Dazhong, An Qi and Ling Siyi got rid of the suppression one after another and came to Jin BuYi and Xu Ying. Jin BuYi handed Xu Ying over to them, unable to hide his sadness, and left crying.

After a while, Xu Ying woke up.

An Qi, Dazhong, and Ling Siyi looked at him nervously as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

Xu Ying shook his head and said, I've been in a haze these days. I'm always not sober. There are a lot of noises in my head. Now I feel relieved. Master Zhong, Master Qi, and Miss Siyi, thank you.

Ling Siyi picked up the willow branch and brushed it gently. Xu Ying found that no extra flesh had grown in his body. Then he breathed a sigh of relief, pursed his lips and said with a smile: You have to thank Mr. Zhong and the Seventh Master. If they hadn't invited me, I don’t dare to take action against you.”

Xu Ying thanked An Qi and Dazhong again, and An Qi said: You also want to thank Mr. Jin. I'm afraid he will be the most sad if he stabs you.

Xu Ying said yes and looked for Jin Buyi everywhere, but never found it.

Xu Ying went to look for the ancestral land, and found Jin Buyi under his guidance.

Jin Buyi hid in the palm of Tian's stone statue, Xu Ying came behind him, Jin Buyi raised his head, his eyes full of old tears.

Aying, you don't hate me, do you?

He choked with tears, You trusted me so much, and I stabbed you...

how could be?

Xu Ying smiled and said, We are a family. Besides, I know you are doing it for my own good. Don't be sad. If others see it, how can you be the future emperor of the demon clan?

————Thank you to the Cha Cha Federation for your double silver support! ! Grateful!

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