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Chapter 464 Running away with a bucket

The palace of the emperor in the immortal world.

The emperor was drinking tea leisurely, and suddenly the eldest disciple Jiang Zhongfu came to report in a hurry: Emperor, the demon-suppressing runes that sealed the promise suddenly went out of order, and then they burned and turned into ashes!

The teacup in the emperor's hand exploded with a bang, and he exclaimed in shock: What? Is it the Jinhe Sword Master who is against me again? He is so brave!

Jiang Zhongfu looked strange and said: According to my disciple's opinion, he shouldn't be the Jinhe Sword Lord.

He hesitated and hesitated to speak.

The emperor glanced at him and said in a deep voice: Speak.

Jiang Zhongfu mustered up his courage and said: The disciple was guarding the demon-suppressing rune. He felt the sword energy coming from the rune, and he destroyed the remaining six blood curses together. The sword energy was still filled with It is filled with purple energy, like the purple netherworld of an emperor...

When he said this, the emperor's face turned livid, and the aura of terror made him speechless.

Use my knife to break my sealing spell? How brave you are!

After a long time, the emperor suppressed his anger, cut off some of the evil thoughts that disturbed his thinking, threw them to Wei Rui, and whispered: The eight-character seal was broken, and now only five immortal seals among the sixteen-character seals are left. .I am afraid these five immortal runes cannot be delayed for too long.

He flew to the Immortal Platform and overlooked all the heavens and worlds.

The tide of the three realms is getting closer and closer. Some sections of the Tianhe River connecting the three realms have been restored, and the river water is surging. It is not far from the restoration of the waterway that runs through the Yin and Yang Realms and the Immortal Realm.

The tide of the Three Realms is coming, very close... Xu Ying, how long can you be free?

Weixu Demon Realm.

Tianzun, Yuanjun and other demons came over one after another, raised their hands in congratulations, and said with a smile: Emperor, I really belong to you. In just a short time, you have made great progress in cultivation, making us envious!

Your cultivation strength has increased so quickly. Are you trying to seize the supreme power?

Don't make fun of me.

The Heavenly Demon Emperor guessed, My true body must have comprehended something again in the immortal world. It cut off the impurities and made my spirit purer. His cultivation has greatly improved, and I am also happy for him.

All the demons nodded.

Immortals need to keep their hearts pure at all times. They must not have distracting thoughts or be affected by demonic nature. They must get rid of all these things before breaking through.

In recent times, the emperor has been constantly expelling all kinds of evil thoughts, which shows that he is indeed making great progress in his cultivation!

The three emperors of the Tiandao Ancestral Court, Jin Daoli, Jin Yiqi and Jin Lan, had lingering fears for the rest of their lives.

The three of them got up with difficulty, supported each other, and found the hut of the Ancestral God. They were about to complain to the Ancestral God when suddenly Xu Ying's voice came from behind: Three sons of the emperor, stay.

The three of them were awestruck and turned around with difficulty.

In the battle just now, Xu Ying had shaken them out of their psychological shadow. Now seeing Xu Ying, they were still a little scared.

Xu Ying came over with a toilet bucket, his face was gentle, and he sincerely apologized to them, saying: I have been affected by the emperor's blood curse these days, and I have been so confused that I made a big mistake. Fortunately, the three of them were not seriously injured. Please three Please forgive me for my mistakes.

Jin Yiqi sneered: You injured three of us, and you just apologized? We are the emperor of the demon clan, and we will settle the score slowly!

Xu Yingwen said: Little brother, you may not have heard clearly. What I mean is that you are not seriously injured, so I will apologize to you. If you don't accept my apology, I will have to beat you to death. Only dead people can do it. No need to apologize.

Behind him, Jin Buyi, Ling Siyi and others looked at each other in shock. Ling Siyi whispered: Is Mr. Xu really recovered? Do you want to stab him again?

Da Zhong was also a little suspicious.

Jin Yiqi's hair stood on end and he stammered: Is this how you apologize?

Xu Ying said calmly: You came to me with bad intentions. I hurt you and apologized to you because I know etiquette. If you don't accept my apology, it's your fault.

Jin Yiqi and the others did not dare to say anything more and hurriedly looked for the ancestor god. They saw the ancestor god wearing a bamboo hat and fishing by the river.

The three of them cried and complained.

The Ancestral God called Xu Ying and said: It's okay if you injured them, but why did you also exile the three demon kings? Now, you throw them into the waste pool and are swept away by the void. What should you do?

Xu Ying argued: God Ancestor, it's their own fault. They wanted to attack me, so I had no choice but to sacrifice the bucket to collect them.

Ancestor God said: Although it is their own fault, they came to me to seek advice after all. They cannot just throw them into the waste pool. The waste pool is very dangerous. If you throw them in, you may kill them.

As soon as he said this, something seemed to bite the hook in the river. The ancestor god lifted the pole with force, and the ground suddenly shook violently under everyone's feet. They saw that the river suddenly became extremely wide and the water was turbulent.

The next moment, the entire river turned into a river of stars. Countless stars were rushing through the river like a rolling torrent. After a wave, tens of thousands of suns and stars flowed past!

Xu Ying, Jin Buyi, Jin Yiqi and others saw themselves standing on the land of the abbot, with such a vicious galaxy under their feet. If they fell into it, they were afraid that they would be shattered into pieces in the next moment, and they couldn't help but feel terrified.

Especially Xu Ying, he realized that the place where he washed the toilet every day was so magnificent!

But the Ancestral God was still sitting in front of them, pulling the fishing rod hard and pulling the behemoth out of the galaxy.

What was hung on the fishhook was actually an unknown monster that was completely black and bigger than the sun, moon and stars. It was emitting a fierce aura and climbed up along the fishing line!

Wrong catch.

Seeing that the dark monster was about to climb up, the ancestor god shook the pole vigorously to shake the dark monster down.

Xu Ying and others were shocked to see it.

The ancestor god threw the fishing line out again, shook the fishing line vigorously, suddenly felt happy, and said with a smile: This time I was right!

He closed the pole hard, and after a moment, he saw a phoenix with nine heads and four wings being hooked by a fishhook and pulled up from the galaxy.

That phoenix with nine heads and four wings is none other than the Phoenix Demon Emperor!

Xu Ying said quickly: Wait a minute! Ancestral God, fish them out. What if they seek revenge on me? I am no match for them!

The Ancestral God continued to close the thread and said: I will resolve the grudges with you.

Xu Ying said: What if they are unwilling to resolve their grudges?

Ancestor God smiled and said: They will resolve their grudges.

He fished the Phoenix Demon Emperor out of the galaxy and asked: Feng Demon Emperor, your intention was to do harm to Little Friend Xu, so he put you in the toilet. This is due to cause and effect. You must not blame Little Friend Xu. So you turned the fight into friendship in front of me, how?

The Phoenix Demon Emperor was covered in bruises, and he didn't know what he was injured by. Hearing this, he gritted his teeth and said, This kid put me in a toilet bucket and threw me into the waste pool. I have suffered such shame and humiliation. How can I let him go?

The ancestor god hung her on a fishhook and was about to throw her into the galaxy.

The Phoenix Demon Emperor hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed: God Ancestor, please wait! My disciple is willing to turn conflicts into friendship!

Ancestor God smiled and said: You are still reasonable.

He dropped the fishhook again and entered the galaxy. After a while, the Cold Demon Emperor and the Kun Demon Emperor were also dropped one after another. The two demon emperors were even more miserable than the Phoenix Demon Emperor. They were covered in wounds and dying, as if they had been chewed and bitten by something.

Xu Ying was shocked and asked, Where is this place under the galaxy? Why are they still injured?

Ancestor God said: The waste pool is of course a place to throw away waste.

Zu Ting Tu Tu whispered: I don't know where that place is, but the strong men of my time like to throw things they don't like into it. If you throw it in, you can't escape.

Xu Ying's eyes lit up and he thought to himself: If you encounter enemies in the future, just throw them in. It's easier than destroying the corpses and eradicating traces. But, how can we open this galaxy?

The Ancestral God followed suit and allowed the Cold Demon Emperor and the Kun Demon Emperor to resolve their grievances with Xu Ying.

The vision in front of everyone disappeared and they returned to the ancestral court of Heaven.

The ancestor god put away the fishing rod and said with a smile: Jin Buyi followed Xu Ying to take advantage of the opportunity and has seen my true form. I can't favor one and let the other three emperors return in despair. You guys should be optimistic.

He was sitting by the river. Suddenly, he saw that the sky behind him became infinite and vast. All the heavens and realms, countless stars and galaxies, rushed towards his face. In an instant, they were in the starry sky of the universe!

The boundless starlight was turbulent, and the energy of the universe was flowing. In a trance, they seemed to see an unparalleled giant.

Scenes like this are inexplicably shocking.

Xu Ying immediately whispered in Jin Buyi's ear: Pay attention to observe His essence! He is a ball of innate Qi, observe the flow of Qi. He is a ball of immortal spiritual light, observe the movement of light!

Jin Buyi was awe-inspiring and hurriedly observed carefully, gradually comprehending some wonderful things from the true form of the ancestor god.

Xu Ying also took this opportunity to compare the principles of heaven he had comprehended over the past six months with the true form of the ancestor god, and his insights became deeper and deeper.

And those three emperors, as well as Anhui's Seven Bells and even the Insect Mother, all gained a lot.

After a long time, the stars suddenly disappeared and they returned to the ancestral court of Heaven. But the ancestor god was not at the river bank. He didn't know when he had returned to the thatched cottage.

In the next few days, everyone meditated on the ancestral god Yuanshen, and each made extraordinary progress, and the cultivation level of each Yuanshen increased greatly.

When Xu Ying reached the Yaochi stage of cultivation, it was the time when the soul was reborn. After this enlightenment, his cultivation level also improved by leaps and bounds. The immortal spirit energy fished from the fairy world in the six caves rolled in, and the soul's achievements became higher and higher.

On this day, on the way to the waste pool carrying the toilet bucket, Xu Ying activated the six caves to refine his soul.

Suddenly, he entered a strange state, as if he had become an ancestral god, like a void, a qi, or a light.

He only felt that his consciousness was like the universe, incomparably vast, his vitality was like the starry sky, endless, and his soul was like the void, containing all things.

He stopped unknowingly, and his soul was emptied, as if he was compatible with the ancestral court of heaven, regardless of each other.

At this moment, his consciousness seemed to be projected into the sky of the Heavenly Dao Ancestral Court, connected to all the heavens and worlds.

His consciousness seemed to spread across every corner of the universe, seeing stars, mountains, white clouds, and all living beings.

His consciousness is like the breeze in the sky, like the floating clouds, like the flowing water of the sea and rivers, and like the rays of the sun. All the people and things in the world can be seen, and all kinds of sounds can be heard.

His understanding of the way of heaven has become extremely profound, and it is also extremely subtle and detailed.

Unknowingly, the vitality in his body moved according to the Taiyi Innate Gong, but it was different from the Taiyi Innate Gong. The movement of vitality, yin and yang, spiritual consciousness, soul power, mental power and physical activity were also different from the previous Taiyi Innate Gong. different.

He did not deliberately change his Taiyi Innate Technique, he just ran it naturally. However, the power of the new technique became more and more powerful, and the speed of running Xuan Gong and refining the Six Secrets became faster and faster.

His soul is also growing faster and faster.

On this day, everyone who was meditating in the ancestral court, including Jin Buyi, Jin Daoli, the four demon emperors, An Qi, Dazhong and others, all involuntarily stopped practicing.

They felt something in their hearts and looked up to the sky.

But suddenly a brilliant light appeared in the sky of the Heavenly Dao Ancestral Court, like a stream of clouds flying towards the same position.

The ancestral god also stopped what he was doing and looked up at the sky. At this time, the ancestral god also left the thatched cottage and looked towards the place where the clouds of clouds flew.

Forty-eight thousand years ago, I asked him to stay here for one year. If he had been willing to stay, he would have achieved this, right? the ancestor god said softly.

The Earth God was at his feet and said: But, he was too busy. He always felt that there were many things to do, so he left in a hurry after staying for half a year.

In the first life, Xu Ying was amazingly talented and pioneered in cultivating the immortal true spirit. However, on this road, the first life Xu Ying did not go very far.

He tried it briefly, but later suffered a big loss. He only managed to save his life with a little understanding of the ancestral god Yuan Shen.

Now, forty-eight thousand years later, Xu Ying returned to the ancestral court of Heavenly Dao. This time he lived in peace and finally attained enlightenment.

Xu Ying carried the toilet bucket and activated the Xuan Gong. The Yaochi appeared behind him, and the soul stood on the Yaochi. Thousands of immortal auras shuttled back and forth, creating his immortal soul!

After a long time, the vision in the sky dispersed, and Xu Ying woke up from his enlightenment in the ancestral court.

The feeling that I am the starry sky, I am all things, and I am all living beings just now is so wonderful, but if he wants to enter that mysterious and mysterious realm again, it is impossible.

The first reason he was able to enter that state was that he was in the process of enlightenment, and the second reason was that this place was the ancestral court of heaven. Both of these are indispensable.

Xu Ying emptied the bucket, went to the river, cleaned the bucket inside and out, and returned to the thatched cottage with the bucket.

When they arrived at the thatched cottage, they saw Jin Buyi, Gong Qi and others packing their bags, while Baxia, Tianpeng, Bi Fang and other strange beasts were also preparing to set off.

Xu Ying was surprised and quickly found Jin Buyi and asked, Why are you leaving in such a hurry?

At this time, the voice of the ancestral god came from the thatched cottage: Land, I am sleepy, see off the guests for me.

The Earth God of the ancestral court jumped on the war drum, extended his hand to everyone and said: Everyone, please.

Everyone has gained something. Although they are reluctant to leave, seeing the true form of the ancestor god this time has been a worthwhile trip. They packed up and walked out, leaving the Ancestral Court of Heavenly Dao.

Xu Ying came to the side of the Earth God and saw him off together. The Earth God shook his head and said, A Ying, you can go too.

Xu Ying was stunned and said, I haven't stayed for a full year yet.

The Earth God shook his head and said: This is the meaning of the Ancestor God. You have learned that there is no benefit in staying, so you can leave.

Xu Ying composed himself, put down the barrel, and bowed to the thatched cottage.

The Earth God sighed in his heart and said to himself: This man values ​​love and righteousness. Although the Ancestor God did not teach him anything, he regarded the Ancestor God as an old man...put down the Ancestor God's toilet!

When Xu Ying heard this, he took the toilet bucket and ran away!

The God of the Earth was so angry that he rushed forward with a big drum and shouted: You little thief, don't leave!

Xu Ying ran away with the bucket, and turned around and shouted: I have served the old man for more than half a year. There is no credit but hard work, right? This bucket will be my wages!

The God of Earth beats the big drum, and the sound of the drum strikes. This drum can shake the spirit of the Immortal King and Immortal Lord, and push the opponent's spirit out of the body. But Xu Ying endured the blow from the drum, and it only swayed slightly, but he still ran wildly with the bucket.

This boy has made his soul so strong!

The Earth God was furious and shouted, You left the barrel before you left. Why would the Ancestor God get up at night? Leave the barrel behind! Brother Tian, ​​Brother Tian, ​​wake up quickly!

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