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Chapter 462: Catch them all in one bucket (please ask for a guaranteed monthly ticket)

Jin Buyi was startled and looked at Xu Ying's face to see if he was joking.

Xu Ying looked serious, not joking at all.

Jin Buyi looked at Dazhong, who said solemnly: I also think Master Qi has changed. Don't worry, Aying, I will personally take action and kill Master Qi.

Jin Buye looked at the big clock again, puzzled.

Xu Ying said in surprise: Why did Master Zhong say this? Why did you want to kill Master Qi? Master Qi is our brother!

Da Zhong was stunned, almost going crazy, thinking: Just now I said I wanted to kill Master Qi, but now I don't want to kill him. I can't keep up with him... Wait a minute, unless it's a different A Ying who is speaking. A Ying There are seven ayings living in the body, and one of them is the true body, and now the true body has the upper hand!

Xu Ying said to Jin Buyi: If you want to understand the Ancestral God and achieve great achievements, you must know what the Yuan Shen is. The Yuan Shen is the innate Qi before life, a ball of immortal spiritual light. When can you see that the Ancestral God is a ball With the innate Qi and immortal aura from the birth of the universe, you can see the true face of the ancestor gods.”

Jin Buyi was surprised and asked: Ah Ying, is your immortal true spirit formed by cultivating through enlightenment of the ancestral gods?

Xu Ying had no memory of this. He only knew that when he observed the ancestor gods in the past six months, the scenes he saw became more and more shocking.

The ancestor he saw before was an old man. Later, when he usurped the throne, he saw the ancestor god again and saw a young man.

Later, Xu Ying spent a long time with the ancestral god, and the ancestral god he saw was an immortal true spirit wrapped in a magical mass of innate energy!

Without seeing through this, it is simply impossible to understand the mystery of the Yuan Shen from the Ancestral God!

Xu Ying has been staying here for half a year. Every time he observes the ancestor gods, he has gained something different, and his spiritual cultivation has also improved by leaps and bounds.

Now his soul has broken through the limit of eight feet and reached about two feet.

This little bit of progress is actually the progress of the Immortal True Spirit, which is really rare.

Jin Buyi asked: So, how can we tell that the ancestor god is a ball of innate energy, and how can we tell that he is an immortal spiritual light?

Xu Ying hesitated and said, Tonight you come to serve the ancestor god at night.

Jin Buyi agreed.

Then you pulled out the sword and said that you wanted to usurp the throne and you would be the ancestor god. Xu Ying said honestly.

Jin Buye blinked.

The big bell also rang, expressing confusion.

Xu Ying became more honest and said: Don't ask why, just do it. Then you will see the true face of the ancestor god, but the process is a bit painful.

Jin Buqi took note of it carefully.

Xu Ying introduced his experience carefully and said: You will be shocked for one night. The next morning, you will probably be able to understand the twelve signs of the soul. But the twelve signs of the soul are only your first step. Later, when you look at the Ancestral God, you will find that He is the Yuan Qi that fills the universe, an innate and immortal spiritual light.

His face gradually became serious: He is like light, like Qi, like void. He can be as vast as the universe, and as small as a mustard seed. If you understand these, you will have hope of cultivating the immortal true spirit.

Jin Buyi nodded quickly and asked, If you attack the Ancestral God, the Ancestral God won't be angry, right?

Xu Ying recalled the night when the Ancestral God punched him away, and shook his head decisively: No! Don't worry, He will still be very happy.

Jin Buyi felt relieved and said excitedly: A Ying, you don't want to serve the ancestor god tonight, let me do it instead.

Xu Ying nodded lightly.

Jin Buyi didn't have much understanding of the way of heaven. The runes of the way of heaven floating around the stone statue of the sky were like heavenly books to him, and he wished it would get darker soon.

Xu Ying waited for a long time, but did not see the emperor's disciples coming. He was surprised: These three people are well-educated. It should be that there is something wrong with those demon emperors, forcing Lord Jin to pass on their skills.

He asked Jin Buyi about the situation at that time, and Jin Buyi was afraid that he would be worried, so he smiled and said: Those things have already passed, why bother mentioning them again?

Dazhong sneered and said: Why didn't Lord Jin tell us? Emperor Han Demon, Emperor Kun Demon and Emperor Phoenix threatened us. If you don't pass it on, they will kill Master Qi and me. Why can't we tell this matter?

Xu Ying raised his eyebrows.

Dazhong sneered and said: When we first entered the Demon Clan's ancestral court, they made things difficult for us. Why can't we tell you? They coveted the Donghuang Pingtian Technique on Master Jin and tried every means to get this technique. Some people did not hesitate to assassinate. You destroyed it, why can't you say it? They also accused you of stealing their ancestral Donghuang Pingtian Jue, so why can't you say it?

Xu Ying looked at Jin Buyi. He was in Wei Xu at the time and didn't know that Jin Buyi had experienced these things.

Jin Buyi smiled and said: Master Zhong, isn't this all in the past?

Dazhong said angrily: Of course these things have passed. But we can survive because of you, Jinghong Demon Emperor, and the way out of the Qiye and I! Not relying on other Demon Emperors , survived by relying on the charity of other emperors!

It promised to Xu: When we entered the ancestral court of the demon clan, we originally thought that we would be able to sit on the throne of the emperor's son smoothly, but various assassinations, sneak attacks, deception and abduction were carried out. If Lord Jin hadn't used the name of the emperor's son to fight all the way, we would have died long ago. ”

Jin Buyi smiled and said: These have nothing to do with Ah Ying, why bother mentioning old things again?


Da Zhong said, A Ying and Ling Siyi are also responsible for this. If Ling Siyi hadn't warned the other strong men of the demon clan, the demon ancestor would have wanted to see A Ying, and you are A Ying's family, so those giants of the demon clan would have been afraid of them. , otherwise we would have died without a burial place!

Xu Ying smiled and said: Master Jin, are you worried that if I am too impulsive and hurt these three emperors, the Demon Emperor will be disadvantageous to me? Don't worry, I am not an irrational person. I have grown up in the past few years since I have been away from you. A lot, not so impulsive.”

This was what Jin Buyi was worried about, and he felt relieved after hearing this.

Xu Ying continued to study the heavenly runes, and found nothing unusual. Jin Buyi saw this and knew that he did not hold a grudge, so he was completely relieved.

An Qi came to find him and whispered: Master Zhong, are you not sick?

The big bell said: No. It's surprisingly normal.

An Qi said: Do you think this is okay? I pretended to offer him the knife, came to him with the knife, and said to him, A Ying, this knife has a hidden wound. When he lowered his head to look, I gave him a knife!

Da Zhong hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said: Your strategy won't work. You can't plot against him. It's better to use King Kong Chu. You take advantage of him when he's not prepared and use King Kong Chu to catch him, and then I'll kill him!

An Qi's eyes lit up and he secretly praised it as a good idea.

When he was about to take action, Dazhong said quickly: Don't do it in front of Lord Jin.

An Qi understood. Jin Buyi loves Xu Ying the most. If they deal with Xu Ying in front of Jin Buyi, Jin Buyi will definitely fight them to the death.

Unknowingly, night fell, Xu Ying returned to the thatched cottage and slept in the same room as Jin Buyi. Only this time it was Jin Buyi's turn to serve the ancestral god.

In the middle of the night, Xu Ying heard thunder, kicked Jin Buyi awake and pursed his lips.

Jin Buyi plucked up the courage and carried the bucket to the Ancestral God's room. After a while, Jin Buyi's stammering voice came: Grandpa Ancestor God, my brother, my disciple wants to usurp the throne...

The voice of the ancestor god came: Just wait for a moment.

After a while, hundreds of millions of suns seemed to light up at the same time in the thatched cottage, and the light shone so brightly that it seemed as if the thatched cottage did not exist!

Hearing a shocking loud noise, Xu Ying vaguely saw a figure flying through the air and disappearing without a trace!

Xu Ying quickly flew in the direction where Jin Buyi flew through the air. Not long after, he finally found Jin Buyi, lying at the bottom of a large pit with his eyes wide open.

The Demon Emperor Jinghong transformed into a big bird and guarded the pit. Xu Ying was surprised that the Demon Emperor Jinghong came here before him!

When Jinghong Demon Emperor saw that it was him, he let down his guard.

Xu Ying smiled and said, Master Jin, have you seen it?

Look, I saw it! Jin Buyi was so frightened that he couldn't speak fluently.

Xu Ying felt relieved after hearing this. Jin Buye had seen the true face of the ancestor god and would surely understand.

He left Jin Buyi there and returned to the thatched cottage. Near the thatched cottage, Baxia, Bifang, and Tianpeng, the strong men of the demon clan, were all parked not far away. Several demon emperors and emperors were also in Tianpeng's camp. The bird rests in the palace palace on its back.

The earth-shattering loud noise just now also alarmed these people, and they were all shocked and confused.

The eyes of Han Demon Emperor and others fell on Xu Ying, each frowned but did not speak.

The next morning, the three emperors continued to stare at the ancestor god, trying to understand the mystery of the soul.

Suddenly, a brilliant divine light soared into the sky in the distance, the light was brilliant, the demonic power surged, and it made one's heart palpitate. It was the bloodline belonging to the imperial clan among the demon clan that was awakening!

Everyone ignored the ancestral gods and looked around one after another, only to see a sacred tree in the distance taking root in the sky and the earth, rising out of ten suns, extremely magnificent.

And behind this towering sacred tree, a twelve-story tower emerged. Jin Buyi's soul flew out of the twelve-story tower, bathing in the glow and soaring into the Yaochi!

The sight of the three-legged golden crow spirit flying into the Yaochi seems to contain the mystery of Tao.

Overnight, he refined the twelve signs of the soul! Everyone was surprised and confused.

That is to say, he met the ancestral god! Jin Daoli, Jin Yiqi and Jin Lan looked at each other.

They observed the Ancestral God yesterday and learned nothing for a whole day, but Jin Buye and Xu Ying ran out to play for a day!

Jin Buyi slept in the same room as Xu Ying last night, and then he learned by himself without any teacher, and understood the twelve signs of the soul from the ancestor god.

The three people's hearts skipped a beat, and their eyes fell on Xu Ying.

At this time, Xu Ying was carrying a toilet bucket out, preparing to dump the Ancestor God's urine in the waste pool.

The three of them looked at each other, quietly stood up, and followed Xu Ying.

Xu Ying seemed to be unaware of it and let the three people follow him all the way. When they arrived at the waste pool, they saw that although the waste pool had a name, it was actually a large piece of dark void with no bottom.

Xu Ying emptied the toilet bowl, turned around, and saw Jin Daoli and three people standing not far behind him.

With your guidance, Jin Buyi completed the twelve signs of the Yuan Shen overnight and obtained the true inheritance of the Ancestral God.

Jin Daoli was dressed in white clothes, with a sword on his waist and a jade pendant. He was quite elegant and said with a smile, Xu Ying, can you tell me how you let him get the true inheritance of the ancestors?

Xu Ying held the toilet bucket and said with a smile: So you are bullying Mr. Jin?

The three of them didn't understand.

Jin Lan said: We want to know how to get the true inheritance of the ancestors? Mr. Xu...

Xu Ying smiled and said: If it hadn't been for Lord Jin, I wouldn't be here now. For the sake of the position of emperor, you have deliberately planned to deal with him and get the Donghuang Pingtian Jue from him, right?

Jin Yiqi coughed and said: This matter was agreed to by all the Demon Emperors, and the Donghuang Pingtian Jue is an Imperial Clan technique, not Jin Buyi's. Once he obtains this technique, he must pass it on to the Imperial Clan.

Jin Daoli and Jin Lan nodded.

Xu Ying snorted, with a fierce look in his eyes, and was about to take action, but suddenly the voice of the Cold Demon Emperor came: Master Xu, what the three emperors said is not wrong. Let Jin Buyi hand over the Donghuang Pingtian Jue, is it? The meaning of our three demon emperors.

The Phoenix Demon Emperor's voice came: The Imperial Clan is already sparsely populated. In the Demon Clan's ancestral court, there are not a few people who covet the Eastern Emperor's Pingtian Jue inside and outside, and there are also many who sneak attack and plot against Jin Buli. In order to avoid the Eastern Emperor's The Pingtian Jue was lost again, so we decided to pass this Demon Emperor technique on to the three emperor sons.

Demon Emperor Kun came over and said with a smile: Master Xu, don't get me wrong, the three of us have always been fair. After Jin Bu inherited the Donghuang Pingtian Jue, he was at the same starting point as the three emperors. In this way, It’s fair, no one can take advantage of anyone else.”

The Cold Demon Emperor and the Phoenix Demon Emperor walked over to the three emperors and walked to the front of Xu Ying.

The three demon kings occupied three directions, and behind Xu Ying was the waste pool.

The Han Demon Emperor chuckled and said: Young Master Xu is a wonderful man. He knows how to understand the true form of the ancestor god and understand the twelve signs of the soul. Since Young Master Xu passed this method on to Jin Buyi, then to be fair, Xu The young master will also pass on this skill to the three emperors.

Phoenix Demon Emperor and Kun Demon Emperor nodded slowly with smiles on their faces.

Phoenix Demon Emperor smiled and said: Master Xu knows what he should do.

Xu Ying glanced at the three of them, unable to suppress the anger in his heart, and said: Is this how you threatened Lord Jin in the first place?

The three demon kings smiled and said: You can also say that.

Xu Ying threw up the bucket in his hand, and the next moment a Cancan Yuan Shen appeared, holding the bucket with one hand, and shining it in the air, he saw a golden light flashing by, and with a swish sound, the Kun Demon Emperor was put into the bucket, and he No chance to resist!

Xu Ying Yuan Shen shined the barrel towards the Cold Demon Emperor. The Cold Demon Emperor roared angrily, and the Wan Zhang Yuan Shen appeared behind him. The next moment, his body skyrocketed, terrifying divine power exploded, and the true form of the ancient giant beast was about to appear!

The energy and blood in his body circulated, bursting out with a loud sound of earth shattering, and the natural power in his blood caused the surrounding space to continuously collapse!

Before he showed his true body, the power he displayed had already reached the level of an Immortal Lord!

However, a ray of light shone out from the toilet bowl of the Ancestral God, and the divine light caused the Cold Demon Emperor's eyes, ears, mouth and nose to spurt blood. He wanted to change, but he couldn't, and he was pulled into the toilet with a hiss!

The toilet bucket contained two demon emperors, and it was like a bottomless pit that was never full.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, the Phoenix Demon Emperor immediately rose into the sky, turned into five-color light, and flew through the air. In an instant, he was thousands of miles away!

Xu Ying Yuanshen raised the barrel high. The Phoenix Demon Emperor was an ancient alien species with nine heads and four wings. The four wings vibrated and broke through the layers of void. However, when she looked back, she saw a horrifying scene!

But he saw countless voids falling into the wooden barrel. Although he was flying fast, he could not offset the speed of the voids falling!

What kind of treasure is this?

She screamed and fell into the barrel.

Xu Ying collected the three demon emperors, turned around, and poured the three demon emperors in the bucket into the waste pool. The three demon kings screamed and were swept away by the void under the waste pool, disappearing without a trace.

Xu Ying turned around, put down the bucket, looked at the three emperors Jin Daoli, Jin Yiqi and Jin Lan, and said with a kind face: Don't worry, I won't bully you with the ancestor god toilet bucket. This fight is a fair fight!

His face showed excitement, and his excited voice cracked: In this battle, there are seven of us, beating three of you!

——Thank you to Mr. Zhaicai for the three golden rewards. Thank you for your hard work~

Thank you to the Chacha Federation for your double silver support, and thank you to the leader of Aoao’s Sesame Paste and Water Meter Reader for the reward~

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