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Chapter 457 Xu Laogou must die!

The three Xu Ying couldn't catch up, so they flew back one after another and landed next to Xu Ying.

Xu Ying glared angrily, but the three Xu Ying didn't care at all.

Xu Ruo shouted: What are you looking at? We are you too, and it was your idea that we took the opportunity to hurt her!

With a thought in Xu Ying's mind, the three Xu Yings turned into the three vitalities of Taiqing, Yuqing and Shangqing and returned to Xu Ying's body.

Xu Ying discerned his thoughts and sighed secretly: It was indeed my idea to plot against Joy and try to take back the four magic weapons. I am so despicable.

He was in high spirits, without any sadness or remorse.

He did remember the name of the woman in red, but not much. I don’t remember any experiences I had with Joy.

Joy took control of Xiancha and fled all the way, escaping from the wilderness of the Northern Territory of the ancestral home where Xu Ying was. Looking back, he breathed a sigh of relief when he didn't see Xu Ying chasing after him.

She stopped to treat her injuries, tore her clothes, revealing her pink and white skin, took out each medicine bottle from the Xiyi Domain, poured out various elixirs from them, drank them with her head raised, and took out several elixirs, pulled off the leaves or The rhizome is taken orally or applied to wounds.

Joy owns Xiancha and monopolizes the job of sneaking across the Tianhe River. Immortals who want to go to the lower world or even recruit people from the mortal world need to go through her before they can travel between immortals.

Naturally, she is like a lion, asking for elixirs, elixirs, techniques, magical powers, magical weapons and other treasures from stowaways. She has gained considerable wealth in these years.

Some of the elixirs she used to smear the wounds were treasures among treasures, and only the Immortal King and Immortal Lord could have one or two in their mansions. However, there are many in her case. These wound medicines have different effects and can even treat injuries in wounds, which is extremely extraordinary!

The three Xu Yings who had hurt her just now were due to Xu Ying's violent and violent character. They took advantage of her confusion and seriously injured her, almost killing her.

Joy suppressed her injuries and sat on the fairy tree with her feet hanging down. The fairy tree floated in the air. The red dress behind her floated out of the fairy tree and swayed in the wind.

The old thief's ability is the same as mine. Most of his ability lies in the five magic weapons behind him. The five magic weapons make up his five external realms. The same is true for me.

Joyful eyes flashed, and he whispered: This time, three of his incarnations attacked me and almost took off these four magic weapons. In other words, his weaknesses are the same as mine. I took off his five magic weapons, and it was easy to kill him. many.

Her injuries gradually stabilized.

At this time, a huge sky-repairing artifact rose not far away. Dao patterns clung to it like a dragon, crawling on the surface of the artifact. Dao light gradually emitted from the inside of the artifact and gradually connected with the light emitted by other sky-repairing artifacts.

A scholar in white clothes slowly floated up, observing the artifact and checking its operation.

When Joy saw the scholar in white, she was startled and wanted to run away. Suddenly, the scholar in white turned around and looked at her, leaving her with no time to escape.

She simply stopped hiding and whispered: Little brat.

The scholar in white was none other than Little Heavenly Lord. He walked towards this side and said with a smile, It's you indeed. Senior Sister Joy...

Call Master Xi! Xi Xi said fiercely.

Little Tianzun sneered: You learned your skills from your teacher, and I also learned my skills from my teacher. Why are you my uncle and I my nephew?

Joy sneered: Just because you didn't get his true inheritance. Just because everything you learned was taught to you carelessly. Just because you can't even learn the Eight Wastelands Sun Refining Furnace, even the Chaotic Sea of ​​Stars, the Sinking Star You can’t even learn the sacred tree or reverse the world! Ergou, why don’t you call me uncle?”

Little Tianzun laughed angrily: I have obviously learned better! Moreover, if I am the second dog, you will be the big dog, and you will still be the senior sister!

The two of them looked at each other, their faces looking a little ferocious.

Joy didn't care about him, looked around, and said lazily: Er Gou has been successful recently and made the ancestral court very lively. I am also happy for you.

She didn't look happy for Little Tianzun at all, but showed a jealous look.

Coming from the same school, her junior brother did better than her, which made her feel a little uncomfortable.

Little Tianzun was very happy and said with a smile: I am so happy to be recognized by Senior Sister. Senior Sister, your jealous face is distorted, please calm down.

In front of him, Joy didn't want to restrain herself at all, she just wanted to show her jealousy.

——Only jealousy from the senior sister is the best compliment to Little Tianzun.

You must know that the joy of that year was another object of worship for Xiao Tianzun. Even the people you admired back then are jealous of your current achievements. You can imagine the value of this compliment.

Little Tianzun suppressed the joy in his heart and said, Senior sister, are you still chasing the teacher?

Did you call him teacher again?

Joy glanced at him, Didn't you call him Xu Laogou before? Didn't you hate him so much that you wanted to kill him? Yes, you met him a long time ago. Not only did you not kill him, you were also killed. He bought it.

She sneered: He helped you complete these heaven-repairing artifacts, right?

She pointed at Little Tianzun and said loudly: You have forgotten that you were abandoned by him, just like abandoning a wild dog! Everyone in the entire ancestral family was abandoned by him, just like abandoning a pack of wild dogs!

Little Tianzun hesitated for a moment, then stepped forward and climbed onto the Xiancha.

Joy stared at his feet with fierce eyes and was very unhappy: Go down! You've soiled my boat!

Little Tianzun was used to being cruel to her when he was a child. After hearing this, he hurriedly got off the boat. He didn't wake up until he got off the boat: Why should I be afraid of her? I am now the Little Tianzun of the ancestral court, the number one person in the ancestral court, and my cultivation strength has long been Surpass her! I can beat her ten times!

He thought fiercely, but he did not dare to set foot on Xiancha again.

Sister, I don't think the teacher is that kind of person.

Little Tianzun mustered up his courage and said, Besides, he has suffered for more than 40,000 years, so any resentment should be relieved.

Joy snorted: A woman's kindness!

She couldn't help but think of the past, when Xu Tianzun was famous all over the ancestral court and was famous all over the world. The ancestral court was also revitalized with his arrival, and there were countless people who followed Xu Ying.

She is one of them.

She even had some strange little fantasies and longings, but one day, Xu Ying left everyone behind without saying a word and ascended to the fairy world.

When a woman's hatred arises, she will naturally hate it harder and longer than a man.

So she also wants to ascend, become an immortal, and enter the fairy world!

It took her three hundred years to practice all kinds of secret skills to the level where she was promised back then. She finally survived the catastrophe and ascended to the immortal world.

After arriving in the fairy world, she discovered that Xu had become the number one eagle dog in the fairy world!

Mr. Xu has actually become so high up that he has become the head of the fighting department in the Immortal Realm, which is specially used to suppress dissidents. Mr. Xu and Mr. Xu Tianzun are the three real people in the fight!

The old dog also got very close to another beautiful fairy in the fairy world, and there were even good stories about the two of them!

How could Xiao Xixian tolerate this?

She had sneaked into Doubu several times and assassinated Xu Laogou, but Xu Ying escaped each time. She also managed to escape from death and avoid being chased by Dou Bu.

Since then, Dobu has been trying to capture her everywhere. She couldn't survive in the fairy world, so she went to the borderland. By chance, she became the leader of the snake in charge of smuggling into the fairy world.

She also got a nickname: Xiao Xixian, the Immortal Trader.

But after Joy settled down in the fairy world, she heard the news about Xu Ying again, and she was already a rebel against Xu Ying.

She looked for traces of Xu Ying, only to find that Xu Ying had already fallen.

When she found Xu Ying again, Xu Ying was already a fool in the world.

I originally wanted to kill him, but every time I go there and see that he is not living well and that he is being fooled like a fool, I feel happier and more satisfied than if I kill him.

Joy whispered, My hatred for him is that he betrayed himself! As long as I see him suffering, I feel that he has been repaid. So I often sneak into the lower world to see how he is doing. Every time Seeing his miserable appearance, I felt that the way of heaven is reincarnation and retribution is not good. This time, I saw that his life was getting better and better, and I felt that the sky has no eyes. Since the sky can't do it, then I will do it myself!

Her ferocious look reminded Little Tianzun of that time.

At that time, Xu Ying ascended, filled with joy and anger, he practiced like crazy, polished his skills, and vowed to ascend to the fairy world to find Xu Ying to find out. He couldn't see his senior sister torturing him like this, so he tried to comfort her, but Joy grabbed her by the collar and lifted her up.

At that time, there was anger burning in Joy's eyes, and she shouted to him: I must go up and ask him for an explanation! I can't let his reputation be insulted. I want to find him, understand the truth, and tell those uncles that he has never He has never betrayed me! If he really betrays me, I will strangle him to death with my own hands, do you understand?

He was thrown to the ground by her, and Xiao Tianzun will always remember that scene.

Little Tianzun was silent for a moment and said: Senior sister, didn't the teacher have other reasons for abandoning us and ascending to the immortal world?

Difficulties? Difficulties are nothing!

Joy said angrily, I was as naive as you. I thought that after he ascended to the immortal world and worked hard to govern, he would definitely try to change this decadent immortal world! I originally thought that after he became an immortal official, he would take care of the people in the lower world and the ancestral court. , Let the ancestors get rid of the identity of the devil! I originally thought he had other reasons! But what? I sneaked into Doubu and lurked in front of his door every day, and I saw him drinking and drinking every day, having sex every night, and the girls around him were different every day!

She was furious: When there are no girls, that's when he raises troops to suppress the rebels. His methods are cruel! He is no longer himself, he must be chopped into pieces and fed to the dogs!

Xiao Tianzun wanted to defend Xu Ying, but he had never ascended and had not seen Xu Ying's actions in the immortal world, so he had no way to defend himself.

Sister, the first generation Xu Tianzun is dead.

He thought for a moment and said, Whether he is good or evil, whether he betrays himself or his ideals, whether he has other motives, he is already dead. The one who survives now is not Xu Tianzun, but He is a young man who catches snakes. Senior sister, stop it and put it down.

Joy was full of murderous intent and sneered: If I don't stop and let go, are you going to kill me?

Little Tianzun shook his head and said: You are my closest relative, how could I do something to you? But the teacher is also your closest relative.

He turned around and walked away, continuing to work on the plan to mend the sky, and said, Do you really have the heart to do something to him?

Joy sat on the fairy tree, lost in thought, as if he was examining his own heart to see if he could really kill Xu Ying.

After a long time, she whispered: The Duke of Zhou was afraid of rumors, but Wang Mang was humble and did not usurp the throne. Xiangshi died at the beginning, who knows the truth in his life? I have already identified his authenticity, how can I not Dare to kill? What's more...

She was silent in her heart.

What's more, she has already informed many of Xu Ying's old friends for this big plan to kill Xu. For example, some real people from Doube!

Even if I can't kill him, his old friends in Dobu will definitely kill him!

The Great Wilderness of the Northern Territory.

Emperor Cangtian came over, and the old god said: Fellow Daoist Xu, does that woman have anything to do with you?

Xu Ying shook his head and said, I don't remember either, I just know that I know her. Where did Brother Dao go just now?

Emperor Cangtian said: Look at the scenery.

Xu Ying took a deep look at the middle-aged Taoist, and the Cangtian Emperor laughed loudly. He brought up the old things again and said: If there is an ambush on the road ahead, they must be chasing me. The leader of the Four Saints of the North Pole is not in vain!

However, the whole journey was uneventful and we never encountered any ambush.

The Cangtian Emperor couldn't help but secretly raised his head several times, looking at the sky with suspicion.

What's going on with the guys in the fairy world? Are we, the Four Saints of the North Pole, really a thing of the past?

The two of them finally came to the vicinity of the Tiandao Ancestral Court. Xu Ying looked around and saw that there were collapsed statues everywhere. The statues were extremely old. Some of their bodies were buried under the heavy soil, with only half of their heads exposed. Some were already dead. Weathered, unable to see clearly.

They are buried more or less underground, and there is no scent of incense on their bodies.

The incense belonging to these gods has long since dispersed. No one remembers their names anymore, no one worships them anymore, no one lights a stick of incense or burns a piece of paper for them.

The death of an ancient god is as simple as that. He often dies in silence.

Xu Ying glanced at the Cangtian Emperor. This emperor had an extremely strong scent of incense and was also called the Ancestor of All Gods. So, is he related to these ancient gods who have died silently?

Emperor Cangtian seemed to understand his thoughts, his eyes were dark, and he said: I was born in the ancestral court of heaven. Although I have the title of ancestor of all gods outside, I am actually not that old. This wasteland There are many stone statues on it, which are actually older than me. The real ancestor of all gods is the ancestral god.

He looked solemn and said: He is the first god in the world. It is said that he is even older than the ancient times. He appeared before humans and was the first god in the world to control the way of heaven. It is an innate belief. He is made of the way of heaven. , the ancestor of his primordial spirit, the primordial spirit practiced by Qi Refiners, was cultivated based on him as a template. He is the ancestral god, the primordial spirit of all things in the world, and the primordial spirit of the universe and stars!

Xu Ying was fascinated and couldn't wait to see this existence.

That's why the Ancestral God was not killed by the immortal world. He cannot be killed.

Emperor Cangtian sighed, But his life is not easy either.

He used his divine power to gather earth into incense, lit the earth incense, and placed it on the wild land of the Northern Territory.

He bowed and worshiped. No god in the world was qualified to accept his worship, except the ancestor god.

The air of incense flew out and gathered in the heaven and earth of the Northern Territory to form a gate of incense.

Xu Ying looked at this scene in surprise. The Cangtian Emperor stood up and led him into the portal.

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