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Chapter 458 The Ancestral Court of Heaven

Stepping into this door of incense, Xu Ying immediately felt that the divine power like a vast ocean filled the world, vigorous and vigorous, yang and Yang transformed and nurtured, and joyful and prosperous.

Its divine power has all the phenomena of heaven, the radius of earth, as big as the way of stars, and as small as the way of transformation of all things, all within it.

Its spiritual consciousness is ancient and profound, just like the beginning of the Qi of heaven and earth, when the stars sprouted and were born from the Qi. Just like the beginning of all living things, consciousness sprouts and order emerges from chaos and disorder.

Xu Ying was amazed by these divine ways, divine powers, and divine consciousness, thinking that the wonders of heaven's ways were nothing more than this.

This type of Heavenly Dao surpasses the Heavenly Dao he has comprehended. Xu Ying used to think that he had understood all the mysteries of Heavenly Dao. Now it seems that he understands three thousand Heavenly Dao runes and is probably just getting started.

Xu Ying looked up and saw brilliant galaxies hanging in the sky. The movements of the sun, moon and stars were very close at hand. He could even see swirling galaxies and clouds, as if they were hanging in the sky not far away.

He can see the worlds in these galaxies and nebulae, which are all heavens and realms, each with its own shape!

He raised his head to distinguish, and after a while, he finally found Yuanshou and recognized Shenzhou, and he couldn't hide his excitement.

From a distance, the world of Yuanshui looks like a large patch of crabapple leaves.

In other worlds, the shapes are also different. Some are like round pancakes, some look like phoenixes from a distance, some are like black turtles, and some are like big fish.

However, the universe only occupies a corner of the sky.

It can even be said to be a very small corner!

Xu Ying looked at other areas and saw vast tracts of ocean. In addition, there were some completely unfamiliar areas that he had never seen before!

The void of the universe is not limited to all heavens and realms?

At this time, he saw a blank area, which was extremely conspicuous.

Xu Ying was surprised when he suddenly heard a voice saying: Fellow Daoist Xu, Brother Tianpeng, you are so tall and you still look up at the sky, how can I talk to you?

Xu Ying heard the sound and quickly looked down, only to see the short-figured earth god from the Tiandao Ancestral Court arriving at the feet of the two of them at some unknown time.

Xu Ying was an eight-foot boy, and the Cangtian Emperor was taller than him, but the Earth God was only one or two feet tall, making him very small.

The land was very happy when he saw Xu Ying and said with a smile: Master Xu is indeed here. He is indeed a trustworthy person.

Xu Ying secretly felt ashamed and said in his heart: Taoist Yuan from the Shangqing Ancestral Court and his uncle strongly invited me to be a guest at the Shangqing Ancestral Court. I haven't gone yet, but instead went to the Tiandao Ancestral Court. Now, Taoist Yuan He and his uncle should be waiting for me in the Taiqing Ancestral Court eagerly?

In Lihentian Doushui Palace, Taoist Yuan's young uncle was walking around him and suddenly stopped: I heard the news that Xu Ying came to the ancestral court!

Taoist Yuan was still meditating, and the old god said: Uncle, please be patient. Mr. Xu is a man of faith. He will definitely come if he says he will come.

The young master uncle said: Are you sure he is a believer?

Taoist Yuan hesitated, a little unsure.

It had been more than three years since he said goodbye to Xu Ying. Xu Ying said that he was going to solve the Immortal World Cave Heaven. When the Immortal World Cave Heaven was refined, he would go to the Taiqing Ancestral Court to meet them and go to the Shangqing Ancestral Court together.

However, they waited here for three years and finally heard the news about Xu Ying. They waited and waited, but Xu Ying still did not come.

Uncle, please be patient...

Before Taoist Yuan could say anything else, the young uncle said, I think Taoist Taiqing is a little tired of us. We have been eating and drinking here.

Taoist Yuan had long noticed that Taoist Taiqing was tired of them, but he just pretended not to know.

Uncle Junior, I have been deceiving you for three years, and this is the moment. Taoist Yuan said.

Do you think Xu Ying will go to other ancestral homes?

Isn't it possible? Mr. Xu is a trustworthy person!

The Earth God offered a big drum and jumped on it. The big drum floated, carrying him and leading Xu Ying forward. He said with a smile: Mr. Xu, Brother Tianpeng, you don't know something. It has been very lively in the past few days. In addition to you, there are also some ancient gods who come to pay homage to the ancestor gods.”

Xu Ying looked around and saw a majestic stone statue standing in the vast plain under the sky, exuding a rich aroma of incense.

Those should be extremely ancient gods, extremely powerful, but they fell into a deep sleep for some reason.

There was a faint sound coming from the sky and the earth, as if the gods were whispering, solemn and solemn.

Emperor Cangtian's heart moved slightly and he asked, Are there any other Taoist brothers who have recovered?

is not that right?

The earth god smiled and said, Master Xu resurrected some heaven and earth souls. Those heaven and earth souls knew that it was difficult to support a single tree, so they came to the ancestral court to pay homage to the ancestral gods. Yama from the ten palaces of the ancient underworld also came and left just the day before yesterday. Apart from them, In addition, there are also some new gods, Dongyue and Cangwu, who also come to visit and ask for advice from the ancestor gods, and talk about taking back the underworld.

Xu Ying blinked, Dongyue and Cangwu were the four giants of the underworld, with extremely ancient origins. Unexpectedly, they were called new gods by the earth god.

Seeing his confusion, Tu Tu said: The heavens and the world are fragments of the earth's immortal world. There was no underworld originally. Later, people migrated there, and immortals, gods, and humans were separated, and the underworld came into existence. Therefore, the gods in that place are called new gods. .”

Xu Ying suddenly realized: So that's it.

The deeper you go into the ancestral palace of heaven, the taller the stone statues inside become, and the more amazing their divine power becomes. Xu Ying even sees the scent of incense around some statues like streamers, constantly flowing around his body. Among those incense streamers, there are floating runes of heaven that flicker and fade!

The complete three thousand heavenly runes!

Xu Ying was shocked and looked at the statue with some awe in his heart. He is also proficient in three thousand Heavenly Dao runes, and is an expert at studying the subtleties of Heavenly Dao. Even many god kings are far behind him!

But when he saw this statue, he knew that the other person's attainments were higher than his own, and the way of heaven was more complete!

Especially its divine power, which is as vast as a long river. It must have been sacrificed by hundreds of millions of sentient beings for who knows how long before they can cultivate to such a high level!

With such huge divine power, a single thought can even influence the weather changes in the heavens and the world!

This god-man is the sky of the old world.

The Earth God was very attentive to him, and by observing his words and expressions, he knew what Xu Ying was thinking. He floated in front, turned around and smiled, When Mr. Xu came here last time, he looked at him again and again, and even studied with him for a long time.

Xu Ying couldn't help but widen his eyes when he heard the words, and lost his voice: Have I been here?

The Earth God smiled and said: Of course you have been here. How often do you camp? You come to the ancestral court and turn the ancestral court upside down. What immortal tomb have you not entered before? No corner can catch you. You run to the way of heaven. Ancestral Court, come and see the Ancestral God and learn the twelve signs of the Yuan Shen.”

He jumped up suddenly, jumped onto Xu Ying's shoulders, turned his head to look at Xu Ying's throat, shook his head and said: It's not authentic, but it's still not authentic. You still need to see the ancestor god again!

He jumped back on his drum and said, When Mr. Xu came here last time, he still stood in front of this stone statue for a long time.

He came to another towering stone statue. Xu Ying walked over and saw that the statue looked majestic, like a god and a human being, with a compassionate face. The stone statue spreads its arms, as if sacrificing itself to pray for the ancestors.

However, this stone statue has no scent of incense and no heavenly runes. It seems to be dead.

Why am I standing in front of a dead god?

Xu Ying was surprised, suddenly in a trance, and saw his other self standing in front of the dead stone statue, whispering two words.

When Xu Ying heard these two words, he couldn't help repeating them and whispered: Tianzun.

What? The Ancestral Land and Cangtian emperors were confused and looked back.

Xu Ying woke up and said with a smile: I suddenly remembered that I was standing here and said something, so I said it. I said at that time...

His expression suddenly changed, and an idea jumped into his mind, startling the other six promises.

Seven kinds of voices came out of Xu Ying's mouth at the same time, some were vicious, some were angry, some were cynical, some were angry, all mixed together!


What a good dog!

What a bad dog!

Have a great time, Tianzun!

Zuting Tutu looked at him blankly, and saw different sounds coming from Xu Ying's mouth, and his face would change with the changes of the sounds, sometimes ferocious, sometimes ferocious, sometimes manic, sometimes growling.

Di Di looked at Emperor Cangtian, who was used to it, and said: He occasionally makes such a problem, but don't worry, he seems to have found the art of balance, and he will soon be back to his original state.

Sure enough, Xu Ying quickly recovered and looked at the two of them politely, without the crazy look just now.

I suddenly remembered something, so I lost my composure. Xu Ying apologized.

Zuting Tutu stammered: Didn't you think of something? You are sick...

The Cangtian Emperor quietly tugged at his sleeves, and he finally woke up and quickly shut up and stopped talking about his illness. Emperor Cangtian sent a message: I also saw that he was sick, so I brought him to see the ancestor god. Don't point it out, or scare him away.

Xu Ying looked at the stone statue and said with a smile: I suddenly remembered Tianzun's words just now, and then when I saw this dead ancient god, I realized it. It turns out that Tianzun, who is in charge of the Lei Department in the immortal world, was actually from the heaven. Ancestral Court.”

The emperor of the ancestral court and the sky were stunned.

Xu Ying's eyes flashed with excitement: No wonder he can create the world of heaven, slaying the gods of the underworld and the gods of Kunlun to replace them. No wonder he can refine heaven's artifacts and heaven's treasures. The ancient gods who came from the ancestral court are like this This shouldn’t be unusual.”

Ancestral God Tutu hurriedly said: This is another ancient god, who is also a Qi practitioner, a cultivator of both immortals and gods. His name is Yuan Daohai, later known as Daohai Zhenren. After the Ancestral God was attacked, he also came here and used his own Divine power, pray for the ancestral gods to prolong their lives. You see, so many ancient gods in the ancestral court of heaven have turned to stone, using their own divine power to prolong the lives of the ancestral gods. They have been sitting on this wasteland for sixty years. It’s been thousands of years.”

Xu Ying's eyes flashed and he said: But the stone statue of Yuan Daohai is empty, and it doesn't even have any divine power.

Zu Ting sighed and said: Although Daohai Zhenren has great magical powers, he is not a real ancient god after all. He exhausted his magical power, so he died here.

Xu Ying stood in front of the stone statue of Yuan Daohai and suddenly said: What are the attainments of Dao Hai in heaven?

A little worse than the sky in the old world.

Ancestral Land was afraid that he would not understand, so he quickly said, Tian is a god based on the image of the ancestral god. It is one of the oldest gods. The way of heaven is the purest way of heaven. Although Daohai Zhenren is tied with him , In fact, it’s because Daohai Zhenren gave up his life to save the ancestor god, so he is ranked here.”

Xu Ying nodded lightly and said: Then the golden cicada, the Daohai real person, escaped from his shell and went to the immortal world to become the Heavenly Lord of the Thunder Department. No, he should have gone to the immortal world first. When the world of heaven was created, relying on his understanding of heaven, he could Ascend to the throne of Leibu Tianzun.”

The land of the ancestral court laughed angrily, and kicked the big drum up with a heavy kick of his little feet. His face was full of evil, and he sneered: Xu Ying, I have tolerated you for a long time! You were lawless last time and ran to the way of heaven. You are acting wild in the ancestral court! If the ancestral god had not favored you, I would have taught you a lesson! Now, you dare to slander Daohai, the real person who dedicated his life for the ancestral god. I have to let you know today that the sky is high and the earth is high!

Xu Ying smiled and said: Since he is a human, why did he turn into stone after death? Where is his body?

The ancestral land was about to beat the big drum and blast his spirit, but he couldn't help but be stunned after hearing this.

Xu Ying walked past him and said with a smile: Jin Chan is good at shedding her shell, which means I can deceive you. If you want to deceive me, who has seven eyes, you are far from it! Yuan Daohai, you are really a dog! There are so many nurturing gods and kings in the world of heaven, and even the runes on the heavenly artifacts are wrong...

He was full of admiration for Tianzun and said with a smile: The most important thing is that even the heavenly treasure jade you created is wrong, the heavenly runes on it are wrong! As long as the immortals who have transcended the tribulations and ascended from the heavens and the worlds, the heavenly runes they have crossed Tribulation is all one-sided, and it’s all under your control, right?”

It not only weakened the ascended immortals, but also controlled the lives of these immortals.

More importantly, if other high-level officials in the immortal world also want to use the Dao of Heaven to practice certain skills and magical powers, wouldn't it mean that there are flaws in their skills and magical powers that only the original Daohai knows about?

For example, Tai Sui Tianzun Ning Zhong's Supreme Xuanyuan Yutang Dharma was refined with the help of heaven!

The last time Mr. Ning Qing used this skill and magical power, he was easily defeated by Xu Ying, who was proficient in the way of heaven. What if Tai Sui Tianzun Ning Zhong used this skill and magical power to deal with Tianzun?

He must die extremely neatly, right?

The Emperor, Yuan Jun, Ning Zhong Tianzun and others have laid out their plans for the heavens and the worlds to stir up chaos in the worlds, and there is also the number one fortune teller in the immortal world who brings the Jade Plate of Return to the Dao to cause trouble everywhere, reviving the great road of the ancient era. .Only Tianzun was loyal to the Immortal Court, putting out fires everywhere, suppressing the gods of Kunlun, and suppressing the four emperors of the underworld, and suffered heavy casualties for this.

Xu Ying was filled with emotion, But the one who most hopes for chaos in the world is probably Tianzun. But, he hides it the deepest!

He looked at the stone statue of Yuan Daohai, the man who raised his arms as if sacrificing himself to pray for the ancestors, and the smile on his face seemed to become meaningful.

————It’s the last day of the month, and your monthly pass will expire if you leave it alone! !

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