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Chapter 456 Nine Treasures Gather

Xu Shao interjected: I think this girl is the romantic partner of our first life!

Xu Bao said: The wrongdoers from back then come to visit us, what should we do?

Xu Ru said: That was the romantic debt of the first life, what does it have to do with me now?

Xu Huang was very cautious: No matter who I slept with in my first life, I don't recognize him!

Xu Ying suddenly said loudly: Don't make any noise!

As soon as these words came out, Emperor Cangtian and Xiao Xixian were both startled.

I saw Xu Ying turned his back furtively and whispered: Don't make any noise, either of you. I think this may not be a romantic debt, it may be to seek revenge... a sneak attack? Don't worry, let's find out the origin first. ...I am not merciful just because she is beautiful...your name is Xu Yin!

Emperor Cangtian sighed in his heart: I'm sick again. Well, it should be said that I have never gotten better.

Xiao Xixian smiled and said: Xu Tianzun is even more stupid than before, pretending not to recognize me.

Xu Ying comforted the other six, turned around, and said with a smile: This girl, we really don't remember the past. You and I should have known each other for the first time, right? Can you tell me the story? ?”

Xiao Xixian stood on the fairy chalet and took some time to relax, and said leisurely: What else is there to say? It's just a story about love and hatred. How much respect Xu Tianzun received back then, how much contempt he received later, how much love he got, and then How much resentment there is. One drink and one peck, it’s all predetermined. You have to bear the corresponding consequences for what you do!”

Although she was smiling, the hatred in her eyes made people shudder.

In order to kill you smoothly, I have been observing your magical power all the way, and before that, I made a special trip to visit some of your old friends.

A valuable treasure suddenly appeared behind her, which was a black iron entrance gate, standing between heaven and earth, simple and majestic.

The door of the black iron entrance gate opens, and the magnificent Milky Way comes into view!

Xu Ying's heart beat violently, and he suddenly felt a connection between qi and blood.

This black iron entrance is...

Xiao Xixian offered this treasure and saw the entrance floating behind her, transforming into the first knocking stage state, making her foundation extremely strong.

Do you still remember this treasure? This treasure was originally the first secret door that grew on your body. Only when you open this treasure can you truly step into the door of Qi refining.

Xiao Xixian chuckled and said, Back then, you visited the Heavenly Pass seven times, destroyed the Heavenly Road, and were defeated and captured. The person who got your first entrance was the Immortal King Xi Yuren. This woman refined your entrance into the Immortal King's magic weapon. When the treasure is opened, it can connect to the long-lost Tianhe and attract the power of the supreme Tianhe. I went to find the Immortal King Xi, who lived in seclusion in the abyss of the mysterious sea. I was not her opponent originally, but fortunately I was very patient. I kept waiting until the moment she left Tianyuan, and I killed her with a fairy tree to get this treasure.

A second treasure flew out of her body. It was also a entrance hall, showing a brass color and being thick and majestic.

This entrance hall actually gave Xu Ying a familiar feeling.

You should remember this treasure, right?

Xiao Xixian raised her hand to touch the entrance, and said leisurely, This treasure is your second knocking stage. Your second knocking stage fell into the hands of the God King Xuanshu, and was sacrificed by him, becoming the most precious treasure of heaven. God Xuanshu The king is proficient in divine arithmetic. If anyone is hostile to him, he will calculate it before he gets close. In order to get this treasure, I extracted all my memories and refined them into the Guiyuan Mirror. I entered his sacred mountain and finally got close. He, at this time I saw the words written on the mirror that if you approach Xuanshu, break the mirror. I broke the Guiyuan Mirror and understood the cause and effect of this, so I killed the God King Xuanshu and captured this entrance.

The second entrance flew up, landed behind her, and turned into her second external realm, making her aura surge!

In the past, her foundation could not hold too much mana, but now that she has the first and second entrances, her cultivation and mana are constantly improving!

The initial state of the Qi Refiner is like a foundation. The bigger the ground is, the bigger and taller the buildings above it can be.

When she sacrificed the first and second entrances, she had the effect of widening the foundation, allowing her other realms to accommodate more cultivation.

Another divine bridge flew out of her Xiyi territory.

After your death, your Shenqiao stage fell into the hands of the Immortal King Yue Honglei. I took the First Mysterious Entrance and the Second Mysterious Entrance to find her and kill her.

Xiao Xixian sacrificed a Jade Capital City and said leisurely, The only Immortal King Yuan Chengtian who controls your ascension stage is extremely powerful. This person refined the Jade Capital City into an immortal weapon and spread it in the void. The Jade Capital City forms a world of its own, just like A small fairy world. He is the Immortal King in that small fairy world. I took three important treasures and rushed into Yujing, and fought with him fiercely for seven days and seven nights, and then I exhausted him to death.

The moment the divine bridge flew out, there was a feeling that all the Yaochi in the world were being suppressed. And when Yujing City appears, it feels like the clouds are rising, and you feel like you are on the other side when you enter the city!

The Cangtian Emperor had been listening silently. After hearing this, he looked at Xu Ying and said silently in his heart: Fellow Daoist Xu was cut into pieces back then. The immortal kings and gods of the immortal world and the heavenly world were like a group of vultures that ate him up.

He glanced at Xiao Xixian and thought to himself: This woman has worked hard and tried her best to find these four realms at the risk of her life. Then she must have a deep relationship with Taoist Xu. This matter. , it’s not easy for me to interfere.”

Xu Ying was surprised and happy in his heart. These four treasures were the first entrance, the second entrance, the divine bridge and the four realms of ascension that were lost in his first life!

Back then, he killed Chuan Tianlu, but was defeated in the Yuanshou world. He was cut off by the Emperor's Purple Netherworld Sword and divided into realms by his enemies.

The six Nuo ancestors got their six caves and therefore became the Nuo ancestors living in Kunlun. Wu Jue and Ninth each got their twelve-layered tower and Yaochi, and sat in Weixu. God King Xuankong got his refining period and refined the most precious treasure of heaven, the Water-Fire Mixing Heavenly Cauldron, Xuantian got his Five Sacred Mountains, and Penglai Immortal Master Meng Wuhuai got his Third Heaven Pass.

As for the other four realms, Xu Ying has never encountered them and his whereabouts are unknown.

Unexpectedly, these four realms have been found by the woman in red!

Girl, I would be very grateful to you for finding my four realms...

As soon as Xu Ying said this, Xiao Xixian suddenly attacked him!

The Immortal Cha flew up, but he ignored it and crushed it directly. Xiao Xixian, who was standing on the Immortal Cha, let out a roar, flew up in red clothes, with a heroic figure, and stabbed with his sword!

At this moment, the surging sword energy hit his face, and the excitement of the sword energy caused Xu Ying's clothes and sleeves to fly backwards.

A strip of clothing brushed across his face, briefly blocking his view, allowing the girl on the fairy tree in front of him to come into view again. Vaguely, the same girl in red appeared in his memory, but she didn't have this hatred, and she looked younger, still a little girl of thirteen or fourteen years old.

The girl in red followed him, braving the blowing wind and snow, stepping on the waist-deep snow, and kept up with his footsteps, moving forward with difficulty.

I recognize her.

Xu Ying thought to herself, She shouldn't be a bad person.

The majestic sword energy stabbed Xu Ying with boundless killing intent. This sword move was like an ambitious young man dancing a sword in the ice and snow, making a great wish to bring peace to the world with this sword. There is injustice in the world!

When Xu Ying saw this sword, his blood suddenly boiled, and he could feel the enthusiasm in his heart for pioneering this magical sword power!

The Zhuxian Sword is a killing sword with the strongest murderous and evil aura. But at that time, I was full of passion. What I realized from the Zhuxian Sword was not the murderous aura, but the purpose of pacifying the injustices in the world and changing the world!

In this life, Xu Ying's understanding of the Immortal Killing Sword is deeper and stronger than in the first life, but that kind of mind, that kind of feeling, that kind of passionate blood no longer exists.

Xu Ying took a step back and thrust his sword finger out. In this life, he realized that the Zhuxian sword energy met Xiao Xixian's magical sword. The moment the sword energy of the two collided, the hilt of Xiao Xixian's Zhuxian sword exploded with a snap. open.

With the blessing of the four magic weapons, Xiao Xixian transformed into four realms and hung behind her, making her cultivation extremely powerful, far beyond what she promised.

This sword attack took advantage of Xu Ying's mental instability and used Xu Ying's own sword skills, but he still failed to kill him with one blow.

She was bound to succeed with this move, but she didn't know that Xu Ying was panicking, but there were still six people in her body who had not panicked, so they took the lead in displaying the Killing Immortal Sword Qi, and their reaction speed was not slow.

In addition, Xu Ying understood the essence of the Zhuxian Sword in this life, and obtained the secret of the Zhuxian Sword being stronger even if it was lacking. He defeated the strong with the weak and broke through the injustice of Xiao Xixian's sword.

After Xiao Xixian's Zhuxian Sword exploded, the shape of the remaining sword was exactly the same as Xu Ying's Zhuxian Sword Qi.

But there was no joy in Xu Ying's heart, instead there was a hint of sadness.

It is no longer possible for him to understand the feelings and passion of his first life.

After more than 40,000 years of torture, he seemed to have lost something, so he was a little sad.

Buzz buzz-

Behind Xiao Xixian, suddenly a series of extremely bright caves bloomed, brighter than the sun, shining in the sky of the ancestral court!

The six caves opened up by the Six Secret Ancestral Methods.

Who is she? Why did she even learn the six secrets passed down from my Xu family's ancestors? Xu Ying said silently in his heart.

Xiao Xixian's Six Secret Ancestral Dharma was truly passed down, far surpassing the righteous Dharma, and it was an unparalleled blessing to her cultivation strength!

She was originally in the realm of heavenly immortals. After being blessed by the four realms of Xu Ying, plus the Six Secret Ancestral Techniques, her combat power was monstrous, even far better than the two top immortal kings, Ding Simu and Hao Kaiyang!

A brilliant colorful sacred tree suddenly appeared behind her, and the sun, moon and stars sank beneath the tree!

This move is also Xu Ying’s magical power!

Xu Ying quickly retreated and activated the Nine Heavens Dao King Seal, like a Lord of the Dao standing above the Nine Heavens. Under the palm seal, he faced the colorful sacred tree!

The branches and roots of the sacred tree are like avenues, and the thick tree body is even more powerful. When it collides with the Nine Heavens Dao King Seal, the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths are shattered!

Xu Ying retreated again, wanting to ask Cangtian Emperor for help, but when he glanced away, Cangtian Emperor disappeared.

If the Cangtian Emperor is not here, then he cannot sacrifice the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Extermination Immortal Formation and the Purple Netherworld Sword. Xu Ying immediately sacrifices the Buddha beads without thinking!


He urged the Buddha beads to the extreme. Each beads was like a giant Buddha, rotating around Xu Ying's palm and meeting the colorful sacred tree!

The sacred tree suddenly shattered.

Xiao Xixian immediately changed his moves and used another of Xu Ying's magical powers to turn the world around. Suddenly the world was reversed, causing chaos in the Dao phenomena in Xu Ying's palm.

Although this magical power was created by Xu Ying, its power is far greater than that of Xu Ying. The main reason is that Xiao Xixian's cultivation is so powerful that the magical power explodes with astonishing power.

The fight turned the world upside down, almost turning everything inside Xu Ying's body upside down.

Xu Ying immediately moved his head and feet, urging Douzhuan Qiankun to reverse the situation. However, Xiancha was too fast and crashed into him!

Xiao Xixian stood on the bow of the ship, raised his right arm high, and chopped it off with a wave of his hand. A great abyss of burial tore through the time and space of the ancestral court. Xu Ying's body appeared in the center of this great crack, and his physical body and soul were almost torn to pieces!

The great burial abyss pulled him and fell into the boundless darkness.

Xu Ying activated the Buddha beads, and one hundred and eight giant Buddhas rotated and danced around him. The Buddha's light was bright and flew out of the great abyss.

Xiao Xixian raised his hand to take a picture of the incomplete mountain seal, but saw a majestic mountain falling from the sky and crashing down on Xu Ying!

At this critical moment, a familiar name suddenly appeared in Xu Ying's mind, and he hurriedly shouted: Joy! I remember your name, your name is Joy!

Xiao Xixian was sure to win this blow. Hearing this, he suddenly became confused and recalled the time when he stood confused between the flames and the corpse, crying loudly.

A slender figure stepped across the flames, walked toward her, and squatted down in front of her. It was a boy who was not much older than her.

Little sister, what's your name? the young man asked.

She didn't answer.

The young man smiled and said, You cry so miserably, shall I call you Joy?

He straightened up and looked into the distance: Let's go. Take me forward, and I will avenge you.

She took the young man to the bandit's cottage. The young man took her into the cottage. After a while, he left corpses on the ground.

The young man said goodbye to her and walked into the heavy snow. But she followed the boy, trudging forward through heavy snow up to her waist, and followed him without saying a word.

The young man looked back at her but did not drive her away.

She followed him like this until he became famous all over the world.

The blood of her relatives was on her body, dyeing her clothes red. From then on, she always liked to wear red clothes.

Joy was originally the name the young man casually chose for her. He hoped that she would stop crying, hope that she could get over her sadness, and hope that she could become happy.

At this time, just when Xiao Xixian was about to kill Xu Ying, Xu Ying suddenly called out this name. How could she not be confused?

This seal of hers could no longer fall. Xu Ying took the opportunity to jump out of the abyss of the funeral path. A stream of Qing Qi shot up into the sky above his head. One Qi transformed into three Qings. The three Xu Yings all attacked Xiao Xixian!

These three Xu Ying were cruel and cruel. They slapped Xiao Xixian three times in a row until blood bleeded from the corner of her mouth, and she finally woke up from her memories.

The woman gritted her teeth and saw three Xu Ying coming to kill the four magic weapons behind her. The four magic weapons were on the verge of falling. She immediately activated the Xiancha to break through the air and said angrily: Old thief Xu Ying, I will definitely not hold back next time! I swear to kill you——

————There is no third update, so don’t wait. I'll try to see if I can update it at noon tomorrow, I'm still adjusting it now! ! Even if you are already in the underworld, you still have to kick your legs and struggle!

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