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Chapter 452 I want to meet the bandit leader Xu Tianzun (third update)

The number one thug in Immortal Court? This name is a bit unpleasant. Xu Ying frowned slightly.

The scholar Ding Simu said: You also have a nickname in the fairyland and the countryside, the number one eagle dog in the fairyland. You will beat whoever you want.

Xu Ying's face was gloomy. This title was not as good as the number one thug in Immortal Court.

The scholar Ding Simu said: You also led the Nine Star Lords and three thousand fighting evil gods to suppress the rebels among the San people, chased them to the northern part of the desert, and killed all the rebels. Therefore, some people call you the Desert Butcher... …”


Xu Ying raised his palm and said with a smile, Bianhuang Immortal King, don't mention the old things again, and I don't remember what I did in my first life. Did you stop me because you wanted to capture Xu and go to the immortal world to claim credit? Please give me a reward?

Ding Simu looked solemn and said: This is one reason. On the other hand, I want to know why you are ranked above me on the wanted list.

Xu Ying laughed when he heard this: Is it an honor to be on the wanted list of the fairy world? Because I was on the wanted list of the fairy world, I was chased by countless immortals when I went down to the lower world, and was finally killed by the emperor's Purple Netherworld Sword. Although I was lucky enough to survive, but Therefore, more than 40,000 years have been wasted. Immortal King Bianhuang, do you still think that the top spot is good?

Ding Simu smiled and said: For me, it is glory. I have been practicing since I was a child, and I have always been number one in the mortal world. I am a genius in everyone's eyes, and I am the existence of stars holding the moon. I ascend to the fairy world. Only then did I realize that no matter how well I studied in the past, I would always be number one. When I arrived in the fairy world, I had no connections and no backing, so it was difficult to move forward. In the fairy world, even breathing requires status. Cultivation has become a luxury.

Xu Ying couldn't help but sympathize and said, Although you ascended geniuses have become immortals, you find that you are still at the bottom.

Ding Simu said: It's better that you have a good life. After ascending, you were promoted quickly and sat on the throne of Dou Bu Tianzun in just a few hundred years. As a Sanren, I wandered around the wilderness for many years, and unexpectedly found that I wanted to become the third One, he can only become the number one on the wanted list!

He sighed: However, when I was running towards this goal, you suddenly appeared and occupied the first place on the wanted list.

Xu Ying sympathized and said: I should have brought three fairy mountains down to the lower realm, so I can be ranked first. I didn't mean to take away your first place.

Ding Simu smiled and said: I'm not that kind of person. This time I go down to the world, I just want to meet you and see why the number one thug in the Immortal Court is ranked number one on the wanted list.

Xu Ying nodded lightly and said with a smile: Although I haven't remembered the memory of the first life, I think that I am no less good in this life than in the first life.

Ding Simu looked serious and said, May I ask about your cultivation level?

Xu Ying said calmly: I have reached the realm of Yao Chi, but I am different from you. I am a fellow practitioner of Xian Nuo. I have profound Nuo skills and have the assistance of five realms in my first life. Compared with you Immortal King, I have the most It’s just that my cultivation is not as strong as yours.”

Ding Simu said solemnly: Please release your cultivation to your heart's content.

Xu Ying's steps were slightly staggered, shoulder-width apart, and the six caves emerged one after another behind him. The fairy world appeared in the caves, which was magnificent and extraordinary. His Five Mountains Immortal Mountain, Water and Fire Mixing Heavenly Cauldron, Twelve-layer Tower, Immortal Yaochi and Third Heaven Pass jumped out one by one and hung behind him.

The Yuan Shen jumped out from above Xu Ying's head and stood on the third day. Behind the Yuan Shen, the phantoms of the six caves appeared, and his aura surged!

He set foot in the realm of the Six Immortals, spread out his dojo, and raised his cultivation to the extreme!

Ding Simu was about to speak when suddenly a beam of Qing Qi flew out of Xu Ying's head and turned into three Xu Ying with cowardly faces. The three of them hurriedly escaped from Xu Ying's dojo.

Obviously, Xu Ying believed that he would be in his most powerful state if he sacrificed his cultivation to kill these three people.

When Ding Simu saw this, he couldn't help but be moved: Is this really the realm of Yaochi?

Xu Ying frowned slightly, feeling the inconvenience caused by the four wounds left by the emperor. These four wounds restricted his ability to display his strength.

Ding Simu's body was surrounded by the light of the Tao, and he appeared in the Taoist temple. The soul stood in the Taoist temple, like an ancient god and demon.

Dao chains were wrapped around him, and the momentum was astonishing.

His Taoist and magical powers should have been discovered by himself. There is no inheritance from a master in the immortal world. It is really rare for him to be able to cultivate to this point on his own.

Suddenly, from Ding Simu's dojo, a fairy sword flew out and slashed with it, killing nearly half of his cultivation level!

All around his dojo, the spirit of immortality suddenly surged out like a rolling tide. Wherever it passed, the vegetation was like a fairyland.

Xu Ying couldn't help but be moved and looked at Ding Simu. This man had such powerful magical power that he didn't rely on his cultivation to suppress him, but took the initiative to cut off half of his cultivation!

This kind of character and state of mind is admirable.

Ding Simu's face turned pale. After a while, he returned to his original state and said: My soul is bigger than your soul. This cannot be easily cut off. I can take advantage of you.

Xu Ying said sternly: Although my Yuan Shen may not seem big, my Yuan Shen's cultivation is extremely accomplished, and it may not be inferior to your Yuan Shen.

Ding Simu nodded slightly.

The two faced each other, and Xu Ying suddenly showed his palm. Ding Simu's face changed slightly, and he jumped back. However, the sky suddenly opened, and a big hand that seemed to be able to control the sky fell from the sky. Under the palm print, there was a sea of ​​immeasurable fire, like a general. Your Bagua furnace is in your hand!

Ding Simu was galloping all the way, leaping tens of thousands of miles in an instant, almost reaching the edge of the palm.


The world in Daoqiguan was violently turbulent. Tens of thousands of miles of earth turned into powder, and then turned into a torrent of magma!

Master Yuhu's technique?

Ding Simu didn't stop, still leaping back, but he saw huge stars in the sky whirling and rotating, crushing downwards. Along with the stars, there was Xu Ying's extremely huge face. , floating in the sky, his eyes as dazzling as two suns, like an ancient god, staring at the Immortal King of the Borderlands.

Ding Simu fled all the way back, taking his time.

Suddenly, hands and feet appeared in front of and behind him, either with fists or palms. They hooked, kicked, kicked, swept, collapsed, teased, cut, and struck with various techniques, attacking him from all directions!

Xu Tianzun, your Hutian Zhendao Sutra is more profound than Yuhuzhenren!

Ding Simu suddenly stopped retreating and spun around, his hands and feet flying together to meet Xu Ying's hands and feet attacking from the void. His technique was erratic and seemed to use no force at all, but when it landed on Xu Ying's hands and feet, Xu Ying suddenly felt that his power was out of control!

The next moment, Xu Ying's left hand hit his right foot, his right knee hit his left leg, his right hand cut off the wrist of his left hand, and his left leg kicked off his left arm!

In the blink of an eye, Ding Simu broke his fists and legs.

Xu Ying groaned, suddenly knowing his solution. Xu Ying came from the void, so that no one could see his move. Yuhu Zhenren's technique did have wonderful ideas, but Ding Simu caught the flaw.

Ding Simu's series of seemingly light and powerless attacks were actually disturbing the void around him. Xu Ying's left hand struck from the void. He only needed to deflect the void a few inches to make Xu Ying The attack with his left hand was staggered and unable to attack himself!

What's even more amazing is that he doesn't need to have too profound attainments in the void. He only needs to understand simple principles to make Xu Ying hurt himself!

If Master Yuhu encounters this Bianhuang Immortal King, I'm afraid he will die in his hands within three moves!

Xu Ying activated the six immortal world caves, and the immortal medicine and immortal power continued to flow in. The injury he just suffered healed instantly, without affecting his combat power at all.

Suddenly his soul disappeared, and the next moment it emerged from the sky. After being amplified by the Hutian Zhengdao Sutra, it turned into a ten thousand-foot soul and killed Ding Simu's soul!

Ding Simu raised his head, and the ten thousand souls behind him also raised their heads at the same time. The humans and gods were uniform, and their palms were shot forward and backward, one after another.

In the palm of his hand, the desert suddenly appeared. It was the desert on the edge of the fairy world. The land on the edge was desolate and quiet. The spirit of the fairy was thin, but there was abnormal energy filling the world. That was the desert!

Ding Simu's attack brought out the desolation and silence of the Immortal Desert to its fullest!

He met Xu Ying's Yuan Shen, and the moment his six palms faced each other, Xu Ying came and cut into his dojo. The Zhuxian Sword Qi cut off the Dao chains flying around him, stepped forward and slashed at him!

Ding Simu jumped back and jumped out of the Land of Dao Qi, returning to the boundless sea of ​​fire.

Xu Ying followed him like a shadow, and suddenly he saw the wild sand of the desert rushing towards him. In an instant, the yellow sand of the fairy world turned into stars, and turned into a long river composed of countless stars, surrounding him.

No matter how sharp his sword energy is and how shocking his murderous intent is, he can't break this long river!


The immeasurable sea of ​​fire ignited the countless stars, and suddenly each star turned into the sun, and the galaxy was extremely bright.

Ding Simu is like a scholar, standing in the galaxy, his soul is vast and boundless.

Although he is dressed as a scholar, the soul behind him is full of energy, like an emperor who controls the starry sky. He has an almost Taoist temperament that makes people look at him!

Promise, this is my martial arts spiritual treasure, the Vientiane Calendar and Star Scripture.

Ding Simu said in a deep voice, The Immortal Desert is desolate. I have lived in the desert for a long time, but I found that the yellow sand here was actually transformed by the fall of countless stars. Therefore, I lived there for tens of thousands of years and finally understood this set of magical powers. .Please enlighten me!”

As he moved his palm, the stars danced with him, and countless stars swung their tails like a long dragon, crashing into it. Xu Ying's sword broke through the stars, but countless stars came in. How many stars could he break?

The Zhuxian Sword Qi was struck by countless stars and crushed into pieces.

Stars collided one after another, crushing his Heavenly Dao Dojo and his Six Immortals Realm. The stars hit Xu Ying hard, causing his eyes, ears, mouth and nose to bleed, and he flew backwards.

However, the stars danced with Ding Simu's palm, and the stars blocked the flying Xu Ying, crushing him from all directions!

Xu Ying shouted angrily, activated the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique, and the physical body and soul were refined into one body, suddenly large and sometimes small, and in an instant it was promoted to the sixth revolution. He used his fists and feet at the same time, and suddenly the sword energy flew out, forcing the stars back.

The next moment, he used the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Demon Breaking Technique, and a vision of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths appeared behind him. He struck it down with one palm, punching through the Nine Heavens, carrying the mighty power of the Ten Earths, and suppressed it with a crash!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

In front of him, countless stars were shattered and plunged into darkness. This palm force went straight towards Ding Simu!

Ding Simu raised his hand to meet his palm, and their breaths were floating.

Xu Ying used the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Demon-Destroying Technique to stimulate his self-enlightenment, and actually rushed into the galaxy formed by his Lingbao Vientiane Calendar and Star Scripture, and drove in!

The galaxy around Ding Simu disappeared and was replaced by long stretches of yellow sand. The power of his palms lifted up the yellow sand, and each palm carried thousands of dust.

That's not sand and dust, but thousands of stars!

The two men clashed with their palms, exchanging dozens of moves in an instant. Suddenly Xu Ying stumbled, and Ding Simu seized the opportunity and struck him in the oblique ribs with a palm.

Xu Ying felt as if he was being hit by thousands of stars, and flew backwards. With a whoosh, he was squeezed out of the sea of ​​immeasurable fire, and rolled towards Dao Weeping Pass!

Ding Simu rushed out of the sea of ​​immeasurable fire. When Xu Ying stabilized his body and suppressed his injuries, he also came to Xu Ying.

Xu Ying said sadly: I lost.

Ding Simu shook his head, looked at his left leg, and said: You are lame. You have four old wounds on your body, including one on your left leg. When you and I fought just now, your wound dragged you down. It was the emperor's sword. , the injuries caused to you?

Xu Ying shook his head and said, It's the emperor's formation diagram.

Ding Simu said: If you were at your peak, I might not be able to beat you. You have four injuries, and it's already amazing that you can fight like this with me. In this battle, I didn't win, and you didn't lose.

He started to leave, then suddenly stopped and said: Xu Tianzun, you still let me down. I saw in you the skills and supernatural powers of Master Yuhu, the skills and magical powers of the ancient era, and the emperor's magical powers. Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Demon Breaking Technique. I am the only one who didn’t see Xu Tianzun’s magical power.”

He drifted away, and his voice came from far away: I hope that after you recover from your injury, you and I will have a fair duel again, and you can let me see the martial arts and magical powers of the bandit leader Xu Tianzun!

——The third update is here, no broken promises! ! !

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