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Chapter 453 The Four Holy Lords

Xu Ying watched him go away, unable to help but be stunned.

The other three Xu Ying rushed over quickly, and Xu Huang responded: We have not lost! If the three of us are added, the outcome is still unclear!

Xu Shang responded: That's right. We use Yi Qi Hua San Qing, which is equivalent to four of us beating him together. How can we lose?

We lost!

Xu Aiying burst into tears, In addition, we will lose faster!

Shut up, everyone! I will crush anyone who speaks again! Xu Baoying's voice came from Xu Ying's mouth.

Xu Liying said sadly: What's the use of squeezing them to death? If we crush them to death, the six-character seal will still return to our bodies, which is equivalent to doing nothing. According to me, we can use the sealing technique to seal them stand up.

Xu Shaoying's voice trembled with excitement: Seal this self too, and the three of us will be the masters!

Shhh, keep your voice down. Xu Ying said with a strange look on his face.

Although they were noisy, Xu Yingben fell into silence.

What these guys like Huang Shang Ai Bu said is right. If he is at his peak and is not hindered by Dao injuries, and if he is not hindered by Huang Shang Ai, he can use Yi Qi to transform the three pure beings. Even if Ding Simu does not cut off his cultivation, he He also has the strength to fight.

But Ding Simu was not wrong. The magical method he used was not his own.

The only thing that is his own is the six immortal worlds.

This is his pioneering move!

However, the Six Immortal Realm Cave Heavens are used to improve cultivation from the six dimensions of physical body, spiritual consciousness, vitality, yin and yang, mind power and soul power, so that mortals can have the combat power of earth immortals.

But what about beyond that?

The five treasures floating behind him were all transformed from the realm of his first life. The Taoist magical powers he used, the Hutian Zhengdao Sutra, the Nine Turns Mysterious Technique, and the Nine Heavens and Ten Earth Demon Breaking Techniques all belonged to others.

Even the Taiyi Innate Skill was left behind by myself in the first life!

As for the various magical powers, such as the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder, the Eight Methods of the God of War, the Eight Desolations Sun Refining Furnace, the Killing Immortal Sword Qi, and even the One Qi that transforms the Three Pure Ones, they all belong to others.

The magical powers of heaven and the dojo of heaven are not his. The way of heaven is formed naturally and has nothing to do with him. He is just the discoverer and user.

What about your own things?

If you don’t have your own things, your own tricks, or your own avenues, then what are you? A tool for reciting other people's teachings?

Xu Ying stood up and limped away, feeling confused: What is my own thing? What is my path?

In the sky, the fairy tree floats, and the woman in red is sitting on it. The fairy tree moves with Xu Ying's movement.

Xiao Xixian whispered: Even the Bianhuang Immortal King was unable to deal with him, and his strength recovered very quickly. However, among the groups of people who sneaked into the lower realm, there are still a few powerful Sanren who have not yet taken action.

Xu Ying was confused and walked through the land of Daoqi without knowing it.

Near the Qingyang Palace in the Land of Daoqi, many ancestral Qigong practitioners are refining a heaven-mending artifact with a dragon head and an alien shape. They plan to sacrifice this treasure and release it into the sky to sort out the scattered things near Daoqi Pass. The avenue of heaven and earth.

Xu Ying had previously restored the Avenue of Heaven and Earth in the Land of Daoqi, but the area of ​​Daoqi Pass was much larger, and the Heaven-Mending Artifact had to be sacrificed to restore the Avenue of Heaven and Earth.


When Hu Zhuojun caught a glimpse of Xu Ying, he was extremely excited. He quickly raised his hand and shook his arm excitedly towards Xu Ying.

Xu Ying glanced at her, showing no interest.

Hu Zhuojun quickly poked the side of Chu Tiandu next to him and said excitedly: Tiancheng, your brother Chu Tiandu has appeared! We have been looking for him for a long time! You don't have to pretend to be the Purple God Marquis anymore!

The two of them seemed to be lovers.

When various forces plotted against Little Tianzun, Hu Zhuojun and Chu Tian both worked hard and stayed on a ship. When Little Tianzun issued an expulsion order against the powerful men from all realms, the two of them were also busy hunting down Wanjie. The strongest in the world.

They get together more often and stay apart less. They spend a lot of time together, and they are both attracted to each other. They are both talented and beautiful, and over time they develop feelings for each other.

Later, the little Tianzun refined the heaven-mending artifact, and the two of them went to help, so they came together.

Chu Tiandu groaned and thought to himself: When have I ever pretended to be someone else? But after Patriarch Aying comes, my name as the Purple-clothed Divine Marquis will probably be louder.

The two of them were surprised when they saw Xu Ying was sick and ignored them.

Hu Zhuojun ran over and said with a smile: Shenhou, your brother Tiancheng is right there, why don't you pay attention? Come on, let's go and sacrifice the Heaven-Mending Artifact together!

She grabbed Xu Ying's hand, pulled Xu Ying to stagger, and followed her towards the Heaven-Building Artifact.

When Chu Tiandu saw Xu Ying, he said calmly: Brother Shenhou...

Behind Xu Ying, the three Xu Yings who were following him looked fierce and looked at him with evil eyes. At this time, Sadness and Desolation occupied Xu Ying's body, while Brutal Tyranny was driven out.

Master, why are you so cruel? Chu Tiandu whispered, feeling aggrieved.

Hu Zhuojun had no time to see why Xu Ying was so dejected. He was busy working with other ancestral Qigong practitioners, trying to activate the various Dao marks of this heaven-mending artifact.

They have been busy for a while and have been unable to sacrifice this artifact.

Some Qi refiners brought in thick classics, some of which were written by Xu Ying, and some of which were written by Zhu Chanchan.

When Xu Ying was in the Ziwei Remnant Realm, he relied on his knowledge of the great ways of heaven and earth in the ancestral court to complete the various Taoist methods in the secret realm of Hunyuan Palace for Little Tianzun, as well as the incomplete parts of the magic weapon fragments.

Zhu Chanchan also referred to the notes left by Xu Ying when she refined these heaven-repairing artifacts.

You haven't been in the ancestral court these years and you don't know anything. Tiancheng has been pretending to be your name.

While Hu Zhuojun was busy, he said to Xu Ying, Fortunately, Tiancheng's skills are pretty good and he has never revealed his secrets.

Chu Tiandu showed a flattering smile to Xu Ying.

Hu Zhuojun said: Little Tianzun found an extremely powerful heavenly craftsman from all the worlds, called Zhuchanchan, to help Little Tianzun create these artifacts. It's just that the writing is too complicated, and I don't know the order in which to activate this artifact...

She studied for a long time, but still couldn't figure it out.

Xu Ying glanced at this heaven-mending artifact with a strange shape and a dragon head, and said casually: This treasure is a combination of the Dragon Head Sutra, the Lingtai Fragment Sutra, the Seven-Star Lamp Fragment, and the Five-Yao Huntian Diagram. It's made. It's simple, you do this first, then this, then this...

As he spoke, he lit up the Dao patterns on the Heaven-Mending Artifact, and the dragon roar of the Heaven-Mending Artifact shook the sky, humming, and slowly rose up.

The artifact emits bursts of great sounds, corresponding to the incomplete great avenues between heaven and earth.

In a distant place, other heaven-mending artifacts suspended in the sky above the ancestral court interacted with this dragon-headed artifact, and were connected by Tao, filled with heavy Taoist power.

The paths of these artifacts are connected together, repairing the avenue of heaven and earth in the ancestral court. The sky is filled with glow, and even the mountains and rivers on the ground have the spiritual energy of heaven and earth flowing out, nourishing the rivers and all things.

Hu Zhuojun, Chu Tian and others all raised their heads and looked straight in the eyes. When they came back to their senses and looked at Xu Ying, Xu Ying was no longer there.

The two of them felt lost.

Hu Zhuojun murmured: The Purple-clothed Divine Marquis is worthy of being the Purple-clothed Divine Marquis. Tiancheng, you are still inferior.

Chu Tiandu groaned and said, Zhuo Jun, I think it's better for me to be myself.

Hu Zhuojun's eyes lit up and he said with a smile: Have you noticed it too? I have also noticed these days that you are pretending to be the Purple-clothed Divine Marquis, which puts a lot of pressure on you. If you use the name of Chutian City, you can also make a breakthrough in the world. His reputation is not much inferior to that of the Purple-clothed God Hou Chutian!

She said happily: You don't have to hide in the shadow of Shenhou!

A big shadow emerged in the depths of Chu Tiandu's soul.

However, there are other places in the ancestral court that need to be patched up, and they have no time to look for Xu Ying and continue to rush to the next destination.

Unknowingly, Xu Ying came to the outside of Zhenwu Temple, and the turtle and snake gods of Zhenwu Temple invited him into the temple.

A slender Taoist with a long sword on his back said to Xu Ying: Fellow Taoist Xu came to my Taoist temple last time to offer incense to me, but is there any Taoist in the world who offers incense to fellow Taoists? I didn't dare to accept it, so I took the incense out. Please forgive me. My fellow Taoist seems to have a knot in his mind, can you tell me?

Xu Ying was a little absent-minded and said: I am looking for my own way, and I am at a loss.

The Qing Taoist smiled and said: I see. This kind of thing is the only way for those who seek the Tao. It is gratifying that my Taoist friends are about to embark on this road. Why don't you Taoists stay with me for a few days first? Maybe you can gain something.

Xu Ying then stayed at Zhenwu Temple.

Taoist Qingli is the founder of Jiutian Dangmo, also known as Xuantian God, Zhenwu Emperor, Dangmo Tianzun, and Yousheng Zhenjun. The two gods of turtle and snake are the gods under his command.

He did not come to bother Xu Ying, but when his disciple Ning Qing saw no one around, he happily came to Xu Ying and said with a smile: Xu Ying, I am already a rebel in the ancestral court!

Xu Ying was sitting by the pond, watching the fish swimming in the pond. Hearing this, he raised his head and glanced at him.

Young Master Ning Qing said: I became a disciple of Emperor Zhenwu and practiced the Taoist and magical powers of my ancestral court with him. Over the past few days, I have become a practitioner of both immortals and demons, as well as immortals and gods. Now my cultivation strength is even better than before.

He couldn't help but feel proud: I have found a path that suits me. While practicing the Immortal Way, I practice the Great Cave Creation Guiyuan Sutra in the Jade Plate of Returning to the Way, and at the same time I practice with Emperor Zhenwu. I also have the supreme treasure, Returning to the Way. Jade plate! My success is determined by you!

Xu Ying said: What you have learned are other people's skills and magical powers, and you have picked up other people's wisdom. You don't have a path of your own.

As long as I can defeat you! Young Master Ning Qing said with a smile, full of confidence and no worries at all.

Xu Ying shed tears and choked up: I knew that I probably wouldn't make it now.

Young Master Ning Qing was surprised, knowing that he must have fallen into his old habits again and become miserable.

He couldn't bear it and said: I heard from the emperor that you have reached the point where you are looking for your own path. You are progressing faster than me. I am still in the study stage. How can I be worse than you?

Really? Xu Ying raised her head with tears in her eyes.

Young Master Ning Qing said: Of course it is true, can I still lie to you?

Xu Ying said proudly: Does that mean you're not as good as me? I'm really awesome!

Young Master Ning Qing was stunned.

Xu Ying was in high spirits and fell into a ridiculous rhythm. He smiled and said: I am so powerful, why do I need to worry about not being able to figure out my own path? Why should I feel sorry for myself?

Xu Huangying took the lead and became ignorant and incompetent. However, Huang Zi did not occupy it for long before it was restored by Ai Zi. Xu Ying burst into tears. This time, Master Ning Qing did not come to comfort him.

That night, there was a sudden thunderstorm, and three ancient and incomparable spirits came riding on the wind and rain and arrived at Zhenwu Temple. Emperor Zhenwu hurriedly greeted him personally, bowed and said: Three Taoist brothers, long time no see!

The leader is Tianpeng Zhenjun, also known as Cangtian God and Cangtian Emperor. He is the head of the Four Saints, with a higher status than the other three Saints and the most powerful divine power.

Since the great road fell into silence and the ancestral court was destroyed, we have not seen each other for 600,000 years.

The Cangtian Emperor said, Today the four saints reunited, but they were all awakened by others. They were just souls, and they were used as tools to fight for power. It is a pity.

Emperor Zhenwu said: I have seen that person and had a confrontation with him. This person is extremely powerful, but he just hides his head and shrinks his tail. He does not dare to reveal his true identity and does not reveal his true methods.

Emperor Tianyou Puhua asked: Is this person a figure of our time? Is he a native of the immortal world, or a figure of the ancestral court?

Emperor Zhenwu shook his head and said: He didn't use real means, and I don't know his origin. He just paid attention to the person who resurrected us, which is irrelevant. The water in the immortal world is very deep, and there are people lurking under the water.

Just as he was talking, he heard pitiful cries coming from the Zhenwu Temple, which was very resentful. The three saints looked at each other, each showing surprise.

Emperor Zhenwu hurriedly explained: The one who cried was Taoist friend Xu Wenxue, who caused chaos in the ancestral court and caused chaos in the world. Do you still remember? My turtle and snake gods also planned to suppress him, but in the end they were not caught. He is asking for help from your divine generals.

It turned out to be him.

Emperor Cangtian and others were suddenly enlightened and asked, Why is he crying?

Emperor Zhenwu said: He wants to walk his own path, but he doesn't know where it is, so he feels sorry for himself. In the past few days, he has cried, laughed, and cried like crazy.

Lord Yi Sheng Chu Qing asked doubtfully: Hasn't he already found his own path? I remember that he was very strong back then.

Emperor Zhenwu said: He was killed in that life. I don't know how many generations ago it was. He didn't want to follow the path of the first life in this life, so he was frowning and full of inner demons. We also experienced something similar back then. After walking through the mental journey, it will be a smooth road.

Emperor Cangtian said: After my resurrection this time, I will go to the Ancestral Court of Heaven to see the ancestral gods. Maybe I can get guidance from the ancestral gods and seek a future for us. We must not miss this opportunity when our souls are resurrected this time!

He paused and said: It's not an option to let Xu Ying stay with you, why not let him go with me. I heard that the ancestor god is also looking for his whereabouts.

Emperor Zhenwu said yes.

Emperor Cangtian came to look for Xu Ying, and saw Xu Ying with a fierce face, talking to himself, and cursing.

Emperor Cangtian said: Is your friend Daoist okay? In the world of Yuanzheng, you and Qingqi once stopped in front of my tomb and visited me.

Xu Ying remembered that he and Fairy Qingqi visited his tomb, and he regained his gentleness and bowed to him and said, It turns out to be Brother Tao. I have been so confused and confused these days, which made Brother Tao laugh.

The Cangtian Emperor smiled and said: I appreciate Qingqi very much, so I left a piece of Taishang Dongyuan Cangdi's Heart Sutra, which can be regarded as a good relationship. I will go to the Heavenly Dao Ancestral Court. I heard that you are in trouble now. If you don't If you mind, you can go there with me and pay homage to the Ancestral God. The Ancestral God has great supernatural powers and may be able to help you overcome your current predicament.

Xu Ying heard this and said happily: If you dare to disobey me... shut up, you all, shut up, this Taoist brother is not trying to harm us!

Emperor Cangtian was surprised when he saw him talking to the air: This problem of his doesn't seem to be on the eve of a breakthrough.

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