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Chapter 451 The number one thug in Immortal Court

Everyone on the boat, except for Xu Ying and the demon, were all immortals who had smuggled down from the immortal world to hunt Xu Ying.

The ferry sailed into the sea of ​​immeasurable fire. Under the light of the fire, everyone's expressions were uncertain. Xu Ying didn't realize it, so he took out seven incense coins and handed them to the demon god to pay the ship's price.

The demon was surprised: The money you gave to seven people is too much!

Not much, there are just seven of us! Xu Ying said.

The demon god hurriedly activated his divine eyes and stared at Xu Ying's left and right, thinking that there were others hiding around him, but even though his divine eyes were extremely powerful, he could not see the others.

Is it haunted? He couldn't help but shudder. This ghost must have quite a lot of magic power.

On the ferry, Xu Ying talked to himself.

He found that chatting with himself was much more enjoyable than chatting with other people.

The demon god recognized him and was secretly anxious. But he could also see that the cultivation strength of these people was extremely extraordinary. If they took action, he would probably not be their opponent.

The ferry was sailing in the sea of ​​immeasurable fire, and at the same time, there was also a fairy boat sailing on the sea of ​​fire. Xiao Xixian, a woman in red, looked at the ferry below with her eyes faintly.

It is not easy to fly over the sea of ​​fire. This is the boundless sea of ​​fire formed by Laojun's Bagua furnace. The huge tidal gravity will pull everything into the sea. Only ferries can sail on the sea of ​​fire.

But Xiao Xixian's Xiancha is an extraordinary thing. It is a ship made from the taproot of the sacred tree that runs through the three realms. It is not affected by Laojun's Bagua Furnace.

On the ferry, the immortal tomb of Zhenjun Erlang is getting closer and closer. This time, although the Immortal Tomb of Zhenjun Erlang is still astonishing and forms a huge Immortal Fire Dojo, the earth-shattering power has been reduced a lot.

Xu Ying stood on the side of the boat and looked towards the Immortal Tomb, wondering in his heart: The thing suppressed under the Immortal Tomb has become much quieter. Could it be that someone helped Zhenjun Erlang suppress the thing here?

Suddenly someone stood up and said with a smile: Xu Ying, what big case did you commit that caused the Yuqing Mansion to issue a death warrant?

As soon as these words came out, pairs of eyes immediately focused on Xu Ying.

Xu Ying was still talking to himself, discussing with himself who suppressed the things under the tomb, when he suddenly felt a wave of hostility and immediately stopped thinking.

A deep voice came from his mouth: If you don't know how to fight, quit by yourself. Don't be embarrassed.

A stream of Qing Qi shot up into the sky above his head, one Qi Qi transformed into three Qing Qings. Three Xu Ying, dressed in green, white and yellow with timid faces, landed on the ground and stood aside angrily.

When the people on the ferry saw this, they were all surprised and confused.

Three selves ran out of the body. What method is this? Incarnation outside the body? Clone technique?

I am wanted by the Shenxiao Yuqing Mansion?

Xu Ying looked around, with a fierce look on his face, and said, Probably because I slaughtered the Heavenly World, killed the four great god kings, killed all the gods, and smashed the Heavenly Lord's Heavenly Treasure Ruyi, and refined the control of the Heavenly World into I am in the cauldron. That’s why the Shenxiao Yuqing Mansion wants me, right?”

As soon as these words came out, everyone on the ship couldn't help but be moved.

When more than a dozen people stepped back, one of them said: This deal is not a good deal. Sweeping the world of heaven and wiping out all the gods, kings and gods, this kind of strength is far beyond what I can handle. My bottle of fairy liquid is considered It’s a loss. Everyone, take your leave!”

A dozen of them flew up and fell into the sea of ​​fire, trying to cross the sea with their own cultivation strength.

But the next moment, more than a dozen screams were heard. These immortals who tried to leave the boundless sea of ​​fire actually fell into the sea of ​​fire and were burned to ashes, unable to escape!

Only one person struggled to fly back to the ferry, but his lower body was already ignited by the flames of Laojun's Bagua furnace. No matter what method he used, he could not extinguish the flames, and he was only burned until he screamed repeatedly.

The one in yellow clothes was Xu Huangying. After all, he was soft-hearted and couldn't hear the immortal's screams. He sighed and put his fingers in his ears.

He felt much better when he couldn't hear the screams.

Xu Aiying burst into tears when he heard the screams. While looking at it, he said, It's so pitiful. Why hasn't he been burned to death after being burned for so long? I can't bear to look at it.

Only Xu Ying was truly kind-hearted. With a flick of his finger, a sword energy flew out and cut the man in half.

The flames of Laojun's Bagua furnace only burned the man's lower body, but did not burn him to death. Xu Ying's sword actually saved his life.

I am Ding Simu, a small individual in the immortal world.

A scholar stepped out and said to the other Sanren, You guys, if you don't have the strength to conquer the world of Heaven, it's better not to get involved in this matter. The existence that can sweep away the world of Heaven is not something you can afford to offend.

The other San people frowned, and one of them said: Ding Simu? Which Ding Simu?

The scholar smiled slightly and said, Ding Simu, a Sanren, are there many more?

Everyone's expressions suddenly changed, and an old immortal said: Bianhuang Immortal King Ding Simu, is this Your Excellency?

The scholar smiled and said, It's Xiao Ke.

Everyone was indifferent. Ding Simu, the Immortal King of the Borderlands, was a legendary existence among the immortals in the immortal world. There are actually not many Immortal Kings among the Sanren in the Immortal World. Some Immortal Kings in the imperial court lost power and were kicked out of the Immortal Court and became Sanren. Similar things abound. But there are only a few people who truly start from scratch, remain a Sanren, and become Immortal Kings.

Bianhuang Immortal King Ding Simu is one of them.

Bianhuang Immortal King, although you have a great reputation and are quite prestigious among our Sanren people, everyone has a chance to capture Xu Ying in the lower realm this time!

The white-haired old man said, Who are the gods in the world of heaven? How can they be comparable to us immortals? Killing several god kings is just a match for the immortals. If it were us, any immortal can kill all those gods, let us The world of Heavenly Dao changes its dynasty!

His words made others nod their heads.

Ding Simu sighed, shook his head and said: But what about facing Tianzun's Heavenly Treasure Jade Ruyi? Are you still sure to deal with it? You should know that facing such a terrifying opponent, the reward given by Yuqing Mansion is not too much. But it’s too little. Is it worth losing your life for a mere official position?”

He jumped out of the ferry and walked across the sea.

The immeasurable sea of ​​fire formed by the Bagua furnace did not burn him to death. Ding Simu physically crossed the sea and quickly disappeared.

As soon as Ding Simu stepped forward, all the people on the boat started shouting, and the spirit behind them appeared, and they flew out of the dojo!

Although they are unofficial people who enter the immortal world and do not have the immortal skills for subsequent realms. They can only explore on their own and do not have enough resources to practice, but the immortals are immortals after all!

Individuals often create their own techniques, and those who can become immortals are all geniuses!

You must know that to cultivate from a human immortal to an earthly immortal, you need to reach the realm of the six immortals, and from an earthly immortal to a heavenly immortal, you need to refine the realms of the six immortals into one and refine the Tao realm.

To explore alone, refine the realm of Tao, and refine the image of Tao into the principles of Tao, he is definitely a genius!

And these scattered people standing opposite Xu Ding on the ferry are such a group of geniuses!

In the fairy world, people cannot make the best use of their talents. After they ascended to the fairy world, they thrived like weeds and each achieved great achievements!

Xu Ying suddenly felt murderous, and said calmly: Xu killed Chuan Tianlu back then, and his name and portrait were at the top of the wanted list. He was the leader of all the bandits! It has only been 40,000 to 50,000 years, and you have forgotten it. ?”

He shouted, and the eight-foot-long Yuan Shen flew out and stood behind him, looking down at everyone's ten-foot-long Yuan Shen.

When everyone saw that his soul was so small, they couldn't help but laugh, and they all felt relieved.

The white-haired old immortal took a step forward and shouted: Xu Ying, if you don't resist, you can still live!

His dojo broke out and included Xu Ying in his dojo, wanting to take all the credit. But how can other San people be tolerated?

For a moment, everyone's dojos spread out and were superimposed on top of each other. In an instant, the dojos were flying, and they worked together to press down on Xu Ying.


Zhangba Yuan Shen behind Xu Ying took a step forward, and instantly the realm of the six immortals flew out, like a supreme human immortal, and then the complete Heavenly Dao dojo flew out, unifying the realm of the six immortals!

The step of his soul was like stepping on the hearts of all Sanren, and their dojos suddenly became stagnant, making it difficult for each dojo to operate!

Chasing Xu.

Behind Xu Ying, Xu Shangying, Xu Aiying and Xu Huangying each showed fearful expressions and huddled in the corner of the ferry, shivering. Even they were very afraid of Xu Ying.

You all deserve to die!

The ferry shook violently, and the next moment Xu Ying's palm passed through the white-haired old man's throat, and bright sword energy burst out from the back of his neck. The old man's head flew up, his face blank.

The other San people were shocked and angry, and shouted in unison. All kinds of magical methods came out to kill him. In an instant, the small ferry was like a small fairyland, with all kinds of magical methods squeezed into the small space. , bursting out with extremely terrifying power!

In just a moment, the fairy sound was loud, and even disturbed the demon god who was punting the boat, making him almost contaminated by the immortal way!

These immortal magical powers passed through Xu Ying's dojo and landed on him. Xu Ying remained motionless, but his soul flew up and flew away like lightning. With one move, he used the Eight Desolate Sun Refining Seal to turn the soul of an immortal into ashes. !

Other immortal souls flew out, shuttled over the sea of ​​fire, and fought with his soul. Many souls appeared and disappeared in the fire, with magical powers, immortal weapons, arrays, and various attack methods emerging one after another!

At the same time, the immortals on the ferry each took a step forward and entered Xu Ying's Tiandao dojo. They showed their fierce looks and killed Xu Ying!

Before their killing moves could reach Xu Ying, they suddenly froze on the spot, their eyes widened, and they died of anger!


Xu Ying Yuanshen flew back and landed behind him.

In just this short moment, all the sixteen immortals on the ferry were killed by his Zhangba Yuanshen without exception!

When the soul is dead and their souls are shattered, these immortals will naturally die of anger.

Xu Ying looked fierce, sacrificed the Huntian Cauldron, put the sixteen immortals into the cauldron, and said to himself: These immortals have been practicing for tens of thousands of years, or even more than a hundred thousand years, and their bodies have long been refined to be comparable to those of immortals. Weapons. It must be very good to use their corpses to refine treasure arrays.

The three promises trembled.

Xu Ying's eyes were unkind and he glanced over. The three Xu Yings hugged each other, looked at him in horror, and shouted: If you kill us, the words Mourning and Desolation will come back to you!

Xu Ying looked away and glanced at the San Ren on the ferry who only had his upper body left. The San Ren was also huddled in the corner, frightened and inexplicable.

Xu Ying looked kind and said, Don't be afraid, I won't kill anyone who has no ill intentions towards me.

Nasanren was a little relieved.

Xu Ying turned around and faced the three cowards Xu Ying, with a gloomy expression on his face, and said to himself: Should I kill him? Even half of his body can be made into a pretty good treasure...

He remained motionless, his neck twisted to the back of his head, and he glanced secretly at the stranger, as if he was weighing his value.

The soul is burned out and cannot be used for much purpose.

Xu Ying lost interest in the scattered people and his eyes fell on the demon god punting the boat.

The demon couldn't help but shudder, clenched his bamboo pen, and said to himself: If he wants to make me into a magic weapon, with my hundreds of thousands of years of practice, I can resist his three moves. After three moves, I will abandon the ship immediately Run away, I don’t think he can catch up!”

Fortunately, Xu Ying also lost interest in him, accepted the three who couldn't fight, and talked to himself again, sometimes laughing, sometimes getting angry.

The demon god was trembling with fear all the way. He was ferrying across the sea of ​​immeasurable fire. His purpose was just to earn some incense money to use to improve his cultivation. It was a hard job.

I didn’t expect to encounter such a fierce god!

Finally, when the ferry reached the other side, Xu Ying got off the boat, bowed to thank him, turned around and walked towards Daoqiguan.

The Demon God watched him go away and breathed a sigh of relief: He paid six extra coins for the incense, and I made a profit. Speaking of which, the last time I saw him, his brain was fine, so how could it be broken?

Xu Ying felt better and better, became more energetic, and headed all the way to the Land of Dao Qi.

Before arriving at the Land of Dao Qi, I saw a scholar sitting on the side of the road on the fork in front of me, and above him was the scholar's spirit.

Seeing Xu Ying approaching, the scholar stood up, bowed and said with a smile: Ding Simu, a layman in the immortal world, has met Xu Tianzun.

Xu Ying's eyes flashed fiercely, his temper became violent, and he was about to kill him indifferently. When he heard these words, he suddenly woke up for a moment and asked doubtfully: What did you call me?

Doubu is divided into five palaces, east, west, south, north and middle. Among them, Zhonggong is the leader. The three strongest immortals are called Zhongdou Sanzhen. Xu Tianzun, known as Ziqi Zhenren, is the best thug in the Immortal Court.

The scholar Ding Simu said leisurely, I have heard of your name for a long time, and I have seen you on the wanted list. You are listed above me. How can I not recognize you?

Zhenren Ziqi, the number one thug in Immortal Court?

Xu Ying was stunned, was he still one of the three true beings in the fight? Doubu’s Tianzun?

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