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Chapter 447 Evil Buddha and Buddha

Ji Bodhi laughed loudly, and his voice echoed in the Great Leiyin Temple, and he said leisurely: Why should I bet with you? Now you and the little novice monk are under my control. If I bet with you, wouldn't I be taking advantage of mine? I bet you and give you extra chips for nothing?

Xu Ying smiled and said: Gatha Bodhi, you want to be the Buddha, the World Honored One, the sect of ten thousand Buddhas, the teacher of ten thousand Buddhas, and the leader of the Buddhist sect. If your Dharma is not as good as that of a little novice monk, how can you have the face to be the World Honored One? Be this Buddha?”

Gao Bodhi smiled and said: If I kill this little novice monk, wouldn't my Dharma be number one again?

Xu Ying was dumbfounded, and Ji Jue was also dumbfounded.

This man is truly an evil Buddha! His actions are evil and evil!

Xu Ying calmed down and was about to speak again. Gao Bodhi chuckled and said: Xu Ying, you don't have to be cunning anymore. Although I am called an evil Buddha by the world, I also have the word Buddha, who is a great enlightened one. Your cunning heart , of no use to me.”

Xu Ying clenched his fists, this evil Buddha refused to accept soft or hard, and was not too late to provoke the general, leaving him helpless.

Mr. Tamagawa smiled and said: The World-Honored One has piercing eyes, and every move you make and your inner thoughts are as clear as a fire to the World-Honored One. Xu Ying, you better not waste your efforts in vain. World-Honored One!

He bowed and said: Please, World Honored One, execute this beast to avoid long nights and endless dreams!

Ji Bodhi gently waved his hand, beckoning him to step back, and said: I won't let you teach me how to do it. Xu Ying, I know you don't obey me. You used the emperor's sealing method to seal me last time, so let I have been suppressed for several more years for no reason. There is a grudge between you and me that has never been resolved. But as a Buddha, I want to save all sentient beings, and you are also a sentient being that I want to save. So you stay in Daleiyin Temple and listen to the lecture under my seat. .”

Young Master Tamagawa was astonished and raised his head and said: World Honored One, my ancestor, Lord God, made an agreement with the World Honored One...

Ji Bodhi said calmly: I only promised to seek revenge on Xu Ying, but I did not promise your ancestor to kill him. Xu Ying converted to my Buddhist sect and became my Buddhist protector. From then on, he devoted himself to doing good, and I was the only one who followed my lead. He is a pure person in Buddhism. , the four elements are empty, and I will no longer be enemies with your ancestors.

Mr. Tamagawa was speechless and wanted to refute, but he knew very well how powerful Gao Bodhi was and did not dare to refute.

On the order of the emperor, he stayed with Gao Bodhi, on the one hand to seek Buddhist teachings, and on the other hand to deliver news to both sides. In the past few years, he had quietly practiced Buddhism next to Gao Bodhi, and he realized how powerful and unfathomable Gao Bodhi was.

He now even doubts whether the emperor is Gao Bodhi's opponent!

Gao Bodhi said: As promised, you and this little novice will stay in the Great Leiyin Temple and become my disciples. I will make you venerable and bring glory to Buddhism.

Xu Ying bowed and said, I would like to listen to your teachings.

Young Master Yuchuan glanced at him with stern eyes.

Xu Ying smiled slightly.

The two of them stayed at Daleiyin Temple. When Ji Bodhi came in and out, they were asked to accompany them, and Mr. Yuchuan was also on the list. Gao Bodhi will also summon the venerables and Arhats on the mountain to lecture on Buddhism and teach them the profound Buddhist practice methods.

Xu Ying asked Ji Jue quietly, and Ji Jue said, What he taught are the top cultivation methods in Buddhism.

Xu Ying asked: Aren't there any loopholes?

Jijue hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said, What Bodhi teaches is the same as what Buddha taught me.

Xu Ying was stunned. Gao Bodhi taught them the true Dharma without any bias or harboring evil intentions. Did he really intend to teach them as future Buddhas?

Does he really regard himself as the current Buddha, the current World Honored One?

What does Gao Bodhi want to do? He couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

At this time, the crowd was in an uproar, and Xu Yingxun went out, but it was a sect leader from Taishi Great World who was escorted by others and came to Gao Bodhi.

Gao Bodhi got angry for some unknown reason, and a ball of karmic fire burned the sect leader to ashes, but his anger still lingered.

Xu Ying walked up to him and asked, Why was Buddha angry?

Ji Bodhi said: When Venerable Jinlong was preaching abroad, he bullied men and women, bloodbathed fourteen villages, killed 3,500 people, and coerced other villages and towns to believe in me, so I killed them.

Xu Ying was startled and said: I heard that in order to achieve the supreme state, Buddha killed countless people and gathered karma to refine his golden body, so he was called the evil Buddha. What this person did was no different from what you did back then. You But to get angry and kill him, wouldn’t it be hypocrisy?”

Gao Bodhi said: Is hypocrisy not good?

Xu Ying was speechless.

Gao Bodhi said: Back then, I was just a practitioner of Buddhism. In order to realize the supreme enlightenment of Buddhism, I started killing people. Now I am the Buddha and am in charge of Buddhism, so I must be compassionate.

Xu Ying was thoughtful.

Ji Bodhi smiled and said: You sealed me and plotted against me. Do you know why I didn't kill you directly, but instead wanted to keep you and become my disciple?

Xu Ying shook his head and said, Please let me know, Buddha.

Gao Bodhi waved his hand and asked the surrounding venerables and arhats to go down and said: In the past, I was an evil Buddha, and I could do whatever I wanted and do all kinds of evil. When I did evil, I did not do evil in Buddhism. Now that I am a Buddha, I am Buddhism, and the evil I do is Buddhism. Do evil. Now I cannot do evil. If I do evil, I will destroy Buddhism. I need someone to do evil on my behalf.

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly and he asked tentatively: So, I became your substitute?

Gao Bodhi has strong muscles, powerful muscles, and a tall and burly body. Standing next to Xu Ying like a mountain, he said quietly: Buddha, it is not that easy. The land of bliss is not unbreakable from ancient times. Today's world, ancient times The revival of the great road is just the indulgence of the immortal world. Now the immortal world needs me, Gao Bodhi, to stir up the troubled waters, so they can release me. What if they don’t need me anymore?”

He said quietly: Then, I am a thorn in their side. I cooperate with the emperor and seek skin from the tiger. The emperor will conquer the world, and I will be his next target. I am the only one in the Paradise. Even if I am a Buddha, I cannot survive alone. I We need all the Buddhas, all the Bodhisattvas, all the Arhats, all the venerable ones. You are the talent I like.

Xu Ying smiled and said: I often feel that I am a talent.

Ji Bodhi said: Therefore I can indulge you and let you destroy my incarnation. Xu Ying, you are a rebel in the immortal world. Facing the emperor, what else can you do? Only by taking refuge in me can you survive. possible.

He turned and left, and a voice came: The tide of the Three Realms is coming, and the underworld and the Yang world have begun to merge. If the Immortal Realm is close enough, will the boundaries of the Three Realms still be so clear? When mortals look up, they can see the Immortal Realm. , all heretics will be unable to escape the disaster! Xu Ying, the only way you can go is to take refuge in me!

Xu Ying watched him leave and fell into deep thought.

Gao Bodhi's words are correct. The tide of the three realms is getting stronger and stronger. The two realms of Yin and Yang are gradually merging, and the fairy world should also be gradually approaching.

Sooner or later, the immortal world will come because of this, merge with all the heavens and all realms, and turn into the earthly immortal world. At that time, who can resist the sweep of the immortal world? But, is it my wish to take refuge in Gautama Bodhi and bow down to others?

He raised his head and looked at the sky.

There is no trace of fairyland in the sky.

In the mountain forest outside Daleiyin Temple, Ji Jue is practicing. The young monk is sitting cross-legged, floating in the air, facing the rising sun. He sees that the Buddha's light is shining all over his body, and his golden body is transparent, like the body of Zhenru. Feel wonderfully bright.

Behind him, Wan Zhang Yuan Shen stood in the void, seemingly only a little over ten feet high. Following his thoughts, he displayed various Buddhist magical powers, including universal illumination, salvation, salvation, cudgel, sacrifice, Dharma Eye Hidden and other magical powers, all of which were exquisite.

After a while, his soul was sitting in the void, but Ji Jue jumped to the ground. While his soul remained motionless, he used various Buddhist magical powers.

This is a required morning lesson for him.

After he practiced it once, he slowly finished the exercise. His body was as straight as a spear, and the Buddha's light from all over his body surged to the back of his head and turned into a halo.

Your Dharma is not bad. came the voice of Gao Bodhi.

Ji Jue turned around and saw that the tall and majestic Evil Buddha had come to this mountain forest at some point. He must have been here for a while and wanted to see how he was cultivating.

Ji Jue hurriedly paid tribute.

Evil Buddha Gao Bodhi came to him in a few steps, looked him up and down, and praised: What a handsome little novice monk. I just watched you practice, and you are using all kinds of Buddhist magical powers. You have obtained the true teachings of Buddhism. . Xu Ying was full of lies, saying that you were his disciple, but in the Age of Ending Dharma, how could a Buddhist rookie like you appear? You are someone who has returned from the other side, right?

Jijue hesitated for a moment, then the evil Buddha Gao Bodhi smiled and said: Monks don't lie.

Ji Jue said honestly: I came back from the other side and was trapped in the dark time and space. Fortunately, I was saved by the benefactor A Ying and I was able to come here.

Evil Buddha Gao Bodhi smiled and said: So, have you seen the Buddha and other Buddhas? Have they entered death?

Ji Jue shook his head and said, I don't know if they are still alive.

He felt a sense of sadness when he thought of the scene when the Buddhas left Mount Sumeru and the Land of Ultimate Bliss and headed for the other shore.

Ji Bodhi said: Although Xu Ying jumped out, there is something he said rightly. You do know more about Buddhism than I do. It's just that you are young after all. Although you have learned many skills, your understanding is not enough, and some Buddhist magical powers are still lacking. When you perform the trick of no form and no action, your heart will be empty and you will be able to be formless. Your formlessness will achieve no form, sound, fragrance, taste, touch, birth, residence, and evil, male, She has a female form, but she has not achieved the form of selflessness. Therefore, when using this magical power, there is some lack of power.

Ji Jue said: When the Buddha taught me, he warned me to practice formlessness and non-action, and formlessness must be true. The state of selflessness is actually my true state, not selflessness.

Gao Bodhi sneered and said: Buddha's enlightenment was wrong. You and I draw a long river of karma, and each performs Wuxiangwuwu to cross the river. If you can cross the long river, you will be considered justified.

Ji Jue said yes.

The two of them each condensed their karma fire and drew a long river of karma fire in the air.

The karmic fire of Gao Bodhi is a long river of rolling karma, as wide as a hundred feet. Once it is contaminated, it will fall into the river and be burned to ashes in an instant.

Ji Jue's long river of karma is purer, and is about a hundred feet wide. He has a simple mind, and the karma he is contaminated with is also the karma of ancient times and Buddhism. The karma formed is not complicated.

The two of them each performed Wu Xiang Wu Zu and flew across the river.

The fire of karma in the two long rivers suddenly became blazing and burning. However, the fire of karma could not ignite the two people. They saw the two walking to the other side of the long river. There was no flame on Ji Jue's body, but a flame appeared on Ji Bodhi's clothes. The fire of industry is burning by itself.

Ji Bodhi stared at the flame and couldn't help but be stunned.

He was not injured by the karma fire, but his clothes were ignited by the karma fire, which made him feel a little shaken.

Ji Jue was shocked when he saw that he had not put out the fire for a long time. He thought he had fallen into a demonic barrier and hurriedly pinched the seal with his hand and shouted: No form, no action!

This Sanskrit sound, carrying the Taoist shout, is deafening and enlightening, and directly touches the soul.

Gao Bodhi actually felt that his Taoist mind was aroused by it, and he couldn't help but perform the move of no form and no action, and the karma fire on his body was immediately extinguished.

He closed his eyes and realized the fluctuations in his own vitality, consciousness, and mental strength caused by Ji Jue's shout just now. What surprised him even more was that with this shout, he actually realized the true meaning that he had never understood before. As it is!

After a while, Gao Bodhi opened his eyes and praised: Xu Ying is right, your attainments in Buddhism indeed exceed mine.

He had a fierce look in his eyes and said silently in his heart: I also said in front of Xu Ying that if I kill you, I will still be the number one person in Buddhism.

What is Buddha?

The ancestor of Buddhism.

What is the World Honored One?

The master of the world.

If one's attainments in Buddhism are surpassed by others, how can one be called an ancestor? How to be a teacher to the world?

But after killing Ji Jue, no one has attained higher attainments in Buddhism than him. Therefore, he still deserves the title of Buddha and World Honored One!

Ji Jue was unaware and said with a smile: It's not that my Dharma is superior to you, it's the Buddha's Dharma that is superior to you.

Ji Bodhi's face trembled violently, he fluttered his sleeves and left, sneering: Buddha's Dharma is above me? What a child. Buddha died, but I am alive, he cannot be immortal, but I can do it. He is just a small supernatural power. Better than me, but actually far inferior to me!”

Ji Jue was stunned and watched him go away.

Another day later, Jijue came to the forest again to do his homework. After finishing his homework, Gao Bodhi also came there. He lost his anger from yesterday and guided him to practice seriously.

When the Buddha and the Buddhas left, he was afraid that the Dharma would be lost, so he taught it to Jijue in a cram-like manner, causing Jijue to be unable to understand some of the Dharma. Although Gao Bodhi is an evil Buddha, his Taoism is profound and his Dharma is subtle. With some guidance, he can make great progress in his cultivation!

After more than ten days of this, Ji Jue's cultivation strength actually improved a lot.

Ji Jue felt that he was like another master of his, and he felt grateful but also a little uneasy. After all, Gao Bodhi is an evil Buddha. His return this time is also to solve the problem of Gao Bodhi and restore Buddhism's purity.

However, Gao Bodhi treated him so well, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

These days, Xu Ying was lazy. He practiced occasionally, and the rest of the time he lay down with his belly open and fell asleep.

Sometimes they even plucked their hair in front of the venerables and Arhats, which was very disrespectful.

Did Daoyuan give Xu Ying the Buddhist beads to him? Ji Bodhi caught a glimpse of Xu Ying sleeping on the threshold, and asked with great boredom in his heart.

Ji Jue said: Senior Brother Daoyuan gave it to him, saying it was to guard against you.

Ji Bodhi looked at Xu Ying and then at Ji Jue, thoughtfully. After a while, he said: Your cultivation level has reached the point. If you want to become a Buddha, you cannot achieve it in the Land of Ultimate Bliss. You should go to the ancestral court. The great road of heaven and earth will be revived there, and you can become a Buddha there.

Ji Jue thanked him.

Ji Bodhi saw Xu Ying waking up from his sleep, kicking off his shoes and crawling to the altar table to find something to eat, and couldn't help feeling disgusted.

Dogen chose him as the protector of Buddhism. It is not a normal choice no matter how you look at it.

Ji Bodhi said silently in his heart, I really want to kill him and the young monk, but Buddhism cannot support a single tree. I must leave a single seedling for the sake of my failure.

He looked at Ji Jue with murderous intent, but he still endured it, turned around and left, saying: I will be in seclusion for the next few days, and no one is allowed to leave Mount Sumeru Paradise!

When Xu Ying heard the words, he immediately got excited, found Ji Jue, and said: The evil Buddha is in retreat, it's time to leave the Paradise of Paradise! Just be prepared, we can run away at any time!

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