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Chapter 446 Paradise, the Pure Land of the West

Mr. Tamagawa was surprised and delighted. He had been seeking advice from the Bodhisattva in the past few days and practicing Buddhism. He had gained a lot. When he heard this, he asked, Buddha, where is Xu Ying now?

Coming this way.

Ji Bodhi smiled slightly and said leisurely, We only need to wait for him here, and he will fall into the trap of his own accord.

Xu Ying and Jijue Buddha flew to Mount Sumeru, and from a distance they saw the Great Leiyin Temple moved from the middle of the mountain to the top of the mountain, magnificent and magnificent. The temple is very lively with people coming and going, and the incense is flourishing.

Xu Ying stopped, looked around, and said, Wait a minute. It's a little weird. The Great Leiyin Temple was originally on the mountainside.

Jijue Buddha also looked around and said: Donor Aying, I heard that the Great Leiyin Temple was originally on the top of the mountain. Could it be that Senior Brother Daoyuan moved the Great Leiyin Temple back to the top of the mountain after suppressing Gao Bodhi?

Xu Ying didn't answer, looked around, suddenly turned, and flew to a holy place far away from Mount Sumeru.

It was originally a holy land left by an Immortal King. There were many Qi Refiners. Immortal magic weapons hung in the sky, and many ascending rays of light directly connected to the world of heaven.

At this time, the immortal weapon guarding the sect disappeared. Xu Ying stood in the air and looked, and saw that the Qi Refiners on the mountain had shaved their heads and were carving the giant Buddha with their bare heads.

Xu Ying had a sudden thought in his heart and said to Jijue Buddha: Master Daoyuan should not be the one who forces others to worship Buddha. If my prediction is correct, Master Daoyuan must have failed to seal the suppression of Gao Bodhi. What is happening in Daleiyin Temple now? Others are Gao Bodhi!

Jijue Buddha was shocked and said: It is impossible for Gao Bodhi to escape. It is the Buddha and other Buddhas who suppressed him. He was suppressed in the underground palace and cannot break the seal. How can he escape?

Thoughts flashed through Xu Ying's mind like lightning, and he said: The Emperor must have sent someone to break the seal of the underground palace. The Emperor is extremely intelligent and is good at immortal seals. I still have trouble breaking his seals. Open. Since we are good at sealing, we must also be good at breaking seals. If you don’t believe it, let’s go to the next sect, and there must be monks there!”

In the Daleiyin Temple, Gao Bodhi grasped Xu Ying's every move. He couldn't help frowning and said, Why is this person so suspicious?

Master Tamagawa observed his words and said: Anyone who has been murdered for more than 40,000 years will be very suspicious. Buddha, why not take action directly...

Ji Bodhi shook his head slightly and said with a smile: It doesn't matter. Let's play with him for a while.

Jijue Buddha followed Xu Ying to another holy mountain, and sure enough he saw that all the qigong masters here had shaved their heads and had scars on their heads.

Jijue Buddha felt great grief in his heart and murmured: Senior Brother Daoyuan is really dead?

Without thinking, Xu Ying offered sacrifices to the Third Heavenly Pass and said: Gatha Bodhi can't even kill the Buddha and other Buddhas, so it's better to run away as soon as possible. We can leave the green mountains without worrying about having no firewood. We have achieved success in our cultivation. After that, come back to Gao Bodhi for revenge!

He had just opened the third heaven gate when suddenly a Buddha's chant rang out and Master Daoyuan's voice came: Almsgiver Xu, are you okay?

Xu Ying was stunned and looked back, and sure enough he saw Master Daoyuan walking from Mount Sumeru, with Buddha's light all over his body, shining all over the sky. Countless gods and Buddhas appeared in the sky, which was extremely spectacular.

Jijue was surprised and happy, and he hurriedly saluted: Brother, have you become a Buddha?

Master Daoyuan looked him up and down and said in surprise: You are...

Xu Ying said: This is Ji Jue, a monk from a temple in my Yuanshou world. We were originally childhood friends, and later became a monk.

Ji Jue was puzzled and thought to himself: Is the donor Ah Ying too suspicious? Could it be that the curse of abuse of words has worked? Otherwise, how could he be so suspicious?

He quietly looked at Xu Ying, and he didn't look like he was affected by the six-character seal again.

Master Daoyuan looked solemn and said: I came to Mount Sumeru, sat in front of the Great Thunder Sound Temple, and refined the Bodhisattva with the Buddhist method. Suddenly I realized that there were great great beings in the era of Buddhas in the world. So under the interaction, I completed it in one fell swoop. Buddha.

Xu Ying was doubtful and said, How come these sect disciples have all become monks?

Master Dogen said: After I surrendered to the Bodhisattva and became a Buddha, many sects came to worship me and listen to my Dharma. They were inspired by me and willingly entered Buddhism. My Buddha is compassionate, and the great Buddhism still needs these knowledgeable people. assistant.

Xu Ying was relieved and said with a smile: I see. Master, I will bring you back the Buddha beads you lent me last time.

He took out the beads and offered them with both hands respectfully.

Master Daoyuan grabbed the beads, put them on his body, and said with a smile: Almsgiver Xu is indeed a believer.

Xu Ying smiled and said: This Buddhist bead is extraordinary. I think if I stay with Master Daoyuan, it can suppress Gao Bodhi.

Master Daoyuan smiled and said: I hope the donor will follow me to the Great Leiyin Temple and stay for a few days. I will help the donor resolve the seal curse.

Xu Ying nodded lightly and walked with him to the Great Leiyin Temple. Master Daoyuan smiled and said: Your seal curse is extremely stubborn, but it is not difficult for me to break it. After arriving at the Great Leiyin Temple, I will help Donor resolves.”

Master, how did you die? Xu Ying asked.

Master Daoyuan said in surprise: What?

Xu Ying looked gloomy and said, Who killed you and took on your appearance to deceive me? This person is really brave.

Master Daoyuan was astonished, and Master Jijue was also extremely shocked.

It was the first time for him to go down the mountain. He was like a blank sheet of paper. He had never seen the dangers in the world.

Master Daoyuan laughed and said, Why did Master Xu say this?

Xu Ying couldn't hide the sadness in his eyes and said: I met Master Chunchun at Wangxiang Terrace. Master Chunchun treated me with sincerity and had no ulterior motives. He was the purest person I have ever seen. Even if you use the art of creation to recreate his body, It’s also difficult to imitate its charm and innocence.”

Master Daoyuan said with emotion: Master Nephew Daoyuan is indeed a genius, but it is a pity that he is still dead. However, what if you see through it? Do you think you can suppress me with the Buddha's beads? It's just a dream.

The string of Buddha beads hung around his neck, and he said leisurely: Even if the Buddha is still alive, his response to this string of beads is only vague. He cannot exert some of the power of the beads. The Buddha can only be by my side, Only then can all the power of the Buddhist beads be unleashed.”

Master Daoyuan smiled slightly and said: Xu Ying, do you think that if you offer this treasure and hang it around my neck, I will be controlled by you? In fact, if the beads are hung on my neck, I will be the only one. Only in this way can the greater power of the prayer beads be unleashed.

His voice was evil, with a seductive and depraved charm: Your thoughts are reflected in my Taoist heart, vividly in my mind. You have been seen through by me, like a child without any clothes, naked. …”


Xu Ying raised his palm and said, Buddha is not by your side, but I am by your side. What's the difference?

The beads hanging under Master Daoyuan's neck suddenly floated.

Master Daoyuan's expression suddenly changed, and he felt that he was trapped between the beads and could not break out.

He separated a ray of soul, trained his incarnation, and turned into the appearance of Master Daoyuan. With the idea of ​​teasing Xu Ying, the cat played with the mouse, and then killed the mouse after enough teasing.

However, the string of Buddhist beads floated and rotated, and the Buddha's sound resounded loudly. It actually locked all his soul and magic power between the beads, making him unable to move or escape!

Gao Bodhi, you underestimate me. I hung this string of beads around your neck, so I knew you wouldn't be able to take it away.

Xu Ying activated the power of the beads, but saw that the beads were getting bigger and bigger, surrounding Master Daoyuan. The sound of the Buddha vibrated, locking his soul, and all his magic power, consciousness, etc. were integrated into one, turning into a bead. !

This bead is floating, and its blood color is like ruby. There is a small Buddha sitting in the lotus position in the blood bead. It is the divided soul and magical consciousness of Gao Bodhi!

But this Gatha Bodhi was extremely frightened and angry. He wanted to get up, but was suppressed and unable to move.

Xu Ying raised his hand, pinched the blood drop at this moment, and said sadly, Master, I can't avenge you today, I can only collect some interest first.

He grasped it hard, and with a strong breath, he crushed Gao Bodhi's soul and his magical consciousness to pieces!

Ji Jue stared at this scene blankly and didn't speak for a long time.

Xu Ying calmly turned his head and looked at the Great Thunder Sound Temple in Mount Xumi. He saw the light of the Buddha there steaming and shining in the void. There was a faint Buddha comparable to Mount Sumeru sitting in the void, with a compassionate smile on his face.

Mount Sumeru is extremely vast and is the center of the great world of Taishi. It even affects the movement of the sun and the moon, causing the sun to revolve around it. The big Buddha was so huge, and a voice came: Xu Ying, you are indeed an outstanding person and admirable. I never expected that you would turn the tables in this situation.

Xu Ying offered sacrifices to the Third Heaven Pass, immediately opened the door, and said to Ji Jue: The evil Buddha is powerful, far beyond what we can match. Let's leave quickly!

Ji Jue rushed into the Third Heaven Pass with him.

When the two of them stepped out of the Tianguan Gate, they heard the voice of Gautama Bodhi still coming clearly: In the past, the Buddha and all the Buddhas established a paradise of bliss, called the Pure Land of the West.

Xu Ying looked up and saw that this was still the Great World of Taishi, and in front of him was Mount Sumeru!

He activated the Third Heaven Pass again, locked the ancestral court, and rushed into the portal.

He has great magical power and great aspirations. The Tao is in harmony with heaven and earth, confirming time and space, and is eternal.

Gao Bodhi's voice still came, Now that he has passed away, only I can control this method.

Xu Ying shouted loudly, all six caves opened, and the four magic weapons behind him floated into the air. He pushed the third heaven to the extreme and shouted: You don't care about the paradise world, I will destroy it myself!

With his current mana, he is enough to activate all the power of this Immortal King's Treasure!

However, the door is opened, and behind the door is still the great world of Taishi!

In the world behind the door, there is still Mount Sumeru, and there is still the God of Gautama Bodhi!

And behind Xu Ying, there is a Mount Sumeru and a statue of the God of Gautama Bodhi!

Ji Bodhi Yuan Shen sat in the void, smiled slightly and said: Promise, the entire Taishi world is my paradise world, who can escape?

Xu Ying's feet suddenly hit hard: Hell!


The space around them exploded, and their bodies sank sharply, passing through the world of heaven and falling towards the underworld. However, the next moment, Xu Ying and Ji Jue's bodies paused, and they saw that they were still in the Great World of Taishi, with Mount Sumeru and Gao Bodhi Yuanshen still in front of them.

Xu Ying roared, inserted his hands into the void, and activated the Hutian Zhengdao Sutra to the extreme, tearing the void apart.

At the other end of the void, there is still Mount Sumeru, and the spirit of Gao Bodhi.

Ji Bodhi Yuanshen stretched out his hand and said with a smile: Xu Ying, please come to Daleiyin Temple as a guest.

Xu Ying had no expression on his face, dissipated all the turbulent energy and blood in his body, put away the Third Heaven Pass, and said to Ji Jue: Since the evil Buddha warmly invites us, how can we refuse? No matter whether Great Leiyin Temple is a dragon pool or a tiger's den, we have to go One trip. Don’t worry, you are my child, and I will not let you get hurt no matter what!

Ji Jue blinked. Although he didn't understand the purpose of repeatedly emphasizing that he was his child, he expected that Xu Ying must have a deep meaning.

The two of them walked towards the Great Thunder Sound Temple in Mount Sumeru. After a short time, they arrived outside the Great Thunder Sound Temple. They saw that the gods who originally guarded Mount Sumeru had taken refuge and turned into Arhats.

The heads, sect masters, and sect leaders of each major sect have shaved their heads and become venerables. Their bodies have been transformed, either with three heads and six arms, or as a Vajra with angry eyes, or as a subdued dragon and a tiger.

The immortal weapon became a magic weapon and was caught in their hands.

Many arhats and venerables came out of Daleiyin Temple and lined up to greet him.

Xu Ying and Ji Jue walked into the Great Leiyin Temple one behind the other. They heard a loud laugh. Master Yuchuan came towards them and said, Xu Ying, your skills are really wonderful. If you hadn't taken the initiative to enter the World Honored One's temple, In Elysium, trying to capture you outside is really troublesome.

Xu Ying looked at him deeply and said, Did Master Daoyuan die at the hands of Master Yuchuan?

Prince Tamagawa was surprised and said, Why do you say this?

Gao Bodhi was suppressed and could not kill Master Daoyuan. Your ancestor was very ambitious. Last time he sent a crane to deliver a painting to the lower world, but it was delivered to me. The imprinted thing on the painting is probably the rune mark that broke the seal of the underground palace. The emperor can break it once, but he can break it a second time.

Xu Yingdao said, So the emperor ordered you to come, break the seal, and release Gao Bodhi. Master Daoyuan was guarding this place, and you took advantage of his unpreparedness and attacked and killed him. Right?

Mr. Tamagawa sighed: It's like seeing it with your own eyes. You are so smart, you must be able to guess what method I used to kill such a great master of Buddhism, right?

Xu Ying's heart sank.

He naturally knew that only a magic weapon such as the Purple Netherworld Sword could make Master Daoyuan have no time to resist and be killed with one sword!

Mr. Tamagawa smiled and said: I chopped off his head with the Purple Nether Sword. This sword killed his soul as well, leaving him with only a little immortal spirit left. If this sword hadn't been cut off by you, I'm afraid he wouldn't even have this sword. Even the immortal true spirit must be killed.

Although he was smiling, there was resentment in his eyes.

His hatred for Xu Ying is comparable to that of Tianhai!

My own future was ruined by him!

You will die here, and I will use your head to accomplish something.

Mr. Yuchuan and Xu Ying walked side by side towards the Great Hall of the Great Thunder Sound Temple. He gritted his teeth and said with a smile, This time, you will have no chance to turn around.

Xu Ying walked into this temple with his head held high, and saw a tall and strong Buddha, half slumped and half sitting on the Buddha's throne, with his chest, legs and feet exposed, and thick black hair on his chest, legs and feet.

There were chains wrapped around his body, and there were groups of karma fire floating around. This group was extinguished, and that group was lit up.

Xiao Ying, you came all the way to see my Paradise, the Pure Land of the West. What do you think of my Dharma?

Gao Bodhi sat up slightly and said in a leisurely voice, like a loud bell, Do you think I look like the Buddha?

Xu Ying shook his head and said with a smile: Back to Buddha, it doesn't look like that.

Ji Bodhi laughed loudly: Your flattering appearance is very popular with me. I conquer thousands of different ways in this world, I refine the void and refine it into the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. I am the way of heaven, nurturing the common people, and I am the way of earth, nurturing all things. Why am I not like Buddha? If you can’t answer, I will kill you.”

Xu Ying smiled and said: Gao Bodhi, if you are the Buddha, you must be proficient in the Dharma. However, you are not even as good as the Dharma of my childhood, so how can you be like the Buddha?

Gao Bodhi couldn't help but laugh and said: My Dharma is not as good as this little novice?

Xu Ying looked solemn and said: Although our world of Yuanshou is a remote and remote place, Buddhism has still not been lost. Although the great ways of heaven and earth have changed and Buddhism has no power, I have been a monk since I was a child and have learned various Buddhist methods thoroughly. You These fake Buddhas who have become monks are definitely not as good as him who became a monk since childhood. If you are like Buddha, wouldn't he be more like Buddha?

Ji Bodhi's eyes fell on Ji Jue, and he was surprised and said with a smile: You are a child, but your cultivation level is not weaker than yours, and is even a bit better than you. Are you really a child?

Xu Ying smiled and said, I want to make a bet with Buddha. I bet that your Dharma is not as good as mine.

The big Buddha laughed loudly: A little novice monk, bet on Buddhism with me? What a fantasy!

Xu Ying's face straightened, and he said: Of course we are not betting on cultivation, but on Buddhism. We will bet on the Dharma. If you are afraid, just beat me to death with one palm.

When Ji Jue heard this, he shrank his neck.

Xu Ying continued: But if you lose, you must let us leave the Paradise, and you must not kill us in the Paradise. In addition, you must agree to one condition.

He pointed at Mr. Tamagawa and said with a smile: I want to fight him one on one and beat him to death. You can't interfere.

————Big, big chapter!

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