Choose a day to soar

Chapter 448: If I say I’ll beat you to death, I’ll beat you to death

Ji Jue also became nervous and whispered: I can leave at any time, when should we leave?

Xu Ying smiled and said: Wait for one day. When the evil Buddha enters seclusion and enters concentration, we can leave.

Jijue couldn't hide his excitement, and then said: The Paradise of Gao Bodhi is so powerful, how can we escape?

Xu Ying said: I can't break through his paradise, but he can't help but reach the sea. We have only one way to cross the sea, through the sea, and leave this world.

On the second day, Ji Jue was about to do his morning prayers as usual when he suddenly remembered the Bodhi verse and thought to himself: Did the evil Buddha tell me those words to ask me to go to the ancestral palace to become a Buddha? He also said he wanted to retreat. Could it be that Deliberately giving me a chance to escape?

He is not deeply involved in the world and is quite puzzled. Gao Bodhi is the Buddha who rules this world. He can obviously release him and Xu Ying, so why do he make such a complicated move?

At three o'clock in the morning, Xu Ying came to find him and said: Let's go together, it will easily arouse suspicion. If you leave first, you will say that you are going down the mountain on the order of the Buddha. After you come out of the mountain, go to the East China Sea. I will follow you and leave at noon. You are here After the East China Sea, if you can't wait for me before sunset, then go to the Tianhai to find a demonized world. That place is called Yuanchu Great World. Walking to the end of Yuanchu Great World is the Ancestral Court.

This was the first time Ji Jue left him and went on the road alone. He felt uneasy and said, I'm not good at lying.

Xu Ying frowned slightly and said: In that case, I will use the Hutian Zhengdao Sutra to hide you in the void and send you down the mountain. However, I am not very skilled in the Hutian Zhengdao Sutra, so I may not be able to send you far.

Ji Jue nodded quickly and said, Just send me out of Mount Sumeru.

Having said that, Mount Sumeru is extremely vast, and there are even three suns revolving around it. To hide Jijue in the void and send him out of Mount Sumeru, the magic power and spiritual consciousness required must be extremely huge!

Xu Ying raised his hand and swiped lightly, but saw that the space was split open, like a piece of cloth cutting a hole as high as a person from the middle. Ji Jue quickly walked into it.

Xu Ying said: Just walk out. When my magic power is exhausted, you will naturally fall out of the void. Remember, if you can't wait for me before sunset, you can go to the ancestral court by yourself!

Jijue solemnly said yes and walked out of the mountain. Oddly enough, as he moved forward, the crack in the void also moved forward, but the crack was very small, and a thin crack could be vaguely seen outside.

Ji Jue put his eyes in front of the gap and looked out secretly. He saw that the Great Leiyin Temple was heavily fortified, and the heads of all the sects in the entire Taishi world had converted to Buddhism and became venerables to protect this sacred mountain. They travel in the air, not only strictly prohibiting foreign enemies from intruding, but also guarding against anyone escaping.

Ji Jue inadvertently poked his head out of the crack in the void. He was shocked and quickly shrank his head, not daring to look again. He thought to himself: Donor Ah Ying's magical power is not good enough. After the void was opened, the void could not be healed.

As he walked further and further away, he felt uneasy in his heart: I wonder how long and how far the magical power of Al Ying Donor can last?

He was about to walk out of the place where the venerables were, when suddenly he heard Xu Ying's voice coming from far away from Mount Xumi: It's bad! Ji Jue is trying to escape! Hurry and catch him!

Jijue Buddha was panicked and rushed forward quickly.

When those venerables heard this, they immediately looked around, searching for Ji Jue's whereabouts. Xu Ying's voice came again, shouting from a distance: Look carefully, Ji Jue is hiding in the void, there is still a gap!

Jijue Buddha became more and more panicked, and hurriedly reached out and grabbed both sides of the crack in the void, trying to sew it up.

It was not easy for everyone to find him originally, but when they saw a few fingers protruding from the void, how could they let him go? Thousands of venerables immediately swarmed over and shouted loudly: Traitor Jijue, come out! I will take you back to see the Buddha for trial!

Ji Jue didn't care much, tore open the void, rushed out with all his strength, and ran towards the east with all his strength. I don't know how many sages were chasing him and yelling at him. Ji Jue had never heard so many dirty words in his life.

He was at a loss in his heart: Why did the donor A Ying betray me? Could it be that his magic power can no longer support it? Yes, that must be the case.

On Mount Sumeru, Xu Ying dispersed his magical power, smiled, and said with a laugh: A bunch of idiots went to chase Ji Jue, but it was easier for me to escape.

He stood motionless.

After a while, Xu Ying said to himself: The cultivation strength of these venerables is much inferior to that of Ji Jue. They cannot catch up with Ji Jue. I will meet him in the East China Sea. But there is no guarantee that the evil Buddha is pretending to be practicing in seclusion. , I will wait for a while longer.”

He actually sat down and waited.

After waiting for a while, Xu Ying left Mount Sumeru leisurely at noon, still saying to himself: It seems that Gao Bodhi has indeed gone into retreat. In this way, I can walk out of Mount Sumeru with peace of mind.

Although Gao Bodhi was in retreat, he had been paying attention to the movements of Xu Ying and Ji Jue, and he couldn't help but wonder when he saw this.

This kid keeps muttering, who is he talking to? Does he know that I am observing in secret? But he is too suspicious, right?

As Xu Ying walked out of the mountain, he was still talking to himself: When I go to the East China Sea, the best path is a straight line, because I know that if Ji Jue escapes, there will be venerables or Arhats trying to inform Gao Bodhi. If Gao Boti reminds him Come on, with his vast magical power, I will definitely be doomed. So I must save time as much as possible, so I must walk in a straight line.

Ji Bodhi observed secretly, and after a while, he finally realized: That's it.

Xu Ying arrogantly left Mount Sumeru without encountering anyone to stop him. He just walked forward towards the East China Sea.

When we arrived at the middle of Taishi's great world, we could see the misty mountains in front of us, towering between the clouds and mists. Although the mountains were not as tall as Mount Xumi, they were more upright and steep, with clear mountains and clear waters, and pleasant scenery.

There are nine mountains and thousands of peaks, just like a fairyland.

Xu Ying walked among them and couldn't help but admired: This place has beautiful scenery and is a burial place. If I die, I must be buried here.

As soon as he finished speaking, the mountains suddenly shook, the earth shattered into powder, and turned into earth, water, wind and fire. And the sky suddenly collapsed, and the countless voids shattered to the extreme, turning into a big millstone that annihilated everything, crushing downwards!

There were nine levels in the sky. All nine levels of heaven were destroyed. There were ten levels of earth. The ten levels of earth also turned into powder. The heaven and earth rotated in the opposite direction!

The heaven and earth collapsed, the nine heavens and ten earths were destroyed, and everything was wiped out. Xu Ying was caught in the middle of the nine heavens and ten earths. He only had time to let out a scream before he was crushed to pieces and crushed into mud!

After a while, the rotating nine heavens and ten earths slowly came to a halt.

Xu Ying, you asked the tiger to leave the mountain, but you didn't expect me to be a mantis stalking a cicada, right?

Mr. Tamagawa walked out from behind Jiutianshidi and said with a smile, Gai Bodhi won't kill you, he wants to let you go and deliberately seclusion. But how could he think that if he doesn't kill you, I will kill you!

He entered the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Extinction Immortal Formation, looked around for the promised immortal true spirit, and continued: I know you will definitely take this path. Because you are afraid of Ji Bo's reminder, you must go In a straight line, go straight to the East China Sea, and leave the Great World of Paradise through the Mysterious Sea.

At this time, he frowned slightly. He didn't find the promised immortal spirit!

When the emperor passed the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Extinction Immortal Formation to him, he told him that this formation was his own enlightenment over the past 40,000 years. It should be able to break Xu Ying's immortal true spirit and completely refine Xu Ying to death.

He remembered clearly that the emperor used the word should!

But now, the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Extermination Immortal Formation's refining of Xu Ying to death is going extremely smoothly, and there is no trace of the immortal true spirit left, which is a bit strange.

At this time, he saw an additional shadow next to the shadow under his feet.

His heart was awe-inspiring and his body was tense.

Xu Ying's voice came from behind him: Bai Yuchuan, what you know is what I let you know. What I don't let you know, you will definitely not know.

Young Master Tamagawa's eyes flashed: One Qi can transform the three pure beings?

He finally realized that the promise that just walked into his immortal formation was not the real promise, but the soul of heaven and earth that he promised!

Xu used the spirit of heaven and earth to lure him out of his ambush, and then sneaked behind him while he was unprepared.

He was extremely nervous, feeling Xu Ying's murderous intent. He turned his back to Xu Ying, and Xu Ying was close to him. If he moved even slightly, he would be fatally struck by Xu Ying!

Xu Ying, you are also in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Extermination Immortal Formation. With your eyesight, you will definitely be able to see that this treasure is extraordinary. It is specially designed for you. It will destroy your immortal true spirit with the force of destruction from heaven and earth!

Mr. Tamagawa said, Of course you can kill me, but you may not have time to kill me before you will be strangled by this emperor's immortal formation.

Xu Ying stood quietly behind him and looked around.

The Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Extermination Immortal Formation really made him feel threatened.

It was an extremely strong sense of crisis. Stepping into the formation made him feel that he would be doomed the next moment, and he even had the idea of ​​​​escape!

He only felt that he was so small in front of this power that destroyed everything!

He had the feeling of encountering a natural enemy, as if he would die if he entered the formation!

The Emperor's Immortal Formation must be aimed at his weaknesses. The purpose of creating this Immortal Formation is to completely destroy him!

This Immortal Formation is indeed extraordinary. In order to kill me, the emperor specially refined this rare treasure with good intentions.

Xu Ying said unhurriedly, This treasure makes me feel like I am inescapable, as if I am in the catastrophe of the destruction of heaven and earth. The supreme dojo has been destroyed, let alone a small human like me?

Mr. Yuchuan smiled and said: Since you are not sure about fighting against this immortal formation, then why don't we each take a step back. I will let you walk out of this immortal formation, and you must not kill me. Once outside the formation, you and I will A fair fight, a fight to the death!

Xu Ying stood there motionless and said calmly: Master Daoyuan died in your hands. Do you remember? I said in front of Gao Bodhi that I will beat you to death, and beat you to death.

Mr. Tamagawa laughed loudly: When I heard Mr. Xu speak, it was like farting after drinking water. It never counts.

Xu promised: But you are an exception. I can make an exception and keep your word for you.

Suddenly, the Purple Netherworld Sword appeared above their heads. Although it was a broken sword, it had the power to chop everything!

The appearance of this knife made Xu Ying's whole body feel like it was exploding, and bone-piercing pain surged from every part of his body.

The Purple Netherworld Knife dismembered him in his first life. This pain has been imprinted on the Immortal True Spirit. Whenever this knife appears, he can always recall this intense pain!

But Xu Ying was still very calm, his body still didn't waver at all, and his breath didn't waver at all.

This sword, combined with this formation, can kill you.

The fine cold sweat on Mr. Tamagawa's forehead gathered together and turned into large beads of sweat sliding down his eyelashes. He said, I still propose as before. I will give you a chance to withdraw from this formation and let you and I compete fairly.

Okay. Xu agreed.

When Mr. Tamagawa heard the word good, he relaxed a little, but just as he relaxed, he immediately felt the extremely terrifying sword intent erupting behind him!

Young Master Tamagawa roared with grief and anger, and activated the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Extermination Immortal Formation and the Purple Netherworld Sword!


The sky and the earth suddenly shattered, crushing downwards. The light of the Purple Netherworld Sword was shining, and the light of the sword penetrated everywhere and poured down.

Before that, Xu Ying's Zhu Xian Sword Qi had penetrated into Master Yuchuan's body. Zhu Xian's world-destroying sword energy was so devastating that it directly destroyed Master Yuchuan's consciousness and turned it into chaos!

His spirit, his dojo, and his soul were all turned into powder under the sword's will, and nothing remained!

One wrong step, no matter how great the advantage is, you will lose your life!

However, after this sword intent was completely shattered, the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Extermination Immortal Formation was activated and the sword light fell. The supreme sword intent slashed and the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths destruction power crushed it, allowing Xu Ying and Mr. Tamagawa to establish The land has turned into a time and space in ruins!

In the outer layer of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, time and space have turned into a ball of rapidly rotating chaotic energy, churning crazily. The inner layer is filled with lightning and thunder, and purple sword energy is traveling through it.

Standing in it, not to mention mortals, even immortals will be torn to pieces!

However, amidst the light of the sword and the great destruction, a small figure stood tall, with six caves, five magic weapons, fairy mountains, jade ponds, heavy towers and other objects behind him, each erupting with amazing divine and Taoist power.

Xu Ying stood in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Extermination Immortal Formation, his eyes full of fear, and the fear immediately turned into madness!

He frantically attacked the sword energy coming from all directions, and his originally thin body turned into ferocious muscles.

His soul stood behind him, and together with his physical body, he used all kinds of techniques, using all his strength to resist the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Extermination Immortal Formation and the Purple Netherworld Sword!

His skin burst and he was bleeding, as if he had been cut into pieces by a thousand knives.

He is like a god of war who defies the will of God, like a crazy demon god, releasing his fighting power almost madly, confronting the impossible existence, and fighting against death!

After a while, the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Extinction Immortal Formation stopped operating, and the Immortal Formation dissipated, leaving only an open scroll floating in the air.

And the Purple Netherworld Sword also hung in the air, motionless.

Xu Ying's body was dripping with blood, his knees were bent, but he stood hard, with almost no good flesh on his body.

Just now, Young Master Tamagawa activated the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Extermination Immortal Formation and the Purple Netherworld Sword, causing this wave of offensive to finally stop.

Thank you evil Buddha.

After Xu Ying said these words, he fell to the ground.

Gao Bodhi, who was far away in Mount Sumeru, showed a smile. The reason why Xu Ying thanked him was because the Great World of Ultimate Bliss blocked the emperor's perception of the Immortal Formation Diagram and the Purple Netherworld Sword.

If the emperor controls this sword and the Immortal Formation, Xu Ying will definitely die!

Even if you don't die, you will lose all your cultivation in this life and have to start all over again.

If you say beat him to death, beat him to death. He is an interesting boy, not that annoying. Ji Bodhi said with a smile.

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