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Chapter 434 Eight-Character Curse

In the majestic mountains of Yingzhou, Jijue Buddha stood alone, still silently waiting for Xu Ying, and whispered: Almsgiver Ah Ying told me not to go far, where has he gone... Great Merciful Hands!

He blasted out with a palm, the ground in the distance shook, and an immortal corpse was killed by his compassionate hands.


The emperor looked at the five remaining runes and said calmly: Zhongfu, do you know? When two kinds of immortal seals are superimposed, they can only exert 70% to 80% of the sealing power. When one of the seals When it is exhausted, the power of another seal will gradually appear.

Hearing this, Jiang Zhongfu immediately understood what he meant and immediately turned to look at another shrine.

The smoke curled up in the shrine, and there were eight other words floating in the air.

Desolation, violence and sorrow, violence and stupor!

The emperor looked at these eight words and said leisurely: Now, it is the turn of these eight words to exert their greatest effect. If a person is desolate, sad, violent and unconscious, then he will make mistakes and he will be close to death.

Jiang Zhongfu was sincerely convinced.

Xu Ying stood on the fairy mountain, his heart racing.

That handwriting is his father's handwriting, and his father is still alive!

He is not an orphan!

Back then, he must have found his father, so he stole Yingzhou from the fairy world and placed it here so that his father could live here safely.

Wait a minute! Father is here. Lord Pingnan is here with the Corpse Ghost Immortal Realm. They are searching everywhere for the whereabouts of Young Master Ning Qing. If father's life is endangered...

Cold sweat rolled down Xu Ying's forehead, his face was gloomy and his murderous intention suddenly arose.

My father has always lived here, but suddenly left. These people must have disturbed my father's peace and scared him so much that he had to hide. These people deserve to die!

He raised his hand to grab the Buddha beads and offered them up involuntarily.

The Buddha beads soar into the sky, getting bigger and bigger, covering an ever wider area. This treasure is a magic weapon that was sacrificed and refined by the Buddha. It has incredible power. It can not only save people, but also remove all evil spirits!

Jijue Buddha looked up and saw one hundred and eight Buddha beads growing larger and larger on a fairy mountain, forming a series of rings, covering an increasingly wider area. In an instant, they were like one hundred and eight planets. Floating above Yingzhou, covering the sky and the earth for countless thousands of miles!

Donor Ah Ying is a destined person from my Buddhist sect! Buddha Zi Jijue admired in his heart and smiled.

This prayer bead obviously comes from his teacher. The prayer beads were refined by the Buddha. The person who promised to receive this prayer bead must be the destined person chosen by the Buddha to help Buddhism make a comeback and the Dharma to flourish.

Donor Ah Ying has a kind heart, and you can tell he is a good person at a glance...

As soon as he thought of this, all the Buddha's imprint contained in the beads were suddenly activated by the promise. Suddenly, the sound of the Buddha was loud, the light of the Buddha was shining, and the beads were like the blazing sun!

One hundred and eight Buddhist beads are like one hundred and eight suns emitting Buddha light hanging in the sky. Under the light, no matter where the immortal corpse is hiding, they are all like ice and snow exposed to the scorching sun, emitting bursts of misery. Scream, flesh and blood melt and turn into withered bones!

Even those with strong cultivation, such as the Immortal King's Corpse and the Immortal King's Ghost, can hardly sustain it for long in the face of such a powerful Buddhist treasure!

Jijue Buddha immediately realized that something was wrong. Although the Buddha's Dharma was prosperous and profound, it was actually full of hostility.

This anger does not come from the beads, but from the owner of the beads!

Under the shroud of Buddha beads, even Jijue Buddha felt that the Buddha light in the beads seemed to be refining himself!

A Ying Donor seems to be in something wrong!

In the distance, Lord Jinhe couldn't help but frown. He also noticed the hostility coming from the beads, and actually wanted to suppress and refine him too!

His breath vibrated, and his sword energy cut through the Buddha's light, and he whispered: There is something wrong with that young man with the supreme sword energy. How could someone with such a powerful sword energy affect his Taoist mind?

At the same time, there were many immortal corpses flying away, trying to escape from the Buddha beads. However, the Buddha beads were their natural nemesis. As soon as they took off, they were refined by the Buddha's light, and their flesh and blood melted and turned into withered bones!

Suddenly, a corpse king was refining the light of the Buddha beads and rushed into the sky. He punched the beads one after another, sending the beads flying upwards and scattering the Buddha's light!

Xu Ying snorted coldly and stepped out. In almost one step, he arrived in front of the Corpse Lord. He covered it with a palm and the Five Sacred Mountains pressed down on him, making the Corpse Lord's figure slightly stiff.

The corpse king's corpse energy was overwhelming, and all around him in the Immortal Family Dojo, the Taoist chains were spinning and flying, holding the Five Sacred Mountains in place, preventing them from falling down.

But the next moment, one hundred and eight prayer beads shrunk rapidly. Xu Ying held the beads in his left hand and came brazenly to invade his dojo!

The corpse king roared, his roar was like thunder, and he was extremely angry.

A small Qi Refiner, even if he is Xu Ying, cannot underestimate the Immortal Lord, even if it is just a dead Immortal Lord!

The Buddhist beads swung open the Taoist chain, and the Buddhist beads flew around Xu Ying in his hands. Although each Buddhist bead was small, it was heavier than the stars. It knocked the Taoist chains around and scattered them, escorting Xu Ying into the dojo!

The Corpse Lord's corpse energy was all suppressed by the Buddha's light. Like an angry Buddha, Xu Ying fought against the Corpse Lord in close combat!

Various magical powers exploded between the two of them. Even though Xu Ying had been refined physically by the Qi of Creation, he was still not as good as the corpse of the Immortal Lord. In a close combat encounter, he could only rely on the power of the Buddha beads to fight against him!

Suddenly, Qi Qi rushed out from Xu Ying's head and turned into three Xu Ying, each holding a Buddhist bead and joining hands to fight.

Xu Yingze stepped back and let the three heaven and earth spirits block the corpse king.

The Corpse Lord was unparalleled in his tyranny, and he withstood the blow of the Buddha beads. With three loud bang bang bang bangs, he knocked out the three promises. But at this moment, the Water and Fire Mixing Heaven Cauldron flew out, combining water and fire, and took him in. In the tripod!

Xu Ying grabbed the beads and smashed them into the cauldron, activating the power of the beads.

The corpse king in the cauldron collided violently, and the unparalleled fighting power almost broke the water-fire hybrid cauldron. Palm prints and cracks appeared on the cauldron wall!

This treasure is the ultimate treasure of Heaven. It contains three thousand perfect runes of Heaven. It has been forged for 40,000 years with incense. In addition, it was promised to be refined with the energy of creation. It is so powerful that even all the artifacts of Heaven in the world of Heaven are destroyed together. , and may not be able to surpass this cauldron.

But the corpse king in the cauldron almost blasted through this heavenly treasure!

Xu Ying used all his strength to activate the Buddha beads. Although the corpse king in the cauldron was extremely powerful, he was still restrained by the Buddha beads and was refined to death by him!

As soon as this corpse king died, the Buddha beads flew out from the cauldron, still hanging in the air, still so huge, and all the immortal corpses were refined in the place it enveloped!

Xu Ying refined this corpse king to death because the Yiqi Transformation and the Three Purities were broken, his vitality was greatly damaged, his soul was injured, and he was in a state of confusion. But he still urged the beads as much as possible to fly to other places.

A Ying Donor, something is wrong with you!

Jijue Buddha flew up from the sky and said loudly, You seem to have been affected by some evil method. If you encounter a strong enemy again, you will definitely die!

Xu Ying had already become red-eyed and realized that he had hidden his father in Yingzhou. If anyone who entered this place hurt his father, he would regret it for the rest of his life.

He didn't care about much. He just wanted to kill everyone who entered Yingzhou. He didn't hear the words of Buddha Jijue and shouted in his heart: Go away!

Jijue Buddha suddenly felt that the pressure increased sharply, and one of the beads in the string actually pressed towards him, making it difficult for him to breathe.

He urged Buddhism to rectify the Dharma, and the giant Buddha appeared behind him, holding up the pressed beads. Jijue Buddha rose into the air against the pressure of the beads and said loudly: Almsgiver Ah Ying, I have the skills taught by the Buddha that can help you resolve this evil method! No form, no action!

He shouted loudly, and the Buddha's voice was deafening, striking directly into his soul and hitting the depths of Xu Ying's Taoist heart, trying to help him unlock the eight-character seal of desolation, violence, sorrow, violence and stupor.

Xu Ying suddenly turned around, with a fierce look on his face, and sneered: I saved you from the dark time and space, and you don't want to repay me, so you want to go against me, right?

He sealed the seal with his backhand, and suddenly Laojun's Bagua Furnace fell into the mortal world and turned into the Eight Wastelands Sun Refining Furnace. It was like an immeasurable sea of ​​fire, carrying blazing firepower, pressing down on Jijue Buddha!

The sea of ​​law is boundless!

Jijue Buddha shouted loudly, his sleeves vibrated, and he faced the Eight Wastelands Sun Refining Furnace. The magical powers of Buddhism and Taoism collided, and the terrifying aftermath roared across all directions, even cutting the sky into a thin line!

Fortunately, this place is Yingzhou, which is part of the immortal world. The heaven and earth are solid. If it were in the lower world, it would be a catastrophe like destroying the heaven and the earth!

Jijue Buddha was shocked to the point where his energy and blood were floating, and he was shocked: A Ying, the donor, was seriously injured by the corpse king, but he still had such tyrannical fighting power. In his prime, he was probably not weaker than me! Sacrificing his life——

He jumped out of the sea of ​​fire in the Eight Wastelands Sun Refining Furnace, leaving behind Buddha bodies to die for himself in the sea of ​​fire.

And when he came near Xu Ying, he was met with the death energy that seemed like all things would be destroyed, so Jijue Buddha had to fly away to avoid the impact of the death energy.

That was the Killing Immortal Sword Qi. Even though he was a disciple of Buddha, he had received the true transmission of Buddha and was taught by all the Buddhas. He had to retreat when faced with the Killing Immortal Sword Qi.

If you don't retreat, I'm afraid that no matter how high your Dharma is, you won't be able to escape death!

If I can't get close, I won't be able to help him resolve his cruel and violent aura!

Jijue Buddha was very anxious. He caught a glimpse of the Buddha's beads and thought to himself, World Honored One, please lend this beads to your disciples!

The string of Buddhist beads suddenly moved. Jijue Buddha felt happy, but suddenly the beads stopped moving.

He didn't know that this Buddhist bead was once transformed into the innate energy in the Guidao jade plate. Later, although it was restored by Xu Ying and the Buddha's brand was restored, it was also covered with the word 正 and branded by Xu Ying. Again.

Of course Xu Ying's imprint is definitely not as good as Buddha's, but Buddha is far away and Xu Ying is within easy reach. Even Buddha can do nothing about this bunch of Buddhas.

Jijue Fozi fought to get close to Xu Ying, but before he could get close, he was first suppressed by the Buddha beads, and then attacked by Xu Ying. The beating was really hard.

Suddenly, a sword light struck, like a long golden river, surging and suppressing each Buddhist bead.

Xu shook the beads with all his strength, and one hundred and eight beads scattered, each one as big as a planet, swaying the golden river, shattering countless sword energies, and sneered: Jinhe Sword Master, you also want to fight against me?

The Lord of the Jinhe Sword suddenly appeared, holding the Jinhe Sword in one hand. He was amazed at the power of the Buddhist beads. With a swing of his sword, he swung the beads away and said: You clearly have the supreme sword intention, why is your mind sealed and affected? Mind? Why not use sword energy to break it?

The sword light in his hand exploded and turned into a majestic sword domain dojo. Billions of immortal sword energy gathered into a torrent, flowing up, down, left and right, blocking the Buddha beads that came from all directions.

Jinhe Sword Master stepped forward, came to Xu Ying, and shouted: You use your supreme sword energy to attack me, and I will teach you how to decipher the enemy's conspiracy!

His sword intent surged towards Xu Ying, stimulating Xu Ying to roar angrily. He used the Immortal Killing Sword Spirit and stabbed the Jinhe Sword Lord!

The Lord Jinhe Sword shook the Sword Domain Dojo, held the Jinhe Sword upside down, and at the moment when he turned around to avoid the Zhuxian Sword Qi, he combined the Jinhe Sword in his hand with the Zhuxian Sword Qi.

Although the Zhuxian sword energy was suppressed by his dojo for a moment, the peerless killing intent in the sword struck. Even though Jinhe Sword Master was the number one swordsman in the immortal world, he was also stimulated to the point where his soul was shaken and his sword heart was damaged. .

The Golden River Sword in his hand was also suppressed and made a slight crackling sound. This was a sign that the immortal weapon could not withstand the great road and was about to be destroyed!

Jinhe Sword Lord forcibly suppressed the urge to let go, moved his sword into the clouds, and stabbed out with the sword, the sharp sword light pointed at the center of Xu Ying's eyebrows.

Immortal World, the residence of Immortal King Jiang Zhongfu.

The emperor looked at the horoscopes in the shrine, smiled slightly, and was about to get up. Suddenly, the horoscope exploded, and an unparalleled sword intent burst out of the two characters, and the next moment it came to the emperor's eyebrows!

The smile on the emperor's face froze, he flew back, and then turned sideways!

The sword energy formed by the supreme murderous intention rubbed his body and cut straight. The powerful sword energy split open the Immortal King's mansion, splitting open the door and several immortals in the house!

The surging sword energy split open the Immortal King's mansion, and the sword light, which was more than a hundred miles long, slashed down with a buzzing sound, cut into the Immortal Court, and split open several Immortal Palaces.

Only the sound of falling down was heard. Wherever the sword energy passed, all the vegetation was broken, and the main hall of Xianjia Palace fell!

The emperor's face was ashen as he walked out of the Immortal King's Mansion. He saw that his Immortal Martial Palace was also split open by the sword energy. The door creaked and slowly fell to both sides.

This kind of ability is beyond the reach of Xu Ying. He must be someone who has understood the supreme swordsmanship to help him and give me a decisive blow!

The emperor's face became more and more gloomy. There was only one person in the world who had such ability.

Jinhe Sword Lord, aren't you wearing enough shoes? You dare to provoke me! Don't even think about coming back to this fairy world!

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