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Chapter 435 The Nine Essential Sword Lords

The emperor returned to look at the shrine and saw that there were only six words left in the shrine, and only five words left in the other shrine.

Most of the twenty-four-character seal has been broken now!

At this moment, the six immortal runes of Desolation, Sorrow, Violence, and Tyranny seemed to be swaying in the wind and rain and might be extinguished at any time. It was obvious that the thief was still determined to break through these six immortal runes!

The emperor was nervous and asked his eldest disciple Jiang Zhongfu: Is Master Yuhu of Yuanjun's family dead? Has he returned to the immortal world?

Jiang Zhongfu said: Last time Master Tamagawa chased him, he escaped, and he probably has not returned to the immortal world. Emperor, do you need your disciples to come out and kill him?

The emperor's face was uncertain, he shook his head and said: I don't know what means Xu Ying used to break these immortal runes of mine, and his human deeds became more and more advanced. I want to destroy his ambition and break his heart. I need to use these few Between the Immortal Dao runes, add the word Luxury. The most evil of all is sexual immorality. As long as he indulges in licentiousness, his life will be wasted. As far as I know, Yuhu Zhenren is quite licentious and should study this Tao carefully...

Jiang Zhongfu looked strange and did not dare to speak.

It's strange, Jinhe Sword Lord is such a rebellious guy, but who is helping him with these words? The emperor frowned.

In Yingzhou, next to Xu Ying, Jijue Buddha urged the Buddha Dharma with all his strength. The Buddha's light blessed Xu Ying one after another. The Buddha's light circled his body and circulated up and down.

He drew a circle with his hands, and the Buddha's light turned into a ring, hanging behind Xu Ying's head. Together with the clothes of the Demon Supreme on Xu Ying's body, it seemed to have a somewhat righteous and evil feel.

A Ying, almsgiver, the monk can only suppress the curse on you, but cannot break it.

Jijue Buddha frowned slightly and said, The person who cast the curse has very high cultivation and conduct, beyond my knowledge.

Xu Ying woke up from the state of losing control just now, and then realized that something was wrong with him, and felt horrified.

Just now, he was so disturbed that he got into a fight with a being like Corpse Lord. Although he refined and killed the opponent, he was also injured as a result. Especially his magical weapon, the Water-Fire Mixing Heavenly Cauldron. This weapon was transformed into the realm of the refining period in his first life, and was almost beaten to pieces by the Corpse Lord!

In the past, I would never have been so reckless, but this time, for some unknown reason, I suddenly and uncontrollably wanted to get rid of everyone who invaded Yingzhou.

This is probably violent and unconscious, and he has lost his mind!

The emperor's seal and curse are hard to guard against.

Xu Ying felt awe-struck in his heart and bowed sincerely to Jijue Buddha and Jinhe Sword Lord. They both returned the gift. Jijue Buddha said: I don't dare. It's just that my Dharma is not very profound and I can't restrain the great curse for long. , then we have to re-implement the Dharma and suppress it again.

He couldn't help but said: I looked at the string of Buddhist beads belonging to the donor Ah Ying, and it seemed to have the aura of my master. This treasure could originally suppress that kind of mantra, but for some reason, the Buddha couldn't activate the string of Buddhist beads. Causes incantation to invade and control your mind.

Xu Ying was stunned and whispered: Is it because I am too clever?

This string of Buddhist beads was given to him by Master Dogen, with the original intention of letting him wear it regularly to fight against Bodhi. It contains Buddhist cause and effect.

When Master Dogen gave him this treasure, he hinted that if something happened to him and no one in the world could deal with Gao Bodhi, then the responsibility would only fall on Xu Ying who was holding the beads.

Although Xu Ying wore the beads on his body from then on, he also knew that the beads were a trouble, but Gao Bodhi did have a grudge against him and had to accept them.

But he also took the opportunity of returning to the Dao Jade Plate to melt the Buddha beads, refining the Buddha beads, and branded himself one after another, competing with the Buddha's brand.

I just didn't expect that my own brand would overwhelm the Buddha's brand, so that the prayer beads failed to help me fight against the eight-character curse.

Jinhe Sword Master's words were as sharp as the light of a sword, saying: You have such sword skills, so why do you need any magic weapon to help you resist the curse? Just use your supreme sword energy and sword intent to break it!

Xu Ying looked solemn, bowed and said: Thank you Sword Lord for your advice. I'm just ashamed. Although I have understood the Zhuxian Sword Intent, I am still not very proficient in the way of the sword.

The Lord Jinhe Sword was so angry that he smiled. The Immortal Killing Sword was full of power, subduing thousands of ways, killing gods, destroying heaven and earth, and killing all living beings. It was so tyrannical that it could not be broken without killing any way!

This is called not very proficient in swordsmanship?

Who is your teacher?

Sword Lord Jinhe sneered, It must be a big deal that he can teach you swordsmanship to such an extent. How come he doesn't even teach you how to break forbidden spells and curses with swordsmanship? I want to see what kind of fool he is!

Xu Ying hesitated and then asked tentatively: Sword Lord, don't you feel familiar when you see my swordsmanship?

Jinhe Sword Lord blinked his eyes and had a vague feeling of something bad.

Although he was smart, he was an honest man. Although he knew something was wrong, he still resisted running away and thought to himself: Am I the stupid one?

Xu Ying smiled and said: My swordsmanship was initiated by Yuan Tiangang. I understood the basic swordsmanship from his sword intention. After that, I really started to learn swordsmanship because I received the favor of the Sword Lord.

Jinhe Sword Master resisted the urge to run away and said, When have I ever given you a favor?

Xu Ying gathered Qi into a sword and performed the Sword Dao Guizhen Jue, using the four-character sword meaning of sword, Dao, Gui, and Zhen one by one.

There are four kendo runes hidden in the Sword Way Returning True Secret Art. Each rune contains extremely profound sword principles. The founder of the Shushan Sword Sect discovered the sword art on this cliff, comprehended the supreme swordsmanship, and created Sword Gate, transcend the tribulation and ascend!

Xu Ying also obtained this sword technique at Jianmen. Since then, his swordsmanship has improved by leaps and bounds.

Later, he understood the meaning of the Zhuxian Sword in Biyou Palace, the ancestral court, and understood the principle of holding on to the weak and guarding the weak, which also relied on the foundation of the swordsmanship to return to the truth.

At first, he didn't know who was the founder of the Sword Dao Returning Art, but when Minghai Fengdu Mountain rescued Emperor Beiyin, he saw the afterimage of the sword energy inserted into Emperor Beiyin's chest.

The afterimage of the sword energy nailed Beidi to death in the jade coffin. Xu Ying recognized the person who killed Beidi from the afterimage and was the person who left the sword technique on the cliff!

Not long ago, he and Beidi came to the ancient sea of ​​​​underworld, and the true owner of the sword ghost, the Golden River Sword, came out. Although it was in the hands of Su Jingyan, the Immortal King of the Ten Thousand Gods, it still killed Beidi extremely hard. Embarrassed.

Only then did Xu Ying learn that the Sword Art Returning True Secret was passed down from Jinhe Sword Master.

Sword Lord Jinhe looked a little surprised when he saw him performing the Sword Returning Art, and a voice in his mind warned him: Run! It's too late to run now, otherwise he will recognize you as his teacher, and you will be the teacher of the rebel!

However, his feet were still stuck on the ground like swords, motionless, and he said dryly: I left my sword skills in the lower world, probably in the Yuanshui world. Are you from the Yuansiu world?

Xu Ying nodded.

Jinhe Sword Lord feels that he should not be so upright. Sometimes he bends his head, sometimes he loses his face and runs away, which can definitely change his destiny.

However, if he was really willing to bend his knees and be shameless, he wouldn't be sent to Wei Xu to guard the cemetery.

Back then, I was ordered to go down to the lower world and lurk in the world of Yuanshou, waiting for my colleagues in the immortal world to fight together into the sea of ​​​​underworld and fight against the Great Emperor Beiyin. During this period, I had some insights in Shushan and created a set of Guizhen swordsmanship. Engraved on the stone wall.”

Jinhe Sword Master still honestly told the cause and effect, saying, I didn't expect that you would learn from me.

He looked at Xu Ying eagerly, fearing that Xu Ying would call him master.

If Xu Ying is called, he will be a rebel master, and he will never want to return to the fairy world again in this life!

In order to deal with Beidi, one of the four giants in the underworld, the three immortal kings led the powerful men from the immortal world and the heavenly world to break into the underworld and besiege Fengdu Mountain. The most powerful among them is Jinhe Sword Lord.

At that time, the other five princes of Luo Feng's Liutian Palace saw the terrifying situation of the three immortal princes besieging Fengdu Mountain, so they did not dare to rescue and ran away for their lives.

The Great Emperor of Beiyin finally died at the hands of the Jinhe Sword Lord. After the Jinhe Sword Lord killed him, he was buried generously and his body was not exposed.

After I beheaded Beidi, I didn't do anything with it. The superiors said that I scared the ghosts of the underworld, so I was dismissed from my post and investigated.

The corners of Jinhe Sword Master's eyes trembled, and he said, Later, Tianzun made it clear for me, keeping my cultivation and sending me to Wei Xu.

Scared of ghosts?

What crime is this?

Xu Ying was extremely shocked and asked, What about the other two immortal kings?

Are you talking about the two Immortal Lords Liang Yue and Yin Yu? Their life is not easy either. I heard that they are also in the lower realm, and their crime is to scare the ghosts.

Lord Jinhe Sword said, There were not many people who made meritorious deeds back then who could get credit. Immortal Lord Yin Yu was supposed to be a guard in the primitive world. Immortal Lord Liang Yue's backstage fell. I don't know where he ended up.

When he said this, he couldn't help but look sad. The three great immortal kings who had made great achievements in the battle at Fengdu did not end well.

Jijue Buddha was suddenly surprised and said: Two donors, I have calculated it, and you two are still in a master-disciple relationship!

Jinhe Sword Lord's face suddenly changed and he said: It's fellow Taoist. I just carved a set of sword techniques on the cliff unintentionally. Xu Taoist undoubtedly saw that he gained something from it. It means that he has deep blessings. I didn't Pass him on purpose.”

Xu Ying observed his words and expressions and knew his concerns, so he smiled and said, It's fellow Taoist.

Jinhe Sword Lord breathed a sigh of relief.

He has a nickname in the fairy world, called Little Shoes Sword Lord, which means that he is too upright and often wears small shoes. If he gets involved in Xu Ying's relationship again, he will never be able to take off his shoes again.

After all, he was only demoted because of his integrity, but Xu Ying was a full-fledged rebel.

Xu Yingdao: In addition to learning the Sword Lord's Sword Art Returning True Art, I also realized the extraordinary sword magic in my first life. I encountered the Zhu Xian's Broken Sword in the ancestral court and finally realized the supreme sword intention. As for sword skills and sword skills, I Never really learned.”

I see.

Jinhe Sword Master suddenly understood, hesitated for a moment, and said, You have never systematically studied swordsmanship, and you are able to achieve this. It is really amazing. Why don't you and I just stay here and communicate for a few days? What do you think? After you and I communicate. , you will naturally know how to use the sword to fight against curses.

The purpose of his coming to Yingzhou is to suppress Pingnan Tianjun. This is his duty. It's just that Pingnan Tianjun's cultivation strength has greatly increased. With his current strength, he is no longer Pingnan Tianjun's opponent.

He said silently in his heart: If my skills can be passed on to others, even if I die in battle, I will have no regrets.

Xu Ying hesitated and said, My father may be hiding in Yingzhou...

Jinhe Sword Lord said: You just offered Buddha beads and made a big fuss in Yingzhou. If he was hiding in Yingzhou, he would definitely notice it and come looking for you. If he is not in Yingzhou, you can't find him even if you look for him. he.

Xu Ying thought about it and found that this was indeed the case.

They returned to Xujiaping. Jinhe Sword Lord cut off a branch and cut it into a wooden sword. He gave one to Xu Ying and kept the other for himself. He said: Although you have understood the extraordinary sword intention from the swordsman. Swordsmanship, but to truly master the art of swordsmanship, you need to learn it from scratch. The so-called sword is a gentleman's weapon and an extension of his hand.

He was like a warrior, dancing with a sword, performing the basic sword moves one by one, and said: If you want to become a sword immortal, you must first become a mortal sword. Start practicing as a mortal.

His sword-shaking, point-pointing, cloud-sword, and collapse-sword moves, all of which were performed by mortal warriors, were extremely standard and had the aura of a great mortal master. His voice came clearly into Xu Ying's ears: For a mortal sword, the first thing to do is to use it. Qi. The sword collects the Qi of the Five Mountains, refines the Qi and cultivates the Yuan, and the five Qi move towards the Yuan into the sword;

The second step is to knock at the pass. The sword is like a gentleman's, and it also has three passes. The first pass is called E, which is like the tail gate of the human body. After passing this pass, the sword changes according to the heart and can be pointed at will;

Three must be practiced together. Combining water and fire, using the sword as a furnace, practicing the sword with water and fire, and practicing the golden elixir in the sword, which is called the sword pill. Once the sword pill comes out, it will fly into the sky and escape the earth, and it will destroy everything;

The four key points are two: Knock on the key point. Knock on the central ridge entrance, just like the entrance point between the spine of the human body. Through this entrance, you can get the secrets of the sword, practice the sword's heart, be upright, and the sword's heart is clear;

The soul that refines the sword through the five essentials is like a human being in a twelve-story building.

There are nine steps from gathering Qi to ascension, which Jinhe Sword Master calls the Nine Essentials.

What Xu Ying lacks is the foundation. What he has learned in this life is either a certain volume of immortal skills that have been deciphered, or he has understood them by himself, or he has awakened the memories of his first life.

He has never had a teacher. Neither Zhong Ye nor Xian Qi is suitable to be a teacher, they all try to gnaw at him.

Jinhe Sword Master followed the Nine Essentials teachings, and Xu Ying practiced according to the swordsmanship taught by Jinhe Sword Master. He suddenly understood all the mysteries of swordsmanship. Things he had never thought of before, and things he had misunderstood before, suddenly became clear to him. !

In just two days, Xu Ying's attainments in swordsmanship improved by leaps and bounds. Just as Jinhe Sword Lord said, his foundation was not stable in the past. Although he had mastered the supreme swordsmanship, he could not understand the magic of swordsmanship. Now that he has practiced with Sword Lord Jinhe for two days, he has noticed more wonderful uses of swordsmanship.

There is even a way to use the sword to break the emperor's seal!

Although Jinhe Sword Master nominally taught him basic swordsmanship, he actually explained the practice of swordsmanship from Qi gathering to ascension.

Two days later, after he finished explaining, he was about to get up and leave. Xu Ying said quickly: Sword Master, why don't you stay for two more days? I will teach you the sword energy of Killing Immortals!

Jinhe Sword Lord shook his head and said: I can't learn the supreme killing intent. To cultivate this sword intent, you need an indestructible body and an immortal body. I have never practiced Nuo, and I will never do it again in this life. Practice from the beginning. Fellow Taoist Xu, please say goodbye!

He turned around and left, disappearing into Qingming.

Xu Ying watched him go away, feeling lost.

Suddenly, Xu Ying's ferocious aura began to rise, and the corner of his mouth moved, and he said viciously: If there is a problem between Lord Jian and my father, I will kill everyone here and bury them in Yingzhou!

Jijue Buddha screamed and rushed over. He drew a circle of Buddha's light from a distance and put it on the back of Xu Ying's head to help him suppress the emperor's six-character mantra.

If I'm not careful, the Buddha's light will be extinguished! Fortunately, I didn't go far. What a good thing! He was still frightened.

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