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Chapter 433 Returning to Yingzhou

Xu Ying hurriedly caught up and saw Jijue Buddha getting rid of another group of corpse immortals.

The Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss is the World of Ultimate Bliss. The remnant souls of these corpse immortals were hit by his attack, with smiles on their faces. It seems that their souls have ascended to Paradise and turned into ashes.

There were corpses everywhere on the ground. Ji Jue stood beside these corpses and chanted sutras for them.

Is it useful to kill them and then chant sutras for them? Xu Ying asked humbly.

Jijue Buddha shook his head and said: It's useless, but it will make me feel at ease.

This young monk's combat prowess is extremely high, and he is extremely skilled in the use of various Buddhist techniques. He is simply the nemesis of the corpse immortals and ghost immortals. Xu Ying judged that his magical powers were not only effective against corpse fairies and ghost fairies, but also against living people.

With the inheritance of the Buddha and the Buddhas of Daleiyin Temple, it is difficult for Ji Jue to become powerful.

Pingnan Tianjun came here to hunt down Ning Qing, who had obtained the supreme treasure, the Jade Plate of Return, and seize the treasure. He asked all the Immortal Kings and Immortal Corpses under his command to spread out in search of Ning Qing's whereabouts. Therefore, the mountains of Yingzhou were full of Immortal Kings and Immortal Corpses, searching and rummaging around.

Therefore, Jijue Buddha believed that the world was filled with corpse energy, and felt that this place was no better than the other side.

Xu Ying climbed up and looked far away. This Yingzhou is really vast, extremely vast, with fairy mountains floating everywhere, high or low, hanging in the sky, with auspicious air and rays of light.

There are many mountains similar to Penglai.

He looked up and saw that the fairy world was open, and fairy energy and fairy light were constantly spreading, making this place no different from the real fairy world!

How did I get Yingzhou down from the fairy world back then? Xu Ying was a little confused.

This kind of fairyland is a world of its own, far superior to the self-contained world of Penglai.

I wonder if there are still immortals here if I move to the lower realm? Xu Ying thought to himself.

His wasted memories of 40,000 years have been awakened, especially after he obtained the emperor's scroll, and the speed at which he cracked the sixteen-character seal became faster and faster. However, the seal of his first life memory was the deepest, and he has not yet broken it.

However, when he revisits his old place or encounters something deeply memorable, memories from his first life will still surface, allowing him to gradually remember what he did in his first life.

When Jijue Buddha was not fighting, he was still gentle, quiet, handsome, and said to Xu Ying: A Ying Almsgiver, I cannot answer many of your questions, and some of them are for which the Buddha is also looking for answers. I can only answer some of the questions I have. knew.

Xu Ying withdrew his gaze and asked, Did the Buddha and other Buddhas leave this world to find the other side?

Jijue Buddha said: Yes.

Xu Ying looked expectant, looking forward to more content in his answer.

Jijue Buddha was stunned, like a big boy who was not good at communicating, and said nonchalantly: What else do you want to know?

Xu Ying was heartbroken and taught him a lesson: I ask you this question, you can't just answer yes or no! You should draw inferences from one instance and draw parallels. After you answer yes, you have to go on to talk about why the Buddha went to find the other shore, the Buddha and all the Buddhas. Why would they abandon this world to find the other side! Why did they move the whole world without leaving any orthodoxy behind?

Jijue Buddha stammered: Almsgiver Ah Ying, this is obviously not a problem for you...

Xu Ying shook his head: This is human nature. Have you never communicated with anyone except Buddhas before?

Jijue Buddha shook his head and said, I am the only mortal on the mountain. I have never seen anyone else.

Xu Ying was stunned, glanced at Jijue Buddha, and asked doubtfully: Are you a mortal? Have you never become a Buddha?

Jijue Buddha nodded and said: Buddha told me that the great road of heaven and earth has been destroyed, and it is no longer possible to become a Buddha.

Are mortals just that strong? Abnormal!

Xu Ying secretly praised in his heart and said with a smile: Don't worry, I used to be unkind, but thanks to me meeting Qi Ye. Now that things have come to an end, I will take you to see Qi Ye. Qi Ye will definitely teach you to be harmonious. me too!

Jijue Buddha showed a look of expectation, he couldn't help but be fascinated, and he wished he could fly over immediately to listen to the teachings of the Seventh Master.

He still had to answer Xu Ying's question. Jijue Buddha said: Buddha mentioned less about your question just now, and his words often contain hidden tips. However, when I asked about the Buddhas, Medicine Buddha told me that they left the original universe to find the other side because of an incident. A great tide sweeping the universe.”

Xu Ying suddenly became energetic: Tide of the Three Realms?

Jijue Buddha was puzzled: What are the tides of the three realms?

Xu Ying said: The underworld, the Yang world and the immortal world are pulling each other and approaching each other. The abnormality in time and space caused is called the tide of the three realms. A friend of mine is named Yuan Tiangang. He calculated that the tide of the three realms is approaching, and there will be a chance to become an immortal... Yuan Tiangang will introduce you to him later.

Jijue Buddha said: The big tide should not be the tide of the three realms you mentioned. The results caused by the big tide are not like the tide of the three realms you mentioned. Medicine Buddha said that because of the big tide at that time, all the gods, Buddhas and immortals felt the Tao. If it is shaken, the Taoist field will be unstable, and there may even be a phenomenon of Taoist crying.

Xu Ying was wondering, how does Tao cry?

Ji Jue knew nothing about this and could only repeat the words of Medicine Buddha and continued: After the Tao cried, the great road of heaven and earth decayed. The Buddha realized that there might be an other shore in the void, very close to this world, so Cause a big tide. Medicine Buddha said that this big tide may rise or fall because of this.”

How does it rise or fall? Xu Ying was a little confused.

Ji Jue didn't know what the ups and downs were, so he repeated it to himself, saying: The Medicine Buddha said that the Buddha originally thought he had found immortality, but he didn't expect that it was not the real immortality, so he decided to go to the other shore. After reaching the other shore, he He discovered that this place was not the real other shore, or that it was not the other shore he had imagined.

Xu Ying sorts out the clues.

During the great tide, the Buddha noticed that the Great Way of Heaven and Earth was affected by the other shore, and discovered that he was not truly immortal, so he led the Buddhas to cut off the top of Mount Sumeru and soar into the other shore. After going there, he found that the other side was different from what he thought. Even if he wanted to go back, he couldn't come back.

Are the other shore that Buddha went to and the other shore that Taoist went to the same place?

He asked Jijue, and Jijue said: Except for the Buddhas, I didn't see anyone else there.

Xu Ying couldn't help but said: Ji Jue, have you noticed a problem? You didn't see anyone else on the other side, so how did you get here?

Ji Jue was stunned and hesitated: I should be from Mount Xumi...

Xu Ying shook his head and said: There are only Buddhas in Mount Sumeru, and you were born from the Buddhas? It's obviously impossible. There is no one else on the mountain. How did you come to the mountain?

Ji Jue could not answer. Ever since he could remember, he had been on Mount Sumeru and received the teachings of the Buddha and other Buddhas.

There is something weird on the other side. Besides the Buddhas, there must be others.

Just when Xu Ying thought of this, Ji Jue suddenly went out to kill another general and shouted: Don't let go! I'm enlightened!

The Buddha's light descended from the sky, struck the forehead of a female corpse king, and poured it down. The female corpse king was as beautiful as a flower, but she was also turned into a pile of withered bones in an instant.

My Buddha is merciful! Monster, let me see where you are going to hide? The Dharma Eye Hidden!

Behind Ji Jue, Wan Zhang Yuan Shen stared at the Buddha's light, buzzing, scanning all directions, searching for a hidden corpse king, and rushed forward without any explanation.

Show me your true colors! Great!

Xu Ying had become accustomed to this young monk's behavior. He inadvertently looked up and saw something shining in the sky like a star.

Ji Jue, don't go far!

Xu Ying shouted loudly, and suddenly his figure soared into the air, getting higher and higher, looking towards the sky.

After a while, he came to the sky and finally saw the scene outside. The glowing thing was a sea of ​​fire formed by chaotic fairy fire.

And behind the sea of ​​fire is a magnificent sea of ​​chaos. The mere sea of ​​fire is insignificant in front of this sea of ​​chaos!

Beyond the Chaos Sea Niwan Palace!

Xu Ying's heart was pounding wildly, and he calmed down. The other side of the Chaos Sea did not refer to the Chaos Sea, but the sea of ​​fire. There should be a continent under the sea of ​​fire, which was created by an extremely powerful being on the sea of ​​chaos!

In my first life, I lit the fairy fire of chaos there, created a furnace for refining the energy of chaos, and practiced the elixir of immortality.

Xu Ying looked in the distance and saw Yingzhou flying towards the Sea of ​​Chaos. In a few days, the two would be close to each other, and the geomagnetic field would cause interference and turn into a torrent, connecting the two worlds!

The location of Yingzhou is extremely strange, and its trajectory is probably also extremely strange. Could it be that Yingzhou is constantly floating in the void according to the routes of the six other shores?

Xu Ying couldn't help but fell into deep thought. The trajectory of Yingzhou's movement was obviously determined by him in his first life. He put this fairy land here not without purpose, he must have his intention.

Just wait a few days, and Yingzhou can carry me to the other side of the Sea of ​​Chaos. Xu Ying's eyes flashed.

He is now only one short of a fairy cave to be able to unlock all six secrets. The elixir contained in this fairy cave is precisely the elixir of immortality.

But even the Goddess didn't tell him where he gained enlightenment in the Niwan Palace in his first life and built this Niwan Palace to refine the energy of chaos into the elixir of immortality.

Perhaps he could find clues in this regard from the Niwan Palace on the other side of chaos.

Xu Ying withdrew his gaze and was about to look for Jijue Buddha. Suddenly he felt something in his heart and turned his head to look into the distance. There was a fairy mountain floating in the sky. The houses on the fairy mountain looked familiar, giving him a familiar feeling.

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly and he flew away in a hurry. Within a moment, he came to the fairy mountain and walked towards the house on the mountain with excitement.

A familiar feeling came over me.


The streets here and every house on both sides of the street are designed according to Xujiaping, with almost no deviation!

Back then, he rebuilt Xujiaping here to commemorate his hometown!

In front of Xu Ying's eyes, scenes from his first life emerged. People were coming and going on the street. They were all faces he was familiar with. Some stopped to call him Xiao Ying, and some said hello to him.

He saw his young self having fun in the crowd, running wildly with his friends, and seeing himself naughtily climbing up walls and running across the eaves.

Don't fall! came my mother's voice.

Xu Ying's heart trembled, and when he looked back, he saw the young woman passing through his body like dust and smoke.

Xu Ying leaned against the wall weakly, staring blankly at her mother running on the street, spreading her arms, fearing that she would fall off the eaves.

You can't fall to death!

Beside him, his father's voice came, and Xu Ying looked at the young private school teacher. That was his father, standing in front of the door with a smile.

Suddenly, his father and mother disappeared like dust and smoke, and more memories about Xu Jiaping came to his mind. They were memories from when he was younger, the scene when his father pressed his head and washed his face vigorously, and his Sneaking out to fish with friends.

There was also the situation where he and a group of friends were pinned in the bird's nest by Qingluan because they took out Qingluan's bird's nest, waiting for their parents to redeem them.

Xu Ying walked on this familiar yet unfamiliar street with a smile on his face and peace in his heart.

He walked to the end of Xujiaping and looked up. There was a mansion there. Xu Ying walked forward and entered the mansion.

There is no one here.

Xu Ying walked casually, looked around, and said silently in his heart: Did I ever live here for a period of time in my first life?

The place is filled with books, and there are bookshelves everywhere. They should be various classics that he searched for in the first life.

Xu Ying casually pulled out a book, which was an ancient method called Taishang Dongyuan Xuan Gong. Strangely enough, he just saw the name of the book and naturally remembered the content.

He picked up another book, which recorded a technique created based on the Heavenly Way of Beiyin Emperor, called the Beiyin Demon-Suppressing God Curse.

Xu Ying suddenly had various memories of the Beiyin Fu Demon God Curse flooding into his mind, and he naturally mastered the magical powers in this book.

Every time he picked up a book, it evoked a sealed memory. Unknowingly, he read more and more books, and he awakened more and more Taoist and magical powers in his first life.

He looked at them one by one, losing track of time and immersed in the memory of his first life.

In the immortal world, the emperor's eldest disciple, Immortal King Jiang Zhongfu's expression suddenly changed, and he saw the immortal runes extinguished one after another on the shrine in front of him.

Something bad happened!

He hurriedly came to the emperor's residence and asked to see the emperor to inform him of the matter.

Is Xu Ying about to escape from the sixteen-character seal?

The emperor was surprised. He stood up and looked at the sixteen-character runes. He saw that eleven of the runes had been wiped out, leaving only five runes. He smiled and said, It doesn't matter. I have prepared the means, and Gao Bodhi will eliminate them for me. Get rid of him. The only holy Buddha in the world is enough to refine and suppress all evildoers!

Xu Ying came to the study room, and the books placed here were those from when he was a child. He stroked these books, and memories of his childhood came flooding back.

At this time, Xu Ying saw the words on a book, and the handwriting gave him a familiar feeling: This is my father's handwriting. But...

He was suddenly stunned and hurriedly grabbed the book. The handwriting on the book was very fresh, and it didn't look like it had been stored for tens of thousands of years!

The words in the book were written by someone not long ago!

Xu Ying's heart was pounding, and he suddenly rushed out of the mansion and looked at the vast Yingzhou mountains.

This Yingzhou is the fairy mountain he stole from the fairy world for his father!

His father should be living in Yingzhou!

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