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Chapter 432 Buddha Jijue

Mr. Tamagawa was respectful, bowed and stood motionless.

Ji Bodhi glanced down at him and said, You are trembling.

Mr. Tamagawa said: I am afraid of the power of Buddha, so I have to tremble.

Ji Bodhi said: You are very good at talking. When your ancestor came here to see me, his surname was Bai and his name was Xianwu. He copied the seals of the Buddhas here and was very serious. He was talented and extraordinary. He said to him With time, he can help me break the seals of the Buddhas. I thought he was just boasting, but I didn't expect that he can actually break the seals of the Buddhas. Bai Xianwu will definitely become a genius of a generation.

Young Master Tamagawa said: My ancestor has become the emperor of the immortal world.

Ji Bodhi didn't take it seriously and shook his head: The emperor of the immortal world is too young. He can go one step further and become the supreme. It's just that he lacks opportunities. He released me this time to create opportunities. However, if you want to use me, you need to pay. A great price. What was his price?

Master Yuchuan said: My ancestors have ordered all the major holy land sects in Taishi World to evacuate this world. From now on, Buddha will be the master of Taishi World.

Ji Bodhi nodded lightly and said, It saves me the trouble of eradicating them myself. Your ancestors were very sensible and willing to give up a big world.

Mr. Yuchuan said: My ancestors still have some matters, and I would like to ask Buddha for help. My ancestors have an old enemy named Xu Ying...


Ji Bodhi said, This is not called helping, this is called revenge. Xu Ying plotted against me, and I will seek revenge from him.

He raised his hand to grab it in vain, only to see the Great Leiyin Temple rising halfway up the mountain and floating towards here. Ji Bodhi said: The emperor needs me, and I also need him. I promise that I will handle this matter properly.

Prince Tamagawa was overjoyed.

Ji Bodhi moved into Daleiyin Temple and swept away all the Buddha statues. Suddenly he felt something and sneered: You still want to come back?

A huge soul suddenly appeared behind this ancient Buddha, wrapped in chains and treading on the fire of karma!

The Yuan Shen was as tall as Mount Sumeru. He raised his palm and slashed at Mount Sumeru, shouting: Break it!

Young Master Yuchuan's forehead was rolling with cold sweat. He saw that the Supreme Soul was about to split Mount Sumeru and the Great Thunder Sound Temple was about to turn into powder. However, the palm seemed to be cutting into the empty space without causing any movement.

Mr. Tamagawa was still in shock, and he only heard Gao Bodhi saying to himself: Buddhas, you are far away from this world, but you are still tying a cause and effect to the Great Leiyin Temple. Could it be that you want to follow this cause and effect and return to this world?

Hearing this, Prince Tamagawa quickly said: Buddha, is this the reason why the Great Leiyin Temple is haunted?

Ji Bodhi said: It should be so. But I have cut off this cause and effect, and even the great gods cannot find this place.

Prince Tamagawa was surprised and asked: Buddha, you said that all Buddhas will return to this place according to cause and effect. Didn't all Buddhas pass away? Are they still alive?

Gao Bodhi hesitated for a moment, shook his head, and said: Now that the cause and effect has been severed, even if all the Buddhas are still alive, they will never come back.

In the geomagnetic torrent, Xu Ying followed the geomagnetic torrent and finally came to Yingzhou. Just when he was about to set foot on the land of Yingzhou, darkness suddenly struck him. He opened his eyes again and saw that he seemed to be in dark time and space again.

That young monk appears again!

Xu Ying became energetic and laughed loudly: Fellow Taoist of Daleiyin Temple, I have already made the Buddha beads and can rescue you today!

However, the young monk in the darkness could not hear his words.

It seemed very close in the darkness, but in fact it was far away. The young monk seemed to be frozen in time and space, motionless.

Suddenly, the young monk fell backwards rapidly, as if he was about to fall back into the depths of darkness!

Xu Ying also sensed that something was wrong, as if a thread in his body suddenly broke, ending his relationship with this young monk!

There is an inexplicable force that is interfering with the cause and effect between me and the Great Thunder Sound Temple! However, I am also something you can interfere with?

Xu Ying thought of this, grabbed the Buddha beads with one hand, and offered the beads involuntarily.

This fellow Taoist from Da Leiyin Temple, there is no one to ferry you, I will ferry you!


Under his urging, the string of Buddhist beads suddenly became extremely large. The beads were floating like huge planets, extending into the dark space and time!

The beads floated and soon reached the promised limit, but there was still a long way to go before the young monk. The young monk is still falling, and the distance is getting wider!

Xu Ying shouted loudly, and all the five great celestial realms opened behind him. The five great treasures including the Five Mountains Immortal Mountain, the Water-Fire Mixing Heavenly Cauldron, and the Twelve-Storied Tower turned into five realms and hung behind him!

Xu Ying Yuan Shen emerged, laid out three thousand Heavenly Dao runes, and transformed into a Heavenly Dao Dojo. Blessed by the power of Heavenly Dao, with one wrong step, the realm of the Five Immortals was opened, compatible with the Dojo!

His body, which had been refined with the energy of creation, showed its extraordinary side at this moment, accommodating more powerful spiritual consciousness, and pushing the string of beads to the extreme!

The chanting of the Buddha even came from the beads, and there were faint sounds of the Buddhas. The string of beads continued to violently turbulence, getting bigger, extending, and quickly heading towards the young monk!

The young monk was falling when he was suddenly captured by the giant star-like beads like dust and fell into the surface of the beads.

The young monk was shocked and doubtful. He heard bursts of Buddha chanting in his ears, and suddenly the world began to spin.

When he looked outside, he could only see darkness, but he could feel himself traveling rapidly through time and space with this huge Buddhist bead!

Is it the Buddha's blessing?

Just when he thought of this, suddenly there was light in front of his eyes, and the next moment the prayer beads led him to escape from the darkness of time and space!


One hundred and eight Buddhist beads were like huge stars, suddenly appearing from the darkness, floating in the void on the other side of Huangting and Yingzhou.

The string of Buddhist beads is swinging back and forth, and I don’t know how long it is.

The young monk was inexplicably shocked. He looked out with his eyesight and vaguely saw a young man floating in the air next to a magnificent fairyland, holding the other end of a Buddhist bead in his hand!

The young man suddenly shook hard, and the young monk saw that the Buddha beads and stars he was on suddenly shrank rapidly.

Xu used force to pull back the beads. The beads, which were as big as stars just a moment ago, flew back to him and returned to their original size in an instant.

The Buddhist beads spun and shook, and the young monk fell from the middle of the beads. He turned into a human body when he landed. He was a handsome monk in black robes with fair skin.

The prayer beads lost the promised magical blessing and fell, just like ordinary beads, nothing special at all.

The monk hurriedly bowed and said: Little monk Jijue, thank you senior for the rescue.

Xu Ying smiled and said: We are about the same age, why am I the senior? My name is Xu Ying, you can call me A Ying. Ji Jue, where are you from? Why do you tell me to stay away from the other side?

Jijue Buddha said: I come from Mount Sumeru and am a disciple of Buddha. Buddhas go deep into the other shore to prevent great disasters. Before leaving, Buddha told me to warn the world to escape from the other shore.

Xu Ying asked: What is in the other shore? Why did you escape from the other shore? Also, what is the other shore that the Buddha mentioned? Is it here?

Jijue Buddha looked confused.

Xu Ying continued to ask, Have you seen Taoist ancestors while you were there? Where's Emperor Xu? Where's Taiyi Ku Tianzun? Who else have you seen? Did Buddha tell you the truth about the destruction of the ancient era? Why did they want to To find the other side?”

Jijue Buddha said timidly: Ah Ying, almsgiver, I just came...

Why don't Buddha and the others come back? Is it because they can't find a way back?

Xu Ying asked, minding his own business, Then why can you come back? How did you jump into the dark space and time? What is the dark space and time? How could you be frozen in it? Why can't others come back? If you can come back, It is naturally easier for others such as Taoist ancestors and Buddhas to come back. Why don’t they come back? Also, why can’t their heaven and earth souls sense them? Where is the other side?”

Ji Jue Fozi looked at him with wide eyes, Xu Ying's eyes were filled with embarrassment, staring at him with a look of expectation.

Jijue Buddha's face gradually turned red. Xu Ying asked more questions than he had ever asked in his life. For a moment, he didn't know how to answer.

He murmured: I have only seen Buddha and other Buddhas, not other careful!

He suddenly stood in front of Xu Ying and shouted: Infinite Golden Body!


The Buddha's light shone all over him, and in an instant he became golden and extremely hard. Countless Sanskrit words flowed around him, forming the shape of a big bell.

A corpse of the Immortal King rushed out from Yingzhou and grabbed Xu Ying. The corpse king was about to make a sneak attack, but was unexpectedly noticed by Jijue Buddha.

The corpse king's fingers and claws clawed hard at the Sanskrit bell wall, scratching the big bell. The next moment, he grabbed Jijue Buddha's body, but Jijue didn't move at all, and his skin was not damaged at all!

When Xu Ying saw this, he was shocked: Is your body so strong?

When the Jade Plate of Returning to the Dao was activated, part of the path of the Immortal Corpse in the Zombie Ghost Immortal Realm was restored, greatly increasing the strength of the Immortal Corpse. Although the Corpse King was still not as good as he was in life, his strength was also close to that of the Immortal King.

Especially since the body of the Corpse King is the body of an Immortal King, this claw could not scratch the golden body of Jijue Buddha. This shows how powerful Jijue Buddha's infinite golden body is!

His immeasurable golden body is even more powerful than the body of the Immortal King! I am afraid that only by opening the Niwan Palace's Immortal World Cave Heaven, seizing the Immortal Realm's aura and spiritual power to practice the immortal elixir, and then using the Jianggong Heart Power Immortal Medicine, he can cultivate to the eighth level of the Cave Heaven. Only then can my physical body be comparable to his infinite golden body! Xu Ying was very envious and thought to himself.


Jijue Buddha shouted loudly, and the ten thousand yuan spirit behind him suddenly appeared, holding a treasure vase, and the Buddha's light shone brightly on the corpse king.

The corpse king screamed in agony, and pustules appeared all over his body. His flesh and blood melted, and the smelly green smoke suddenly turned into a puddle of pus!

Xu Ying was shocked. In just two moves, the corpse of the Immortal King was turned into pus by Jijue Buddha. Such strength was too tyrannical!

It's just that this magical power is called transcendence, but it can directly turn the corpse of the Immortal King into pus. Well...

Suddenly, Jijue Buddha rose into the air and saw another corpse of the Immortal King coming towards him. He immediately threw back the hem of his clothes and shouted: Puzhao!

Xu Ying looked around and saw groups of Buddha's light, as big and small as castanopsis and as dense as raindrops. Hundreds of groups rushed forward. In an instant, tens of thousands of Buddha's light were emitted, covering the corpse king's body. The dojo was bombed, and everything was blown up!


Countless balls of Buddha's light flew forward again, hitting the corpse king, and the next moment they blasted the corpse king into pieces.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, Xu Ying looked closely and saw only one pair of legs of the corpse king standing there.

Jijue Buddha looked around vigilantly, and suddenly his figure flashed like a ghost. The next moment, he was dozens of miles away. He clasped his palm down and pressed it on the forehead of the corpse king, shouting: Duhua !”

Xu Ying boarded Yingzhou and rushed over quickly. He saw green smoke rising from the forehead of the corpse king. His obsession was completely refined in an instant. His body went limp and he fell to the ground, completely dead.

I am the Buddha with mercy.

Jijue Buddha looked around and murmured, This place seems like a fairyland, but the corpse aura is so heavy. The young monk only felt that there was a faint corpse aura between the heaven and the earth, and there were many obsessions. I originally thought that the other side was dangerous, but I didn't expect that this world is no different. Give me more, no wonder the Buddha asked me to learn the method of subduing the dragon and the tiger...the four, big, all, and emptiness!

He blasted away with a palm, and Xu Ying immediately saw a zombie king in the distance leading a group of zombie immortals who had just appeared, and then they all exploded and died!

Xu Ying was shocked: This monk Jijue is a little, a little violent...

Good, good, good.

Jijue Buddha put one palm up in front of his chest, looked around vigilantly, and said, I should be the first in the world to eliminate the evil spirit of corpses in this world... Don't leave, let me save you! I will send you on your way to the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. !”

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