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Chapter 431: Unfulfilled ambitions, burned by karma

Outside the Huangting Mansion, the mysterious and yellow fire was raging, making it impossible to see the true colors of this place.

Xu Ying stood in the fairy fire, and could sense the Nuo masters from all over the world opening the Huangting Cave at all times, and receiving the divine knowledge and elixir in the fairy fire from here.

There are so many Nuo masters, but the elixir seems to be endless and will never be exhausted.

The Nuo method has spread throughout the heavens and the world, and there are countless Qi refiners who practice the Six Secrets. Even if this is the dojo of a certain supreme being, its energy will be refined by hundreds of millions of Nuo masters. And the energy here is The elixir seems to be endless. So where is this place?

Xu Ying rose into the sky in the sea of ​​fire and looked around, speechless for a long time.

But at the edge of the Xuanhuang Immortal Fire, there is an endless field of Xuanhuang Qi, Xuanqi at the top, and Huangqi at the bottom. The Yellow Qi is as strong as the sea of ​​clouds churning, and Xuanqi is like thousands of black horses galloping wantonly.

The two qi form black and yellow intertwined, separated but not separated, melted but not melted. There is a thin line between the black and yellow, which actually achieves a strange balance.

His eyes can pass through this endless line, and as far as he can see, he can only see that the sky is not heaven, the earth is not earth, the heaven and earth are not divided, and the generals are not yet melted.

The scale of this Xuanhuang Erqi is even larger than that of the Xuanhuang Realm, and it is even more astonishing. Its breadth exceeds that of the heavens, and it is extremely thick.

They were linked together, and Xu Ying flew between the two black and yellow qi. He saw Huang Ting Mansion like a wick, and the black and yellow celestial fire flames floated in the line between the two black and yellow qi.

The black and yellow Qi are equivalent to the lamp oil that supports the burning of the wick!

It's just that this lamp flame absorbs Xuan Qi Wangyang and Huang Qi Wangyang at the same time, absorbs the power of both parties, and merges it in the huge furnace forged by Xu Ying in the first life, turning it into a divine elixir!

Xuanhuang Erqi is the medicinal material needed by Huangting Mansion's alchemy furnace. It is continuously sucked into the furnace and turned into elixir.

If this vast ocean of black and yellow energy is not exhausted, the elixirs will not be cut off, and the qi-refiners who practice Nuo will still be able to collect elixirs continuously.

I'm so powerful... Xu Ying murmured.

In his first life, he was able to forge such an exquisite Huangting Mansion and alchemy furnace, collect black and yellow qi, and turn it into elixir in the furnace. Such fantastic ideas even amazed Xu Ying now.

The two qi of black and yellow have not yet been blended together, but they are blended and refined in the furnace and turned into elixir. This idea alone is better than countless mediocre people in the world.

Where did this black and yellow ocean come from? Xu Ying was confused.

He looked around, and saw that this vast expanse of sky and earth was neither divided nor united. It was very strange, as if there was an ancient divine being who created the world, then left it halfway and ran away to care for himself.

Maybe this is just a natural phenomenon. The universe is magical and there will always be some wonders, not weird things.

When Xu Ying thought of this, another idea suddenly occurred to him.

People in Xujiaping, Kunlun, had already practiced Nuo before Xu Ying, unlocking the six secrets of the human body and connecting the six other shores.

At that time, people practiced the immortality method, and their Nuo method was much more complicated than today's Nuo method. They needed to collect black and yellow Qi and refine the elixir of divine consciousness in the cave. When needed, he used the energy of chaos to refine the elixir of immortality in the cave.

The cave corresponding to each secret treasure has a complicated refining method.

Later, the first generation Xu Ying improved the Nuo method and placed a huge alchemy furnace on each of the six other shores, and the elixir was refined directly on the other shore. All the Nuo master has to do is to open the Six Secret Cave, collect the elixir and refine it in his body.

So, who opened up the six other shores?

Xu Ying blinked. The six other shores were obviously not opened in his first life. What he did in his first life was to refine the six immortal palaces such as Huangting Mansion and Niwan Palace, and to refine six alchemy furnaces. , transform the Tao power of the other side into different elixirs, and simplify the Nuo method.

But opening up the six other shores is definitely not something you can do by yourself!

The vast ocean of heaven and earth formed by the black and yellow Qi cannot be opened by oneself, nor can the sea of ​​chaos be opened by oneself.

Perhaps the other shore that people talk about is not the vast ocean formed by black and yellow water, but the land under my feet shrouded in a sea of ​​fire!

Xu Ying was suddenly stunned and murmured, The so-called opening up the other side is actually opening up a foothold between Xuanhuang and Qi.

The vast ocean formed by the two black and yellow qi cannot be opened by human beings, and the sea of ​​chaos cannot be opened by human power. Therefore, the other shore is actually a foothold between the two black and yellow qi, and a shelter in the sea of ​​chaos!

Xu Ying thought thoughtfully, Perhaps it was an ancestor of my Xu family who opened the other shore, or maybe the Xu family also received the inheritance from others.

At this time, the torrent formed by the geomagnetic force was violently turbulent. He hurriedly looked around and saw that Yingzhou and Huangting were getting farther and farther away, and the geomagnetic torrent between the two was about to be disconnected.

Without thinking, he immediately flew up and headed towards Yingzhou along the geomagnetic current.

After a long time, he ran out of the vast ocean formed by the black and yellow Qi, walking in the geomagnetic current, like a tiny insect running in the vast void.

Wudi Shen Luo once said that he had been to six other shores and realized that they were opened by the same person. Who is this person?

Although he solved the mystery on the other side of Huangting, more mysteries emerged.

This person can open up the six other shores out of thin air. His strength must be extremely high, his qualifications must be extraordinary, and if he has obtained the six secrets, he must live forever. Is he still alive in the world?

Yingzhou and the other side of Huangting were too far away. Xu Ying hurried all the way there and walked for two or three days without realizing it. Looking ahead, although Yingzhou seemed not far away, it was actually hundreds of millions of miles away.

There was no one along the way, only him and some immortal corpses floating on this geomagnetic torrent path.

Judging from the wounds on these immortal corpses, they should have died at the hands of Jinhe Sword Lord.

Back then, Emperor Zhou, Grand Master Jiang and the others must have followed the geomagnetic current and found another shore, right?

Xu Ying looked far into the distance and saw only Yingzhou left in the void except for the Huangting Bianan and Wei Xu skulls that were getting further and further away.

What on earth is this place? It's so vast, I'm afraid it's no smaller than all the heavens and worlds.

Xu Ying opened the Third Heaven Pass and tried to open any world in the heavens and worlds. He found that the portal was opened, but no world appeared.

There is still emptiness behind the door.

Although his Third Heaven Pass is the treasure of the Immortal King, it cannot open this void.

Xu Ying walked for two more days, but Yingzhou was still ahead, as if he would never reach it.

By the way, my Buddhist beads have been completely refined. This treasure should be able to pull the young monk out of the dark time and space, right? But for some reason during this period, the young monk never contacted me. Has he given up?

While Xu Ying offered Buddha beads, he tried to activate his spiritual consciousness to contact the young monk who was trapped in the dark time and space.

Perhaps only by going to the Great Leiyin Temple can we proactively contact him. He thought to himself.

He really wanted to find someone to walk this path with him.

Taishi Great World, Mount Xumi, and the former site of Great Leiyin Temple.

The brilliant light of the Buddha soars into the sky, like a torch reflecting the sky, illuminating the zenith. A great Buddha's soul is sitting in the void. The Buddha's voice is loud. Around the great Buddha, countless phantoms of Buddhas in the past and future appear together, and the Sanskrit sounds are buzzing. , making Mount Sumeru feel like returning to the prosperous era of the Buddhas!

However, in the midst of the Sanskrit sounds filling the sky, a thick voice sounded: Dogen, I have told you that all the Buddhas will die completely when they enter extinction. You cannot borrow their power to suppress me!

That voice came from the underground palace at the old site of the Great Leiyin Temple. It was the voice of the Evil Buddha's Gautama Bodhi. It was thick and loud, full of evil obsession, and carrying endless karma.

Even if you hear his voice, you will involuntarily generate karma fire in your heart, burning your Taoist heart and soul.

Dogen, are you still stubborn? I told you that borrowed power is always borrowed power, not real. For example, after the Buddhas have passed away, can you still borrow their power to suppress me?

Although Gao Bodhi was not out of trouble, the Taoist sounds coming from his mouth contained magical power.


After spitting out this word, the thousands of phantoms of Buddhas surrounding the great Buddha in the sky were shattered one after another. The phantoms of Buddhas fell from the throne and struggled into the dark void!

Under the Great Buddha Yuanshen, Master Daoyuan was shocked by the sound of death, but he was not afraid at all. His hands were filled with various seals such as lotus seal, vase seal, lion seal, etc., which were unpredictable. One after another, there were Buddha seals and seals. On the gate of the underground palace that seals Gao Bodhi.

The rune seals on the portal shine brightly and are full of brilliance. In addition to the seals of the Buddhas, there are also the promised sixteen-character seals, which are also resisting the destruction of Gao Bodhi.

And bursts of karma fire poured out from the underground palace, constantly burning the seals on the portal.

There were also bursts of chanting and the sound of chains coming from the underground palace, and the sounds were also full of evil obsession. They used endless karma fire to fight against Master Dogen’s seal, and used the sound of Buddha to corrupt Master Dogen’s Taoist heart and tempt him to fall. Become an evil Buddha with yourself!

Master Daoyuan once sat on the Wangxiang Terrace in the underworld for hundreds of thousands of years. He only knocked on wooden fish and sat motionless. His Taoist heart was so firm that not even the evil Buddha's Taoist voice of Gao Bodhi could shake his Taoism. Not even the slightest bit of heart.

Little bald donkey!

Ji Bodhi pulled the chain and rushed behind the gate of the underground palace. He gritted his teeth and said, I didn't expect your Buddha nature to be so high. If the era of Buddhas were still there, you might not have become a Buddha long ago! What a pity...

He sarcastically said: The era of Buddhas has passed. You could have become a Buddha and enlightened, but there is no such world for you to become a Buddha and enlightened. Your lifelong practice and your peerless talent are all sacrifices of the times. You must be buried eventually!


Taking advantage of his unstable state of mind, Master Daoyuan knocked on the wooden fish. The sound of the wooden fish resounded, causing chaos in Gao Bodhi's breath, and he was shaken to the point where the fire of karma flowed back.


Master Daoyuan knocked again, and the karma fire was burning in the underground palace. The chains rattled and tightened continuously. He took the Gao Bodhi lock and dragged it back to the karma fire lotus platform.

Master Dogen struck again, and the seals of the Buddhas were activated, and the karmic fire of the underground palace returned to the lotus platform, burning the evil Buddha's Gautama Bodhi.

This karma fire is the karma fire created by Gao Bodhi. In the ancient times, when the Buddhas were in their prime, Gao Bodhi practiced Buddhism and his mind went wrong. He wanted to use the karma fire to cultivate the Buddha's heart, break through the realm, and become the first person under the Buddha.

He then committed mass murder, committed all kinds of evil, destroyed countless people, and finally created the supreme fire of karma, which refined the Buddha's heart.

Therefore, the Buddha and other Buddhas burned him with the fire of his karma, locked him on the lotus platform of karma fire, and burned him day and night for hundreds of thousands of years, hoping to refine the sins on him.

Forty thousand years ago, the God King Xuan Kong was demoted to Mount Sumeru and discovered the underground palace of the Great Thunder Sound Temple. The demon path released was actually the cultivation of Gao Bodhi created by the fire of karma.

Just these cultivations have polluted the great world of Taishi, making the great world of heaven and earth almost return to the ancient times!

Gao Bodhi shouted: Daoyuan, as the last descendant of Buddhism, you can cultivate to such a high level in the age of the end of the Dharma. It is really amazing and talented.


Daoyuan knocked the wooden fish, and with this vibration, the chains tightened, binding Gao Bodhi tightly, unable to move.

Too bad for you!

Gao Bodhi shouted, If you had been born a few years earlier, I would have respected you in the Great Leiyin Temple. It's a pity that you were born too late. You can't become a Buddha. You have boundless magic power and supreme Buddha nature, but you can't live forever. , I’m just a mortal! The only one who can build you now is me! As long as you let me go, you can live forever!”


Master Daoyuan knocked again, and layers of seals began to block Gao Bodhi's five senses and eight consciousnesses.

Gao Bodhi was frightened, and it took him two to three hundred thousand years to escape from the seals of the Buddhas with his five senses and eight consciousnesses, so that he had the power to resist the seals and the possibility of escaping from the underground palace.

If Master Daoyuan seals him again, wouldn't it take another two to three hundred thousand years for him to escape?

Besides, he may not have these two to three hundred thousand years!

Most of his cultivation has been destroyed by his own karma, and the remaining cultivation will definitely not be able to survive two to three hundred thousand years!

This fear directly penetrated his enlightenment.

Master Daoyuan mentioned the wooden fish hammer and prepared to strike the final blow. A smile appeared on his face. After parting with Xu Ying, he rushed back to Mount Sumeru and tried his best to suppress Master Shu Gao Bodhi. Gao Bodhi completely suppressed it.

A thought flashed through his mind: From now on, it doesn't matter whether there is Buddhism or not. The last cause and effect of Buddhism left in this world will be wiped out with my knock.

Jianzhi fell, and at this moment, the purple sword light flashed, struck from behind him, and passed by his neck silently.

Master Daoyuan's head flew up and floated in the air. He turned around in confusion and saw Mr. Tamagawa bowing down and offering a broken sword.

The remnant sword was the Purple Netherworld Saber that the emperor had left above Yujing Mountain in Xuandu.

Although this sword was cut off by the Zhu Xian Broken Sword that was promised to be summoned, the power contained in this treasure is still extremely terrifying!

This sword directly cut off Daoyuan's vitality!


Although Jianzhi still knocked on the wooden fish, it had no power.

It's just a little short of completing the merits... Master Daoyuan's head widened and his eyes widened, but his consciousness fell into darkness.

Young Master Tamagawa sacrificed the sword. It seemed that Young Master Tamagawa killed him, but in fact it was the emperor who activated the power of the sword in the immortal world. This sword not only killed his physical body, but also his soul!

Mr. Tamagawa straightened up, with a look of surprise on his face, and walked quickly towards the entrance of the underground palace. He kicked the wooden fish away on the way, and said with a smile: Buddha Gao Bodhi, this junior has been ordered by the ancestor God Lord to kill the evildoers and save them. Get away, old Buddha!”

After that, he unfolded a picture scroll with force.

At the opening of the scroll, rays of light are shining, the fairy light rushes out, and the sound of Tao is endless!

The seals of the Buddhas on the stone door of the underground palace were suddenly broken layer by layer. Even the sixteen-character seal left by Xu Ying disappeared at this moment!

The stone gate shook slightly, and Mr. Tamagawa quickly retreated and stood in obeisance.

There was only the sound of clattering chains coming from behind the door, as if something huge was shaking its body, shaking the chains loose.

Then, the sound of heavy footsteps came, approaching the stone door step by step.

Suddenly, the stone door shattered silently, turning into powder and falling down one after another.

A tall and muscular Buddha is covered with chains. He is muscular and tall, but he has a Buddha light on the back of his head and a compassionate expression on his face.

However, at this moment, Mr. Tamagawa felt the supreme fierceness coming towards his face. In a daze, he felt as if he was in a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, bleeding and floating. Countless mortals, saints, and demons, all with mutilated limbs, were struggling in the sea of ​​blood. Scream!

Young Master Yuchuan's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and he lowered his head and did not dare to raise it.

Evil Buddha Gao Bodhi walked past him and came to the headless body of Master Dogen.

Dogen, what a shame for you.

A tear fell from the corner of Gao Bodhi's eyes, as if he was grieving for Master Daoyuan's death.

With a flick of his finger, the flames of karma engulfed the body of Master Daoyuan in an instant, burning it to ashes in an instant.

This evil Buddha raised his head, and his terrifying consciousness swept in all directions, spreading through the void, invading all heavens and worlds, and spreading to every corner of any world!

When all Buddhas pass away, in this world, I am the only one who is the orthodox Buddhist sect! Only I, Gao Bodhi, am the Buddha!

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