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Chapter 430 A loving father and a filial daughter

The Heavenly Demon Supreme watched the Corpse Ghost Immortal Realm and Jinhe Sword Lord disappear. He withdrew his gaze and came to Xu Ying's side. He frowned slightly and said, Xu Jun, why don't you wear some clothes?

To him, Xu Ying Cunxiang's clothes were nothing and could not blind him.

Seeing that he really couldn't bring out any clothes, the Demon Supreme took out his usual clothes, jade belt boots and other items, and put on a red robe with pictures of the Five Mountains and Three Mountains embroidered on it, and said: You put it on first, and when you have it, Give me back the clothes.

Xu Ying thanked him, put it on, and arranged it from left to right.

Seeing that he looked very handsome in his attire, the Demonic Supreme Lord smiled and said, It suits you. Also, if you have a great way to turn into a streamer, you will be even more agile and fairy-like.

Xu Ying shook his head and said with a smile: I haven't reached the level of cultivation now. I can only cultivate Taoist images. At most, I can cultivate runes, but I can't cultivate Dao Dao yet.

The Supreme Demon said: How many Taoist teachings have you comprehended? However, the realm binds you. If one day, you jump out of the realm and are no longer bound by the realm, then the Taoist teachings you have comprehended before will become your greatest help. .”

Xu Ying originally listened with a smile, but as he listened, he felt that it made sense.

He knows too many great ways. Let’s not talk about his cultivation in the first life. In this life alone, he has figured out all the runes of the heavenly way, obtained the inheritance from the emperor, and joined the way in the land of enlightenment, leaving the Hentian. Enlightenment, entering the Tao in Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Realm, enlightenment in Yujing Mountain in Xuandu, enlightenment of the Twelve Floors of Minghai, and this time joining the Tao in Xuanhuang Realm.

Not to mention anything else, these places are dojos of ancient existence, places where they imprinted the avenue of heaven and earth!

What is imprinted here is their understanding of Tao!

Xu Ying has repeatedly understood and entered the Tao, and sorted out the incomplete imprints of the Tao in the world. Not to mention how high it is, the Immortal King will never be as good as him!

However, his realm is still the Chonglou stage, not even the Ascension stage!

He knows so much, but he is unable to cross the barriers of realm and cultivate the Taoist chain that only the Immortal King can cultivate.

For others, it is the realm that enhances their cultivation and strength, but for him, it is the realm that limits his cultivation and strength. Realm has become a burden to him!

Xu Ying had never thought of this before, but now he suddenly realized it after being awakened by the Supreme Demon.

But, if realm becomes a limitation, what's the problem? Xu Ying murmured to himself.

The Heavenly Demon Supreme is still the amiable old man he used to be. He smiled and said, Didn't you discover the problem a long time ago? Mr. Xu, when you spread the Six Secrets, didn't you know that the realm not only limits you and me, but also limits the world? people.

He was talking about the promise made in the first life.

That promise was a promise that he also admired.

Xu Ying was thoughtful.

The Heavenly Demon Supreme continued to point out: A person who has never practiced Qi refining, his realm is simple and simple, he is just a mortal. If we call it a mortal realm. A mortal who practices the mortal realm will remain a mortal for the rest of his life. If we Make a supplement outside the mortal realm and add the Qi Refining Realm. Then the Qi Refining Realm is something outside the mortal realm. Qi Refining Masters are more powerful than mortals and have mastered more principles.

Xu Ying's eyes lit up and he said: If I use the Six Secrets as a supplement outside the realm of Qi refining, then a Qi Refiner who masters the Six Secrets will be more powerful than an ordinary Qi Refiner. Such a Qi Refiner will have mastered the Ordinary Qi Refiners have more principles. His realm has expanded and can accommodate more principles.

The Demon Supreme smiled and said: Xu Jun, what if the Qi Refiner and the Six Secrets still don't tolerate the principles you master? Then, are there other realms besides the current realm?

Having said this, he summoned the Heavenly Demon Emperor and others, and said: Let's go back to the Immortal Realm. Mr. Xu, please say goodbye.

Xu Ying asked: Brother Dao, now that the corpse ghost fairyland has escaped from Wei Xu, you also have the opportunity to leave Wei Xu, won't you leave?

The Heavenly Demon Supreme smiled and said: After we leave Wei Xu, the Heavenly Demons here will completely lose control, forming a Heavenly Demon frenzy and impacting everything. Besides, we are Heavenly Demons. Where can we go after we leave Wei Xu? Don't forget it.

He smiled slightly and said: We are always demons with good intentions, but evil thoughts will also break out. Immortals in the immortal world will still continue to kill new demons and throw them into Wei Xu, so it is best for us to stay in Wei Xu. s Choice.

Xu Ying thought about it and felt that what he said made sense.

He watched the Heavenly Demon Supreme and others leave, floating alone in the sky. Looking back, he saw the Xuanhuang Realm upside down in the Wei Ruins.

The sky is dark and the earth is yellow, a palace appears between heaven and earth, and a Taoist is cleaning it.

Xu Ying glanced at it from a distance, turned around and left without hesitation.

It's already difficult for me to survive on my own, let alone take on other responsibilities?

He whispered, If you have something to ask for, fellow Taoist, you'd better ask for it from others.

The Taoist who was cleaning stopped what he was doing and looked at the direction he left, thoughtfully.

Xu Ying came to the torrent of geomagnetic energy. At this time, the other side of Huangting had moved beyond the eye sockets of the Supreme Skull. Soon, the geomagnetic torrent would stop, and he would lose the opportunity to go to the other side.

Whether he goes to the other side or not has little impact on Xu Ying. What he really wants to go to is Yingzhou!

The third fairy mountain he brought down from the fairy world must contain many secrets of his first life!

After I entered the corpse ghost fairyland, I was separated from Hua Cuoying. I wonder if she is still safe?

Xu Ying looked around. The situation was too chaotic at that time. He was being chased by the Five Jue Immortal King, and he didn't know where Hua Cuoying was. However, at that time, many corpse kings and corpse immortals rushed towards the geomagnetic torrent, and it was unknown whether she avoided it.

Suddenly, the geomagnetic torrent became intermittent. Xu Ying hesitated, then resolutely walked into the geomagnetic torrent and rushed towards the eye socket of the Supreme Skull.

This opportunity is rare. If I don't seize this opportunity, I don't know how long we will have to wait. Cuoying is from the Wei Ruins and is familiar with the geography of this place. He should be fine!

Xu Ying's speed became faster and faster, and finally turned into a stream of light. Before the geomagnetic torrent stopped, it passed through the eye socket of the Supreme Skull and rushed to the other side of Huangting in the searching geomagnetic torrent.

On the other side, the Five Jue Immortal King rushed to Fengluan Ridge at lightning speed and entered Hua's house. He saw a mess all around, the house was in chaos, and there were many casualties.

The Five Jue Immortal King was furious, grabbed one person and shouted: What happened?

The man didn't dare to hide anything and said quickly: The eldest lady came and cleaned out the master's treasure house. When we stopped her, she started hurting people...

The Five Jue Immortal King was frightened and angry, and rushed to his treasure house, his hands and feet feeling cold.

Where does this treasure house look like a treasure house?

The door was opened, and everything in the treasure house was swept away, with nothing left at all!

Good daughter, really my good daughter, caring little cotton-padded jacket...

The Five Jue Immortal King spurted out a mouthful of old blood and asked, When did it happen?

Not long ago, less than an hour.

The little cotton-padded jacket hasn't gone far yet!

The Five Ultimate Immortal King is so murderous that he wants to lead everyone in the Hua family down to the realm to hunt down Hua Cuoying. At this time, the Ninth Immortal King hurried over and said: The corpse ghost immortal realm has escaped from the Wei Ruins, we don't need to go down to the lower realm!

The Five Ultimate Immortal King snorted and said angrily: The black-hearted woman took advantage of the chaos to loot my treasure house. I will personally go down to the realm and execute her!

The Ninth Immortal King reminded: Fellow Taoist, after you go down to the next world, you will no longer be the Immortal King. You may not be her opponent.

When the Five Ultimate Immortal King heard this, his heart suddenly trembled. He taught Hua Cuoying correctly, and he knew it well. If there was a duel, Hua Cuoying would definitely be defeated in his hands.

But the key point is that Hua Cuoying has not been in Weixu these years, but in Penglai Fairy Mountain.

If she learned a more powerful secret skill in Penglai...

Impossible! I know all about Penglai Immortal's details. Immortal Lord Meng Wuhuai is jealous of talents. The immortals who stayed in Penglai are not as capable as him. There is no way that the black-hearted little cotton-padded jacket can learn more than my Five Ultimate Lingtian Kung. Awesome technique!

The Five Jue Immortal King thought of this and said to the Ninth Immortal King: Brother Taoist, if this evil spirit does not come out, I will feel uneasy. I will go to the lower world and teach that unfilial daughter a lesson myself!

The Ninth Immortal King hesitated for a moment and said, You can go ahead and I will control Wei Xu to help you.

The Five Ultimate Immortal King was extremely grateful.

The Ninth Immortal King controlled the Wei Xu strange eye to search for the whereabouts of Hua Cuoying, and found that the direction in which Hua Cuoying left was the ancestral court. He immediately controlled Wei Xu's strange eyes and looked at the ancestral court. The Five Ultimate Immortal Kings flew out of his eyes and arrived at the ancestral court the next moment.

At this time, Xu Ying was in the torrent of geomagnetic energy and rushed to the other side of Huangting along the torrent.

He looked back and saw an incredibly large skull floating in the vast void. Suddenly, the intact eye of the skull opened, closed, opened and closed again. Each time it opened and closed, a different world came into view.

After opening and closing several times, the Supreme Eye actually illuminated the scene of the ancestral court, and then a ray of light shone in the eye, and there was a figure in the light. With a hiss, it disappeared with the light, and it was clear that it had entered the ancestral court!

The Supreme One is really powerful and unbelievable. Xu Ying couldn't help but sigh as he walked to the other side of the Huangting.

Ancestral Court.

With a smile on Hua Cuoying's face, her steps were brisk, following the footprints left by the Xuanwu beast, chasing Penglai.

The girl in palace clothes said to herself: When I go home this time, I have earned enough dowry, so I can find a good family to marry to. It doesn't matter if I can't marry, I will be the ancestor myself, and I will overcome the tribulation and rise to the top! Only this time, I If you leave the Immortal Master in Wei Xu, he will be in danger. I return to Penglai, and if Chu Xiangxiang asks, I will say it is safe. After a few years, I will tell him that the Immortal Master Xu is dead, and her sadness will disappear. Less. I am so good at comforting people...

What a good daughter!

A faint sigh came from the front, and Hua Cuoying was startled. She looked up and saw her father, the Immortal King Wujue, standing in front with a sad face.

Hua Cuoying's face suddenly changed, and she timidly said: Dad...

The Five Jue Immortal King glanced at her, with murderous intent, and said: Ying'er, you gave Xu Ying his father's twelfth-story building to please him, and at the same time you stole the wealth that you had accumulated for your father for half your life. You want to give it to Xu Ying. Give it to him. What benefits was promised to you, so that you would give up the relationship between father and daughter and do such an outrageous thing?

Hua Cuoying said: Dad, I met someone who was beheaded by you in the Demon Realm...

You die!

The Five Jue Immortal King did not listen to her excuses and came directly to kill him. He used the Five Jue Lingtian Technique, which was extremely vicious. He sneered and said, I can make you or destroy you!

Hua Cuoying suddenly mobilized her vitality, but she saw the Tianhe hanging upside down, surrounding her like a dragon. Hua Cuoying raised her hand to attack, and the weight of the Tianhe was pressed down, breaking the Wujue Lingtian Jin!

The Five Ultimate Immortal King felt the invincible power crush him, forcing him to stagger back. He was shocked and angry in his heart: What kind of technique did she perform? It's not an immortal technique, it's a magic technique from ancient times! She has become possessed by a demon!

Hua Cuoying attacked him, and the father and daughter exchanged dozens of moves in just a moment. The Five Jue Immortal King was completely defeated, and Hua Cuoying grabbed his throat.

The Five Jue Immortal King was in despair. The skills this girl learned in Penglai were definitely superior to the Immortal King's skills. Otherwise, he would not have been defeated so quickly and completely!

Dad, I encountered good and evil thoughts that were cut off by you in the Demon Realm.

Hua Cuoying hesitated for a moment, let go of his throat, and said sadly, I just want to attract your attention. I just want you to go back to the time when you didn't cut off your good thoughts. If you can welcome back the you in the Demon Realm, , the daughter will definitely return all the treasures, and the daughter will also steal back the twelfth floor of Master Xu Immortal...

At this moment, the sky split open and Wei Rui reappeared. The Ninth Immortal King had a majestic body and reached out to grab it.

The Five Jue Immortal King quickly said loudly: Brother Ninth, get rid of this black-hearted daughter for me, and pretend that I never gave birth to her!

Hua Cuoying left sadly, staying far away from the Ninth Immortal King.

The Ninth Immortal King rescued the Five Jue Immortal King. When the Five Jue Immortal King returned to Wei Ruins, he looked around without any selfish intentions and said, Bastard maid, don't let me find you!

On the other side, Xu Ying followed the long torrent of geomagnetic energy to the other side of Huangting.

Xuan Huang Fairy Fire is lit everywhere in this place. This fire is so unusual that even an immortal must be careful when he comes here and close his senses to avoid being burned by the fairy fire to his internal organs and soul.

I set the fairy fire here.

Xu Ying walked in the fairy fire and passed through the fairy fire. There were some Qi masters here who had been occupied by the demons, but they were also burned to the point where they had to close their eyes, ears, mouth, nose, and all the pores on their bodies. Sooner or later they would be burned to death. matter.

Xu Ying came to the majestic Huang Ting Mansion. Huang Ting Mansion was an immortal weapon he built based on the Taoism he comprehended in the Xuanhuang Realm. This fairy portal has been sealed, and there is no way to open it without a unique way to unblock it.

Xu Ying looked at the fairy runes floating and changing on the door, and suddenly a memory appeared in his mind, which was the solution to the portal seal.

He raised his palm, and various immortal runes danced in his palm, printing forward layer by layer, interlocking with the immortal runes on the door.

The portal immediately retreated and disappeared.

Xu Ying walked into Huangting Mansion. The place was filled with the fragrance of elixirs, and there was also a huge immortal furnace gathering the elixirs here. In the cauldron, the aroma of medicine is fragrant.

This cauldron was also refined by Xu Ying in his first life. He refined the cauldron into a container that could absorb the power of heaven and earth and create the elixir of divine consciousness.

The Nuo master opened the secret treasure of Huang Ting, and the elixir of divine consciousness fished from Huang Ting Cave came from this furnace.

The elixir in the cauldron comes from the world where Huang Ting Mansion is located.

Why can the power of heaven and earth here be refined into the elixir of divine consciousness?

Xu Ying raised his hand and gently touched the huge cauldron. The runes on it included immortal runes and exotic animal patterns. They were extremely complex and contained the mysteries of the Tao.

Now, he can already understand the immortal runes and alien animal patterns on it.

In my first life, I must have been curious, why can the other side have such power? Why is my Xu family called the undead people and possessing such power?

Xu Ying walked out of Huang Ting Mansion and whispered, Today, I should be able to unlock the mystery of the other side!

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