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Chapter 429 It’s easy to ask God but hard to send him away

Xu Ying entered the state of harmony this time, and took this opportunity to understand the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth in the Xuanhuang Realm. By combining with the Dao, he gained the secret of the Xuanhuang Realm, so he could build the fifth fairyland cave.

As soon as he emerged from this fairyland cave, he strengthened his spiritual consciousness, making his spiritual consciousness vast and improved dozens of times!

The master of Qianhuan Zhenren took this opportunity to take away the opportunity of the Xuanhuang Realm from him, preventing him from cultivating this fairyland. However, he jumped into the Jade Plate of Return and was reborn from the ashes. Finally, he broke the opponent's calculation and successfully cultivated this fairyland. Cave!

Not only that, he also noticed that when he was in the Xuanhuang Realm, he was faintly connected with the Qi of Creation.

He seems to have gained part of the control over the Jade Plate of Guidao!

This is what puzzles Xu Ying the most.

He did not try to refine the Jade Plate of Returning to the Way, nor did he try to master the energy of creation. He just let nature take its course, trying to contact the energy of creation with his immortal true spirit, and get along with it in harmony with light and dust.

However, he actually felt that there was part of his imprint on the Jade Plate of Returning to the Dao.

This thing is very strange. Xu Ying did not feel that he had great luck, so he accidentally refined the Jade Plate of Returning to the Dao. After the experience of King Kong Zhuo, he always felt that this kind of supreme treasure was a big trouble, and there were many hidden treasures. trap.

Especially this time, he didn't do anything, and part of the Guidao Jade Plate was refined by him. There is definitely something fishy hidden in it!

However, he also took advantage of the situation. After realizing that he could control the Jade Plate of Returning to the Dao, he immediately mobilized the power of the Jade Plate to create a physical body for himself first.

——Of course, add a little bit of the energy of creation to recreate the physical body.

His body was rebuilt and it was even better than before. His whole body was as flawless as jade. Apart from his darker skin color, there was no fault to be found!

His current physical body is full of qi and blood. Even if the cave is not opened, he is always in a state of full vitality of mana and consciousness. The two qi are harmonious, his mind is strong, and his soul is powerful.

This is only the power of the physical body.

His Yuan Shen has also been reborn and is more powerful than the previous Yuan Shen, finally breaking through the limit of one person!

The originally promised Yuan Shen was as tall as his body, which was the result of countless efforts. Now when he rebuilt the Yuan Shen, he used a little more energy of creation to make the Yuan Shen six feet tall!

This is the result of his worry that if he uses too much Qi of Creation, there may be hidden dangers.

If there were no such concerns, Xu Ying would probably use all the energy of creation in the Guidao Jade Plate to recreate the Yuan Shen and give himself an extremely huge Yuan Shen!

Even if his Yuan Shen is only six feet tall, it is still extraordinary and is much better than the previous Yuan Shen.

In his haste, he flew out of the jade plate, but he completely forgot that he had forgotten to restore his clothes, so that he stood above the jade plate, with birds flying in the air.

However, Xu Ying immediately noticed everyone's gaze and calmly thought of a set of black clothes and put them on first.

This method can temporarily hide the shame, but if the cultivation level is not as good as the other party, the clothes created by Chun will be seen through, which is equivalent to wearing nothing at all.

Among the people present, many had higher cultivation levels than Xu Ying. For example, there are people like the Demon Emperor, Yuan Jun, and existences like the Corpse King and the Corpse Lord. Even the real Yu Hu, his cultivation is higher than that of Xu Ying.

However, when everyone glanced at him, they couldn't see through his clothes, and they were all shocked.

Xu Ying's body was recast, nourished by the energy of creation, and his spiritual consciousness was already extremely powerful. Moreover, the cave he opened in the fairy world corresponded to the other side of Huangting, and he stole the aura and spiritual power of the fairy world and turned it into the elixir of divine consciousness!

His spiritual consciousness is a hundred times greater than before. When he visualizes it, there is not much difference between his clothes and the physical magic weapon!

However, powerful beings such as Jinhe Sword Lord and Heavenly Demon Supreme could still see that Xu Ying was not wearing any clothes and was standing there naked as if there was no one else around.

Seeing this, Heavenly Demon Yuanjun secretly said a pity and lowered his hands to cover his face. She couldn't see through Xu Ying's thoughts either.

Xu Ying turned around and put his hand into the Guidao jade plate, as if he was fishing for something. Seeing this, no matter whether they were enemies or friends, no one dared to make any move. No one knew whether Xu Ying had refined the Guidao Jade Plate, and no one knew what Xu Ying would fish out from the Guidao Jade Plate!


Xu Ying grabbed a fairy mountain from the Guidao Jade Plate and threw it behind him. Then he reached out and grabbed the other four fairy mountains and threw them behind him.

These five fairy mountains are exactly the Five Mountains Fairy Mountains.

He did not salvage the Five Sacred Mountains from the Jade Plate of Gui Dao, but when he fell into the Qi of Creation, the Five Sacred Mountains and other magic weapons were also transformed by the Qi of Creation.

He is trying to see if he can restore the magic weapon.

But this time, he slightly modified the newly created Five Mountains. These five mountains were originally from his Qi-collecting stage and were transformed from his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys. But Divine King Xuantian took it and refined it into a divine weapon of heaven. Xuantian's understanding of heaven was imprinted on the mountain.

There were many errors and omissions in these understandings. When Xu Ying created the Five Sacred Mountains, he corrected and supplemented these errors. At the same time, he erased the imprint of God King Xuantian and put his own imprint on everything.

In this way, this treasure is equivalent to him using his own realm to make a magic weapon, and it has nothing to do with Xuantian!

Xu Ying followed the same method, reached into the jade plate of Guidao, grabbed and fished it out again, and fished out the Water and Fire Mixing Heavenly Cauldron, the most precious treasure of Heavenly Dao.

This treasure had some flaws in the heavenly runes of the underworld, and was promised to be corrected. He threw it behind him and hung it in the air.

He grabbed them one after another and fished out the Twelve Layer Tower, the Immortal Yaochi and the Third Heaven Pass one after another. After being recast by nature, he also corrected the errors and omissions of the Immortal Runes in these three Immortal King's Treasures.

At the same time, the brands of Wu Jue, Ninth Immortal King and Meng Wuhuai were completely replaced by Xu Ying and became his own brand.

From now on, these magic weapons have nothing to do with them!

Xu Ying put his hand deep into the jade plate and grabbed it again. After a while, he grabbed a string of large Buddhist beads and pulled them out from the plate.

This string of beads was a treasure given to him by Master Dogen. They were beads used by the Buddha and were also transformed into the energy of creation.

When he created and reshaped the beads, he took the opportunity to put his own brand into them, saving him the long process of refining them.

The beads slowly recovered. As they recovered, Xu Ying would imprint a little more of his spiritual consciousness. Repeatedly, until the beads were completely restored, his imprints were spread all over the beads. They were very stable and even better than those made by the Buddha himself.

In this way, he would save himself from refining the beads day and night.

Of course, this string of beads is extraordinary because of the Buddha's sacrifice. Xu Ying also restored the Buddha's imprint when restoring the beads.

Then, can I borrow the energy of creation to restore other magic weapons that fell into the jade plate?

Xu Ying's eyes suddenly lit up. If he threw the Vajra into the plate, could he recover one Vajra and then another?

If it could be done, wouldn't the Return to Dao Jade Plate be a cornucopia?

You can continuously fish out magic weapons from the basin!

He immediately put his hand into the Jade Plate of Returning to the Way, thinking about the Buddha, and planned to create another string of beads. However, he discovered a strange power in the Guidao Jade Plate, which prevented him from recovering the second Buddhist bead.

Xu Ying was horrified: This treasure is fraudulent! The owner of the Guidao Jade Plate may not be dead!

The owner of Qianhuan Zhenren is not the owner of the Jade Plate of Guidao. The reason why the Guidao Jade Plate was born, the reason why Xu Ying was not refined to death, and the reason why Xu Ying was prevented from recovering the second string of beads shows that the Guidao Jade Plate is not an ownerless thing!

Everyone saw him scratching around in the plate, but didn't catch anything. When Xu Ying took out his hand, the Jade Plate of the Path of Return floated in the void behind him, like a blue moon.

This scene made everyone feel awe-inspiring.

This supreme treasure was actually conquered by Xu Ying?

A fierce light flashed in the eyes of Master Yuhu: This treasure fell into his hands, what a waste of nature! He doesn't even know the true use of the Jade Plate of Returning to Dao!

He was hiding in the void, preparing to lurk around Xu Ying to seize the treasure. The other corpse kings, corpse immortals, zombies, ghosts, and corpse kings were also preparing to kill Xu Ying and snatch the Jade Plate of Return.

After all, the Jade Plate of Return to Dao is the supreme magic weapon. If it can be obtained and refined, its power will be boundless.

Moreover, the use of this treasure is far more than just restoring the Great Way of Heaven and Earth. In their opinion, Master Qian Huan and Xu Ying have not mastered the true use of the Return to Dao Jade Plate at all.

As long as you sacrifice this treasure and the light in the plate envelopes you, you can restore your own path anytime and anywhere, and even restore your physical body and soul. You will be invincible and cannot be killed no matter what!

This is just a usage of Guidao Jade Plate.

At this moment, Xu Ying suddenly turned around, reached into the Guidao Jade Plate again, pulled out an arm-thick incense stick from the jade plate, lit it, held it in his hand, and bowed down to the Guidao Jade Plate.

This young man has little luck and little virtue. He dares not to acquire this precious treasure from his predecessor. He is afraid that he will fail his trust and fail to bear the consequences of his karma. I would like to ask your senior to choose someone wiser. Please, please, please!

Xu Ying bowed down again and again, but the jade plate did not move at all, still hanging in the air.

Xu Ying looked solemn and bowed again: The boy has come back from the dead. I inherit the kindness of my predecessors and will bear it in my heart.

The jade plate remained motionless.

Xu Ying straightened up, pinched the incense, crushed it into pieces, and said: The boy is in the land of Daoqi, saving Taoist Taiqing, Yuqing Palace in Kunlun, I restore the great road of heaven and earth, Yujing Mountain in Xuandu, I and Emperor Xu of Dongming We had a great time chatting. In the ancient underworld, Taiyi Shifang rescued Tianzun from suffering, and he resurrected Yama of the Tenth Palace because of me. Senior, I am not without any background, please accept it as soon as you see it.

The returning jade plate suddenly buzzed and trembled, and flew away with a hiss.

Master Yu Hu rushed out of the void, and saw only the returning jade plate flying towards Master Qian Huan. Just as Master Qian Huan was about to grab it, a young man suddenly came out from behind and reached out to grab the jade plate. Mr. Ning Qing!

Young Master Ning Qing was so happy when he got this jade plate that he immediately urged the jade plate to fly away without daring to make any stop!

He was extremely fast, turned into a ray of green light, and went straight to the eye socket of the Supreme Skull, trying to escape from Wei Xu from there.

Young Master Ning Qing knew that returning the jade plate was no small matter. If he stayed in Wei Rui, he would only be caught and the jade plate would be taken away. The easiest way to leave is to enter the other side through the eye sockets of the Supreme Skull, and then try to leave the other side and return to the fairyland!

Master Yuhu was stunned and a little confused. He had no idea that the Returning Jade Plate would actually fly away.

He looked at Xu Ying and saw that Xu Ying breathed a sigh of relief. Suddenly his face turned pale and he was sweating, as if he had been fished out of the water.

This kid is so weak. Is he seriously injured?

When Master Yuhu thought of this, he slapped his palm away without thinking, but his palm disappeared directly and appeared on the back of Xu Ying's head, intending to slap Xu Ying to death.


There was no surprise in his blow, it hit Xu Ying directly on the back of the head. Master Yuhu was surprised and delighted: Explosion——

Xu Ying stood there, his body shaking slightly, but his head did not explode as he expected.

He used the Qi of Creation in the Jade Plate of Gui Dao to recreate his physical body. This physical body was so powerful that even Yu Hu Zhenren could not smash his head.

Master Yuhu was horrified: He clearly opened a cave that enhances spiritual consciousness, not a cave that enhances the physical body. Why is this physical body so powerful?

Xu Ying turned around and swiped away with his palm, Yuhu Zhenren hurriedly caught it, and the palms of the two collided. Yuhu Zhenren grunted, blood started to flow from the corner of his mouth, and he immediately escaped into the void, feeling terrified in his heart.

How come this kid seems to have been reborn after entering the Jade Plate of Guidao?

He fled in the void, and no longer able to suppress his injuries, a mouthful of blood spurted out, dyeing the sky red.

Wait a minute, my jade pot hasn't recovered yet!

Xu Ying suddenly exclaimed, No wonder Guidao Jade Pan ran so fast! One of my magic weapons is missing!

When Master Yuhu heard this, he was filled with hatred: It's my Yuhu!

The surrounding fog surged in, and it was an extremely rich corpse aura. Deep in the strong corpse aura, the Heavenly Demon Supreme had already entered the dojo shadowed by the mist.

There is a corpse in the mist. It is boundless and powerful, with flying red hair. The body is a world of its own. After death, it wants to mark its own avenue and turn it into the avenue of heaven and earth!

He was unable to cultivate to the Supreme Being during his lifetime, so after his death he wanted to preach to the heavens, form the world, and become the Supreme Being!

The Heavenly Demon Supreme had previously fought with him, and the two exchanged thousands of moves in just a few moments. The corpse gradually lost its strength and was killed by him in front of the dojo.

The Heavenly Demon Supreme looked into the dojo and saw a tall corpse standing there with swords inserted all over his body.

Those sharp swords exuded tremendous power, and so far, their power has not diminished at all.

His corpse was covered with red hair, and the hair seemed to be alive, flying in the air like mist.

The corpse was holding a wooden stick in its hand. All the attacks just now were made by the wooden stick, not the tall corpse taking the initiative.

I recognize you.

The Heavenly Demon Supreme looked at the dojo and said, The peerless genius who was astonishingly talented at the time and was expected to become the Supreme, Pingnan Tianjun. I heard that you were only one step away from the Supreme. I didn't believe it at first, but seeing that you still have such a dojo after your death. and courage, it shows that the rumors are true. Do you want to use my power to help you break through and become the supreme corpse path?

He shook his head slightly and turned away: With your own strength alone, you cannot imprint the void and imprint your own path in the dojo forever. However, I can't do it. Although I am the Supreme Demon, my cultivation strength has never been Get to the point where it helps you break through.”

The tall corpse had a long and powerful aura. It didn't wear an imperial crown or imperial robe, but it had the aura of a great emperor. He said, You don't dare to fight with me?

The Heavenly Demon Supreme stopped and looked back: It's not that I don't dare, but it's that I don't have the need to help you break through. What you lack is a Supreme-level opponent to break through under the pressure of the other party. But if the Supreme takes action, you will only be beaten. Die for it.”

The corpse roared, and the dojo shook violently, rising from the ground.

The Supreme Heavenly Demon raised his head and saw the deceased Heavenly Lord flying through the air with the dilapidated dojo. Thousands of deceased human immortals, earthly immortals, heavenly immortals, immortal kings and immortal monarchs flew up one after another and fell into his lap. In the dojo, follow him through the air.

His dojo is the Immortal Realm of Corpses and Ghosts. These dead people must follow him and enter the Immortal Realm of Corpses and Ghosts in order to remain immortal.

Upon seeing this, Jinhe Sword Lord immediately flew up and chased after him with his sword: Pingnan Tianjun, you can't even think of escaping from Wei Xu!

The corpse ghost fairyland rushed towards the eye socket of the Supreme Skull, breaking the seal left by Jinhe Sword Lord there, and the geomagnetic torrent swept in. With the help of the torrent, the corpse ghost fairyland rushed out of the Wei Ruins and disappeared into the vast unknown land.

Jinhe Sword Lord followed closely and disappeared.

————Recommend the new book Sweeping the World, The Picture of Eternal Life, which contains another period of Xu Ying’s new life.

I will make up for the chapters I owe. I will finish them after I have been busy these days. There is a lot going on lately.

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