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Chapter 428 The Divine Show of Creation, the Holy Body of Muscles

Jinhe Sword Lord couldn't help but be startled when he saw that the Heavenly Demons, who had always been at odds with him, suddenly rushed in and guarded every position of the Returning Jade Plate.

Jinhe Sword Lord knew that his character was probably the worst in Wei Xu.

Even though the Ninth Immortal King and the Five Ultimate Immortal Kings were shabby, they still had a group of followers who built peaks and ridges and green valleys. There are also powerful men in the fairy world who win over them and promise them benefits.

Even if he is as vicious as a shadow in the mist, he still gains the loyalty and support of thousands of immortal zombies and becomes the master of the immortal realm of zombies.

Even if the evil is as full as the demons, many demons may gather together to support the Supreme Demon.

He is the only one who is alone. Although he is still an immortal official under the Immortal Court and has the title of Sword Lord, he is actually a loner and is never treated well by others in the Wei Ruins.

Unexpectedly, this time the demons rushed forward to help him!


He was deeply moved in his heart and regretted that when he came here, he looked at the demons with cold eyes.

It has nothing to do with you, just have a good fight. The Demon Supreme saw his thoughts and said to him.

Lord Jinhe Sword suddenly woke up and immediately activated the Jinhe Sword to fight against the shadow of the mist.

The two have been enemies for a long time. In the past, the Lord of the Golden River Sword could always defeat the Shadow of the Fog, and could even remain undefeated even when he lent the Golden River Sword. But this time, the shadow in the mist borrowed the Dao Jade Plate to restore some Dao chains, and its strength increased greatly!

The situation between the two of them was reversed, and this time it was Jinhe Sword Lord who was struggling to hold on under his offensive.

Thousands of red hairs were stabbing from all directions, and even the Golden River Sword Qi couldn't defend against all the corpse hairs. In the mist, the huge shadow still did not appear. Only the arms like the entwined roots of an old tree reached out. They were extremely thick, and they reached in front of Jinhe Sword Lord from a long distance away!

And in the depths of the shadow, there is an astonishing light turbulence, as if there is a dojo composed of avenues inside. Indistinctly, there seems to be a peerless god reciting his own principles and analyzing Taoism and magical powers!

This scene actually has a bit of supreme aura!

A dead person also wants to be supreme?

Lord Jinhe Sword sneered, the sword light was like a rainbow, swaying the layers of red hair, raised the Jinhe Sword and flew through the air, piercing the dojo in the corpse mist!

In the Corpse Fog Dojo, the peerless god seemed to be angry. His thick coiled arms stretched out and grabbed Jinhe Sword Lord one after another.

Jinhe Sword Lord struck dozens of times in succession, and was so shocked that he kept retreating!

Suddenly, the Supreme Demon came to him and said in a deep voice: Change!

Without thinking, the Jinhe Sword Lord drew his sword and walked away. The Jinhe Sword Qi faced the corpse king, corpse immortal and ghost immortal coming in like a tide. His sword energy of the golden river was suppressed by the shadow of the corpse fog just now, but now it shines brightly. The sword energy is like a golden river, and it breaks through the dojo and realm of a zombie king and corpse immortal!

The Heavenly Demon Emperor, Yuan Jun and others were under great pressure just now. He came to the front and greatly reduced the pressure on the Heavenly Demons.

Suddenly, a group of corpses surged, and a tattered building ship flew towards the sword aura. On the building ship stood thousands of immortal soldiers who died in battle. The aura of the headed immortal corpse was so powerful that it was not weaker than the Golden River Sword. Jun!

We were also loyal martyrs back then, no worse than you, Lord Jinhe Sword!

The immortal corpse was filled with grief and anger, and his voice was thick and resonant. He held up a big umbrella to block the attack of thousands of swords, and while driving the boat forward, he sneered, We are orthodox in the immortal world and fight decisively in the demonic realm. How many people died? Jin He, look at the injuries on our bodies!

The corpse king was majestic and shouted: The injuries on our bodies are fatal injuries caused to us by the enemies of the Demon Realm! Now, your sword wounds and the enemy's fatal injuries also appear on our corpses!

The sword heart of Jinhe Sword Lord is as clear as jade and cannot be shaken at all. But he lives in this bitter cold place. In addition to suppressing the corpse ghost fairyland, he also has to be wary of the heavenly demons in the heavenly demon fairyland.

Therefore, he did not dare to cut off the impurities in his Taoist heart. At this moment, his conscience was still intact in his Taoist heart, but his sword heart was wavered because of the words of the Corpse Lord.

When the heart of the sword wavered, his sword also wavered, and various flaws appeared.

The corpse king immediately sailed across the long river of Sword Dao, drove straight in, and killed himself in front of the jade plate of Gui Dao.

Just as Jinhe Sword Lord was about to stop him, the Corpse Lord shouted: You are not a righteous man!

Jinhe Sword Lord seems to have been hit hard.

The Heavenly Demon Emperor, Yuan Jun and others hurriedly stopped him, but the Corpse Monarch rushed towards the Jade Plate of the Return Path without his life. The building and boat were beaten to pieces, and the Corpse Immortal was beaten to pieces, but the broken boat was still thrown away. Everyone, rush into the Jade Plate of Return!

Jinhe Sword Master's Taoist heart was greatly damaged, and a flaw appeared in the defensive front. Other immortal corpses swarmed in. Even if the Demon Emperor and others fought desperately to resist, they could not bear the number of immortal corpses.

In just a few moments, hundreds of immortal corpses broke through their blockade and jumped into the Jade Plate of Return.

They rushed into the jade plate for no other reason than to kill Xu Ying!

Anyone with a discerning eye can tell at a glance that before Xu Ying jumped into the Jade Plate of Returning to the Dao, the Jade Plate of Returning to the Dao not only restored the great avenue of heaven and earth in the Immortal Realm of the Corpse Ghost, but also restored the Dao Chain and Dao Chain trained by the Immortal Corpse itself and repaired the Dao Realm Dojo.

But ever since Xu Ying jumped into the Jade Plate of Returning to the Dao, the Jade Plate only restored the Great Way of Heaven and Earth in the Immortal Realm.

Obviously, all this is Xu Ying's mischief in the jade plate!

They rushed into the jade plate and fell rapidly. Except that Qianhuan Zhenren's master was not chasing them, everything else was basically the same as Xu Ying's experience.

An immortal corpse passed through thousands of worlds at an increasingly faster speed. It also saw different worlds, different avenues, and thousands of scenery, all passing by in a blink of an eye.

When the time travel reached its peak, all the world suddenly disappeared, leaving only a ball of clear energy that enveloped them all.

No matter whether there is an Immortal King or an Immortal Lord in front of him, or just a small human immortal, earth immortal, or heavenly immortal, they all appear in this mass of pure energy.

At this moment, they simultaneously touched the Qi of Creation. The origin of the supreme magic weapon, the Jade Plate of Returning to the Dao, was this Qi of Creation.

When they touched this ball of Qi, they felt the same as promised, feeling the vigorous scene of thousands of competing ways, feeling the various incomplete avenues of heaven and earth in the corpse ghost fairyland, and feeling the magic of returning to the path.

They feel that they have a wonderful feeling of enlightenment and sublimation. This feeling is like that they are united with the energy of creation, integrated into one, and no longer separated from each other.

Don't be fooled by this energy!

After all, the Corpse Lord was an Immortal Lord during his lifetime, but the existence that was on par with the Jinhe Sword Lord finally woke up half the time his body was dissolving, and hurriedly said in a sharp voice, Everyone, wake up!

However, no immortal zombie heard his words. All the zombie immortal zombie kings were immersed in the beauty of merging with the energy of creation.

The already dilapidated building ship seemed to be immersed in a highly corrosive liquid, and most of it melted away in just a few moments.

On the ship, a statue of the Corpse King, Corpse Immortal and Ghost Immortal, melted in an instant, visible to the naked eye, from corpse to white bones, and then from white bones to nothingness.

The entire ship also disappeared out of thin air. Except for the Corpse King, the other Corpse Immortals, Corpse Kings and Ghost Immortals all had only a little bit of immortal aura left.

That was their immortal true spirit. Inspired by a magical force between heaven and earth, it flew away from the jade plate of the Return Path.

The corpse king's heart felt cold. This was also a kind of harmony, but the price was extremely heavy.

That boy must be killed!

He struggled to swim in the energy of creation, and finally saw Xu Ying.

To be precise, what he saw was Xu Ying's immortal true spirit, which looked like a fourteen-year-old boy. His body was smooth and clean, without a single strand of hair on his body, and his whole body was like light.

However, from this immortal true spirit, not only flesh and blood are born, but souls are constantly reappearing, fighting and merging with the energy of creation.

The corpse king saw the beating heart in Xu Ying's body. The blood vessels extending from the heart went to the limbs, and the outlines of the hands and feet could be vaguely seen.

He could also see the bones growing slowly and the internal organs gradually forming.

This is the process of recreating the physical body. The immortal true spirit combines the power of the energy of creation, which is indescribably wonderful.

This is the person who ruined our revenge plan!

The corpse king swam hard in the Qi of Creation and rushed toward Xu Ying. His body was gradually disintegrating. The dojo, chain, spiritual consciousness, vitality, and everything else were gradually assimilating into the Qi of Creation.

His soul also disintegrated and became part of the Qi of Creation.

He swam to Xu Ying's side, leaving only a skeleton.

The skeleton threw itself at Xu Ying, and then fell apart. As it fell, it turned into strands of pure energy and melted into the energy of creation. It was difficult to tell which strand was him.

Xu Ying was touched by the skeleton and woke up from the state of harmony.

At that moment, he used the power of the Returning Jade Plate to organize the great avenues of heaven and earth in the Xuanhuang Realm and make them consistent with the great avenues.

His Hedao is different from that of the Corpse Lord just now. He is in the Jade Plate of Guidao, in the Qi of Creation, with its light and dust. Only then can he borrow the power of the Jade Plate of Guidao to communicate with the Xuanhuang Realm. The heaven and earth are in harmony.

Of course, the premise of being as light as the dust is to dampen the sharpness and resolve the differences!

If there was no immortal true spirit that could withstand the erosion and assimilation of the Qi of Creation, and if Xu Ying did not continue to shrink and preserve his cultivation in the early stage, then his fate would be the same as that of the corpse king.

He first dampens the sharpness of the Qi of Creation and resolves the dispute between the Qi of Creation and himself, then he can harmonize with the Qi of Creation, and even subtly master part of the functions of the Jade Plate of Returning to the Dao.

The Great Dao of Heaven and Earth in the Xuanhuang Realm has revived, but those Corpse Kings and Corpse Immortals have not been able to return to the peak of their lifetimes. This is the result of the Tao power of Xu Ying's Returning Dao Jade Plate and the Qi of Creation.

Outside, more Corpse Immortals and Corpse Kings broke through the defenses of the Heavenly Demon Emperor and the Jinhe Sword Lord and rushed into the Guidao Jade Plate.

However, the Jade Plate of Guidao is like a bottomless pit. It doesn't seem big, but no matter how many zombies, immortals, zombies, kings, and ghosts rush in, they can't fill it up.

It was obvious that the jade plate only seemed to be dozens of acres in size, not even as big as a coffin of some corpse kings, but it disappeared as many times as it went in, and no one could climb out!

This situation made not only the Heavenly Demon Emperor and others feel frightened, but even the corpse kings and corpse immortals who came over hesitated.

Master Yuhu has been lurking next to the returning jade plate, ready to sneak into the jade plate at any time. Seeing this situation, he did not move.

The Hutian Zhengdao Sutra is indeed the number one hidden skill. He has been hiding here for a long time, and neither the Heavenly Demon Emperor nor the other Heavenly Demons, nor the Jinhe Sword Lord, nor the corpse kings who rushed towards him, have been able to detect him.

There's something weird about this jade plate. If you go in, you won't see anyone alive or dead, and you won't see corpses. I'm afraid the situation is extremely bad!

When Master Yuhu thought of this, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a figure in the distance, his heart moved slightly, and he immediately sneaked over.

That figure is none other than Master Qian Huan.

At this moment, Master Qian Huan did not dare to approach the Guidao Jade Plate, lest he be killed. Among the people present, there were countless people whose cultivation strength surpassed his. He is just an immortal, really insignificant.

Suddenly, Master Yuhu appeared behind him and said with a gloomy face: Fellow Taoist Qianhuan, can we talk to you?

Master Qian Huan's body tensed up, but then he relaxed and said with a smile: Tell me everything you know.

Master Yuhu asked: What exactly is in this jade plate? Why do so many powerful beings enter it and none of them come back?

Master Qian Huan shook his head and said, I don't know.


Master Qian Huan said quickly: But I know that my master once entered it and escaped death.

Master Yuhu's expression suddenly changed. Although he didn't know who the master Qianhuan Master was talking about, Master Qianhuan was the Imperial Master of the East Gate of Immortal Court, and he was at least a disciple of the Immortal Emperor.

He is nominally the gatekeeper, but aren't the four heavenly kings at the south gate also gatekeepers?

Therefore, Master Yuhu guessed that the owner of Master Qianhuan must be related to the imperial palace!

Moreover, the Guidao Jade Plate appeared very long ago and then disappeared, which means that it has been a long time since its owner obtained the Guidao Jade Plate.

Since he obtained this treasure and practiced till now, he has not been able to completely refine the jade plate, and even entered it and almost died in the jade plate. This is extremely terrifying!

In other words, Xu Ying's bane also died in the jade plate?

Master Yuhu was dumbfounded, suddenly became happy, and said with a smile, I have been ordered by Lord Yuan to go down to the realm. My mission is to, firstly, get rid of Xu Ying, the source of trouble, and secondly, to capture the man who opened up the immortal world. Now these two Now that everything is done, I can meet a few beauties by chance, fall in love forever, return to the fairyland with many beauties, and be free and at ease!

Just as he said this, Dao light suddenly poured out from everywhere in the corpse ghost fairyland, and Dao power filled the air. For a moment, the sky was filled with flowers and golden springs surged from the ground!

And above the corpse ghost fairyland, winds and clouds surged, the sky rotated violently, and a layer of cave suddenly opened, roaring downwards, connected to the jade plate of the return path!

The Immortal Cave...the fifth Immortal Cave!

Master Yuhu was stunned, and then he saw a person rising slowly above the Jade Plate of Returning to the Way. His body was smooth and clean, without a single strand of clothing on him, not even a piece of cloth.

It was promised.

The fairy world cave is hanging behind Xu Ying!

Not only that, one fairy world cave after another opened up, connected to the fairy world, and the billowing fairy spirit energy instantly poured into Xu Ying's body, making the dazzling light emanating from his body even more dazzling.

For a time, Xu Ying became the most dazzling presence in this Xuanhuang realm dojo.

Wear some clothes at least. Heavenly Demon Yuanjun raised his hand to cover his eyes, spreading his index and middle fingers apart, revealing two bright eyes.

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