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Chapter 427 The Qi of Creation

The Jade Plate of Guidao has been transformed into a size of dozens of acres in radius. Compared with the huge magical artifacts that are often as large as mountains, the size of this supreme magic weapon is simply insignificant and does not live up to its name.

However, Xu Ying fell into the jade plate of returning home, and what came to him was a vast world.

The wind in his ears was getting louder and faster, and as far as he could see, he saw all kinds of lights coming in and catching his eyes.

Different Dao lights show different avenues, and different avenues emit different Dao sounds. When he saw the Dao light, it was also transmitted to his ears.

This plate is actually an ancient dojo, a world composed of avenues!

The goddess told me that gods cannot be considered the Supreme. The person who takes the Supreme Treasure, the Jade Plate of Returning to the Way, must not be the Supreme, otherwise he does not need to take this treasure. Since he is not the Supreme, then he cannot be counted as the Returning Jade. What happened on the plate!”

Xu Ying's eyes flashed and he thought, As long as he is not accurate, then his calculation will be invalid on me!


At this time, a sound exploded between heaven and earth. Xu turned around in a hurry and saw the wind and clouds in the sky in the jade plate of Guidao, forming a face that was changing with the wind and clouds. The facial features were distorted and deformed with the flow of wind and clouds.

I have already calculated that you will jump into the jade plate to get rid of my calculation, so I have a hand in the jade plate!

The faces circulating in the sky changed with the wind and clouds. They were now male and female, old and young, and their expressions also changed. When they opened their mouths to speak, they had already changed more than a dozen expressions and faces, and even their voices changed accordingly. .

My hand is my hand!

The sky shook violently, and a big hand of vitality shook the time and space of heaven, earth, and fell from the sky, heading straight for him!

Xu Ying's face suddenly changed: The master of Qian Huan Zhenren! He can even predict my jumping into the Jade Plate of Returning to the Dao! This person's calculations are probably better than those of the Goddess!

He turned around hurriedly, and suddenly he saw towering mountains, silver-ribbed rivers, and he was heading towards a continent!

Xu Ying hurriedly raised his hands to protect his head and face, preparing to withstand the impact, but he heard a bang. It seemed that he did not hit a heavy object, but passed through a ball of energy. Various kinds of light kept pouring into his eyes, and the sound of Taoism sounded in his ears.

Then, another world came to meet us!

Xu Ying was surprised that this Jade Plate of Returning to the Way actually had more than one inner world!

In the sky, that big Luotian hand was stirring up the wind and clouds. It was passing through another world and entering this world, continuing to catch him!

On the sky, the wind and clouds changed, and that strange face appeared again. The mouth opened and closed, and the man and woman changed erratically: I am omnipotent and omniscient. Even the supreme treasure must be under my control!


Xu Ying fell and passed through the continent of this world. He felt as if he had passed through an incredible mass of Qi, and then entered a new world.

The third world collided head-on, and Dao light came into view, like a kaleidoscope, reflecting different Dao concepts, and the sound of Dao vibrated and roared.

He fell faster than before. The world only had time to catch a glimpse before the land hit him!


His body passed through this world and fell into the fourth world.

When you jump into the Jade Plate of Guidao, you jump into the palm of my hand, jump into my control! The voice of the master of Qianhuan Master came, and the voice became blurred.

Xu Ying was still a little panicked and nervous before, and kept looking back, only to see that face appear on the sky, its shape getting more and more distorted, and the degree of deformation getting bigger and bigger.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

He fell from one world to another, and the face in the sky and the big hand grabbing him became more and more abstract, as if they were just a group of lines composed of Qi, spinning and falling meaninglessly in the sky.

He could still hear the voice of Qianhuan Zhenren's master, but the voice became distorted and had no meaning. He didn't know what the person said.

Not even this great master can truly master the supreme magic weapon!

Xu Ying was inexplicably horrified. The master of Qianhuan Master must have obtained the Jade Plate of Returning to the Dao a very long time ago. After he obtained this treasure, he would definitely continue to refine it and try to control it.

However, Xu Ying fell into the jade plate, but his magic power and spiritual consciousness could not catch up with him. Instead, he got further and further away, which showed that the master of Qianhuan Zhenren only had a superficial grasp of this treasure and did not really master the jade plate of returning to the path.

The master of Qianhuan must be on par with or even surpass the terrifying existences such as Emperor and Yuanjun, but he cannot truly refine the supreme magic weapon. One can imagine how terrifying and powerful the supreme magic weapon is!

Each world I fell into just now is a different dojo. There are different avenues of heaven and earth in the dojo. The types of the avenues of heaven and earth are different, and the light and sound of the Tao are also different.

Xu Ying's fall is still accelerating, falling from one world after another, falling towards the unknown world, thinking in his heart, No wonder Qianhuan's master can't catch up with me. These worlds are different, the avenues are different, he wants to be in a different world To manifest the face and palms in the world and use magic to catch me, you need to master the world's great ways when entering that world. But how is this possible?

He passed through one world after another, his speed getting faster and faster. Before, he could still see the shapes of those worlds and sense the different avenues of each world.

But later everything turned into a stream of light, and the speed of travel was extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, thousands of worlds flashed by!

Countless Tao sounds were also heard in his ears at the same time, mixed together and difficult to distinguish!

Xu Ying was so dazzled that he could no longer tell whether he was falling or floating in the endless stream of light.

This flow is still accelerating, and in an instant, thousands of worlds and thousands of dojos are passing by, and the sound of the Tao has become a meaningless hum.

In the end, the avenue was silent.

All the noisy Tao sounds suddenly disappeared, and all the changing colors of the Tao suddenly disappeared. Xu Ying seemed to have fallen into a ball of simple and unpretentious Qing Qi, which could neither reach the sky nor reach the ground.

He floated in the clear energy, looked down, and suddenly saw the entire Xuanhuang Realm.

Xu Ying was stunned. He seemed to be floating in the Xuanhuang Realm, which was the sky above the Immortal Realm of Corpse Ghosts. He could take the entire world into his sight!

He could even see all the incomplete avenues and the composition of various avenues in this world, and everything suddenly became traceable!

Including everyone in the corpse ghost fairyland, whether they are living people or corpses dominated by obsession, their broken avenues have become vivid.

Xu Ying felt that he was in a higher realm at this time. This realm was independent of the world, above the world, and mysterious.

He saw the magical Qi on the jade plate of Gui Dao, connecting the Dao of heaven and earth and making up for the leakage of the Dao.

This is amazing.

His spirit, his thinking, and his consciousness seemed to be integrated with the jade plate of returning to the Dao, as if he was repairing the Dao of the Xuanhuang Realm.

He is like a healer.

However, what he didn't notice was that his clothes, his skin, and his flesh and blood were constantly assimilating into wisps of clear energy, floating in the mass of clear energy, and becoming a part of it.

Even the promised vitality, spiritual consciousness, and yin and yang qi have been assimilated by Qingqi!

Xu Ying was horrified, and immediately mobilized his vitality, consciousness and other cultivations to continuously shrink towards the Yuanshen. However, his Xiyi Realm was also collapsing, and the Yuanshen could not protect itself.

Soon, all that was left of his body was bones, and his bones melted away.

Integrate into Qingqi and return to nature!

The Jade Plate of Returning to the Dao was indeed the supreme treasure. It left him with no strength to resist, so his body melted away, leaving only his soul!

During this process, he didn't even feel any pain, his body just melted away!

His Yuan Shen was immediately destroyed in the Qing Qi. Xu Ying gathered his self-awareness and soul and hid in the Immortal True Spirit. Finally, his Yuan Shen disappeared and the Immortal True Spirit was revealed, surrounded by Qing Qi!

This ball of Qing Qi is the core of the Jade Plate of Returning to the Dao. It is a ball of the Qi of Creation refined by its owner using the wonderful principles of creation.

This energy of creation is capable of performing the great road of heaven and earth. It is good at making up for the good fortune of heaven and earth and returning to the great road of heaven and earth. Therefore, it is called the Jade Plate of Returning to the Dao.

However, the principles contained in the Qi of Creation are too profound. Once you enter it, you will be assimilated by it. No matter whether it is Taoism, magical power, thinking consciousness, or the physical body, anyone who can surpass the Qi of Creation will be assimilated by it. There is no second result.

The most terrifying thing is not that Guidao Yupan is actively hostile, but that it has no hostility at all.

It just shows the characteristics of the Qi of Creation and has no intention of hurting anyone. However, if you fall into it, you will be assimilated by it, and there is no way to escape or escape.

This is the scariest thing.

When the energy of creation eroded Xu Ying's immortal true spirit, it was finally blocked.

Xu Ying's immortal true spirit continues to derive a physical body, and the energy of creation continues to corrode, leaving Xu Ying in a state of life and death.

Back then, Xu Ying was promised to go to the immortal world and walk on the road to heaven. Thousands of immortals sacrificed their lives and the gods of heaven came out in full force. The most powerful people from all the heavens and worlds came out together to finally defeat Xu Ying, but no one could kill Xu Ying. kill. In the end, the emperor sacrificed the Purple Netherworld Sword in the immortal world and chopped off Xu Ying's body.

That was the most serious injury Xu Ying had ever received.

The second time Xu Ying was injured was during the decisive battle between two immortal kings in the ancestral court not long ago. He was bitten by immortal insects until his physical body was almost completely destroyed. He only survived by relying on the immortal true spirit and was not eaten by the immortal insects.

But now, Xu Ying just fell into the Qi of Creation and almost ruined his entire life of cultivation!

Xu Ying breathed a sigh of relief. He was really worried that even the Immortal True Spirit would not be able to withstand the erosion of the Qi of Creation, but fortunately he was able to block it.

He was conscious this time, and at the beginning of the physical body's destruction, he continued to shrink his cultivation and entered the immortal true spirit to escape. Although the physical soul was destroyed, the injuries were not as serious as the previous two times.

What exactly is the immortal true spirit? Why can it be supported by the power of the supreme magic weapon?

Xu Ying was surprised. So far, he had seen magical powers and magic weapons that could make people lose their souls, but he had never seen any magic weapon or magical power that could destroy the immortal spirit.

His heart moved slightly, trying to activate his immortal true spirit.

Unlike other people, whose immortal true spirit is often a bit of immortal aura, his immortal true spirit is almost the same size as his body. Xu Ying didn't know how he cultivated or how he developed the immortal aura to such a great extent.

He tried to use the immortal true spirit as a medium to contact the energy of creation.

He does not seek to refine the Qi of Creation. The mystery of this Qi of Creation is something he cannot understand. It is impossible to refine it by force. It is better to just go with the flow.

When he touched the Qi of Creation, he suddenly felt that he had become a healer, and that the entire broken world of Xuanhuang Realm was under his control.

At this time, those corpse kings and corpse immortals returned to the corpse ghost fairyland one after another, and the returning jade plate had begun to repair and reconnect the broken avenues, a thousand times faster than when Xu Ying returned to Yujing Mountain, the Xuandu capital.

The corpse kings and corpse immortals were surprised to find that the Tao wounds they had left in the battle in the ancestral court began to slowly heal themselves, their broken dojo began to repair itself, and the Taoist chains began to reconnect!

Their auras became stronger and stronger, and the corpse aura on their bodies became stronger and stronger, and they let out angry roars one after another!

They seemed to be returning to their previous strength!

But even the power of Guidao Jade Plate cannot bring them back to life. They are still corpses, full of anger and unwillingness.

Jinhe Sword Master looked solemnly as he looked at the Jade Plate of Return, and then his eyes fell on a mist in the distance.

That being in the mist was suppressed by him in the past, and he was slightly better. But if that being's injuries were healed and the avenue was reconnected, would he still be his opponent?

Can I still control the corpse ghost fairyland?

The Ninth Immortal King frowned and quietly retreated.

If these Corpse Kings and Corpse Immortals return to the peak of their lives, then my Green Valley and the five unique peaks and ridges will not be able to be defended.

He looked solemn, retreating faster and faster, secretly anxious in his heart, If we escape from Wei Ruins, we will no longer be the Immortal King, but Qi Refiners. In this case... life is more important!

The Five Jue Immortal King was also retreating, shouting in his heart that something was wrong.

In the past, the Corpse Ghost Immortal Realm could live in peace with the Peak Mountains and Diecui Valley because the Jinhe Sword Lord was able to suppress the Corpse Ghost Immortal Realm, and the strength of these Corpse Ghost Immortals was not as strong as before, so they could not make much noise.

At that time, their relationship with the Corpse Ghost Fairyland was not bad, and when Little Tianzun attacked Wei Xu, they could even join forces to fight against the enemy.

But now, if the strength of these corpse kings and corpse immortals returns to the level before they were alive, they can easily level the peaks and ridges and the Diecui Valley, and the Jinhe Sword Lord will not be able to suppress them at all!

At this moment, an inexplicable force spread out, and the self-recovery of the Xuanhuang Realm's heaven and earth avenue was accelerating, but the corpse immortals and ghost immortals' own avenues no longer restored themselves.

Those corpse immortals and ghost immortals raised their heads one by one, roared at the Jade Plate of Return, showing doubts.

The powerful being in the mist also looked at the Guidao Jade Plate, and a voice rang out from the mist, whispering: Some changes occurred inside the Guidao Jade Plate. This is why I tried to master this treasure...

In the mist, an earth-shaking roar came, and the thousands of corpse kings and corpse immortals who died in battle rose into the air and rushed towards the Jade Plate of Return!

Jinhe Sword Master's face darkened, and he held his sword sideways, blocking the path in front of the jade plate.

He had just tried to seize the Jade Plate of Guidao, but now he had to protect the jade plate and prevent those corpse immortals and ghost immortals from getting close to it!

Jin He, get out of here!

Suddenly the fog came in, and the fog was overwhelming, covering the entire corpse ghost fairyland.

The corpse energy became extremely strong, and thousands of red corpse hairs were flying, rushing towards Jinhe Sword Lord. At the same time, there were coffins, corpses of the Immortal King carrying dozens of immortal corpses, and powerful ones. The corpse of the Immortal Lord surged towards the Jade Plate of Returning to the Way like a tide!

Faced with such a turbulent impact, a river of sword energy suddenly swept across the sky and met the shadows in the mist!

At the same time, the Supreme Demon suddenly said: Emperor, Yuanjun, we also come forward to help!

The Heavenly Demon Emperor said: Supreme, we are Heavenly Demons, don't forget our identities.

But it is also one of the few good thoughts of the immortals.

————Get up early and code, update in advance! I have to catch a plane and have to go to Haikou for my professional defense. The update of Chapter 2 will be late tonight~~

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