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Chapter 424 Fairy Showdown

The moment the golden coffin broke through the air, Xu Ying and Master Ning Qing moved their bodies at the same time, and the Celestial Immortal's Dojo collided with the Nuo Master's Four Immortals Domain!

The battle in the dojo is not only a battle of Taoism, but also a battle of magic power!

The magic weapons behind Xu Ying became brighter and activated in an instant!

Gathering Qi from the Five Mountains, refining water and fire, twelve layers of towers, the Immortal Yaochi and the Third Heaven Pass. These five realms were the realms of his first life. They were refined into magic weapons by the five Immortal Kings and God Kings, and their power is of course extremely powerful. Strong, but at the same time, it can also serve as the five realms to support him against immortals like Ning Qing!

But the next moment, he realized that he was under pressure in terms of magic power and was still inferior to Master Ning Qing.

This is because he lacks the two secret caves, failed to open the Chaos Niwan Palace Cave and the Xuanhuang Realm Huangting Cave, and has great deficiencies in his physical body and spiritual consciousness.

At the same time, Master Ning Qing sensed his own shortcomings in Taoism.

What Xu Ying applied to was not the Celestial Immortal Dojo, but the Four Immortal Realms. With only the four Immortal Dao realms, it could compete with his Celestial Immortal Dojo, which showed that Xu Ying was far better than himself in Taoism!

Suddenly, the Heavenly Dao runes flowed on the sky of the promised Four Immortals Realm. In an instant, the Four Immortals Realm merged with the Heavenly Dao Dojo, and the Heavenly Dao divine power suddenly surged throughout the body!

He was like a divine king who used the earth as a chopping board, Master Ningqing as fish flesh, and his hand as a sword, turning it into a heavenly sword to chop it down!

The sword's light is cold and beautiful, inheriting the will of heaven, keeping the time of heaven, following the laws of heaven, obeying the numbers of heaven, and the sound of heaven. With one strike of the sword, it feels as if three thousand heavenly runes have been integrated into one!

Heavenly power?

Young Master Ning Qing's face changed slightly, and he started to use his mysterious power. He used his hands as seals to meet the promised heavenly sword and said in a deep voice, Your heavenly power surpasses any divine king I have ever seen before!

Ning Zhongtian is in charge of the Taisui Department in the Immortal Realm. Although he is an idle job and has no real power, he is after all one of the six orthodox departments in the Immortal Court. As a six-department deity, he naturally has his own uniqueness.

His supreme Xuanyuan Yutang Dharma is the pinnacle of the sealing method. With his sealing method, he is unique in the world and is respected in the immortal world!

If Xu Ying is the divine king who controls the destiny of all beings in heaven, then Master Ningqing is the immortal king who transcends heaven. His seal actually gives people a feeling of transcending heaven and being respected in the nine heavens.

The thirteen seals of Yutang, the first seal, transcendence!

I promise that with that sword, all living beings in the world will be under my sword, no one can hide, and there is nowhere to hide.

This seal of his jumps out of the way of heaven and transcends the way of heaven. No matter how powerful the promised divine sword of heaven is, it cannot hurt me in the slightest!

The sword collided with the seal, and a clear sound burst out. The sound of the Tao was confused, and the heavenly way and the immortal way symphony, causing chaos in the surrounding heaven and earth avenues.

The faces of Nalandu, Hua Cuoying and others changed greatly, and they hurriedly retreated, trying their best to activate their own immortal magic. Without seeing or hearing, they silently recited the Taoist sounds to resist the invasion of the immortal sounds and heavenly sounds.

They have the inheritance of the Immortal King, have extraordinary knowledge, are the top experts among the younger generation, and can resist Tianyin Daoyin. But those immortal corpses hidden in the earth are not so lucky.

They took root and sprouted like vines, growing out of the earth. In an instant, they became lush and green, growing into clusters. It blooms like a flower, blossoms and bears fruit, and heads grow out of the flowers, sighing and sighing.

As corpses, although they have some memories and some wisdom from their previous lives, they are unable to understand Xu Ying's heavenly way and Ning Qinggong's immortal way, leading to pollution of the heavenly way and immortality.

Xu Ying never expected that one day he would also cause pollution to the heaven.

Master Ning Qing's expression changed again, and he realized that his transcendent seal had transcended most of the heavenly ways, but there was still a part of the heavenly ways that he had not yet transcended.

His heart sank, the palm mark was not damaged, but there were immediately more knife marks in his dojo, almost cutting his dojo open.

My father's transcendent way of heaven is not a complete way of heaven. There should be many errors and omissions in the runes of the way of heaven. Therefore, his seal of transcendence is not truly transcendent!

Young Master Ning Qing immediately thought of the key. His transcendent seal was personally taught by Ning Zhong Tianzun. To practice this seal, you need to be familiar with the way of heaven and achieve transcendence one by one in the three thousand runes of heaven. Only then can you achieve the state of transcending heaven.

Under the guidance of Ning Zhong Tianzun, he did achieve this state, but he still could not completely avoid Xu Ying's sword, which shows that there must be loopholes in the three thousand heavenly runes.

My father's heavenly runes come from the gods in the world of heaven. Are the runes of these gods wrong?

Just as he thought of this, Xu Ying's technique had changed, and the heavenly sword turned into a heavenly sword, with cold light shining and sword energy thrusting towards him. Mr. Ning Qing's long sleeves fluttered and he used the Seal of Freedom. The Seal of Freedom is not based on the transcendent heavenly way, but on Ningzhong Tianzun's understanding of the immortal way. Cultivate the heart of the real person and gain great freedom!

This isn't a bad move!

Xu Ying secretly praised in his heart that the Heavenly Sword was about to be broken by the Zi Zi Seal. He used his backhand to draw the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder, and pointed it, and the Nine Heavens appeared behind him. The Nine Heavens thundered, and with one finger, the power surged!

The emperor's magical power?

Young Master Ning Qing hurriedly dodged, Xu Ying took a step forward, and the divine thunder turned into the Tao King's Seal, blessing his body with the power of the Nine Heavens!

Young Master Ning Qing had no idea that he could actually use the emperor's magical power, and that he could use it so wonderfully. He disrupted his position and continued to retreat.

Although the emperor did not enter the Sixth Department of Immortal Court and become a Heavenly Lord, his reputation has been extremely high in recent years and he has a tendency to surpass the Sixth Heavenly Lord.

Young Master Ning Qing tried his best to stabilize his position, but suddenly the soil under his feet loosened, and he saw blazing fire coming out from the soles of his feet. A corpse phoenix buried under the ground flapped its wings and flew out. Send people to the sky.

The corpse phoenix's cultivation strength during its lifetime was astonishing, and it had reached the level of a top-level Immortal King. Even after death, it still had unparalleled power.

In this short moment, the geomagnetic energy from Huangting's other side and Yingzhou gathered together in the sky, forming a more powerful torrent of geomagnetic energy.

Countless demons were attracted by this torrent and dived into the torrent one after another, flying towards the other side of Huangting.

The corpse phoenix was attracted by these demons. It flew out from the place where the corpses were buried, flapped its wings and flew in the torrent, opening its mouth to swallow the demons one after another. On Zifeng's back, Young Master Ning Qing finally took advantage of this incident to slide dozens of steps and gain a firm footing.

He looked up and saw Xu Ying leaping high into the sky without knowing when, and coming to the sky above him. There were nine layers of golden sky behind him. The nine layers of heaven were covered with dragons, which were exactly the elements in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Demon-Destroying Art. Magical power, Dragon Sky Ninth Level!

Young Master Ning Qing shouted violently and used the Dao Wheel Seal. This seal is the most powerful and domineering among Yutang's Thirteen Forms. Faced with Xu Ying's ferocious magical power, he could only use stronger magical powers to deal with it and fight head-on. !

The moment the two magical powers intersected, Xu Ying let out a muffled groan and was crushed by the Dao Wheel Seal. The nine-layered dragon sky fell from the corpse phoenix and fell downwards.

His realm of six immortals lacks two realms, and he is not as profound as Master Ning Qing. In the collision of fierceness and domineering, he is still inferior to Ning Qing.

Before he hit the ground, there was a sudden loud sound of earth shattering beneath him, and a larger corpse giant rose from the ground, leading thousands of corpses into the sky.

Xu Ying happened to land on the back of this immortal corpse. Thousands of corpses and ghosts surrounding the immortal corpse were extremely ferocious. They each used their magical powers to attract souls and souls. Thousands of chains were inserted into Xu Ying's body.

Xu Ying was stuck in those chains, just like hundreds of spider webs. The webs were very strong. Fortunately, these chains did not affect the physical body, but passed through his body, penetrating into his body and locking his soul.

The thousands of corpses pulled back together and shouted in unison: Crack!

Xu Ying didn't move at all, and the chains of thousands of ghouls that held their souls were all broken.

All the corpse ghosts were startled: This person's soul is so strong!

Young Master Ning Qing fell from the sky and landed on the back of the giant immortal corpse. Xu Ying immediately activated the Eight Desolate Sun Refining Seal to meet his seal.

The Bahuang Sun Refining Furnace is one of the first-generation sealing methods that Xu Ying has understood most thoroughly. This move is even better than the emperor's magical power. It collides with Master Ning Qing's sealing method. Xu Ying wins because of his magical power, while Ning Qing wins because of his magic power.

The two of them were beaten so hard by each other's strength that they fell from the back of the giant immortal corpse.

Below, Hua Cuoying, Nalandu, Hua Qingqing and others looked up to watch the battle, and were about to take action to rescue the two of them. Suddenly, the ground shook beneath their feet, dragon roars stirred, and the body of a huge dragon shook down. The mountains and dirt on their bodies opened their mouths and roared, carrying them high into the sky!

The body of the divine dragon was filled with strong corpse aura, and several disciples of the Hua family and Diecuigu disciples with lower cultivation levels could not hold on. Green corpse hair suddenly grew out, and there was a tendency of corpse transformation.

Nalandu and Hua Qingqing hurriedly helped them calm down their corpse energy to prevent them from turning into zombies.

The divine dragon chanted endlessly, and actually carried them into the torrent of geomagnetic energy, and rushed towards the sky along with the torrent!

Xu Ying and Young Master Ning Qing fell down, but they still did not hit the ground. Instead, they landed on the canopy of a precious chariot. The canopy was in tatters and full of holes. It was not much better than the canopy of Xiao Tianzun's Qilin Chariot.

Two dead divine phoenixes fluttered their wings and pulled this precious chariot out of the ground, rushing towards the torrent of geomagnetic energy. It happened that Xu Ying and Ning Qing landed on the canopy.

Although the canopy was dilapidated, it suddenly became wider and wider under the impact, and the divine phoenix pulling the cart also became larger and larger, roaring continuously and rushing into the torrent.

On the canopy, the two of them each slid dozens of steps and stopped.

Xu Ying stretched out his hand and grabbed it backwards, pulled the Tiandao dojo into a cloak, protected the body with Tiandao, and activated the nine-turn mysterious power. His body suddenly grew bigger and smaller, and the mysterious power flowed in an instant. He strode forward and rushed towards Mr. Ning Qing!

This was the first time he encountered such a powerful opponent. He couldn't help but feel happy and used all his methods!

The two of them clashed several times on the canopy, and demons appeared one after another around them. They were shattered and reunited by the magical powers of the two of them.

The two divine phoenixes opened their bows from left to right, swallowing up the demons one after another.

Under the canopy, there was a sudden roar. It should be that the corpse ghost immortal realm giant riding in the treasure chariot was disturbed by the battle between Xu Ying and Ning Qing.

There was just a crash, and hundreds of corpses emerged from the treasure chariot. They were all corpses of immortals, and they should be the bodyguards guarding the owner of the treasure chariot.

Those immortal corpses each activated Taoist, thunder, fire, water and other magical powers, and blasted towards Xu Ying and Ning Qing mindlessly. The two of them flew up to avoid these magical powers and clashed in mid-air.

In a hurry, Xu Ying caught a glimpse of a livid-faced man sitting in the chariot. He had been dead for a long time, and his forehead seemed to have been flattened by a ring.

Judging from the remaining Daowei at the wound, it looked like he had died under King Kong Zhuo.

One of the Seventh Master's injustices. Xu Ying thought to himself.

At this time, several corpses of Immortal Kings rushed over, rushed into the torrent of geomagnetic energy, and flew out into the sky.


The bone mountain in front shook, and a larger corpse giant rose from the ground, rushing into the sky with thousands of corpses, and also rushed towards the other side of Huangting beyond the sky.

The corpse ghost on his body was extremely ferocious. When he encountered the corpses of other Immortal Kings, he actually fought with the other party's corpse ghosts, killing them till darkness fell!

Xu Ying and Ning Qing were fighting each other while looking around. But among the high mountains, countless corpses of the Immortal King were seen flying into the sky. In addition to the corpse of the Immortal King, there are also some more powerful corpses, whose aura distorts the surrounding space, flying through the air with unimaginable immortal pressure!

The zombie immortals in the corpse ghost fairyland are trying to take this opportunity to escape from Wei Xu! This is a riot in the corpse ghost fairyland!

Just when Xu Ying thought of this, he saw powerful corpse immortals and ghost immortals pouring out of the corpse ghost fairyland like a tide, and the darkness was overwhelming. The number was getting larger and larger, and they were rushing out along the torrent of geomagnetic distance.

Such a large scale of corpse immortals and ghost immortals made Xu Ying feel horrified: How many immortals died during the attack on the ancestral court?

He originally thought that it was just the dead corpse phoenix seeing the demon, which aroused the desire to eat and fly into the earth's magnetic energy to devour the demon. However, now that the number of corpse immortals and ghost immortals is increasing, Xu Ying immediately realized that something was wrong with the situation. .

Hua Cuoying said that the corpse ghost fairyland is suppressed by experts from the fairy world. These corpse ghost ghosts and ghosts are rushing out, and they must be trying to escape from the Wei Ruins!

Although he wanted to understand this, the confrontation between him and Master Ning Qing came at a critical period. Both of them had already used their strongest methods, and the outcome was about to be decided, so no one could care less!

Xu Ying let out a loud roar and fought Ning Qing closely.

Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong is originally a supreme close combat method. It is good at close combat and can fight quickly. Ning Qing was disrupted by his series of attacks, and was about to lose. Suddenly, a series of extremely thick Tao chains burst out with loud Tao sounds, attacking the two of them!

Xu Ying was startled, and immediately passed by Ning Qing. He turned around and saw that the Five Ultimate Immortal King had come behind him, and the dojo spread out, covering him in the dojo.

In the dojo, the Five Ultimate Immortal King was tall and majestic, while Xu Ying looked extremely small.

Master Ning Qing, don't panic!

The Five Jue Immortal King spread his fingers, swatted downwards, and said in a deep voice, I'm here to help you!

Xu Ying suddenly felt the pressure of life and death. He had previously thought that he could fight the Immortal King decisively, and that he could escape calmly even if he failed.

But when the Five Jue Immortal King's palm fell, he actually felt like he was being manipulated, with nowhere to hide, nowhere to escape, and no chance to escape at all!

Xu Ying roared angrily and was so angry that the Five Mountains Immortal Mountain, Water and Fire Mixing Heaven Cauldron, Twelve Layers Tower, Immortal Yaochi and Third Heaven Pass all shined at the same time, pushing his cultivation level to the extreme!

At the same time, the two major Nuo ancestral caves, Niwan Palace and Huangting, which were already in dilapidated condition, also jumped out, rumbling like broken cars!

Xu Ying received the palm, blood gushed out from the corner of his mouth, and he jumped back like a carp leaping out of a dragon gate, passing through the dojo of the Five Ultimate Immortal Kings.

The Five Ultimate Immortal King let out a cry of surprise, and the even larger and majestic Yuanshen behind him slowly stood up. The dojo chains shook and wrapped around his palms!

With the palm of his soul, the space around Xu Ying suddenly shattered like smoke. Even his sixth-turn physical body was in danger of being shattered!

Xu Ying gritted his teeth, activated the Zhuxian Sword Qi, and the remaining sword flew out to meet the attack of the Five Ultimate Immortal King Yuanshen.

The Five Jue Immortal King sensed the peerless murderous intention, his face changed slightly, his soul still slapped it with a palm, and suddenly the Tao chain flying around the big hand exploded!

The five fingers of his soul were instantly covered with blood, and the fingers were almost chopped off.

He hurriedly stopped his hand, Xu Ying was so shocked that his eyes, ears, mouth and nose bleeded, and the Qi of the Zhuxian Sword was also broken. He turned around and jumped into the forest, hiding among a group of flying Immortal King corpses.

The Five Ultimate Immortal King chased after him with extremely sharp eyes. He glanced over the corpse of the Immortal King and received a pair of unkind eyes.

The Five Ultimate Immortal King's aura was so powerful that he ignored him and barged in. He searched everywhere, but Xu Ying was nowhere to be found.

We must not let him go this time! The Five Jue Immortal King persevered and continued his search.

Xu Ying hid among the immortal corpses around a corpse king, grabbed an immortal corpse, stripped off the opponent's clothes and kicked it away, occupying the immortal corpse's position himself.

I don't have fatal injuries on my body. It's hard to hide it!

Xu Ying gritted his teeth and raised his hands to poke more than a dozen wounds on his body. The wounds were so deep that even the bones could be seen!

I don't have corpse energy in my body yet, so it's hard for me to deceive Wujue!

Xu Ying caught a glimpse of the immortal corpse next to him, with a fierce look in his eyes. He gathered his energy into a sword and stabbed into the immortal corpse with a swish.

The immortal corpse shook and let out a low scream, with blood flowing out.

Xu Ying was stunned and looked at each other with the immortal corpse.

You are... Qianhuan Zhenren!

Xu Ying asked in shock, Why are you hiding here? What's going on with the corpse energy on your body?

That immortal corpse was none other than Qian Huan, the real person he once hunted down. He was dressed as an immortal corpse, and even had a strong corpse aura on his body, which was lifelike. If he hadn't stabbed him with a sword, Xu Ying wouldn't have discovered his true face!

————Although I couldn’t finish the third chapter, I updated more than 9,000 words today. I’ll try to make up for it tomorrow~~~

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