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Chapter 423 Yes, I stole it

Emperor Zhou once said that they sailed the Bian'an Shenzhou to the other shore, and were attacked by heavenly demons on the way. When I entered the other side of Jianggong in Kunlun, I also encountered the heavenly demons. In this way, the heavenly demons on the other side should have ran from Weixu.

Xu Ying looked up, filled with doubts.

The world on the other side is a mysterious space opened by Qi Refiners. Why does it appear near Wei Xu?

Or should I say, why does Wei Xu appear near the other side?

According to the information obtained by Emperor Zhou, the six other shores are connected. Once you enter one shore, you can take a boat to the other shore, which shows that the six other shore worlds are actually in the same place.

Wei Xu is built in a huge Supreme Skull, that is to say, a Supreme Skull is floating in the void near the other shore!

Every once in a while, the Supreme Skull and Huangting Bianan will be close to each other, so that the geomagnetic force between the two will affect each other!

The six other worlds contain different powers of elixirs, and their locations are also different. Some are located on the Xuanhuang Qi, some are located in the ocean of chaos, and some are floating on the other side of the underworld sea. .

What they found in the Wei Ruins showed that these strange places may not be far apart.

In other words, there are strange places such as the Sea of ​​Chaos, the Black and Yellow Qi, and the Sea of ​​Darkness floating near the Supreme Skull. And these places should be opened by humans!

Xu Ying calmed down. If his secret treasure had not been destroyed, he could enter these other shores and see what the world beyond was and why there were so many strange things.

What's going on with the Huang Ting Mansion in Wei Ruins? Xu Ying thought to himself.

In his first life, he understood the Huangting Mansion in the Xuanhuang Realm in Wei Ruins, and then built a Huangting Mansion on the other side of Huangting to gather the elixirs floating in the Xuanhuang Realm!

According to his previous experience, this Huangting Mansion should be related to an ancient being with a very high level of cultivation. Why does this being appear in the Supreme Skull?

Stop looking, let's leave quickly!

Hua Cuoying urged, While these demons are attracted to the other side, let's quickly pass through this area. Send you to the corpse ghost fairyland, and I will go back!

Xu Ying quickly followed her and said, Why does the other shore appear near the Supreme Skull? Wrong image, aren't you surprised?

Hua Cuoying said: It's not surprising. Those who feel strange about this in Wei Rui have long since died.

Xu Ying was puzzled.

Hua Cuoying explained: The time-space barrier between the Supreme Skull and the outside world is difficult to pass through, unless you take advantage of the tide of geomagnetic energy to pass through. But in that case, you will enter the other side with those demons and be burned by the fairy fire If you are burned, you will often die inside. Even if you don't die, your body will be taken away by the devil and you will not be able to escape from the other side.

Xu Ying looked towards the other side of Huangting outside the Wei Ruins. Suddenly, there was a faint giant thing sliding over the other side of Huangting. The mountains hung upside down, pressing on the other side of Huangting. The mountains were like dragon scales, which was extremely oppressive.

Wrong image, what's on the other side? he asked.

Hua Cuoying glanced at it, but didn't care at first. Suddenly she woke up, glanced at it again, and said in a voiceless voice: What is that?

The two of them stared blankly at the huge landmass with numerous fairy mountains and a grand scale that was even more astonishing than the other side of Huangting. The geomagnetic tide caused by it gave everyone in Wei Xu a sense of weightlessness!

Xu Ying tried his best to look around and asked, Have you never seen this huge thing before?

Hua Cuoying shook her head in confusion. This huge land had never appeared before. This time, for some reason, it appeared in the sight of the Supreme Skull.

In the Wei Ruins, Master Qianhuan and Master Yuhu were running away and chasing each other. The two turned into two streams of light and flew away through the sky, startling a swarm of sleeping corpse immortals and ghosts.

Those corpse immortals and corpse ghosts were originally filled with resentment because of their wasted death, so what if they were alarmed by these two people? Just as they were about to chase them, all of a sudden the corpse immortals and corpse ghosts all raised their heads and looked at the eyes of the Supreme Skull, showing confusion.

Upon seeing this, Master Qianhuan and Master Yuhu followed their gazes, each at a loss, staring blankly at the upside-down continent that was gradually moving over.

That continent is like a fairy world hanging upside down, filled with the spirit of fairy spirits, and there are fairy mountains and holy places everywhere!

what is that?

The two of them couldn't help but be stunned. Master Qian Huan lost his voice and said, How can there be a fairyland in the lower world?

The Ninth Immortal King and the Five Ultimate Immortal Kings followed one after another and also sneaked into the corpse ghost fairyland to pursue the two. At this moment, they also noticed the shocking scene outside the sky. Even the two Immortal Kings could not help but be stunned.

The Ninth Immortal King murmured: We wanted to get rid of Meng Wuhuai many times back then, and we even joined forces with Little Tianzun, just to get Penglai Immortal Mountain. With Penglai Immortal Mountain, we don't have to be controlled by others. But although Penglai is very big, it is not as big as Penglai Immortal Mountain. Compared to the land outside, it is really nothing!

The Five Jue Immortal King looked solemn and said: Brother Ninth, the evil man took away three immortal mountains from the immortal world. The first immortal mountain was named Abbot, the second immortal mountain was named Penglai, and the third immortal mountain was named Yingzhou. Abbot Penglai , have already appeared, do you think this land is...

The Ninth Immortal King quickly shook his head: Fellow Taoist, this is a continent, not a fairy mountain! Have you ever seen a fairy mountain that is many times larger than the other side? This is definitely not the third fairy mountain!

The Five Ultimate Immortal King also felt that his guess was a bit too bizarre, and laughed at himself: I was wrong. This continent is so large and astonishingly huge. How could the evil man get it from the fairy world to the lower world? It can't be moved at all! Besides, it's so huge. , the immortal who guards the fairy world is not blind, if he really cut off such a large piece of the fairy world and moved it to the lower realm, wouldn't he have been discovered long ago?

After saying that, he couldn't help laughing.

The Ninth Immortal King also laughed.

The two immortal kings laughed for a moment, then stopped laughing and looked at each other. Suddenly, the two of them connected with each other and said in unison: Could this fairy land really be Yingzhou?

The Ninth Immortal King looked up at the small fairy continent in the sky, with a gloomy expression on his face, and murmured: We have been looking for Yingzhou for tens of thousands of years, and we have been looking for it. Unexpectedly, it has been right above our heads. …”

This person is so bad, so it's absolutely right to call him a villain! said the Five Jue Immortal King.

Almost at the same time, an ancient corpse in the corpse ghost fairyland slowly woke up, and the mist surged and filled the surrounding area. In the mist, countless floating tentacles filled the sky like lines.

A pair of eyes looked through the fog to the fairyland-like continent outside the sky.

A loud voice came from the mist: A fragment of the fairy world... Who is so bold to cut off a large piece of the fairy world...

Suddenly, a fairy sword flew over, and the sword light spread out, like a long golden river, swirling around the mist.

A cold snort came from the mist, and the Jinhe Sword Qi slightly touched the line-like tentacles. Suddenly, several of them were cut off by the Jinhe Sword. The vicissitudes of the voice in the mist said: Sword Lord, after you get back your fairy sword, , The swordsmanship has improved again, but you, like me, are both beasts trapped here...

The long river of golden sword energy suddenly retracted, and the golden river water flowing down all over the sky fell into a scabbard.

Sitting behind the scabbard was a man in brocade clothes. He was a young man in his twenties and thirties, with a resolute face and a calm expression, unmoved by the voice in the mist.

Sword Lord, have you seen the fairy land outside the sky? As long as you go there, you will still be a carefree fairy king.

Laughter came from the mist, You stay here, and it seems that you are suppressing me and imprisoning me. But in fact, you are not a prisoner, and you are also suppressing and imprisoning me here.

The man in brocade clothes was the Jinhe Sword Lord. Hearing this, he said calmly: Heaven and earth are like a cage, and I am also a prisoner. What's the difference between being imprisoned here and being imprisoned in the heaven and earth outside.

Stupid! A roar came from the mist.

In the Heavenly Demon Immortal Realm, the Supreme, the Emperor, Yuan Jun and others all raised their heads and looked up. The Supreme asked: Did he steal it?

The emperor nodded: He stole it.

Tianzun murmured: How did you cut it off when it was so big?

The emperor shook his head: Not sure.

Yuan Jun asked in confusion: How did he bring it to the lower world so big? Where can he stuff it so that no one will find it? It can't be stuffed.

The emperor shook his head: I don't know either.

The Supreme said: Is it called a fairy mountain if it is so big?

The emperor said: Yes. That's why it is called Yingzhou Fairy Mountain, and there is a continent in the name.

Tianzun said: To bring such a big Yingzhou to the lower realm, there must be some accomplices, right?

The Supreme Being wondered: Yingzhou should have always been hanging high above Bian'an and Weixu. Why has it suddenly appeared recently? Is it the influence of the tides of the three realms that has made Yingzhou much closer to Bian'an and Weixu?

Xu Ying said to Hua Cuoying: Sister Cuoying, do you think there will be a fairyland there? I heard someone said that the tide of the three realms is coming, and the three realms will become very close. Could it be that the fairyland has already come to the other side and near Weixu? ?”

Hua Cuoying's eyes widened and she shook her head and said, How could I know such a thing? Besides, the world outside may not be the fairy world.

Xu Ying burst into laughter and said, What else could it be if it wasn't a fairyland? How could such a big place be a fairy mountain? How could there be such a big fairy mountain in the lower world? He couldn't help but shake his head.

Suddenly, the voice of Master Ning Qing came: Yes, this is the fairy mountain, a fairy mountain named Yingzhou, one of the three fairy mountains that was stolen by you back then!

Xu Ying looked around and saw Master Ning Qing and his entourage approaching. Nalandu nodded slightly when he saw Xu Ying. They were not as familiar with the geography of this place as Hua Cuoying, and they should not have walked so fast, but the appearance of Yingzhou attracted the attention of the powerful corpse immortals and ghosts, making them less dangerous.

Xu Ying was shocked, looked up at Yingzhou floating on the other side of Huangting, and murmured: Is this the fairy mountain I brought to the lower world? Is it called a fairy mountain if it is so big?

Young Master Ning Qing came near Xu Ying and said with a smile: Xu Ying, I once heard my father mention your deeds. That year you ascended to the immortal world for the first time, then you cut yourself off and took the initiative to go down to the next world to practice all over again. In just four hundred years Years ago, you have ascended seven times. My father said that after your seventh ascension, your cultivation strength has reached a level that even the emperor is extremely afraid of, and you are the one he admires the most. Unfortunately, he failed to fight with you, and you fell. .”

His eyes were wild and he said: My father regrets your death, saying that he is really sorry that he could not learn your Taiyi Innate Skill. I have practiced my father's Supreme Xuanyuan Yutang Dharma, and I would like to ask you to give me some advice. ! I wonder if your Excellency has already recalled the Taiyi Innate Skill?

Xu Ying stopped, turned his head to think, and said, Who is your father?

Young Master Ning Qing said: Tianzun Ning Zhong.

Xu Ying said: Since I am a Heavenly Lord, I think my skills and supernatural powers must be very powerful. I have not fully recovered the memory of my first life, and I have not fully remembered Taiyi's innate skills, but my skills and supernatural powers in this life may not be inferior to those of the first life. World. I really want to know the gap between me and Tianzun's skills.

Young Master Ning Qing smiled and said, I will fight you on behalf of my father!

Xu Ying nodded lightly.

The two continued to walk forward, and Hua Cuoying slowed down. Nalandu, Hua Qingqing and others suddenly woke up and slowed down one after another.

There was a horrifying roar not far away, and the monstrous corpse aura rushed towards my face. I saw that the strong corpse aura formed a terrifying immortal dojo. The dojo was dilapidated, with immortal corpses floating in the dojo, and a statue stood in the center. Tall gold coffin.


The golden coffin was opened, and a corpse of the Immortal King, which was more than ten feet tall, jumped out from the coffin!

There were hundreds of arrow feathers stuck on the back of the corpse of the Immortal King. He must have been hit by an arrow and died. The immortal arrows have not yet been removed from the corpse.

Xu Ying and Young Master Ning Qing walked into the dojo where the corpse of the Immortal King was located, and seemed unaware of the threatening roar emanating from the corpse of the Immortal King.

Young Master Ning Qing said: Your cultivation strength has not yet recovered, and I don't want to take advantage of you. I am already a heavenly immortal. Immortals are divided into human immortals, earth immortals, and heavenly immortals. Among them, human immortals have cultivated the realm of the six immortals, and earthly immortals have cultivated the realm of the six immortals. The domains are integrated into one, called the Dao domain. The immortals turn the Dao domain into a dojo.

As he spoke, his cultivation blossomed, and when it came to the transformation of the immortal realm into a dojo, his dojo also expanded accordingly.

This dojo is called the Xuanyuan Yutang Dojo. In the dojo, the images of refining the Tao are the principles of the Tao, which are called the laws of the Dao. Every word follows the law, and it is extremely powerful!

Xuanyuan Yutang's dojo was rolled out, and the tattered dojo of the Immortal King's Corpse was immediately suppressed and found difficult to operate!

The corpse of the Immortal King roared repeatedly, struggling to activate the Taoist magic, and the Taoist temple was operating with difficulty. He is just a corpse. He has become a corpse immortal by virtue of his immortal obsession. His cultivation strength is not as good as before when he was alive. Facing the immortal Ning Qing, he seems a little weak.

Young Master Ning Qing ignored the corpse of the Immortal King and continued to move forward: Some of you Qi Refiners practice Nuo. If you practice all six secrets and reach the ascension stage, it will be equivalent to the Earth Immortal State. Even if you are in the Ascension Stage, have cultivated the Six Secrets, and are also an Earth Immortal, my realm is still higher than yours. Xu Ying, what realm are you at?

Xu Ying always kept up with him steadily. Even when he stepped into his immortal dojo, he didn't feel any discomfort. He smiled slightly and said, Chonglou period.

Mr. Ning Qing's face darkened: Chonglou period? Have you just cultivated Yuanshen? Do you know how far apart we are in realms?

His Xuanyuan Yutang Dojo is becoming more and more powerful. If it operates even a little bit, it can crush Xu Ying, a qigong master, to pieces, and his soul will be gone!

Xu Ying smiled and said: There is a difference of seven realms. But I can make up for these seven realms.

As he spoke, the Five Mountains jumped out behind him. The five mountains were filled with a rich aura of incense, absorbing the celestial light and celestial energy. They were like heavenly artifacts and important treasures of the Immortal Family. Each of the celestial mountains was powerful!

Immediately, the Water-Fire Mixing Heavenly Cauldron jumped out and floated on the Immortal Mountain. This heavenly treasure was so powerful that it had the power to control the heavenly laws of the heavens.

On the twelfth floor of the tower, the Immortal Yaochi and the Third Heaven Pass respectively jumped out, and the power of the Immortal Path filled the air!

In an instant, Xu Ying was equivalent to five more realms!

Xu Ying walked steadily, and the space behind him was turbulent. Immortal caves descended from the sky, connecting his four secret treasures of Yujing, Yuchi and Jianggong.

His aura shook violently, and the realm of the four immortals spread out, and the momentum continued to rise. In an instant, the dojo of the Immortal King's Corpse was separated to the left and right, competing with Master Ning Qing's Xuanyuan Yutang dojo!

Although he lacks the two immortal realms of physical activity and spiritual consciousness, he is no less powerful than Ning Qing!

The corpse of the Immortal King suddenly gathered in the dojo, retreated into the golden coffin, and closed the coffin board with a bang. The other corpses of the Immortal also fell to the ground one by one, slipped into the underground tomb, and disappeared.

Xu Ying and Ning Qing stopped almost at the same time, and the atmosphere became extremely depressing.

Suddenly, the golden coffin soared into the air with a roar and flew away. An angry consciousness came from the coffin: When you fight, don't involve me!

——Zhu overestimated himself. He still couldn’t get out of the plot of The Faun at noon. His brain wasn’t as bright as before. It took him a long time to adjust before he recovered.

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