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Chapter 425 Cruel and cruel

Deep in the Immortal Realm of Corpse Ghosts, Lord Jinhe Sword stood still with his sword in front of him. There was a heavy fog in front of him. A huge shadow sat in the fog, with countless tentacles flying like lines in the fog.

Jin He, if you don't take action, all the zombie immortals and ghost immortals in the corpse ghost fairyland will take this opportunity to escape from this world.

The shadow in the mist smiled and said, You also know that we have made countless achievements, but the immortal world has treated us unfairly, so that after our death, our resentment is overwhelming. It is this resentment, and the remaining immortality in us, that forms the immortal realm of corpse ghosts. When they leave this world, they will massacre the world. These sins will all be blamed on you! Aren't you afraid?

Jinhe Sword Lord remained unmoved.

When the shadow in the mist was helpless, a peerless murderous intention suddenly broke out. It was Xu Ying who used the Immortal Killing Sword Qi to fight against the Five Ultimate Immortal Kings!

The brilliant sword intent radiated from the supreme swordsmanship finally made Jinhe Sword Master's rock-solid sword intent waver, and he showed a look of surprise!

The shadow in the mist immediately seized this momentary opportunity, rose into the air, and struck with a punch. A loud sound like a landslide and tsunami accompanied the punch. He laughed and said: Sword Master, you also have times to slack off!

He had previously allowed the corpse immortals and ghosts to escape in order to let Sword Lord Jinhe suppress the corpse immortals and ghosts and give him a chance to escape. Unexpectedly, Sword Lord Jinhe remained motionless sitting opposite him.

All his popularity opportunities are hidden in the Golden River Sword, and there is no chance to attack at all.

Lord Jinhe Sword hurriedly drew his sword, but his sword energy and sword intention were not as good as before. The big rough hand like tree bark collided with his Jinhe Sword, and thousands of sword energy was defeated and flowed backwards.

The shadow in the mist struck with a second punch, and Jinhe Sword Lord had to fly back. However, Jinhe Sword still had no time to resist, so he had to raise his left hand and collide with the bark-like fist peak.

His body trembled violently, and he was knocked backwards by the punch!

Thousands of tentacles flew out of the mist, and rolled towards him. The Golden River Sword Master was in mid-air, and the sword energy filled the sky, colliding with the thousands of tentacles.

Those tentacles were clearly made of red corpse hair, flexible, sharp, and full of corpse aura. Many red corpse hairs were cut off by the sword light, but at the same time, some were smashed into pieces by the sword light.


Suddenly the corpse hair flying all over the sky shrank rapidly and disappeared into the mist.

Sword Lord Jinhe grabbed the scabbard, put the collapsed sword energy into the scabbard, then sheathed the sword, bullied himself and broke into the mist.

The mist was an extremely strong corpse aura that lingered for a long time. Jinhe Sword Master raised his hand to brush away the corpse mist in front of him, his expression gloomy.

The ancient corpse in the corpse fog has disappeared.


Jinhe Sword Master immediately flew up and glanced around like a sword.

This ancient corpse is the key to the corpse ghost fairyland. It was this corpse that fell into the Wei Ruins, and the overwhelming resentment and remaining immortality formed the original corpse ghost fairyland. Other corpses, immortals and corpses were buried here, which contributed to the power of the corpse ghost fairyland.

When zombies and ghosts escape from the corpse ghost realm, they will gradually weaken and become less powerful day by day, so the harm will not be too great.

But if the ancient corpse escapes, then the place where it stands will be the corpse ghost fairyland, and then there will be a real natural disaster of the corpse ghost!

No matter what, I can't let you escape from Wei Xu! Jinhe Sword Lord broke through the air and left.

Young Master Ning Qing stood on a huge immortal corpse with a gloomy expression on his face. If the Five Jue Immortal King hadn't taken action in time just now, he would definitely have been defeated by Xu Ying.

The Five Ultimate Immortal King took action to save him from defeat and save his face, but this fair duel became not so fair, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Xu Ying is still overbearing. This battle has exposed the weaknesses of my father's Supreme Xuanyuan Yutang method. His lack of understanding of the way of heaven has resulted in huge flaws in many of his magical powers.

Young Master Ning Qing looked around him. There were many cracks in the Tao in his dojo, which were the Tao wounds left when he collided with Xu Ying.

Xu Ying's cultivation level is not as good as his. He is missing two realms from the Six Immortals Realm, and he has not completed the Immortal Family Dojo. Even if there is a Heavenly Dao Dojo to make up for it, there is still a big gap with him.

But the person who was hurt by the Tao was not Xu Ying but him, which shows that not only did he fail to do as promised in Taoism, but he also failed to do as promised in Taoism.

If you want to make up for the deficiencies in Taoism, there is a simple way to communicate with Xu Ying and ask him for advice on the way of heaven. Only by achieving transcendence from the way of heaven can you complete the Yutang Dharma.

Young Master Ning Qing's face turned green and red, and he asked Xu Ying and other traitors for advice. If his father Ning Zhong Tianzun knew about it...

The torrent formed by the geomagnetic energy became stronger and stronger, forming a thick rainbow light in the sky. Thousands of demonic black energy, as well as countless corpses, ghosts and immortals rushed outward in the torrent, trying to escape from Wei Xu.

As long as you escape from this place, you can enter the other side of Huangting, and maybe even follow the geomagnetic force to enter the Yingzhou Fairy Mountain hanging outside.

Among them, more than a dozen Immortal King corpses formed a larger circle and rushed outward together. Xu Ying and Master Qian Huan blended into the corpse immortals surrounding the corpse of an immortal king.

Master Qian Huan held back the pain, gritted his teeth, and whispered: If you smear yourself with the blood of other immortal corpses, won't you get corpse energy? Don't use my blood!

It turned out that I wanted to work together!

Xu Ying grabbed another immortal corpse. The corpse was still struggling, so he stabbed it twice with his sword. He took some of the corpse's blood and smeared it on his clothes to cover up its smell.

He stared at Master Qianhuan with sharp eyes, fearing that he would suddenly run away. Xu Ying failed to catch him last time, so naturally he would not miss this opportunity.

Qianhuan Zhenren's eyes turned around, waiting for an opportunity to slip away.

Xu Ying received a message from his spiritual consciousness and asked, Master, why are you here?

Master Qianhuan was more afraid of him than Master Yuhu, and said honestly: Master Yuhu is chasing me, I can't beat him, I can't escape him, so I have to hide... Don't talk, he is coming!

He immediately became like a zombie fairy, with a dull expression, stiff movements, and the Taoism around him was in tatters.

Xu Ying secretly praised him with great admiration: No wonder I couldn't catch him last time.

He followed suit and imitated Qian Huan Zhenren. The two of them looked more like zombies than those corpse immortals and ghost immortals.

Suddenly, Master Yuhu's voice came: Qian Huan, I see you!

Shameless! Xu Ying cursed in his heart.

Master Yuhu flew over with a cry, inspected left and right, but found nothing. Suddenly, a fierce light flashed in his eyes, and he said to himself: Kill all these immortal corpses. If you don't believe me, you won't come out!

When Xu Ying heard this, he couldn't help but run away, but Qian Huanzhen remained motionless.

Xu Ying suddenly realized: Yuhu is scaring us. If he dares to take action, those corpse kings will not let him go! Master Qianhuan is still calm.

Sure enough, Master Yuhu didn't take action, but scanned it once and flew to search elsewhere.

The Five Jue Immortal King also found this place, but also did not find the two of them. He frowned and said to himself: This is a perfect opportunity. If you kill Xu Ying, you can get the five magic weapons. These five magic weapons are infinitely powerful. If I sacrifice them, it will be equivalent to five more realms, allowing me to cultivate and chase the emperor...

He stood next to Xu Ying, talking so that his heart was burning, and whispered: There is also the Jade Plate of Returning to the Dao. This treasure is the supreme treasure, and it is extremely powerful. If it falls into my hands...

He ducked away.

Qianhuan Zhenren's spiritual consciousness said: They have left, why don't you leave?

Xu Ying remained motionless.

Old dog! Qian Huan cursed inwardly.

Master Yu Hu appeared with a swish and shouted: Qian Huan, I see you, come out!

Xu Ying and Master Qianhuan remained motionless. Master Yuhu glanced at him with extremely sharp eyes, and then left with a swish sound, quite disappointed: Are you really not here?

As soon as he walked away, the soul of the Five Ultimate Immortal King roared past, and his consciousness turned into a voice and sounded in the ears of everyone, living and dead: Xu Ying, how long can you hide? Do you still remember you back then? How majestic and majestic you are, how did you know at that time that you would hide your head and hide your tail? Come on, be a man and fight to the death!

Xu Ying turned a deaf ear.

Master Qian Huan waved to him repeatedly, indicating that he should become a man.

The Five Immortal Kings left.

The two of them breathed a long sigh of relief. Xu Ying was about to kill Master Qianhuan, but Master Qianhuan immediately opened his mouth to scream. As long as Xu Ying dared to make a move, he would dare to scream, and the worst he could do was die here together.

Xu Ying frowned slightly, dissipating his murderous aura, and Master Qian Huan also closed his mouth.

Xu Ying's eyes flashed fiercely, and Master Qian Huan immediately opened his mouth.

The two of them stared at each other. After a while, Xu Ying gave up, took the initiative to leave the immortal corpse team, blended into the corpse group, and quickly disappeared.

Master Qian Huan still didn't dare to relax. He waited for a while before breaking away from the immortal corpse team. He did not go to the eye socket of the Supreme Skull. Instead, he went retrograde with the army of immortal corpses and flew towards the immortal realm of corpse ghosts.

Xu Ying was sneaky and followed quietly, wondering in his heart: Why didn't he try to escape from the Wei Ruins? Now the geomagnetic tide has opened the passage between the Supreme Skull and the outside world, which is the best time to escape. Why did he turn to the ghoul instead? Have you gone to the fairyland?

Qianhuan Zhenren's whereabouts were also extremely sneaky. He hid things, which made Xu Ying very suspicious: It's not like he escaped to Wei Ruins accidentally. Instead, he seemed to have come here deliberately to complete some kind of task assigned by the master.

A powerful and extraordinary corpse immortal in the corpse ghost fairyland soared into the sky and came face to face with them. Some corpse immortals were extremely irritable. Seeing Xu Ying blocking the way, they swept them away with a palm without saying anything, or directly sacrificed the tattered immortals. The weapon will be beaten.

Master Qian Huan did not fight with them and dodged away.

Xu Ying hid in the rear and did not conflict with them.

Although those corpse immortals were vicious, their purpose was to take advantage of this geomagnetic explosion to rush out of Wei Xu, so they did not tangle with Xu Ying and others.

Xu Ying, you are hiding here!

A huge corpse immortal had just passed by, and suddenly the figure of the Ninth Immortal King came into Xu Ying's eyes. The Ninth Immortal King was overjoyed. Unexpectedly, Xu Ying immediately raised his cultivation strength to the extreme without thinking, and without any explanation, he stabbed straight through with the Immortal Killing Sword Qi!

The Ninth Immortal King laughed loudly: Xu Ying, without Penglai, how can you compete with me?

In front of Xu Ying, the extremely thick chain clanged, like a huge dragon body, sliding past him.

This is a strange phenomenon caused by the spread of the Ninth Immortal King's dojo. Just the collision between the Taoist chain and the Zhuxian sword energy caused Xu Ying's energy and blood to float.

However, the chains touched by the Zhuxian Sword Qi were also cut off by the sword Qi. The Ninth Immortal King was also frightened and angry. He made a seal with his hand and shook the Zhuxian Sword Qi in Xu Ying's hand. Shocked!

Suddenly, a golden Changhe Sword Qi shot through the air from the side, and a voice of praise came from the Changhe Sword Qi: What a sword!

Xu Ying raised his brows and recognized the golden sword energy: It seems to be the golden sword wielded by the Immortal King Leiji of the Thunder Department!

At that time, the Ten Palaces of Yama and Beidi joined forces, but they failed to retain the Golden River Sword, which left a deep impression on Xu Ying. But he never expected that he would meet the owner of the Golden River Sword here.

Chaotic Star Sea!

Xu Ying let out a long roar, and countless stars appeared around him, flying in random directions, hitting each other, and colliding with each other!

Although these magical powers are powerful, how powerful is the Ninth Immortal King? He is not afraid of this magical power at all. The dojo alone can freeze the stars that come crashing down on him.

But Xu Ying's attack was not to attack him, but to attack the corpse immortals passing by around him. A zombie-like immortal ghoul was hit by a huge star. He couldn't help but became furious and roared towards this side.

The Ninth Immortal King was shocked and angry. Although the person who attacked them was Xu Ying, those zombie immortals and zombie ghosts came and didn't care about anything and beat everyone they saw!

Among them were the corpses of many Immortal Kings and even Immortal Lords. Even the Ninth Immortal King found it quite difficult to deal with them.

Xu Ying dodged around under the attack of the zombies, blocking and blocking, and finally rushed out of the battlefield and rushed downwards.

Xu Ying rushed out of the encirclement, suppressed the blood rushing to his throat, and frowned slightly: The Ninth Immortal King is still powerful. If I want to compete with the Immortal King, there are only two ways. One is to open up the Six Secrets, cultivate the Twelve Signs of the Soul, and attack the Yaochi. Realm. The second is to find more magic weapons refined in the first realm.

Just when he was dealing with the Ninth Immortal King, Master Qianhuan had disappeared without a trace. Xu Ying searched for it but failed to find Qianhuan Zhenren, so he had to give up.

His figure flashed, avoiding the oncoming zombies and ghosts, and finally arrived at the zombie fairyland.

The Immortal Realm of Corpse Ghosts is larger and more vast than the Immortal Realm of Heavenly Demons. Huge corpse immortals are constantly emerging from the ground and flying through the air.

Xu Ying walked among them, feeling constant vibrations from the soles of his feet. As far as he could see, a huge coffin rose from the ground and rushed into the sky. There are also underground mausoleums that have been refined into magic weapons and shot up to the sky.

He was greatly shocked: The battle between the Immortal Realm and the Ancestral Court was so huge that it was unimaginable, so that countless immortal gods who died in battle were buried here!

Now these angry gods are about to rush out of Wei Ruins and take revenge on the fairy world!

But the first one to bear the brunt should be all heavens and worlds!

Xu Ying did not stop him. Even with his current strength, he could not stop him. He thought to himself: Even if these corpse kings rush out of Wei Xu, they will not be able to descend directly to the heavens and worlds. If they rush out, they will only enter the other side of Huangting. .”

Xu Ying didn't know how long it would take to return to the world from the other side of Huangting, but judging from the experiences of Emperor Zhou Jiang Qi and others, it might take several years or even decades to return to the world of Yuanshou from the other side.

Maybe they will return to the heavens and worlds before I do.

Xu Ying looked around, but he saw that the corpse ghost fairyland was devastated, and there were big pits everywhere left by the corpse ghosts buried underground. But one thing is very strange. The ground in other places in Wei Ruins is covered with squirming flesh and blood, which are the remains of flesh and blood from the Supreme Skull.

Only the corpse ghost fairyland does not have any flesh and blood, but has earth, mountains and rocks.

This is very weird. This is the world that evolved inside the Supreme Skull. Where did the soil come from?

Xu Ying's eyes flashed, he flew up and looked around. Suddenly his eyes lit up and he saw Master Qian Huan again. I saw Master Qianhuan looking around at the world and suddenly flying towards a mountain.

Xu Ying urged Hu Tian to realize the Tao Sutra, hide his form, and follow Qian Huanzhen.

After a while, Master Qianhuan came to the mountain, looked around, and murmured: Xuanhuang Realm, Xuanhuang Realm, the sky is Xuan, the earth is yellow, the sky and the earth are Xuanhuang. Then the Xuanhuang Realm is an inner world.

When Xu Ying heard this, he couldn't help but be stunned. He raised his head and looked around, and he saw the sky and the earth!

Wei Xu is a world derived from the inside of the Supreme Skull, but the corpse ghost fairyland is another internal world born in Wei Xu, which conforms to the characteristics of Tianxuan Dihuang!

The entire corpse ghost fairyland is the Xuanhuang Realm!

Xu Ying couldn't hide his shock, Master Qianhuan is also looking for the Huangting Mansion in the Xuanhuang Realm! What is he looking for here?

At this time, Master Qianhuan took out the jade plate of Guidao and offered it as a sacrifice.

Xu Ying suddenly realized: What a cruel method!

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