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Chapter 420 The Tide of Demons

Young Master Ning Qing sighed: You were upright and upright during your lifetime, but you have become rotten after your death. You cannot be consistent. It is really pitiful.

The Five Immortal Kings and the Ninth Immortal King nodded repeatedly, as if they had a lot of feelings in their hearts.

The Ninth Immortal King said: Jinhe Sword Lord is here to suppress them, so that these immortal corpses will not rebel and cause trouble to the world.

Mr. Ning Qing smiled and said: The Immortal Realm has good intentions in order to protect the people of the Ten Thousand Realms, and the Jinhe Sword Lord has also worked hard and made great achievements. Two Immortal Kings, I have another purpose in entering the Wei Ruins this time, which is to find this Jinhe Sword Lord. Sword Lord.

The Ninth Immortal King and the Five Ultimate Immortal King were each surprised, but remained calm, thinking: Master Ning Qing went to find the Jinhe Sword Lord? Is it because of the instructions from the superiors? Does the superiors want to reuse the Jinhe Sword Lord?

They were a little unhappy.

Jinhe Sword Lord only suppressed the corpse ghost fairyland and did nothing, but the two of them did all the dirty work. This time, the superiors chose Jinhe Sword Lord more, which made them dissatisfied.

Wujue Immortal King said: There are three major immortal realms in Wei Xu. Ours is the first level of immortal realm. There is another level of immortal realm which is the demon immortal realm. The last level is the corpse ghost fairy realm. If you want to go to the corpse ghost fairy realm, you have to pass through it. The Heavenly Demon Immortal Realm is quite dangerous. Why don't you let me and my ninth brother escort the young master there?

Mr. Ning Qing said: There is no need to trouble you two. Wei Xu is an important place, and it is important for you two to guard Wei Xu. There is no need to go there in person. You just need to give me a few guides to lead me there. To be honest, I also A little bit stronger.”

The Fifth Immortal King and the Ninth Immortal King agreed and arranged some manpower, and Young Master Ning Qing set off.

The two Immortal Kings discussed, and the Ninth Immortal King said: Young master is going to the corpse ghost fairyland. There are many dangers along the way. If something goes wrong, we can't afford to suffer. It's better to follow you secretly to protect your safety.

The Five Jue Immortal King sneered and said: It's disappointing that the superiors promote Jinhe Sword Lord but don't promote us. In my opinion, there is no need for this. Besides, if the superiors ask the young master to do things in the lower world, they must know the young master's strength. He We want to have a lot of fun on this outing, and if we protect him at every turn and don't give him a chance to show off his skills, wouldn't it ruin his interest?

When the Ninth Immortal King heard this, he knew that he was right.

This Young Master Ning Qing speaks grandly and is very handsome, but he does things in a different way and is very curious. Once in the world, they had to see with their own eyes how the Supreme Eye of Weixu worked, so they had no choice but to bring down the calamity in advance to save the world so that he could have a good time.

Young Master Ning Qing is going to the Corpse Ghost Immortal Realm and will not let them follow him. He must take matters into his own hands to deal with the dangers along the way.

At this time, a disciple of the Hua family suddenly came to report and said: Ancestor, Hua Luoluo and some masters have not returned from the Eye of the Supreme. The disciples and others went to check, but only saw their bodies!

The Five Jue Immortal King was shocked and hurried over. The Ninth Immortal King also came to the Eye of the Supreme with him. The two immortal kings were well-informed and immediately realized that the wounds on Hua Luoluo and others came from the Hua family's unique skill, the Five Ultimate Lingtian Technique!

It's my evil daughter Hua Miaoying who sneaked into the Wei Ruins!

The Five Jue Immortal King sneered and said in a cold voice, The little bitch took away my magic weapon, the Twelve-Layer Tower, and took refuge in Xu Ying. She really fed an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf! She sneaked into the Wei Ruins and must have some evil intentions. Brothers and sisters kill each other!

Suddenly, in the abyss of Wei Xu, a ball of light bloomed outward, and a figure flew out of the light and rushed into the depths of Wei Xu.

When the Five Immortal Kings and the Ninth Immortal King saw this, they were each shocked: An immortal is coming!

The two Immortal Kings had sharp eyesight and saw that the Immortal was holding a jade plate, from which rays of light just erupted. The immortal was wrapped in light and roared away at an extremely fast speed.

What kind of magic weapon is that jade plate? It can actually cut through the space of Wei Xu!

The two of them were shocked and confused. They suddenly remembered a legendary treasure and their hearts were pounding wildly. Could it be the Jade Plate of Returning to Dao? But that supreme treasure has been missing for tens of thousands of years. How could it suddenly appear at this time? body?

Suddenly, another figure rushed out from the abyss of Wei Xu, and his consciousness was turbulent from a distance, and it was transmitted in all directions: Master Qianhuan, stop hiding here and there, you can't escape from the palm of my hand!

The two Immortal Kings stared at each other and saw that the man chasing him had white hair and a red face. He was also very fast and quickly disappeared into the depths of Wei Ruins.

The voice just now seemed to be that of Yu Hu Zhenren!

The two Immortal Kings secretly thought, Why did this old bitch come to Wei Ruins? Who is the Qian Huan Zhenren he is chasing? Could it be that he is also trying to return to the Dao Jade Plate?

Without thinking, the two Immortal Kings each turned into a beam of fairy light and flew away through the air, pursuing Master Yuhu and Master Qianhuan.

Zhenren Yuhu has nothing to gain. He is following Qianhuan, and his purpose must be for the jade plate of returning to the path!

The two Immortal Kings were so excited that they forgot about the matter of Young Master Ning Qing, and they did not care about the death of Hua Luoluo and others. What does Young Master Ning Qing mean? What does it matter if a few tribesmen die? As long as they can get this Jade Plate of Returning to the Way, not only can the two of them return to the fairy world, but their status can even be raised to a higher level!

Young Master Ning Qing took several Huajia and Diecui Valley disciples and headed all the way to the Heavenly Demon Immortal Realm. The Hua family is headed by Hua Qingqing, who is also a woman, and the children of the Hua family under her command are all masters.

Diecui Valley is headed by Nalandu, and the others are Nalandu's senior brothers and descendants of the Ninth Immortal King.

Nalandu, Hua Qingqing and others were familiar with the geography of Weixu, so they led the way very quickly.

Suddenly, there were bursts of thunder in the sky. Everyone looked up and saw two figures piercing the sky one after another, setting off a hurricane. Then two more rays of fairy light followed, not slowing down at all.

Nalandu's expression suddenly changed and he shouted quickly: Be on guard!

After hearing this, everyone in the Hua family and the masters in Diecui Valley sacrificed their souls one after another and activated their magical powers to form strange immortal runes. Young Master Ning Qing was surprised when suddenly bursts of noise came to his ears, like thousands of people shouting, whispering, cursing, and making conspiracies!

All kinds of negative emotions, all kinds of evil thoughts, all kinds of malice came overwhelmingly, interfering with their thinking and invading their Taoist hearts!

This is……

Young Master Ning Qing looked back and saw countless black air roaring against the ground, like a tide, overwhelming the sky!

Those black energy are none other than the evil thoughts that the immortals chopped off, the demons!

The movements of the four masters who just flew over were astonishing, attracting countless demons hiding in the wasteland of flesh and blood, forming a huge tide of demons that surged wildly and drowned them in an instant!

What Nalandu, Hua Qingqing and others used were exactly the methods created by the two immortal kings against the demons, which were extremely effective in driving away the demons. But this was the first time they saw so many demons coming.

The immortal runes they laid out quickly became dim under the impact of the demons. The auras of each master were unstable, and the immortal runes might break at any time!

What is even more terrifying is the invasion of their Taoist hearts by the demons. The negative emotions, evil thoughts, and distracting thoughts of all kinds of immortals invade their Taoist hearts, corrupt their wills, and make them fall into the abyss of darkness!

Nalandu calmed down his spirit, guarded his Taoist heart, and shouted: We can't retreat to Diecui Valley. Now there is only one way to protect the young master as he moves forward!

Everyone formed a group, guarding Mr. Ning Qing in the center, and rushed forward. They were not afraid of a single demon, but with such a large number of demons, even Young Master Ning Qing could not help but feel terrified.

These demons are the demon thoughts that the immortals cut down. How powerful are the thoughts of the immortals? No matter how strong the Taoist mind is, it cannot resist the impact of countless immortal thoughts. Soon, the Taoist mind will lose control and turn into the body of a demon!

Even earthly immortals and heavenly immortals cannot withstand such a large-scale impact. It won’t take long for their Taoist hearts to collapse and their will to lose!

The crowd embraced him and rushed forward desperately, blowing away the clouds of black energy. There was still a lot of blood in the black energy. The blood was often caused by the fallen demons containing some of the magic power of the immortals. Under the impact, their magical powers continued to break. collapse!

Nalandu worked hard to maintain the immortal runes. When Master Ningqing saw this, he immediately activated his Yuan Shen, but he saw a brilliant fairy light emerging from behind him, like the sun emerging from the water, the fairy light filling the sky, and the Yuan Shen sitting in the fairy light. , it really shines all over the sky, suppressing everything!

Young Master Ning Qing followed suit and used the immortal runes used by Nalandu and others. They were exactly the same as Nalandu and others, with no difference.

With his help, the incoming demons were immediately forced back.

Nalandu secretly praised in his heart: This Young Master Ning Qing has seen us use the method to avoid evil, and he immediately learned it. This kind of intelligence is really rare in the world.

Mr. Ning Qing's face was solemn, and his mana was rapidly depleting. If he continued like this, he wouldn't be able to hold on for long.

At this moment, bursts of Sanskrit sounds suddenly came from the front. The sound was strange, containing a different kind of avenue, but it also had unusual power.

Young Master Ning Qing said quickly: Let's go to the sound!

Everyone worked together to withstand the impact of the demon and headed towards the Sanskrit sound. The Sanskrit sound is getting closer and closer, and the surrounding demons are getting smaller and smaller. They must be forced back by the Sanskrit sound.

Nalandu and others were all surprised and confused: Who is this using different magical powers!

When they came closer, they discovered that it was not a supernatural power, but a magic weapon from a different path!

I saw a string of huge Buddhist beads floating in the air, like a big circle, covering a land about ten feet in radius. Each Buddha bead is spinning in reincarnation, and no demon can break into that acre of land!

When Nalandu and others approached, they immediately realized that the immortality in their bodies was about to move, but they were suppressed by the Sanskrit sounds and Buddhist beads!

Demon Realm and Demonic Way! They felt awe-inspiring in their hearts.

When the ancestral court's heaven and earth avenue encounters the heaven and earth avenues of all worlds, it will be extremely aggressive. Therefore, the ancestral court is called the demon realm, and the ancestral court's heaven and earth avenue is called the devil's way.

The magic path of Buddhist beads, like the ancestral path, will interfere with the movement of the immortal path.

Nalandu was suddenly stunned: No, no! The devil is a creature of the devil. Why can these beads restrain the devil? Is there any reason why the devil can restrain the devil? If, if the devil is not a devil...

He couldn't help but shudder, feeling that his thoughts were rebellious.

They approached the string of Buddhist beads. Master Ningqing looked at them and saw two young men, a man and a woman, under the beads. The man was a young man, tall and thin, with a slightly dark complexion. The woman is a girl in palace clothes, beautiful, gentle, elegant, and generous.

Neither of these two people were affected by the evil thoughts of the demon, and they were still strolling around comfortably under the impact of the demon.

When Nalandu saw the two of them, he felt as if he had seen a ghost and wanted to pull Mr. Ning Qing back.

Young Master Ning Qing smiled and said: It's rare to meet a hero who practices the devil's way, how can we not get to know him? Besides, we also need to borrow their magic weapons to avoid the tide of demons. Two brothers!

Nalandu's heart was in his throat and he stared at Xu Ying nervously, fearing that Xu Ying would suddenly attack.

Xu Ying and Hua Cuoying heard the sound. Hua Cuoying's face changed drastically and she was secretly wary, but Xu Ying smiled and said in surprise: Brother Nalan, long time no see! Is your injury healed?

Nalandu's face turned red and he said, Little Tianzun helped me cure it.

Xu Ying looked at Mr. Ning Qing, his eyes flickered, and he smiled and said, Is this brother a messenger from the immortal world?

Mr. Ning Qing's eyes lit up and he said with a smile: I come from the immortal world. My dear friend, your face looks very familiar. I seem to have seen it before somewhere.

Suddenly, a voice came from the vast black air: Fellow Taoists, you have encountered a huge wave of demons, and you still have the time to chat here?

This sound was still very clear despite the interference of the huge tide of demons. It reached the ears of each of them. They saw tens of thousands of demons suddenly retreating from left to right, making way for a passage and not daring to come near.

An impressive young man walked up with sharp eyes. He looked at Xu Ying, Master Ning Qing and others, and said with a smile: This time there are evil spirits causing chaos, disturbing the demons, and triggering this great tide of demons. The Supreme Being knows that there must be loyalty and good deeds. All of you are caught in the tide. The Supreme Being is afraid that Zhongliang will be killed by the devil, so he asked me to come and lead you to the fairy world. Please come with me.

As soon as these words came out, both Xu Ying and Master Ning Qing were stunned.

Supreme? Is there a Supreme in Wei Ruins? Could it be that the Supreme's skull is still alive?

The two of them were shocked, So, what's going on in the fairy world?

Xu Ying looked the young man up and down, wondering in his heart: This man seems familiar, I should have seen him before...

Nalandu and others also murmured in their hearts, wondering where this young man came from.

The young man was gorgeously dressed and handsome. He was as popular as an emperor who ruled the world. He had an aura of looking down on all living beings and smiling proudly. He was no ordinary person at first glance.

Xu Ying had seen so many people, but none of them could match his magnanimity.

Hua Cuoying followed the young man forward and said with a smile: Since it is the Supreme Being who invites you, we have no choice but to go.

Xu Ying and Young Master Ning Qing followed her, followed closely by Nalandu and others.

The young man led the way, and countless demons retreated, not daring to come near, as if he had a natural majesty.

The more Xu Ying looked at the young man, the more familiar he felt, and suddenly asked: What do you call this brother?

The young man smiled slightly and said: My surname is Zhou, and my last name is Wu. But this name has not been used for a long time. When I am in the immortal world, everyone calls me Emperor.

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