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Chapter 421 Goodness is also a sin


Xu Ying's heart was beating wildly, Is it the emperor from the immortal world? If it is the emperor from the immortal world, why can't he recognize me?

His heart was racing, and there was cold sweat on his forehead, and there were fine beads of sweat.

Facing the emperor, he naturally had no chance of winning. He has not yet completely cracked the emperor's sixteen-character seal, and he has never broken the other eight-character seal of the emperor.

If this emperor is the emperor in the immortal world, then he doesn't even have a chance to escape!

However, how could the emperor appear in the lower realm?

Could it be that this emperor is just an evil thought that the emperor chopped off?

He glanced at Hua Cuoying. Hua Cuoying did not panic at all when facing the emperor. She should have already understood the emperor and even the immortal world and the supreme being mentioned by the emperor.

Could it be that there really is a fairyland in Wei Ruins?

One thought after another popped up in his mind, and he smiled and said: Emperor? I met a descendant of an emperor in Yuanshou World. His surname is Xiao and his name is Haihou. There is also a man in Taishi World. A descendant of the emperor, this person’s surname is Bai Yuchuan. Could it be that there are several emperors in the immortal world?”

The young man who claimed to be emperor smiled and said: Emperor is a position. Emperors have different names and positions. There are actually many emperors in the immortal world.

Xu Ying asked: Then which emperor are you?

The young man said: I am different. I am the emperor given by the emperor. Other emperors such as Wenchang Wulong all have a position as a prefix. But I have made great achievements, so the emperor gave me the title. From then on, other emperors have You cannot be called an emperor, you can only be called a king. I have been reincarnated many times and have been to Yuanshou and Taishi. When I was in Yuanshou, my surname was Xiao, and when I was in Taishi, my surname was Bai. In addition, I have four other One hundred and eighty surnames.”

Xu Ying smiled and said: That's it.

His eyes flashed, and he was already sure that this young man was the demonic thought that the emperor had chopped off, and he could also be called the Demonic Emperor!

But what made him curious was, did the Heavenly Demon Emperor preserve all of the emperor's memories, or only part of them?

Since the Heavenly Demon Emperor is the emperor's demonic thought, what exactly is his demonic thought? Why does he have to kill it? He thought to himself.

Nalandu's expression changed slightly, and he finally remembered the origin of the young man, and hurriedly sent a message to Young Master Ning Qing: Young Master, he is the Heavenly Demon, the Emperor's Demonic Mind!

Young Master Ning Qing was very interested and said with a low smile: I know. They are from the Heavenly Demon Immortal Realm. Let's go and see what tricks these Heavenly Demons are playing. Moreover, I also want to see who the Heavenly Demon Supreme is. !”

He glanced at Xu Ying and whispered: I am also very interested in this person. I should have met this person before.

You should have seen his wanted notice, right? The one at the top of the list! Nalandu thought to himself. He didn't dare to say this, after all, Xu Ying was right next to him.

Although Xu Ying always had a smile on his face and was kind to others, he always felt a sense of fear.

The Demonic Emperor smiled and said, Xu Jun, don't you remember me?

The corners of Xu Ying's eyes twitched: Does he recognize me? Could it be that he is the evil thought that the emperor recently killed?

His eyes were rolling around, wondering what the devil emperor's plan was.

As long as he is not a true emperor, I will still be able to fight! Xu Ying thought to himself.

The Heavenly Demon Emperor led the way ahead, leading them through countless Heavenly Demons and into a fairyland. The first thing that caught their sight was the Nantian Gate, which was extremely majestic.

Guarding Nantianmen are the four immortal kings, who are majestic and majestic.

Walking through the Nantian Gate, you will see fairy mountains everywhere, holy places everywhere, fairy palaces like forests, immortals raising elixirs and refining medicine, looking kind and friendly to others.

There are also immortals who are preaching and preaching, and the whole group is thriving.

There are also vast swathes of heavenly palaces here, which are of extraordinary magnificence.

Xu Ying looked straight at it and murmured: If this was not the Wei Ruins, I would really think that this is the fairyland.

Hua Cuoying whispered: How can this be the fairyland? This place is the fairyland of heavenly demons, but the heavenly demons living here are all the heavenly demons of big people. Having some of the strength of big people is also extremely impressive and should not be underestimated.

Xu Ying sensed carefully and felt that the power of immortality actually existed in this world. It was really like a fairyland. He said: But why is there a fairyland in Wei Ruins?

Hua Cuoying said: The Heavenly Demons are the distracting thoughts cut off by the immortals. These polluted immortals' Taoist hearts have fallen, and some of them have some cultivation. There are too many of them, and when they gather together, they form the Heavenly Demons Immortal Realm.

Xu Ying looked at the immortals and saw that the people here were all virtuous and fair, and treated people harmoniously and kindly. They were considered to be masters of the Tao, and there was no trace of evil in them.

He has also seen some demons, ferocious spirits, who seize other people's bodies and bodies. After occupying the physical body, they start to kill and feed on flesh and blood, which is often very harmful!

Therefore, whenever a demon appears in the mortal world, many Qi Refiners will unite to encircle and suppress it.

When the demon is too strong and cannot be suppressed, a phoenix will be born between heaven and earth to devour the demon to prevent all living beings from extinction.

But the demons in the Weixu Demon Realm seem to be different and more advanced.

As soon as he thought of this, he saw an old immortal who had been kind-hearted just now, suddenly opened his big mouth, covered the person next to him from head to toe, and swallowed him whole!

Xu Ying was stunned.

The Heavenly Demon Emperor led them all the way, not surprised by this, and said: The person who just ate people is Taiping Zhenjun. He is usually a very good person, but occasionally his inner demons attack.

At this time, a plump and beautiful lady came towards me and said with a smile: The distinguished guest is here.

The Heavenly Demon Emperor smiled and said: Yuan Jun welcomes you, which shows the dignity of the visitor.

The plump beauty had fair skin that could be broken by blows. She smiled lightly and said, This distinguished guest is so kindly invited by me. How could I not come? After saying that, she gave Xu Ying a shy and timid look.

Xu Ying was so excited by the plump beauty's eyes that she secretly thought that Heavenly Demon was powerful, and thought to herself: Yuanjun? She is Heavenly Demon Yuanjun! But there seems to be something wrong with the way she looks at me.

Tianmo Yuanjun came to Xu Ying, pushed Hua Cuoying aside, leaned his plump body against Xu Ying, and said with a smile: Xu Jun has not been here for some time. The last time we said goodbye, I haven't seen you yet. Forget it, I am always thinking about when you will come again. If I were not trapped in the fairy world, I would go out to find you!

Xu Ying's scalp was numb, and he suddenly thought of a terrible thing.

That is, if the Xuanhuang Realm is really here, then he must have been to the Demonic Fairy Realm!

Could it be that the last time he came here, he had some kind of relationship with this Heavenly Demon Yuanjun?

What a sin—

Young Master Ning Qing looked at Xu Ying and was extremely surprised.

He had just seen Xu Ying offering prayer beads in the tide of demons. He thought that the black-faced boy was a Qi practitioner from the ancestral family. He originally planned to reveal his identity, impress the black-faced boy and take him under his command.

But now it seems that this black-faced boy is not simple. He has a very high status. Even the Demon Yuanjun seems to have had a romantic relationship with him!

Both the Emperor and Yuanjun recognize him, he must not be a nobody! Who is he, who is he...

At this time, another immortal in armor came over, with a powerful and steady aura and a serious face, saying: Jun Xu has finally arrived. After all these years, the Supreme Being still remembers the last time I had a meeting with you, and will mention it from time to time. you.

Xu Ying hesitated and said: This Taoist brother, you are...

The armored immortal was stunned and said angrily: Xu Jun doesn't recognize me? I am Lei Bu Tianzun! When you and I were drinking on the Immortal Immortal Immortal Platform, I sang a song about the setting sun on the long river, and you joined me and sang a song about the rising tide of the blue sea. . We were drunk, so we burned incense and paid homage to our brothers! Have you forgotten our oath of love?

Xu Ying was even more stunned than him. He scratched his head and said, I forgot... I was sealed and suppressed by the emperor for 48,000 years, and I don't remember anything.

The Heavenly Demon Lord glared at the Heavenly Demon Emperor, and the Heavenly Demon Emperor said calmly: I didn't do it. It was me from the immortal world who did it. He has been surrounded by demons in his heart over the years, cut off a lot of demonic nature, and threw it to me, so that I can see what he has done. .”

The Demon Lord was stunned and said: I misunderstood you.

Hua Cuoying was extremely shocked, scratched her head, and thought to herself: I originally planned to leave Immortal Master Xu here and let the demons besiege him. I fled back to Fengluan Ridge and looted my old father's small treasury. Now the plan doesn't work.

The demons in the Demon Immortal Realm all seemed to recognize Xu Ying!

Even Tianmo Tianzun and Xu Ying became sworn brothers!

Isn't it too outrageous to sworn a sworn sworn brother to a demon?

Being a sworn sworn ally with the Heavenly Demon and hooking up with the Heavenly Demoness, no wonder you are rebelling against him! Hua Cuoying thought to herself.

Young Master Ning Qing looked at Xu Ying and thought to himself, Who is he? Why does even Tianzun know him?

After a while, several other important figures from the immortal world came, for no other reason than to see Xu Ying, which made Mr. Ning Qing go crazy. He originally thought he was a big shot, but he didn't expect that he was not. This black-faced boy was the real big shot!

He is, he is...

His eyes suddenly lit up, I've seen him on the wanted list! He is Xu Ying!

The Heavenly Demon Emperor led them all the way to the center of this immortal realm. Xu Ying looked at it, and saw thousands of immortal ways forming a realm of splendor.

In the Dao Domain, a golden palace stands like the center of the universe, holding the mysteries of heaven and earth.

This really doesn't look like a place where the Demon lives. No wonder it's called the Demon Realm.

Xu Ying sighed secretly and thought to himself, What kind of existence will this Supreme Being of the Immortal Realm be like?

Xu Jun is finally here.

In front of the Golden Palace, an old man wearing a five-dragon embroidered robe personally greeted him and said with a smile, We said goodbye back then, and after 48,000 years, we finally met Xu Jun again. In these 48,000 years, has Xu Jun been happy?

Xu Ying was speechless. After a long time, he sighed and said: Are you the Supreme Being? To be honest, I wasted forty-eight thousand years. These years have been hazy, like a dream. I have not yet awakened the memory of my first life. I don’t know when I saw you all.”

When the old man heard this, he looked at the Heavenly Demon Emperor, Heavenly Demon Yuanjun and others.

The Demonic Emperor said: I heard from people that Mr. Xu once suffered misfortune and died once.

Xu Ying mustered up his courage and said, Everyone, there is something I don't understand. Why is the Demon Realm different from what I imagined?

The Demon Supreme, the Emperor and others looked at each other and laughed.

Heavenly Demon Yuanjun smiled and said: When you came here, you had already asked this question once. This is how the Supreme replied to you last time. People in high positions sometimes have kind hearts and pity, which is a kind of inner demon that needs to be together with evil. Cut it off. Mr. Xu, you didn’t understand it back then, do you understand it now?”

In Xu Ying's mind, all the experiences of more than 40,000 years passed by quickly like a revolving lantern, with pictures and memories flowing over and over in an instant.

After so many years of hardship, he finally understood.

Sometimes being kind is a sin.

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