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Chapter 419 The Origin of Wei Xu

Xu Ying followed her and looked around. The sky in Weixu was polluted by immortality everywhere, and became weird, as if a paint tray had been knocked over. Red, green, purple, blue, and yellow were smeared everywhere.

The Supreme's head is too huge, and the internal space is wider than the world of the heavens. The Supreme's eyeballs are like huge stars, floating there, which is quite shocking.

Xu Ying followed her around the huge eyeball. There were even misty clouds around the eyeball, and a nerve plexus as thick as a mountain peak connected the eyeball.

There are some palaces on these nerve plexuses, which should be the residence of the immortals who guard these things, but they are empty.

Xu Ying looked back and saw that the Weixu Abyss was drawing strength from the bodies of those Qi Refiners. Waves of spiritual energy floated out from the abyss, like clouds, nourishing the world.

Wu Ying, you just said that immortals like to throw things here. What are they throwing? Xu Ying asked.

Suddenly, the sky split open, and a black light fell from the sky, falling into the depths of Wei Ruins.

The moment the black light fell, Xu Ying saw that the source of the black light was the fairy world!

Hua Cuoying said: It's that kind of black light. My father said that it was the immortals who refined the distracting thoughts and threw them into the mortal world, turning them into demons.


Xu Ying was extremely shocked and murmured, Is the devil a stray thought refined by an immortal?

He was confused and a little hard to accept.

Hua Cuoying said: After you ascend, you can understand that in order for an immortal to maintain the purity of the Dao, he must refine his own distracting thoughts. These distracting thoughts are like impurities in your vitality, not only affecting your cultivation strength, but also Affect your advancement to the realm. If there are too many such distracting thoughts, it will prevent you from advancing to the next realm. Therefore, every immortal must refine the distracting thoughts.

But how can the immortal and the devil be one and the same? Xu Ying murmured, still unbelievable.

Immortal is an untarnished word for everyone in the world. Countless people dream of becoming immortals and regard immortals as spotless and holy as the Tao.

But now I am suddenly told that the saintly immortals and the most filthy and evil demons have the same origin. It is really hard to accept!

Immortals and demons are one body with two sides, just like a person with two faces, good and evil.

They flew past the nerve plexus next to the Supreme Eyeball, and when they looked closer, Xu Ying discovered that the immortal corpse floating in the huge eyeball was connected by some Taoist chains, and the Taoist chains formed an array structure.

Where did these floating immortal corpses come from? Xu Ying asked.

Hua Cuoying glanced at them and said: They are the immortals who died in the battle that encircled you. There is no waste after death. They use it to set up the formation here to activate the Supreme Eye of Wei Xu.

She lives in a place like Wei Xu and has long been accustomed to the values ​​here, so she turns a blind eye to them.

Xu Ying was deeply shocked.

Although these immortals died in his hands, he felt deeply unworthy of them.

It's not worth it to work for such a fairyland!

Hua Cuoying said: Only if you use this eyeball, will the banished immortals come here. No one will come here on weekdays. There are heavenly demon thoughts everywhere in Wei Ruins. If you are not careful, you will be killed by those heavenly demons. Surrounded by thoughts. Some of the demons are very powerful and will be killed if they are trapped. Those demons have been looking for parasites...

Suddenly, a woman's voice was heard shouting: Hua Cuoying, you little bitch! You dare to go back to Wei Xu, you are really asking for your own death!

Hua Cuoying looked around hurriedly and saw seven people walking out of a palace, four women and three men, all dressed in Hua family attire.

She couldn't help but secretly thought, Oh no, Wei Xu's strange eyes just happened, and he captured a world's Qi Refiners as nourishment. She knew that the person who was doing the work might not have left, so she waited an extra half day before sneaking in with Xu Ying.

Unexpectedly, there were still people who had not left.

Some of the seven people went to Hua's house to report, while others came to kill in a fierce manner. The leading woman sneered: Hua Cuoying, I didn't expect you to be successful. Not only did you steal the fairy king's magic weapon, but you also hooked up with a wild man!


A group of people spat at Xu Ying and said angrily, Wild man!

Hua Cuoying was murderous and said with a giggle: It turns out to be cousin Luoluo. After I left, my cousin has become more famous now and is actually responsible for presiding over the Eye of the Supreme!

She rushed forward, suddenly turned around, bypassed everyone, and a ray of light flew out of her hand, killing the Hua family girl who had tipped off the news first.

Her body swayed, and hundreds of magic weapons from her palace clothes flew out, flying around her to fight everyone.

Hua Cuoying was cruel and ruthless. In just a dozen moves, she killed six of the seven people. Hua Luoluo, who had a stronger cultivation level, saw that the situation was not good and immediately turned around and ran away.

Hua Cuoying rushed forward and suppressed hundreds of magic weapons, shattering her body into pieces. Hua Luo Luo Yuanshen escaped and was caught by her.

Sister Cuoying, spare your life! Hua Luo Luo Yuanshen shouted quickly.

Hua Cuoying said with a smile: Sister Luoluo, we are cousins, how could I kill you? Why are you activating the Eye of the Supreme now? Shouldn't it be a few months later?

Hua Luo Luo Yuan Shen didn't dare to hide anything and said: We are visitors from the immortal world, and we are ordered to pass on an edict to punish Fang Du World. It is said that a certain Qi Refiner in Fang Du World killed the descendant of a big shot above. The big shot was furious and wanted to Punish these lawless people.

Hua Cuoying was surprised and said: Visitors from the Immortal Realm? Didn't the Immortal Realm always come from the Golden List in the past? Why is there an envoy from the Immortal Realm going down to the realm this time?

Hua Luoluo said: I don't know either. The envoy was ordered to go down to the next world. He is still at Hua's house and has never returned.

Sister Luoluo, you can only blame yourself for your fate.

Hua Cuoying sacrificed many magic weapons and killed her soul, saying apologetically, I have been waiting for half a day before I came in. I thought you were all gone, but I didn't expect you were not gone. For the sake of my life, I have to send you on your way!

She killed everyone and immediately returned to Xu Ying, saying: There is an envoy from the Immortal Realm in the Wei Ruins. The owner of this envoy is the existence behind my father and the Ninth Immortal King. It is extremely terrifying.

She led Xu Ying to fly downwards and said: After I kill them, the Hua family will come to check if they see that they have not returned. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time.

Xu Ying asked: Who is behind the Five Ultimate Immortal Kings and the Ninth Immortal King?

He was very curious about the characters behind these two Immortal Kings. Back then, the two Immortal Kings were ordered to intercept and kill him, but after they succeeded, their credit was taken away and they had to go to Wei Xu to settle down.

The one who puts on their little shoes is obviously the Emperor. The emperor took the opportunity of eradicating Xu Ying to eradicate those disobedient forces, and the two immortal kings were the targets to eradicate. Get rid of the two immortal kings and replace them with your own people.

However, after the two Immortal Kings became lonely, there must have been other people who supported the two Immortal Kings and asked them to do things for them in the lower world.

Hua Cuoying said: I don't know either. But my father said that this being is wise, ambitious, and tolerant. He is much stronger than the emperor. Following this being is a blessing in disguise for him.

The two hurriedly flew towards the land of Weixu. Hua Cuoying said: We can't fly in the air, but we can't land either. If we fly too high, we will become the target of the demon. The demon here is very powerful. It won't work if we fall on the ground. , in some places, the supreme flesh and blood is still alive. If you are captured by these flesh and blood, even with the secret methods of the Hua Family and the Ninth Immortal King, you will not be able to escape and will be eaten.

There was squirming flesh beneath their feet.

A lot of flesh and blood is crawling up some huge skeletons, and there are long rivers of blood, decay and filth.

Xu Ying was horrified. The Supreme Skull might be a remnant from the ancient times or even before the ancient times. It has experienced countless years of wind and frost, but its flesh and blood can still survive to this day!

He looked around. This place was so dangerous. Could Huangting Mansion in the Xuanhuang Realm really be in such a place?

He couldn't help but be deeply suspicious.

However, the Goddess had a clever plan and said that the Huangting Mansion in the Xuanhuang Realm was here, so it must be here!

Wu Ying, you just said that the demons in the Wei Ruins are all evil thoughts and distractions that the immortals killed off. Can't the immortals raise phoenixes?

Xu Ying asked, Phoenixes are the natural enemies of the gods and demons. You can eat these gods and demons to increase your strength. If you raise a batch of phoenixes, you don't have to worry about the demons causing harm to the world.

Hua Cuoying led him to fly to the land of Wei Xu. Hearing the words, he chuckled and said: The dignified Immortal Master Xu is a ferocious person. Even my father's expression changes when he talks about you. I didn't expect you to have such an innocent side.

Xu Ying was furious: This is called innocence? Isn't this the way to deal with the devil?

Hua Cuoying sneered and said: The demons are the evil thoughts of the immortals. If the phoenix eats the demons, it will know the thoughts of the immortals. As an immortal, how can you let others know what is in your heart? A big man dares to let the phoenix eat his own. Heavenly Demon, then this big man is not far away from his death! When some powerful beings cut out the Heavenly Demon, they deliberately cut off part of their own cultivation, just to strengthen the Heavenly Demon's strength and make the Heavenly Demon not afraid of the Phoenix. To prevent their own Heavenly Demon from being eaten by others. Now, let your thoughts be exposed.

Xu Ying looked dull. After a moment, he murmured: Is this immortal world really an immortal world? After transcending the tribulation and ascending, will you really become an immortal?

Hua Cuoying looked solemn and said: Immortal Lord, your idea is very dangerous. Are you denying all the immortals? If you ascend to the immortal world and reveal that you have such thoughts in the immortal world, you will definitely be labeled as a rebel. hat!

Xu Ying was quite dissatisfied: How do you know that I am a rebel if I have such thoughts?

Hua Cuoying was about to retort when she suddenly froze.

Is Xu Ying a rebel?

Her father, the Immortal King Wujue, went down to the lower world to encircle and suppress this rebel.

This man is born rebellious. I'm afraid he had such treacherous thoughts in his first life. He has no self-awareness, so why should I argue with him about this? she thought to herself.

Immediately, the woman's face became sad again, and she thought to herself: I fell into his group and became a rebel.

Not long after, Xu Ying saw the mountains and green valleys one after another.

These two places can be said to be alien to Wei Xu, like a fairyland, or a fairyland.

The fairyland created by the Five Immortal Kings and the Ninth Immortal King here is still not as vast as Penglai, with only a few mountains and valleys.

Penglai is the fairy mountain that Xu Ying brought from the fairy world to the lower world in his first life. It is extremely vast and is built into a fairyland. He can steal the resources of the fairy world to cultivate and feed a large number of immortals.

The peaks and ridges and green valleys attract the spiritual energy of those fat people, making this place like a fairyland.

Hua Cuoying looked at the peaks and ridges in the distance, hesitated for a moment, and thought to herself: If I shout that I am here, everyone in the Hua family will be attracted by the promise, and I can enter the Hua family and take away my old father's wealth. Loot everything. When both my old father and Xu Ying are injured, I can pick up the leaks and seize the five important treasures of the Immortal Family from Xu Ying's body, and go to the heavens and worlds to establish my own family and become an ancestor. With so many treasures, I can transcend the tribulation and ascend. That’s it.”

She hesitated, but still didn't do it. During her time in Penglai Fairy Mountain, she was carefree. Her friendship with Chu Xiangxiang and Gu She was very good, so there was no need for intrigue.

The goddess took them to travel around and learn the immortal techniques of the ancient times. During this time, she experienced much more laughter than at the Hua family, which made her cherish this experience.

Hua Cuoying gritted her teeth and left with Xu Ying, thinking: This time I will take Xu Ying first to find the Xuanhuang Realm of Lao Shizi. When he finds the Xuanhuang Realm, I will attract the devil and trap him. . Then I went to tell the Hua family that Xu Ying was trapped here, and I could take the opportunity to go to the Hua family to grab the treasure. In this way, when the devil eats the old father and Mr. Xu, I can go and pick up the treasure. Like this Baby, feel at ease.”

The two left in a hurry.

At this time, at the Flower House in Fengluanling, the Five Immortal Kings were respectfully entertaining a young man in white clothes and brocade belt. The Ninth Immortal King and Nalandu were also accompanying him.

That young master has a jade tree facing the wind, his face is like a crown jade, and he is fair-skinned, but he is actually an immortal descended from the earth.

Master Ning Qing is going down to earth this time to deliver an edict, and he is going to the depths of Wei Ruins. Without the old man to lead the way, I'm afraid there will be many dangers.

The Five Jue Immortal King hesitated for a moment and said, The depths of the Wei Ruins are not under our jurisdiction. The ghosts and gods there are difficult to cross, and it is the place where the demons live.

Mr. Ning Qing, the man with the jade tree facing the wind, smiled and said: I heard that an immortal family was demoted to the lower world and sent to Wei Rui to guard the demons to avoid unrest. That immortal family is an existence called Jinhe Sword Lord. This person is still there Wei Xu?

The Five Jue Immortal King and the Ninth Immortal King looked at each other and said, Master Ning Qing doesn't know something. The Jinhe Sword Lord is not suppressing the demons, but has other important responsibilities.

Young Master Ning Qing was surprised and said, I would like to hear the details.

The Five Jue Immortal King hesitated for a moment and said, Brother Ninth, please tell me.

The Ninth Immortal King hesitated for a moment and said: Did Mr. Ning Qing realize that Wei Xu has some characteristics of the immortal world?

Young Master Ning Qing nodded slightly: When I came here, I was a little surprised. This place is somewhat similar to the immortal world. The two immortal kings were able to preserve the cultivation of the immortal kings in Wei Ruins! Why is this?

The Ninth Immortal King said: In the beginning, Wei Xu was not a place where demons were exiled, but a strange space formed by the Supreme Head. Later, the Immortal Realm conquered the Demon Realm and many immortals were killed in battle. The corpses of these immortals cannot be brought back to the Immortal Realm. Right? Every inch of land in the immortal world is precious, so where is the place to bury them? So some immortal corpses were left in the demon realm to suppress the demonic ways.

When he said this, he hesitated and continued: The corpses of some immortals were thrown into Wei Ruins. There were so many immortals who died in battle that a corpse ghost fairyland was formed here. Jinhe Sword Lord, He is responsible for suppressing it.

Young Master Ning Qing said in surprise: Since they are all immortals who died fighting for the immortal world and all living beings in the world, they must have a righteous spirit that will last even after death. Why do we need to suppress them?

The Ninth Immortal King and the Five Ultimate Immortal Kings both looked a little unhappy.

The Five Jue Immortal King said calmly: They feel that they died fighting for the immortal world and were not treated fairly after their death, so they are quite resentful after their death.

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