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Chapter 418 The true face of Wei Xu

Xu Ying looked at Han Zekang and Master Huolong and wondered: The ancient immortal risked his life to suppress the enemy back then, but he couldn't suppress it. If it were them, would they be able to suppress it?

He was deeply skeptical.

Master Fire Dragon and Han Zekang didn't look very reliable at first glance.

In the distance, there are also the seven immortals of Penglai who are excited and excited, and they have obviously received a great inheritance.

But as far as Xu Ying knew, the Seven Immortals of Penglai were even more unreliable!

The goddess said: If it is not passed on, it will be even more difficult to suppress. If it is passed, there is still a chance. Moreover, when the ancient immortal suppressed those opponents, the Great Way of Heaven and Earth withered and withered, and its strength was not as good as before. Now the Great Way of Heaven and Earth may be restored. Maybe, if they continue to practice, they may not be able to suppress those terrifying existences.

Xu Ying thought of what he saw at the Tianhe Immortal Tomb. Judging from the aura erupting from the Immortal Tomb, the suppressed existence must be of great importance.

However, Tianhe reappears in the world, and the ancestral court is very different from before, and there are signs of revival. If the little Tianzun completes the plan to mend the sky, the ancestral court may really be able to usher in the revival!

At that time, Penglai Immortal may have extraordinary experiences for everyone.

Goddess, when I arrived, I met a strange man holding a strange jade plate.

Xu Ying told the story of his encounter with Master Qian Huan and the Jade Plate of Returning to the Dao, and asked, What is this jade plate? Why can it revive the Great Way of Heaven and Earth in the ancient era?

The goddess had been smiling just now, but after hearing this, her face became serious and she said: A jade plate that can revive the great road of heaven and earth in ancient times? This treasure is called the Jade Plate of Returning to Heaven and Earth. It is good at returning the great road of heaven and earth, hence its name. This piece The treasure is rumored to be the supreme treasure!”

She summoned Yuan Tiangang and Fairy Gushe, and said earnestly: We who do divine calculations, there is one category that cannot be calculated, that is the Supreme. Forget it, it is a big cause and effect. If you don't tell whether the calculation is accurate, you will lose your life!

When Yuan Tiangang and Fairy Gushe saw her solemn tone, they were awe-inspiring and remembered it in their hearts.

Fairy Gushe asked in confusion: Why is the calculation inaccurate?

The goddess said: As the Supreme Being, there are unpredictable gods and ghosts. He jumps out of the three realms and is not in the five elements. When we practice divination to a high level, we can see the hazy future, and time is like a long river. However, although the Supreme Being is in the long river, Occasionally jump out of time. If you count against him, he will definitely notice it. He can jump out of time and make all cause and effect invalid, so your calculations will naturally be inaccurate. He can also follow the induction and kill you. My master was killed by People secretly calculated the whereabouts of a supreme being, and after calculating, they died suddenly.”

Yuan Tiangang and Fairy Gushe were both horrified.

They originally thought that divine calculations were omnipotent and omniscient, but now they realize that divine calculations also have limitations.

Xu Ying was fascinated by the Supreme Being and murmured: What kind of state is the Supreme Being? He can temporarily jump out of time and get rid of all cause and effect...

He is not even an immortal now, so naturally he has no way of knowing the realm of the Supreme.

The goddess said: The supreme gods and ghosts are unpredictable, and their abilities are unmatched and unimaginable. The same is true for the supreme magic weapon. Although the jade plate of returning to the path is the supreme treasure, the owner of this treasure should have died long ago. When this treasure appeared in the world, It once caused many powerful people in the immortal world to fight for it and caused quite a turmoil. Later, this treasure disappeared from the immortal world and its whereabouts are unknown. This time you see the immortal lower world and use this treasure, you must be the one who gets the Jade Plate of Returning to the Path. I think Make a big move.

Xu Ying thought of the tomb of Marshal Tianpengdu, God of Heaven, and the phenomenon of the revival of the ancient avenue. Coupled with the invasion of the demon realm in the early Yuan Dynasty, the Taiyangguan incident in the Yuanshou world, and the resurrection of Tianhe in the ancestral court, these phenomena may It’s not that the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth has really recovered.

Someone is using the Supreme Treasure to deliberately revive the ancient avenue of heaven and earth, causing the illusion of the avenue being revived and the demonic realm invading.

Xu Ying thought, The demon realm invaded, and two different avenues of heaven and earth attacked each other, and countless people lost their lives. Coupled with the resurrection of immortals and demons in the ancient era, which caused turmoil in the lower realm, the immortal realm certainly cannot sit idly by and ignore it. So, what will happen to the lower realm in the future? Does the immortal perform meritorious service, or does he take advantage of the opportunity to eradicate dissidents?

The goddess smiled and said: The Immortal Master has never learned the law of cause and effect, nor has he learned the art of divination and fortune-telling. Now he has made wonderful calculations.

Xu Ying laughed and said: Goddess, your flattery makes me feel very comfortable. Don't do this again in the future.

The goddess said: This is a bad habit left over from when Meng Wuhuai was the Immortal Master. He always flattered the Immortal Master involuntarily. However, the Immortal Master is different from Meng Wuhuai. The Immortal Master is wise. I occasionally flatter the Immortal Master. Being noticed by the Immortal Master. It can be seen that the Immortal Master is aware of everything and will not be flattered.

Xu Yingxun was very drunk and said with a smile: Meng Wuhuai and I are naturally different...

The goddess was about to take another picture, but Xu Ying stopped her and said: The returning jade plate disrupts the lower realm and also gives the ancestral court a chance to revive. If you make good use of this opportunity, the ancestral court can rise in one fell swoop.

His eyes flashed: The Immortal Court is powerful, but we cannot concentrate on it. Now that the opportunity is in front of us, we must seize it! By the way, Goddess, please help me do the math. Will it be safe for me to go to Wei Xu?

The goddess was surrounded by smoke, she counted with her fingers, and said with a smile: Immortal Lord, this trip will be safe and smooth, and all your wishes will come true.

Xu Ying laughed heartily and went to look for Hua Cuoying with great ambition.

The goddess watched him leave.

Yuan Tiangang walked to her side and said: Master, I just calculated it. Xu Immortal Master's trip is full of dangers and murderous intentions are everywhere.

The goddess rolled her eyes at him and said: If I say that, how can he be willing to go to Wei Xu? Whenever he goes to Wei Xu, it is full of danger and murderous intent. In that case, how can he do anything?

Yuan Tiangang was stunned.

Fairy Gushe asked for advice: Can Immortal Master Xu's ambition be realized?

The goddess's eyes flickered and she said faintly: There are some futures that I don't want to calculate or see, but from time to time some pictures appear in front of me. The future of the Immortal Lord is extremely dangerous, and it is difficult to protect yourself, so how can you realize your ambitions?

She paused slightly and continued: But if you don't do anything, then there really is no chance at all. I sometimes think that there are variables like the Supreme in this world that make our calculations malfunction. Since there is a loophole, then it must be There will be more holes.”

She stopped talking and returned to Amitabha Temple.

Hua Cuoying and Chu Xiangxiang lived in Langya Pavilion, and the two girls lived together. They were enemies, but Hua Cuoying betrayed Wei Xu, and the two girls resolved their grievances.

Xu Ying explained his intention, but Hua Cuoying hesitated and said, I betrayed Wei Xu. If I am found back to Wei Xu, I will definitely die. Besides, Wei Xu is extremely dangerous, and I don't know much about the geography of Wei Xu. The only two safe places I know are the Fengluan Mountains where my Hua family is located, and the Ninth Immortal King’s Diecui Valley. These two places preserve the complete Immortal Way.

Xu Ying smiled and said: I have asked the goddess to calculate it. Our trip will be safe and smooth, and all our wishes will come true. You can rest assured.

Hua Cuoying said: The goddess really said that?

Xu Ying smiled and said: Of course. How could the goddess lie to me?

Hua Cuoying was elated and said with a smile: If even the goddess said so, then there must be no danger. Although I leave home this time, although I don't have much friendship with the Hua family, I always have some belongings that I haven't packed up yet, so I will go back.

Chu Xiangxiang was about to make a move and wanted to follow. Hua Cuoying said: There can't be more people. The Wei Ruins are extremely dangerous. One more person means more danger.

Chu Xiangxiang had no choice but to give up this idea.

Hua Cuoying offered a piece of gold seal script to the immortal basket. The Wei Xu strange eyes painted on the fairy basket suddenly opened and floated in the air. When the eyelids opened, a world appeared behind the eyes.

The two of them fell into the strange eyes one after the other.

When Xu Ying entered the strange eye in the Golden Seal Immortal Barrel, his eyes suddenly glowed with blood. When his vision recovered, he and Hua Cuoying were already in the Wei Rui abyss, flying towards the end of the abyss.

The Weixu Abyss is the nightmare of countless Qi practitioners in the world. Whenever this abyss appears in the sky, it means that disaster is coming!

The disaster in the Weixu Abyss will even suck all the Qi Refiners into the abyss, without knowing whether they will live or die, directly destroying the Qi Refining inheritance of a world!

The world of Yuanshou has suffered such blows many times.

Xu Ying followed Hua Cuoying and looked to the left and right of the abyss. On the cliffs on both sides of the abyss, flesh and blood clung to the cliffs and writhed with difficulty.

Countless flesh and blood stained the cliffs on both sides of the abyss scarlet.

Those flesh and blood were transformed Qi warriors, struggling hard and crawling hard, trying to escape from Wei Rui.

However, they couldn't escape at all.

Xu Ying was horrified to see it, but it had long been common for flowers to appear in the wrong shape, so he whispered: Immortal Lord, they are fat people.

What is a fat person? Xu Ying was puzzled.

The man who makes fertilizer.

Hua Cuoying said, Maintaining the operation of Wei Xu requires a huge amount of energy. However, Wei Xu is an abandoned place and does not have so much vitality of heaven and earth, so it needs to be extracted from all the worlds. But Wei Xu cannot stay in a certain place. The sky above the world is constantly absorbing the vitality of that world. In this way, a world will be drained dry. Therefore, capture the Qi Refiners, use them as fertilizer, and slowly absorb it, so that it can last for a long time.

Xu Ying was stunned.

Hua Cuoying said: You see these people are struggling to climb out, thinking that they can climb out of Wei Xu, but their own strength is constantly being absorbed by Wei Xu, and they are getting weaker and weaker. When they climb to the edge of the abyss, they are also absorbed. It was all gone, and he fell down and died. As far as I know, no one has ever been able to escape from Wei Xu!

Xu Ying followed her to the deepest part of Wei Rui. Suddenly, the abyss was violently turbulent. Hua Cuoying's face suddenly changed. She hurriedly grabbed Xu Ying's hand and flew to one side of the cliff. She whispered: No! Wei Rui is here. The times are turbulent, someone must be urging Wei Xu to plunder a certain heaven!

The two of them clung to the cliff. In addition to flesh and blood, there was a sticky liquid on the cliff. There was something like a root in the liquid. When they noticed the two of them, they immediately stabbed them!

Countless tiny bristles protruded from the tip of the root, ready to pierce into the two of them!

Hua Cuoying used her hands to perform magic tricks, and her whole body emitted fluorescence. When those roots came into contact with the fluorescence, they retreated one after another as if they were struck by lightning.

It is dangerous to be touched by these roots.

Hua Cuoying clung to the cliff, extremely nervous, and whispered in Xu Ying's ear, These root contacts are the root contacts of Wei Xu. Without the method of practicing Wei Xu, if they are caught, they will pierce the body and soul. God. Your Xiyi territory is filled with these weird furries... They are coming!

Xu Ying also followed her and clung to the cliff. At this moment, he heard a buzzing vibration. The cliffs on both sides of the abyss shook violently and became wider and wider. Clouds roared and poured into the abyss.


At the end of the Weixu abyss, huge eyes appeared, and their gaze illuminated the abyss.

Xu Ying felt that he was like an insignificant insect in his eyelids, and that Wei Xu strange eye was huge, staring dimly down. In his eyes, immortal corpses floated like drowned people.

And below the abyss, Xu Ying saw a world of grand scale, with mountains and forests, surging rivers, and many kingdoms and qi-refining masters' inheritances.

This is an extremely prosperous and prosperous world.

Suddenly, a gold medal flew out of the abyss, floated, and came to the sky above that world.

The gold list is getting bigger and bigger, and the words on it are clear and distinct, all written with immortal runes, and there are also immortal seals.

A voice exploded from the abyss of Wei Ruins, reciting the golden list: To live the world, we do not respect the gods, do not obey the destiny, and pretend to be immortals to spy on immortality. Today, we are destined by heaven to bring disaster to this world, wash away the sins of the people, and clear away the sins of all living beings. Soul. Admire this!

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the golden bang rolled up and roared into the abyss.

The next moment, a tremendous power of immortality came from the abyss, acting on the entire Fangdu world. Throughout the world, countless Qi refiners could not control themselves, and floated upward into the abyss like drowned corpses one by one!

Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions of Qigong practitioners were floating towards him like corpses. This scene was like a nightmare to Xu Ying!

The entire Weixu Abyss seemed to come alive. Countless roots emerged from the flesh and blood of the cliff, and tiny bristles like spider silk shot out from them and penetrated into the bodies of these Qi Refiners!

One by one, the Qi Refiners were pulled by the roots, and their hands and feet seemed to have no bones and veins. They fell to the bottom of the cliff and stuck to the cliff wall.

They are like seeds planted by Wei Xu.

The gold list just now was fake, right?

Xu Ying stared blankly at this scene, suppressed the shock in his heart, and whispered, Is it forged by Wei Xu to harvest Qi Refiners from Fangdu World? Isn't Wei Xu worried that there are Qi Refiners in Fangdu World? Someone from our sect is in the Immortal Realm and wants to file a lawsuit against you?

Hua Cuoying sneered and said: False? Didn't the Immortal Master see the immortal seal on the golden list just now? This is the seal of the serious immortal world, and Wei Xu also received orders to do things.

She paused and said: I heard from my father that there are many secrets of the giants of the immortal world buried in Wei Xu. In order to support Wei Xu in the fairy world, it needs to feed Wei Xu every period of time. Moreover, some heavens and worlds do Something happened that angered a certain giant in the fairy world and needed to be punished. If the giant couldn't come forward, he left it to Wei Xu. This is also a common thing.

The corners of Xu Ying's mouth moved but he said nothing.

They waited for several days, and the disaster gradually came to an end. Thousands of Qi refiners in Fangdu world were captured and turned into fertilizer and piled at the bottom of the abyss.

The abyss of Wei Xu gradually closed, and the huge eye gradually faded and disappeared.

Hua Cuoying waited for another half day and then said: Let's go!

She rose into the air and flew towards the bottom of the Weixu Abyss. Xu Ying followed her and flew out of the abyss. Looking back, he saw countless struggling and twisted people in the abyss, waving their arms, trying hard to climb out of the abyss.

He turned his head, and what caught his eyes was an even more twisted and weird world.

This world looks much bigger than the Wei Xu Giant Eye. The sky is like a dome. In addition to the abyss behind them, there are two unfathomable large holes, like nose holes.

Xu Ying turned around and saw another abyss in the sky. It was another eye, but it was completely rotten.

The entire Wei Xu is inside an unimaginably huge head, and the inside of the head has been hollowed out.

The Abyss of Weixu was one of the giant eyes that had not rotted away. Xu Ying saw that huge eye pupil, with drowned immortal corpses sealed in the pupil.

I heard from my father that Wei Xu was transformed from the head of a supreme being from ancient times, and its history can no longer be traced. Immortals in the immortal world like to throw things into Wei Xu, and some things are shameful...

Hua Cuoying flew away, turned around and said, Come with me quickly, don't get discovered!

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