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Chapter 417 Feelings fade away

The gray-clothed immortal walked out of the ruined temple, breathed a sigh of relief, and whispered: Shouldn't Xu Ying have died long ago? Why is he still alive until now? How does the emperor do things...

At this moment, a voice was heard laughing: The emperor wanted to execute Xu Ying back then, but unfortunately his means were limited and he couldn't kill Xu Ying, so he had to suppress him.

The gray-clothed immortal followed the sound and saw a white-haired immortal floating happily in mid-air.

The white-haired immortal smiled from a distance: Master Qianhuan, I haven't seen you for a long time. I didn't expect to see you in the lower world.

The gray-clothed immortal's real name was Yang, and his name was Qianhuan. After ascending to the immortal world, he was called Qianhuan Immortal. When he saw the white-haired immortal, he was quite surprised and said: Master Yuhu, are you also in the lower realm?

He flew up, came to the white-haired immortal, and bowed in greeting.

However, he is very vigilant and is ready to run away at any time even if he is greeted by someone.

The white-haired immortal man was the real person Yu Hu, who was wounded on his body. He hurriedly returned the greeting and said: I went down to the realm on the order of Lord Yuan. As soon as I arrived at Yuanshou, I was ambushed. The one who ambushed me was Xu Ying! There must be someone in the immortal world who communicated with him. I reported the news and asked him to ambush me early. I escaped and met the emperor's descendant, who ordered him to kill me. I had no choice, and after getting rid of Mr. Tamagawa, I hid myself to heal my injuries.

Upon hearing this, Master Qianhuan still didn't dare to relax at all, and said with a smile: Is Master Yuhu hiding here to heal his wounds?

Master Yuhu shook his head and said: Not in this world. When Xu Ying was chasing you, he passed through the heavens one after another. The movement was so loud that it woke me up from seclusion. I searched all the way and saw him tricking you into coming out many times. I can't help but sweat for you. But fortunately you were not fooled.

Hearing this, Master Qianhuan felt the same way and said: I was probably ambushed by Xu Ying. When I went to the Taiyangguan in Yuanshou to do business, he hid in the void and tried to plot against me! I saw through it and he He even bit the tip of his tongue and pretended to vomit blood to trick me into being fooled.

The two of them suddenly had a common language. Every word you said to me made Xu Ying hurt, and he said repeatedly: Face, face!

Master Yuhu smiled and said: Master Qianhuan, you are the forbidden man of the east gate of Xianting. You are responsible for the security of the east gate of Xianting. Why do you have time to go down to the lower world?

Master Qianhuan said: I was also ordered to do business. Master Yuhu, why did you come down to the lower world?

Master Yuhu said with a smile: I was ordered by Lord Yuan to go down to the world to search for the man who opened up the immortal world, but I didn't expect that this man was Xu Ying.

He changed the topic and said: Master, you are on official business in the lower world. Since it is inconvenient to reveal it, I won't ask. What is the jade plate in your hand? You can always tell me, right?

Master Qian Huan smiled and said: This jade plate is just an ordinary magic weapon. I use it for traveling. It's nothing unusual.

Master Yuhu laughed and said, Brother, our feelings have faded, haven't we? We had a drink together!

His murderous intention suddenly rose, and he was about to kill him, when suddenly Qianhuan Zhenren disappeared with a hiss!

Master Yuhu was shocked and angry, and his killing move failed. He immediately urged Hutian Zhengdao Sutra to tear apart time and space, and chased after him. His voice came from far away, shouting: Fellow Taoist Qianhuan, what do you mean? Why? Are you leaving without saying a word? Let me give you a ride!

Master Qian Huan urged the return jade plate and passed through one world after another. He said with a smile: Fellow Taoist Yuhu, if others don't know you, how can I know you? Whenever you say that your feelings are weak, you will Kill someone. We have been friends for many years, but you are murderous towards me. How can I not run away?

Master Yuhu struggled to catch up and sneered: Qianhuan, in terms of cultivation and strength, you are not as far away as me. Where can you escape? Is the magic weapon in your hand the Jade Plate of Returning to the Path? Such a most respected weapon , how could it fall into your hands, why should I leave it to Brother Yu to keep it for you?

Master Qianhuan sneered: You know it is the most respected artifact, how dare you fight for it? Master Yuhu, you don't want your life! Even if you kill me and win the Jade Plate of Return, the Supreme Master behind me will not let you go!

Master Yuhu laughed and said: You were ordered to go down to the lower realm and use the Supreme Treasure to cause harm to the lower realm. It is just to disrupt the situation. Only in this way can your master win in the chaos, pull down the Supreme One above, and move up to the next floor! Your house If the master is the Supreme, why should he do this?”

Master Qian Huan was awestruck: This guy is so smart.

One after another, they passed through the worlds.

Xu Ying secretly felt regretful and thought to himself: If I get that strange jade plate, can I restore the ancestral palace's way of heaven and earth? The little Tianzun won't have to work so hard.

The gray-clothed immortal was too cautious and saw that there were some places in his third heaven that were inaccessible. If he continued to pursue him, he might not be able to catch up.

There is indeed a force secretly promoting the revival of the ancestral court, or it should be called the invasion of the demonic realm!

Xu Ying offered sacrifices to the third heaven gate, opened the door, and behind the door was the ancestral court. After these days of exploration, he has gradually become familiar with the use of the Third Heaven Pass, and can accurately lock a certain world he has visited.

If the demon clan suppressed in the sun breaks through the blockade and comes to the world of Yuanshou, it will definitely be a huge massacre. Countless people will die, and countless sects of Qi Refiners will be destroyed. This is a demonic realm. Invasion!

Xu Ying rushed to Penglai and said silently in his heart, Someone is building momentum and using the invasion of the Demon Realm to build momentum. They are either creating heroes who will save the world, or they are creating crimes that make people miserable and ruin their lives. Heroes come to power and use their crimes to attack the heavens.

He collected himself.

In this great conspiracy, the most pitiful thing is that all sentient beings in the world have no choice at all. Everyone will become pawns, pawns who can lose their lives at any time!

These have nothing to do with me. My first task is to enter the Wei Ruins and find the Huangting Mansion in the Xuanhuang Realm! Without strength, it is difficult to save myself, let alone save others!

If he wants to enter Wei Xu, he can use the Yuandao Heavenly Sensation to sense the location of Wei Xu and force it to appear. He had sensed Wei Xu. When Yuan Weiyang was still Yuan Weiyang, he and the girl almost caused a disaster because of this, and actually summoned Wei Xu.

With Xu Ying's current level of cultivation, it would not be troublesome to summon Wei Xu, but if he did so, his whereabouts would be exposed and his whereabouts would be known to the Ninth Immortal King and the Five Jue Immortal Kings.

So Xu Ying planned to use the second method, which was to let Hua Cuoying take him into the Wei Ruins. Hua Cuoying was born in Wei Xu, so she must have a deep knowledge of Wei Xu. With her leading the way, nothing would go wrong.

In the last battle of the ancestral court, Hua Cuoying was captured, handed in a certificate of surrender, and became a member of Penglai Immortal Mountain.

On the way to Penglai, Xu Ying looked around and saw that the ancestral court had been eradicated by Gong Qi and Xiao Tianzun from those abnormal areas of the immortal path. The vitality of the world gradually recovered, and the spiritual mountains everywhere were no longer the dilapidated scene before.

The lives of the people in the ancestral court have also improved a lot. In the past, there were riots in the abnormal areas of the Immortal Path from time to time, and monsters surged out like a tide, harming nearby villages, or there were strange invasions. Villagers were often infected with the Immortal Path and turned into abnormal creatures.

Now, the people of the ancestral court can sleep peacefully for the first time.

Xu Ying was quite happy in his heart: I wonder if Little Tianzun has found Zhuchanchan? He wants to smelt various immortal weapons and make a heaven-repairing artifact, so he needs Zhuchanchan's help.

He unconsciously thought of the jade plate belonging to the Immortal in Gray Clothes, and his heart was full of enthusiasm: It would be great if I could seize it and let Zhu Chanchan make a few copies.

Penglai Fairy Mountain is no longer at its original location. The Black Tortoise roamed the ancestral court with this huge fairy mountain, leaving huge footprints.

Xu Ying followed these footprints and flew like this for two days. Suddenly, he saw a large waterfall appearing between the sky and the earth in front of him, like the Milky Way hanging in the sky, and the sound of the water was deafening.

The waterfall is unknown how wide it is. It reaches Qingming at the top and how deep it is below. Xu Ying did not see the bottom.

He continued to follow the footsteps of the Xuanwu Divine Beast, but saw that the Xuanwu Divine Beast had stopped on a protruding cliff ahead, leaving many footprints there.

Xu Yingfei stepped forward and when he got there, he looked towards the waterfall and saw a fairy tomb looming in the waterfall.

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly: Penglai Immortal Mountain came here probably because of this Immortal Tomb. What are they doing here at the Immortal Tomb?

He was puzzled when he heard a voice: This is the place where the Tianhe River fell. However, the ancestral road was broken and the Tianhe River had dried up long ago. But not long ago, the Tianhe River actually had a water source again, and the Tianhe River came out with water. It turned into a waterfall, and the immortal tomb in the Tianhe also appeared.

Xu Yingxun had heard of him, his heart moved slightly, and he said with a smile: Ren Taoist Yuan.

The visitor was Taoist Yuan from the Shangqing Ancestral Court, accompanied by a young man. Xu Ying had seen them in Mount Xumi.

What impressed Xu Ying the most about them was that Taoist Yuan's Shangqing Dojo was extremely powerful and could even suppress Zixi after devouring thousands of masters!

The second most impressive thing was that when Taoist Yuan encountered a strong enemy, he would sacrifice his uncle and ask his junior uncle to take action.

The young man beside him is Taoist Yuan's junior uncle.

Taoist Yuan came forward with the young man and said: This immortal tomb is very famous. It is an immortal tomb washed out by the Tianhe River. I don't know which immortal is buried in the tomb. However, when the Tianhe River comes out, the immortal tomb appears, and the person in the tomb is Immortals must be no small things.

Xu Ying said: If Little Heavenly Lord succeeds in repairing the sky, will the ancient immortal in the tomb be resurrected as a result?

Taoist Yuan shook his head: I don't know either.

Xu Ying looked at the Immortal Tomb, but saw that the Immortal Tomb was suddenly radiant with thousands of rays of light, shooting out rays of rays of light, and suddenly it became calm, and suddenly there was a monstrous aura rising from the ground, impacting the Tianhe River, causing the water of the Tianhe River to sway unsteadily, as if being pulled by a strong wind. Just dragging.

This immortal tomb is suppressing something!

Xu Ying was surprised and asked, Does Taoist Yuan know what is being suppressed under this immortal tomb?

When he was at the tomb of True Lord Erlang, he discovered that something was suppressing under the tomb of True Lord Erlang!

Taoist Yuan was full of emotions and said: Back then, Taoist ancestors and other beings left this world and disappeared. The world gradually decayed, and strange ways arose, and alien ways were ready to move. The immortals and gods left behind had to sacrifice their lives for righteousness in order to protect the ancestral court and the common people. Use your own life to suppress the powerful enemy.

He withdrew his gaze and said: Fellow Taoist Xu, my junior uncle and I are here to invite you to visit the Shangqing Ancestral Court. The benefits that Lihentian can give you, I can also give you in the Shangqing Realm.

Xu Ying declined politely and said with a smile: I want to go to Wei Ruins to find the secrets of the other side of the immortal path. When I succeed, I will definitely go to the Shangqing Ancestral Court.

Taoist Yuan bowed sincerely and said, Fellow Taoist Xu, please don't forget it.

Xu Ying said solemnly: I dare not forget.

Taoist Yuan smiled and said, My junior uncle and I are waiting for you in the Taiqing Ancestral Courtyard.

Xu Ying said goodbye and left.

Taoist Yuan watched him go away, breathed a sigh of relief, and said, Uncle Master, let's go to Tushita Palace as a guest for a few days and wait for his return.

The young man said: He may not be able to come back alive. That Wei Ruins is not an easy place and is full of dangers. You should keep him and not let him enter Wei Ruins and die!

Taoist Yuan hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said: Uncle Master, haven't you noticed that Xu Daoyou's cultivation strength has greatly increased from the moment we parted ways on Mount Xumi to now? His cultivation strength is such that even I dare not say he will win. He The combat power is close to that of the Immortal King!

The young man said: If you go to Wei Xu, you will die. What's more, you are different from Xu Ying. Your cultivation is achieved step by step by yourself, and his is not. His cultivation strength mainly relies on the Immortal Cave and the five magic weapons. It’s just a cave, if it weren’t for the five magic weapons to transform into realms, his cultivation strength would be much worse than before. And the dangers in Wei Xu are beyond imagination.”

He shook his head, looking young and old-fashioned, and said, I'm not optimistic about this trip.

Xu Ying followed the footsteps of the Black Tortoise and searched all the way there. When he saw four immortal tombs of this size, he was shocked and confused.

As the abnormal areas of the Immortal Dao recede, the tombs of ancient immortals appear in the world. These tombs of immortals are large in scale. Some of the tombs of immortals are located in dangerous places like the sea of ​​immeasurable fire or the sea of ​​chaotic stars, which are extremely spectacular.

According to Master Yuan, the ancient immortals used their own lives to suppress their enemies. So what does the appearance of these immortal tombs mean? Is the inheritance of the ancient immortals about to appear, or is the enemy suppressed by them about to break the seal?

Xu Ying was thinking wildly and saw that the trajectory of Penglai's movement was exactly in the direction of these immortal tombs.

His heart moved slightly. When he was away, the goddess was the controller of Penglai. Penglai walking along these immortal tombs must have been instructed by the goddess.

Could it be that the goddess calculated that immortal tombs were about to appear in these places, so she led the Penglai immortals through these places?

Xu Ying finally caught up with Penglai Immortal Mountain and went straight into the mountain. At this time, he saw that all the immortals in Penglai were looking happy, and many immortals were preaching and enlightening, and exchanging skills and magical powers with others.

We have received the inheritance of the ancient immortal! Han Zekang and Master Huolong said excitedly when they met Xu Ying.

Xu Ying felt relieved, congratulated the master and disciple, and then came to see the goddess, saying: I walked along the way and saw immortal tombs appearing. I was also worried that the enemies suppressed by the ancient immortals were about to appear. It turned out that the ancient immortals inherited the appearance. It shocked me.

The goddess smiled and said: Mr. Xu, what is the reason why the ancient immortal inheritance appears in this world?

Xu Ying was stunned and asked tentatively: What do you mean?

The goddess sighed and said: The inheritance of the ancient immortals is now alive, naturally because the ancient immortals can no longer suppress these enemies after their death.

Xu Ying looked at Master Huolong and Han Zekang, and saw that the master and disciple were inexplicably excited. They treated each other as fellow Taoists, as if they were brothers.

Xu Ying wondered: Do they know that they have already taken on the responsibility of suppressing those terrifying enemies?

The goddess smiled and said: Can I still be so happy if I know it? Of course I don't know.

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