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Chapter 416 Jade Plate of Return

Xu Ying, Bei Di and others had just left when suddenly the dark sky opened above the ancient sea of ​​​​the underworld, and layers of fairy light shone down, revealing a heavenly palace in the fairy world. A plaque in front of the door of the heavenly palace read the words Exorcist Academy.

The person who opened the barrier between the immortal world and the ancient earth and the underworld is an immortal official. He wears a high crown, his eyes are as sharp as lightning, and there are thunder lights wrapped around his body to form a belt. There are layers of thunder lights behind him to form a ring, which is very majestic.

The Immortal Official put his head down and wherever he looked, he immediately saw the huge body of the Ten Palaces of Yama.

The Yamas of the Tenth Hall raised their heads and looked at the Immortal Official.

The immortal official was taken aback and hurriedly closed time and space, and the Exorcist Academy disappeared.

It is not a good thing after all for the fairy world to notice that we have been resurrected.

King Qin Guang frowned and said, The heretic that destroyed the underworld back then should have been the immortal power.

King Chu Jiang looked up and said doubtfully: However, I didn't sense the powerful existences that destroyed the underworld just now. If we only relied on the Exorcist Academy, it would not be the opponent of the ancient land of the underworld. But if those powerful existences took action back then, we would Far from a rival.”

The urban king said: In my opinion, those powerful beings will not take action for a moment. This time, the tide of the three realms in the fairy world, the underworld and the sun world, this tide brings the three realms closer and closer. The avenues of heaven and earth that were originally destroyed are recovering one by one, Even the avenue of our ancient land and sea has been revived. I always feel that there are people here who are adding fuel to the flames.

The ten Yamas all fell into deep thought.

King Yama said: What is the intention of the tide of the three realms and the revival of the great road of heaven and earth in the ancient era? What is its purpose?

King Chu Jiang's eyes were dark: Could it be that the sword is pointing at those powerful beings that will destroy us?

The ten Yamas each looked at each other, their eyes flashing. The powerful man who destroyed the ancient land and sea of ​​​​underworld is now probably an unshakable supreme being in the fairy world. There are probably some people in the fairy world who are itching to be moved by the position of these supreme beings.

Yuanshui world, in the sun.

Ruins of the Palace of the Sun.

Xu Ying stood on top of the ruins, holding a piece of gold paper in his hand, with a strange look on his face, and whispered: How did Lord Jin become the emperor's son of the demon clan?

On the gold paper was Jin Buyi's handwriting, which said that I obtained the Eastern Emperor's Pingtian Jue and calmed down the turmoil in Taiyangguan. The Demon Emperor said that I was the emperor's son and asked me to go to the Demon Clan's ancestral court to inherit the family property. My family may be rich.

Seventh Master Zhong Ye and Mother Insect are following me to the Demon Clan’s Ancestral Palace to enjoy their blessings, so there is no need to worry about them. Take good care of yourself, that's all.

Xu Ying was dumbfounded.

He couldn't figure it out. Lord Jin had lived for more than 20,000 years and was very old. Although he looked younger after cultivating the soul in recent years, why did he suddenly become the emperor's son?

Moreover, is there an emperor's son who is twenty thousand years old in the world?

Master Jin seems to be in the ancestral court of the demon clan, and there is still a lot of inheritance waiting to be inherited. How come he has become so prosperous without saying a word?

Xu Ying suddenly remembered that that day in Mount Xumi, there were several girls who claimed to be from the ancestral home of the demon clan. The leader of them was called Ling Siyi, and she was very powerful.

The willow branch in Ling Siyi's hand was even more powerful. It was said to be the branch of the Demon Emperor Dao tree, which impressed Xu Ying deeply.

The spirit girl said that the demon ancestor of the demon clan's ancestral court wants to see me. I wonder what the relationship is between the demon ancestor, the ancestral court, and the emperor's son?

There was a faint worry in his heart. Although the gold paper left by Jin Bu said that there was a Demon Emperor Yuanshen beside them, but when it came to power, it was probably not something that could be easily accomplished.

If Jin Buyi goes to the Demon Ancestral Court, he may be involved in the power struggle in the ancestral court.

However, since the Demon Ancestor wants to see me, he must be asking for something from me. He knows the relationship between Master Jin and me, so Master Jin has the biggest backer in the Demon Clan's ancestral court. Xu Ying thought to himself.

He put aside his worries and was about to sacrifice the Third Heaven Pass and return to the ancestral court, when suddenly a figure flashed and rushed towards him quickly.

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly, and he immediately urged Hu Tian to realize the Dao Sutra, and his figure was hidden in the void, hiding his body.

The figure turned into a ray of fairy light and landed on the ruins of the Sun God's Palace. The fairy light shone around the body, swaying away the terrifying firepower of the Sun God Fire.

Xu Ying looked around and saw this man holding a jade plate in his hand. There was nothing on the jade plate, but it contained bursts of strange power.

The man looked young, about thirty years old, dressed in gray clothes, with five dragons wrapped around his body, all only one or two feet long, like embroidery. He has the aura of a fairy and is obviously no mortal.

The man moved the jade plate and murmured something. Xu Ying suddenly felt that the ancient avenue of heaven and earth in the sun was slowly reviving under the influence of the jade plate.

The jade plate in the hand of the gray-clothed immortal is filled with rays of rays of light, pouring out and blooming in bursts. The revival of the ancient avenue of heaven and earth in the sun becomes more and more intense!

Xu Ying was shocked and confused: What is this jade plate?

The gray-clothed immortal exclaimed and said in confusion: It's weird, why is there no change in the ancient avenue when I revived the Yangtze Pass? Not long ago, I clearly came here to restore the ancient avenue here. Logically speaking, the ancient avenue that was suppressed in The monsters here should break out of the Sun Pass and destroy Yuan Shou.

Xu Ying was furious: He wants to use the power of the sun to shut down those suppressed monsters and destroy Yuan Shou!

The gray-clothed immortal suddenly flew up and flew deep into the sun.

Xu Ying followed him and saw the gray-clothed immortal coming to the place where the Sun Gold Cabinet was originally stored, where the Demon Emperor and the rebellious ancient behemoths were suppressed.

The gold cabinet has disappeared.

The gray-clothed immortal asked in confusion: The gold cabinet has disappeared, and the buildings of the Sun Guard have also disappeared. What happened? Why didn't the Sun Gate follow my plan... Who is there?

He was very alert, his eyes were extremely sharp, and he swept towards the void where Xu Ying was hiding.

Xu Ying pretended to be helpless, as if he was hurt by his gaze, bit the tip of his tongue, spit out blood and fell out of the void, shouting hoarsely: Don't kill me... why are you running?

The form of the gray-clothed immortal turned into a streak of light, and flew away with a hiss, leaving a trail of fairy light in the sun.

Xu Ying was shocked and angry. He originally showed weakness just to make the gray-clothed immortal relax his vigilance before taking action. Unexpectedly, the gray-clothed immortal showed no signs of letting down his guard and ran away.

Xu Ying roared and rushed forward, like an ancient wild bull in the sun, charging all the way, with thunder and fire exploding behind him. The speed was so fierce that it was incredible!

Xianshan, Huntian Cauldron, Chonglou, Yaochi, Tianguan! Sacrifice! Sacrifice! Sacrifice!

Behind Xu Ying, five celestial mountains, a water-fire cauldron, a twelve-level tower, and other heavenly treasures and important celestial weapons jumped out one after another, transforming into five great realms to bless his body!

Immediately, one fairyland cave after another suddenly opened, forcing back the surrounding sun fire, turning into overwhelming vitality, mind power, soul power and yin and yang energy, causing his cultivation to skyrocket!


The surface of the sun exploded, and Xu Ying chased the gray-clothed immortal out of the sun, setting off a million-mile-long flame behind him.

The flame is captured by the geomagnetic force on the surface of the sun, forming a huge arc, like a butterfly wing, falling back into the sun.

But where Xu Ying broke out, the temperature of the sun was much lower than before, forming a sunspot space.

Xu Ying turned a blind eye and stared closely at the gray-clothed immortal in front of him. He was so angry that his consciousness surged forward and turned into a voice that rang in the gray-clothed immortal's ears: Brother, I have already vomited blood. Why are you still running away? Could it be that Xu is pretending to be different?

The gray-clothed immortal was also very fast, but he quickly closed the distance. He couldn't help but panic in his heart, and sneered: I can survive until now because of my caution. I didn't notice you lurking next to me, if it weren't for you Because my mind is fluctuating, I can't notice you at all. Such a being will be beaten to the point of vomiting blood by my gaze? You won't even believe it!

Xu Ying secretly regretted it and said in his heart: This guy is too cautious.

His speed increased again, he shouted loudly, and reached out to grab it.

I saw the terrifying vitality of heaven and earth roaring in the starry sky, turning into a huge hand, crushing the small stars along the way, and directly grabbing the gray-clothed immortal!

This is exactly Yuhu Zhenren’s magical power of the Hutian Enlightenment Sutra, which can collect heaven and earth!

It's just that the promise was displayed, and it was too domineering!

The gray-clothed immortal was so horrified that he immediately offered up the jade plate without any hesitation. The jade plate was radiant with light, and it swept him through time and space. At the other end of time and space was another world of heavens.

The jade plate carrying the gray-clothed immortal passed through the cracks in time and space with a hiss and entered the world of the heavens, and then the cracks behind it closed.

Xu Ying's voice came from time and space: If you use such methods in front of Xu, can you escape?

The gray-clothed immortal turned around and couldn't help but be horrified. He saw the sky shaking violently, and a towering sky gate suddenly appeared. The space and time were squeezed together, and countless thunder exploded from the squeezed space, striking in all directions.

There is even a burning smell in the air.


The gate of heaven opened, and the giant hand solidified time and space, and grabbed it brazenly.

Without thinking, the gray-clothed immortal urged the jade plate to fly away quickly. In an instant, he broke through time and space and rushed into another world of heavens. However, behind him, time and space exploded, and the Third Heaven Pass reappeared, followed closely by Xu Ying's sky-covering hand, chasing after him!

The gray-clothed immortal gritted his teeth and moved the jade plate, bang bang bang, passing through the worlds one after another, like a fleeting glimpse of light.

The world is full of different shapes and geographies, each with its own different scenery, but they all pass by in a blink of an eye.

However, behind him, thunder shook continuously, and the Third Heavenly Pass was like a huge wall between heaven and earth, crushing all the way. The big hand stretched out from the thick Heavenly Pass was getting closer and closer to him!

The gray-clothed immortal was desperate: Am I going to be buried here?

Suddenly, the jade plate carried him into a ruined world, and the earth-shaking loud noise behind him suddenly stopped.

The gray-clothed immortal turned around, only to see that the giant wall-like Tianguan didn't follow him, and Xu Ying's big hand didn't catch him, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

this world……

The gray-clothed immortal looked around and saw that this world had been destroyed and was a desolate, lifeless world.

He breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: I see. This world is not in the way of heaven, so his portal cannot catch up.

Just when he thought of this, the space behind him suddenly shook violently, and a voice came from the depths of time and space: Brother, why don't you stay and make friends?

The gray-clothed immortal looked back and saw a pair of big hands protruding from the depths of the space, tearing the sky of this dead world apart.

Xu Ying struggled to tear open the space and was about to arrive!

The gray-clothed immortal was horrified and hurriedly moved the jade plate. It flew through the air with a hiss and disappeared.

Xu Ying tore the sky apart, flew out from the crack, and floated above this dead world. Looking around, he couldn't help but be stunned.

I saw that the world that had been dead just now suddenly revived, and the land below had sweet rain falling in just a few moments, and the vegetation came back to life, becoming lush and green.

What exactly is that jade plate?

Xu Ying was surprised and said in a low voice, Even the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth here has been revived. It's really amazing.

He chased the time and space where the gray-clothed immortal left, but he was a step too late. After chasing for several worlds, he lost track of the gray-clothed immortal.

In all the worlds, the revival of the great avenue of heaven and earth in some places in the ancient era is probably related to this gray-clothed immortal and the jade plate in his hand!

Xu Ying gave up the pursuit and whispered, That jade plate is no ordinary fairy weapon. Although it has no power, it is probably not even as powerful as the Emperor's Purple Netherworld Sword. If you can kill that little gray man, you will get A jade plate would be fine...

Reluctantly, he offered sacrifices to the Third Heavenly Pass and walked into the Heavenly Pass.

The sky closed and disappeared.

After a while, the void suddenly shook, and the third heavenly barrier suddenly reappeared. Xu Ying stepped out of the heavenly barrier in one step, his eyes were like lightning, he glanced around, and shouted: I see you!

This loud shout caused the eardrums of all the creatures in this world to buzz. They raised their heads and looked around in shock. Some were ashamed, some were confused, and some were obsessed.

Xu Ying looked around for a week and found nothing unusual. Then he returned to the Third Heaven Pass angrily and said to himself: It seems that it is really not in this world.

On the third day the gate closed and disappeared.

Two days later, there was thunder in the sky again, and on the third day, Tianguan appeared again, and Xu Ying in green, Xu Ying in yellow, and Xu Ying in white were seen flying from three different directions.

I've been searching for two days, but I haven't found that guy. Xu Ying in white shook his head.

Huang Yi promised: I also searched for two days, but couldn't find it.

Qing Yi promised: I hid in the underworld with my back down, waiting for him to escape to the underworld, but I found nothing.

Xu Ying's body stood in the pass, withdrew the Yi Qi to transform into the Three Pure Ones, shook his head, and asked suspiciously: Is it really not in this world?

He closed the Third Heaven Pass and disappeared.

In a ruined temple, the gray-clothed immortal stood on the shrine, eyes wide open, beads of sweat rolling down his face, almost washing away the mud on his body.

He still didn't dare to come down and still stood on the shrine. He waited for three months before he was convinced that Xu Ying was indeed gone.

What a risk! What a risk! I was almost caught by this Xu! It's not a big deal for me to die, but if the Return Jade Plate falls into the hands of others, I'm afraid there will be big trouble!

The gray-clothed immortal jumped down from the shrine. Even though three months and two days had passed, he still had lingering fears.

Who is this Xu? Isn't he vicious! Xu... wait a minute! Could it be that Xu?

The gray-clothed immortal looked horrified and murmured, He is Xu Ying! He was on the wanted list for thousands of years.

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