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Chapter 413 Luofeng Liutian Palace

The four desolate worlds, the underworld.

Xu Ying followed the light and came to Beiyin Emperor. The old man was holding a clear oil lamp. The wick of the oil lamp took on the shape of a mountain, and the wick was the Fengdu Sacred Mountain!

Emperor Beiyin looked like he was carrying the lamp in a light and calm manner, but in fact, the lamp was extremely heavy, even Xu Ying could not lift it. But he did it with ease.

Xu Ying knew that this old man looked short, but in fact he was about the same size as Fengdu and was extremely tall.

There are five tall figures beside Emperor Beiyin, like five demon kings, with fierce looks.

The Great Emperor of Beiyin said: Fellow Daoist Xu, don't worry. These are the princes who followed me back then. Lord Shengqi, Lord Shengxing, Lord Sijin, Lord Siming, Lord Zonglu. Five Lords. After my death, I fled here and became anonymous. Did I spend a lot of effort to surrender them this time?

Xu Ying was immediately alert: Submit them? It seems that these ministers of Beiyin Emperor have disobedient intentions.

The power of the five princes is so great that it seems that they are not even half weaker than the current Emperor Beiyin.

Lord Shengqi Mansion praised: Fellow Daoist Xu just fought against Xuantian and killed the Immortal King. His ability is extraordinary and admirable. No wonder Beidi mentioned you to us many times.

With his majestic body, He is the god-man in charge of the vital energy of mortals. His body is composed of vital energy, and there are thousands of Yin gods, large and small, living in his body, many of which are extremely tyrannical beings.

Lord Shengqi Mansion smiled and said, Beidi, if you hadn't held this lamp, you would never have surrendered to us.

Emperor Beiyin snorted and explained to Xu Ying: The five of them were responsible for managing the Qi, Xing, Jin, Ming, and Lu of mortals. However, these were later taken away by the world of heaven, and the five of them could only linger in the underworld. When he saw me, he was still unwilling to surrender and wanted to take me to the world of heaven to claim credit.

Xu Ying suddenly felt that these five princes were not reliable.

Lord Simingfu said with a smile: We don't really take credit from you. Otherwise, do you really think that with your current ability, you can suppress the five of us? We, Luo Feng Liutian, are equal, and we are the six gods born for sacrifice by all living beings. Brother, there is no superiority. Just because you are respected as the Northern Emperor, we must surrender to you. Why can't I be the Northern Emperor?

His body is majestic, and there are thousands of gods and demons, large and small, in His body.

Beidi was so angry that his hands were shaking and he said: After I was defeated, they stole the Liutian Palace, and even my Zhou Jueyin Palace was stolen by them.

Mr. Zonglufu was more eloquent and said: If we had not taken away the Six Heavenly Palace, the Six Heavenly Palace would have fallen into the hands of the Tiandao world long ago. Where would there be a chance to make a comeback? We took away the Six Heavenly Palace to preserve our strength, brother. There are thousands of gods and demons in Zhou Jue Yin Tian Palace, but we have not touched any of them, and they will all be returned to my eldest brother.

Xu Ying was quite curious and thought to himself: It seems that the Great Emperor Beiyin and these five princes were born at the same time. Beiyin is the elder brother and his status is higher than them.

Beidi said to Xu Ying: What kind of good relationship does Xu, Taoist friend, come here to form?

The Twelve-level Tower of the Underworld. Xu Ying said.

Beidi groaned, and the other five princes were chatting and laughing, and suddenly there was silence.

Beidi said: Hasn't Fellow Daoist Xu already seen the Twelve-Storied Tower on the Underworld Sea? On the Underworld Sea, Fellow Daoist Xu saw the other side. The Twelve-Storied Tower is on the other side. The building is surrounded by Netherworld Immortal Fire.

Xu Ying smiled and said: It's not this twelve-story building. What I'm looking for is the prototype of this twelve-story building! In my first life, I had been there, but my memory has not recovered yet, and I don't remember the Ten Worlds of the Underworld. The specific location of the second floor.”

Beidi groaned again.

The expressions of the other five princes all darkened, their eyes fixed on Xu Ying, and the atmosphere became extremely depressing.

Xu Ying seemed completely unaware and said with a smile: Brother Beidi, please take a look.

Behind him, a series of caves emerged, connecting the fairy world, which was extremely spectacular.

Xu Ying smiled and said: I have received the inheritance from the Doushui Palace in Lihentian, the Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Realm, and the Qibao Palace in Yujing, Xuandu, and opened the three fairyland caves. Now I still need the twelve layers of the Nether Sea and the Chaos Niwan. Palace and Huangting Mansion in Xuanhuang Realm. I came here to find Brother Tao this time to ask Brother Tao to show me the way.

The five princes each snorted coldly and looked unhappy.

Beidi raised his hand to stop the five princes, and his face looked a little unhappy, saying: The people of all heavens and all realms believe that after death, the souls of the world should have a place to go, so there is the underworld. All heavens and all realms The sentient beings thought that there was a mountain called Luofeng in the sea of ​​underworld, named Fengdu. They believed that there was a Six-Heaven Palace in Fengdu, where the six princes of the government were sitting to rule over the ghosts and gods in the world. So there was Fengdu Mountain, and there was the Six-Heaven Palace, and there was There are six of us.”

He glanced at Xu Ying and said: Fellow Daoist Xu, the people of all heavens and all realms migrated from the ancestral court to all heavens and all realms. What about before all heavens and all realms? Those people before them thought that after death, Where did you go? What was the name of the god there?

When he said this, Xu Ying suddenly realized why he made Beidi and the other five princes look unhappy when he asked about the Twelve Towers of Minghai.

The Twelve Towers of the Underworld are actually the territory of the former ruler of the underworld, right?

Xu Ying asked, Are you worried that I might awaken the rulers there and threaten your rule?

Lord Shengxingfu said with murderous intent: Since you know this, you still plan to let us take you to find the 12th floor of the Underworld Sea?

Xu Ying smiled and said: Everyone, you are not ruling the underworld now, you are just hiding in the underworld of the Four Desolates World. I just fought with Xuantian, the God King who rules the Four Desolates World, and you didn't dare to show your face. You fellow Taoists are so cowardly, you are so cowardly. In this corner of the underworld, how can I have the face to worry about me awakening the ruler of the underworld from ancient times?

These heartbreaking words made the faces of the five princes turn into the color of pig liver. They all became furious and shouted: Beidi, don't stop us, we will definitely kill this kid today!

Beidi did not stop them.

The five princes' hearts tightened and they looked at each other in confusion. Lord Shengxingfu coughed and shouted: Beidi, don't stop me, I will kill him right now. It will be a shame!

Beidi remained motionless.

Lord Shengqi Mansion said: If you take the initiative to kowtow and apologize, maybe we Lords of the Five Great Mansion can still forgive you!

Xu Ying sneered and said lightly: I kowtow to apologize? Are you worthy?

The five princes were furious, and the gods and demons around him were shouting like thunder, clamoring to cut him into pieces.

Xu Ying's voice contains the voice of heaven, suppressing the voices of all gods and demons: Forty-eight thousand years ago, I went down to the immortal world alone, killed the immortal king, killed the immortal gods, swept across the world of heaven, shattered the road of heaven, and blocked the obstacles in all heavens and realms. My road is paved with countless dead bodies! I was plotted by the emperor and wasted 48,000 years, but this life started at the end of my life. I killed gods and demons and rose up. Kunlun killed the six great Nuo ancestors, and Weixu competed with the two immortal kings. Fight against Xuan Kong in Mount Xumi, smash the Purple Netherworld Sword at Wangxiang Terrace, kill Xuantian in the Four Wilderness Worlds, and take revenge!

He looked around: My body was destroyed, my soul was cut off, and my realm was cut off, and yet I still fought so bravely. When you see your eldest brother trapped, you ran away before he died. How can you have the face to ask me to kowtow and apologize?

Lord Shengxingfu was so angry that the Three Corpse Gods jumped and shouted: No one can stop me! I swear to kill him!

Lord Si Jinfu said quickly: Third brother, wait a minute, listen to what the eldest brother has to say.

Lord Shengxingfu snorted angrily and rolled his sleeves and said, Okay. I'll listen to my big brother. But if I don't kill this kid, I will never be able to express the suffocation in my chest!

Beidi sighed and said: Okay, okay, you five are nicknamed the Five Cowardly Gods of the Underworld. It's not like I don't know it. Back then, I was plotted by the immortal world, and the gods of the heavenly world also came to kill me. You five Seeing that I was helpless, you ran away and escaped with your life. In the past sixty thousand years, you have only dared to hide in the underworld of Xuantian's world, so as to hide from the search of the world of heaven. You know that Xuantian has been driven out of heaven The world, but never dared to attack Xuantian, how could he dare to attack Fellow Daoist Xu?

The princes of the five major mansions were struck by what he said, and each of them was speechless.

Beidi said to Xu Ying: This makes fellow Taoist Xu laugh. As fellow Taoist said, we are indeed no longer the rulers of the underworld. Hey, the four giants of the underworld have all died. Who dares to say that he rules the underworld? What if that person The resurgence of rulers from ancient times may not be a bad thing for us.

Although He is quite reluctant to give up the divine power in the underworld, he also knows that the divine power is not in his hands at this moment.

Promise awakens the rulers of the underworld from previous generations and can also share the pressure brought by the fairy world. As for whose hands the divine power of the underworld will fall in the future, it is still unknown.

It's just that the five princes were still a little reluctant, but they had no choice but to agree to Beidi's words.

Xu Ying thanked him and said, I owe Brother Tao a favor.

Beidi held a lantern in front of him and said: Five brothers, remember to hide yourself and not be noticed by the immortal world and the world of heaven. When we go to the underworld, there will be strong people from the immortal world waiting there, waiting for us to go back. You pretend to be Be a mortal so as not to attract attention.”

The Lord of the Five Palaces was really huge, and when he was about to shrink in size, Xu Ying smiled and said, No need.

He stretched out his hand and made a imaginary stroke, the void split open, and there was a cave in the void. This was the magical effect of the Hutian Enlightenment Sutra.

Xu Ying opened five spaces in a row for them to hide.

Beidi walked forward, Xu Ying followed, and the five spaces hidden in the void also followed the two of them.

Beidi praised: Fellow Taoist Xu's magical method has improved rapidly. Has fellow Taoist met the Empress of Reincarnation?

Xu Ying nodded and said: This empress's abilities are amazing and admirable.

Beidi asked doubtfully: He didn't help you unlock the memory seal?

Xu Ying shook his head and said, No. But He promised me to help me unlock another kind of seal, the seal of reincarnation. As for my seal, I can unlock it myself.

He got the scroll of the emperor and already had a clue about how to crack the sixteen-character sealing rune. These days, many memories about the first life have gradually recovered, and it was Xu Ying who was studying the sixteen-character seal. A phenomenon caused by the way runes break boundaries.

If he continues at this speed, he will be able to completely break the sixteen-character seal in a few years!

However, he still has no idea about the remaining eight-character seals.

The sea of ​​​​the underworld was dark, without any light. Beidi held up a clear oil lamp and shined it on the sea surface, looking around vigilantly. Xu Ying looked up at the sky and faintly noticed a strange aura. There were indeed other people hiding in the darkness here.

Brother Beidi, why don't you extinguish the oil lamp? Xu Ying whispered.

Beidi shook his head and said: To open another sea of ​​​​underworld, you must use this lamp.

He picked up the clear oil lamp and blew it into the flame. Suddenly the roaring fire of the underworld rushed out, illuminating the entire underworld sea in an instant!

At this time, Xu Ying saw flames forming an ancient portal on the Nether Sea. Within the portal was another sea area, perpendicular to the Nether Sea!

Go quickly! Beidi shouted.

Xu Ying immediately flew up and flew towards the sea behind the door!

At the same time, I heard laughter coming from the sea: Beiyin, I finally found you!

Waves of powerful aura came rapidly from all over the sponge, thunder exploded in the sky, the sky of the Underworld opened up, and the Immortal Palace of the Ten Thousand Gods Leiji in the Third Division of the Immortal World of Thunder appeared at the other end of the sky!

Wanshen Leiji!

Beidi's expression suddenly changed, he no longer hesitated, and followed Xu Ying into the door. Just as He was about to close the door, figures followed closely, following Him into this ancient space.

The immortals from the Thunder Department each sacrificed their immortal weapons and held up the portal so that Beidi could not extinguish the Hell Fire.

Outside the door, an armor-clad Immortal King was bathed in the light of the fairy world, stepping into the portal.

Wan Shen Lei Si Immortal King, Su Jingyan Su Immortal King! Beidi took the clear oil lamp and walked away, disappearing into the darkness.

The Immortal King Su Xianwang of Ten Thousand Gods Leisi walked into the portal, raised his hand gently, and all the immortal officials collected their immortal weapons. The Netherfire portal behind him immediately extinguished and disappeared.

King Su Xian looked around and frowned slightly.

I saw a huge horn standing up from the sea in this sea of ​​​​underworld, with ninety-eight bends, and the other end of the horn seemed to be inserted into the world of the world!

Even the largest ancient behemoth is not as safe as this pair of horns!

Even the gods who cover the sky and the sun look pitiful in front of these horns.

And on the sea surface under the horns, half of an unimaginably large skull was revealed.

Where is this place? King Su Xian couldn't help but lost his voice.

An immortal named Shou Yuan Gu looked around and quickly bowed and said: Master Immortal King, this should be the underworld of ancient times.

King Su Xian was surprised and said: Is this a different time and space composed of the incense and divine power of the ancient ancestors? Unfortunately, with the destruction of the avenue of the ancient era, the divine power of all ancient gods will dissipate. The gods are also dead, leaving only skeletons. Buried in the underworld.

He looked around and wondered: The rebel Bei Yin, what are you doing here? Isn't it just for me to catch a turtle in a jar?

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