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Chapter 412 The Emperor’s Son Jin Buyi

Jin Buyi also knew that the situation was urgent and hurriedly listened attentively. He had never been exposed to qigong exercises before, and had only learned the Mahavairocana Sutra a few years ago.

He actually knows nothing about cultivation.

This is also one of the important reasons why he learns the exercises slower than others.

But the exercises taught by that voice were from ancient times, which were very different from the Qigong exercises. Originally, it should be difficult for him to learn them, but strangely enough, he understood the exercises taught by the voice as soon as he heard them. You can practice.

The Great Sun Manual is still a technique based on qi refining, with obvious traces of human qi refining. However, the Donghuang Pingtian Jue that the voice conveyed seemed to be specially designed for the Golden Crow, and had nothing to do with human qi refining. relation!

Jin Buyi even felt that the Great Sun Sutra was based on human skills and modified into demon skills, so it was difficult to get rid of the shackles of human skills.

This technique cannot bring the demon clan's strength to its fullest.

The Donghuang Pingtian Technique was probably created by a great master of the Golden Crow clan among the demon clan, and has nothing to do with the human race. When he activates this technique, he can even feel the Golden Crow bloodline in his body getting stronger and stronger!

This technique can not only mobilize the power of blood, but can even make the power of blood more and more powerful, forming two different directions with human Qi refining!

The human race mainly focuses on comprehending the Tao and condensing the Tao chain, while the demon race mainly focuses on cultivating bloodline!

While listening to the lecture, Jin Buyi was operating the power of blood in his body according to the exercises. He couldn't help but be shocked in his heart: It turns out that I'm not stupid, I just didn't learn the exercises correctly!

An Qi, Dazhong and Mother Insect could not help but feel anxious when they heard the fighting and crashing sounds outside becoming more and more intense.

Especially the roar of the demon king's undead soul shook their souls even across the Sun Palace.

An Qi looked out through the crack in the door, only to see a huge monster approaching from the boundless flames. It was as big as a mountain and exuded terrifying monster power. It was much more powerful than him!

However, only the skeleton of this monster beast was left.

Suddenly, the monster jumped up and landed on an even more terrifying behemoth.

That behemoth was the Demon Emperor, and it was covered with thousands of ancient behemoths. It overwhelmed the Sun Shou fleet and beat each ship to pieces!

On its forehead stood a Taoist in gray clothes, with cold and sharp eyes and a tall and thin figure. He was its soul.

The Demon King had long since died in the Golden Cabinet of the Sun, and his soul had also fallen into death. Because his soul was trapped in the Golden Cabinet, he could not leave the Golden Cabinet and enter the underworld.

It was awakened by the revival of the great avenue of heaven and earth in the ancient era, reunited its soul, and in its dead body, broke out of the golden cabinet and ran rampant.

The building ship exploded, and the bones on the ship were scattered. The people guarding this place were all the elites of the demon clan. They were also awakened by the revival of the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth. Even facing the demon emperor who had escaped from trouble, he was not afraid at all. Broken magic weapons flew up like rain and smashed towards Those monsters.

However, because these Taiyang Guardians who guarded Taiyang Pass died outside, their souls had already returned to the underworld, and they were unable to reunite their souls, so they were at a disadvantage when facing these monsters.

However, there were two generals from the Demon Tribe Immortal Court on the flagship of the building ship. They were also imperial-level demon immortals during their lifetime, and their bodies were preserved immortally in the burning of the sun. Even if they fell into a disadvantage, they would not be defeated by the opponent.

However, they relied on their remaining will to act and were not as powerful as the Demon Emperor.

If the will is destroyed, the Sun Guard army that suppressed the Demon Emperor will fall apart.

The Demon Emperor Yuanshen obviously saw this and paid more attention to attacking the spiritual will when attacking.

The Palace of the Sun, at the center of the confrontation between the two sides, was in a precarious state and could be submerged by both sides at any time.

An Qi said: If it really doesn't work, I will sacrifice the Vajra and fight for the bracelet, and I will kill him anyway!

The last time he sacrificed King Kong Zhuo, the demon emperor roared so loudly that it shook him to the point of vomiting blood, preventing King Kong Zhuo from exerting his power.

Suddenly, the Demon King roared, and on his huge body, the skeletons of giant beasts were flying, rushing towards the ship like a tide.

The skeletons of many monster soldiers on the ship offered up broken magic weapons and threw them at them like rain!

An Qi felt his scalp numb at the sight. Under such an offensive, this dilapidated temple might not be able to hold on for long!

At this moment, Jin Buye suddenly woke up and opened his eyes.

Dazhong said quickly: Master Jin, please hurry up and understand. Who told you to wake up?

Jin Buyi was a little stunned and said cautiously: I seem to have learned...

An Qi and Dazhong were stunned. Others didn't know how slow Jin Buyi was in learning things, but they knew clearly that when Xu Ying taught him the Six Secrets of the Patriarchal Method some time ago, he taught the back to forget the front, and taught the front to go to the back. You should clench your fist several times.

Now, Jin Buyi actually said that he learned it, which is really ridiculous!

Jin Buyi saw their expressions and said quickly: I have really learned it. If you don't believe me, I will show you how to do it!

He immediately mobilized his cultivation and activated the Donghuang Pingtian Jue. In an instant, a terrifying demon power awakened from his body. The ancient and incomparable blood power continued to revive. It shocked Anchi Qi and Da Zhong to keep retreating, and the insect mother also flew away quickly. It rose and landed on Xuan Qi's forehead.

Rays of divine light burst out from Jin Bu's body, shooting out from the inside out, making his muscles, bones, and internal organs all become extremely clear!

An Qi even saw his internal organs changing with the Donghuang Pingtian Jue. Jin Buyi's body gradually rose, transforming from a three-legged golden crow into a god with a bird's head and human body!

The divine light gushing out from his body turned into a gorgeous brocade robe, covering his whole body, extremely gorgeous.


His wings spread out behind him, and behind the wings, a brilliant sacred tree rose from the ground. With surging power, golden crows flew around the sacred tree like ten suns.

Anhui Qi, Dazhong and the Insect Mother were shocked and confused. Suddenly they heard a loud roar, and the main hall was torn apart under the attack of the Taiyang Shou and the demon emperor's army.

Everyone in the palace was immediately exposed to both warring parties!

An Qi and Dazhong were uneasy. To the Demon Emperor, they were enemies, and to the Sun Guard army, they were deserters, neither of them could please them.

Suddenly, all the magic weapons and ancient monsters stopped, and all their eyes looked at Jin Buyi, showing awe.

Both sides withdrew their weapons, and the skeleton of an ancient demonic beast slowly knelt down with a clattering sound. Then the other demonic beast skeletons also knelt down and bowed their heads to Jin Buyi.


On the building ship, the skeletons of the demon clan soldiers knelt down on one knee one after another, bowing their heads to Jin Buyi. Even the two generals in gold and silver armor also knelt down on one knee, leaning on their weapons.

And on the head of the extremely huge Demon Emperor, the Demon Emperor's spirit also knelt down on one knee, and a thick voice came from his mouth: Your Highness.

Your Highness! Thousands of demon clan soldiers said in unison.

The demonic beast skeletons also let out earth-shattering roars at this time, which was deafening.

The killings were all over in an instant, and there was no more fighting.

Jin Buyi, who has three legs, looked at this scene and was a little at a loss. At this time, the ancient memories in his blood gradually came to his mind. After a while, Jin Buyi stepped forward and looked around at the demon clan bones on both sides, feeling a little touched for a moment.

I don't know how many thousands of years have passed since the Demon Clan Immortal Court. The Demon Clan Immortal Court no longer exists. Why are you fighting life and death? I will give you freedom.

His words seemed to have great magic power. As soon as he said these words, the obsessions that had been entangled for countless thousands of years collapsed one after another. The skeletons and demon immortal corpses relaxed, and the two demon clan immortal generals in gold and silver armor also showed signs of relief. color.


One after another, the skeletons suddenly collapsed and shattered, turning into powder. They were then melted away by the sun, and the skeletons of the giant beasts also fell down and shattered!

The incomplete magic weapons and buildings and ships were ignited by the sun's divine fire and turned into ashes, leaving only chains.

At the end of the chain is a golden coffin. This golden coffin is the Golden Cabinet of the Sun. It is like a cabinet used to seal the Demon King and a group of rebellious ancient monsters.

The only thing in the field that was not broken was the skeleton of the Demon King.

The Demon King was resurrected from the dead, and his soul was reorganized with the resurrection of the Great Way of Heaven and Earth. If he lived another life, he would naturally not die as his obsession dissipated.

It's just that he doesn't have a physical body, only his soul.

“Is the Demon Clan’s Immortal Court also destroyed?”

The Demon Emperor Yuanshen still knelt down on one knee, with a sad look on his face, and said in a low voice, Then what was the point of fighting to the death when I fought back then?

His voice was filled with confusion.

Back then, he fought against the unfair treatment of the race and was suppressed in the Sun Golden Cabinet. This time he came back from the dead, only to find that the heaven and earth had changed dramatically, and the avenues of heaven and earth had changed. The fairy court of the past no longer existed, and the grievances of the past were completely wiped out.

My persistence and persistence have all turned into a dream.

Suddenly, the demon emperor's soul pulled the chain, raised the sun cabinet high, and landed next to Jin Buyi. Xian Qi was startled, and offered the Vajra Diamond, the big bell shook, and the insect mother made a threatening gesture. action.

If the Demon Emperor Yuanshen dares to harm Jin Buji, they will take action immediately, even if they are not their opponents, they will give it a try!

The demon emperor's spirit held the golden cabinet of the sun high, bowed down again, and said with tears: The demon emperor Jinghong, pays homage to His Highness the Emperor. From now on, His Royal Highness the Emperor is the Lord of Jinghong, and Jinghong swears allegiance to him to the death. Assist the emperor and restore the glory of the demon clan!

Jin Buyi was a little stunned, how could he become the Emperor's Highness?

Return to the glory of the demon clan?

Hearing this, Xian Qi couldn't help but trembled, and said in a trembling voice, Demon Emperor Jinghong, you mean to say that before the human race, there was a pioneer civilization of the demon race, which established a glorious fairy world, established a fairy court, and ruled the world. ?”

Jinghong Demon Emperor glanced at him, frowned slightly, and said: That's right. In today's era, no demon clan even knows this kind of history?

An Qi was so excited that his whole body was trembling, and his voice was trembling: Later, we were defeated by the human tribe through conspiracy, and our civilization was lost, right?

Jinghong Demon Emperor thought: In my time, the human race was still not a powerful race. However, it developed extremely fast.

An Qi was stunned, and suddenly two lines of clear tears rolled down his face, and he choked up and said: It turns out that this is the truth, Qianli Yibrother and I guessed it right!

Jinghong Demon Emperor said: His Royal Highness the Emperor cannot live in a corner. He must return to the ancestral court of the Demon Clan as soon as possible to preside over the great cause of the Demon Clan's revival!

Jin Buyi said quickly: Wait a minute, I still need to find the little master...

little Master?

Jinghong Demon King's eyes were filled with astonishing demonic power, revealing a look of suspicion. Xian Qi said quickly: Master Jin, there is no need to worry about that little bamboo man, he must be alive and well. Demon King Jinghong, the little bamboo man is a piece of bamboo turned into spirit, and he is also a member of our demon clan. Master Jin, let's go to the ancestors of the demon clan. court!

Jinghong Demon Emperor said: Your Highness, the Demon Clan has an extremely glorious past, and whether it can be revitalized depends on Your Highness. Your Highness, please think twice and go to the Demon Clan's ancestral court as soon as possible.

Jin Buyi stood blankly in the sun fire, looking at the ancient ruins in the sun, feeling confused.

All his life, he lived for promises.

Xu Ying hatched him, taught him how to speak, and raised him to grow up. Later, his strength became stronger and stronger. Xu Ying disappeared, and he searched for her again and again, going through countless tortures and sufferings.

Later, Xu Ying got a lover, and he and Xu Ying went out of Chaoge and fled. Xu Ying married Yan Baoer, and he was also a member of the family.

Yan Baoer died and was reborn. Xu Ying entered the ambush circle alone, while he continued to fly with wings and scream, looking for Xu Ying's whereabouts.

Until his memory gradually aged and his body gradually became worse than before, until he was about to die.

All his life, he had lived for his promise and had never had any other thoughts.

Master Jin, promise him. An Qi whispered.

Jin Buyi looked at the dilapidated Sun Palace. The voice that taught him the Donghuang Pingtian Jue technique should be the last descendant of the Jinwu Imperial Clan in the ancient times. He died in this palace with endless regrets.

Passing down the skills of the Golden Crow Imperial Clan is probably the last obsession of this ancient emperor.

Now that the obsession is complete, the owner of this voice has completely disappeared between heaven and earth.

Jin Buyi was silent. From now on, he might change his way of living and live for the demon clan.

Jin Buyi put away the sun gold cabinet and said calmly: Okay, Jinghong Demon Emperor, let's go to the ancestral court!

He is dressed in splendid clothes and has a majestic body. After practicing the Donghuang Pingtian Jue of the demon clan, his bloodline awakened, and the ancient memories of the race in his bloodline gradually came to his mind, making him extraordinary.

Jin Buyi looked back at An Qi, Dazhong and Xian Chong. Dazhong smiled and said, I'm not worried about you being out alone. I'll go with you. Master Qi, you and Chong Chong go to find the bamboo spirit.

Xian Qi hesitated, shook his head and said, The bamboo spirit is very smart, so nothing will happen to him, but Lord Jin always forgets things, which makes me uneasy.

Although the insect mother is intelligent, she is not very smart. She said: I don't know the way, so I have to follow you. As long as I have enough food.

An Qi and Dazhong were overjoyed and said repeatedly: Enough control, enough control!

Jinghong Demon Emperor said: In that case, let's go to the Demon Clan's ancestral court! After saying that, his true body's skeleton suddenly spread its wings, and the bright white feathers covered the sky. There was no flesh and blood, only feathers and bones.

Jin Buyi's small soul quickly wrote something on a small notebook, tore off the gold paper, pasted it on the pillar, and said: Let's go.

Jinghong Demon King led them to land on his true body, fluttering his wings, passing through the sun, tearing the void, and disappearing without a trace.

Jin Buyi looked back at the world of Yuanshou, with nostalgia and reluctance in his eyes.

But from today on, the emperor's son Jin Buyi will have a magnificent new life.

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