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Chapter 414 The Ten God Emperors

Xu Ying walked between the huge horns and flew upwards. He was surprised in his heart: I was here in the first life? Who is the owner of these horns? They are too huge.

With his speed, it is easy to travel thousands of miles in a day, but it would probably take several days to fly from the bottom of the horn to the top.

This ancient underworld is really vast, but the more vast it is, the more terrifying the owner of the horns will be.

Xu Ying really couldn't imagine how huge the owner of the horns must be!

The last time I came here, where did I comprehend the Twelve-Storied Tower?

Xu Ying flew around the horns, searching all the way, but never found the location.

The Lord of the Five Palaces was brought into this ancient underworld by him. Lord Shengqi couldn't help but smile and said: This place is so big, you may not be able to find it even if you search for thousands of years. Instead of doing this, it is better to leave here.

Lord Si Jinfu said with a smile: Yes, that's right. Wanshen Leisi is here to find us. Now that we find our eldest brother and leave together, we can get rid of Wanshen Leisi. They don't know the geography of this place as well as we do.

Xu Ying asked: Since the five of you are familiar with the geography of this place, do you know where the Twelve-Storied Tower is?

The five princes shook their heads.

Lord Siming Mansion said: It's not that we don't want to tell you, but we really don't know. This is a relic from the ancient times. On this horn alone, there are thousands of palaces and palaces, countless, and there are even people who practiced heretics in the ancient times. People build heavenly palaces here. These ruins are often broken and the original shape cannot be seen. How do you know which building is the twelve-story building?

The other princes nodded.

Xu Ying frowned slightly and flew along the huge horns. Sure enough, he saw mountains standing on the horns. There were indeed traces of ancient buildings between the mountains and rivers.

Indeed, as the five princes said, most of these ruins are in a broken state, and their original appearance cannot be found.

Where exactly the twelve-story building is, I'm afraid it will take some painstaking search.

Suddenly, Beidi flew over, put the clear oil lamp into Xu Ying's hand, and said: Fellow Daoist Xu, I repay this good fate to you! Second brother, third brother, fourth brother, fifth brother and sixth brother, follow me to fight against Ten Thousand Gods Thunder. Immortal King Sisu, allow fellow Taoist Xu to concentrate on enlightenment!

He appeared in his true form and offered sacrifices to Fengdu Mountain in the flames. The huge mountain fell from the sky and hit the immortals of Wan Shen Lei Si who were rushing towards him!

Xu Ying was holding a clear oil lamp and was about to speak when suddenly his eyes were in a trance, and a memory pulled him into the past of 48,000 years.

In Fengdu, Minghai, there was darkness and deathly silence.

Suddenly, the lights came on, and Xu Ying saw himself, who was about seventeen or eighteen years old, offering a ball of hell fire and lighting the clear oil lamp in his hand.

The light dimly illuminated his face.

Brother Beidi, let's make a good relationship.

In the first life, Xu Ying took off the clear oil lamp from the stone wall next to the coffin, and lying in the crystal coffin was the body of Beidi.

Xu Ying was stunned. He found that after he lit the green lamp with the Hellfire, Beidi's body seemed to be a little alive.

It turns out that the awakening of Beidi's soul has something to do with me! No wonder Beidi just said that he would return my good fortune!

Just when he thought of this, he saw himself in the first life walking out of the broken palace holding a clear oil lamp and floating on the sea of ​​​​the underworld.

He blew a strong breath, and the fire from the underworld exploded, illuminating the void and opening a portal to another time and space.

The promise of the first life passed through the portal and entered the underworld of the ancient times.

Xu Ying followed himself at that time and flew upward along the huge horns. The two horns were like huge mountains inserted into the wilderness of the universe, unimaginably high.

In the first life, Xu Ying flew for a long time and finally came to a jade platform. There were ruins everywhere, and the shape of the buildings here could not be seen.

He sat down, closed his eyes and concentrated. After a long time, he showed joy: This is it. In this place, the powerful gods of the ancient times connected the heaven, earth, humans, gods and ghosts with their ways, forming a powerful soul and achieving the highest achievement of the gods. . His dojo forms the divine realm here, and his great avenue, even if it is destroyed, is still imprinted on this world. But...

He stood up and came to the edge of the jade platform, his eyes full of doubts.

Xu Ying followed him and came to the edge of this jade platform. At this moment, the place they were standing on was as high as infinity, and the underworld sea below was vast and endless.

Xu Ying heard the voice of his first life full of confusion: But, the gods who ruled the underworld in ancient times, who is the owner of the horns where you live?

Xu Ying was filled with confusion when he heard this.

In ancient times, the god who ruled the underworld lived on these horns. So where did the owner of the horns come from? In what era did the owner of the horns exist?

This discovery confused Xu Ying in his first life, and also filled Xu Ying in his current life with confusion.

The deeper he understood the history of the ancient era, the more he discovered that the ancient era was filled with more and more fog.

In the first life, Xu Ying put the confusion in his heart and sat on the edge of the jade platform, comprehending the ancient imprint that wandered between heaven and earth. Xu Ying also put aside his confusion for the time being and absorbed the various insights that suddenly came to his mind.

These understandings are about the way of gods. They are the summary of the way of gods by the supreme being who ruled the underworld in ancient times!

Although, for him as a human being, all the insights into the way of the gods may not be useful, but for his soul, these insights have contributed to his understanding and improvement of the soul.

From now on, when he cultivates his soul, he will definitely get twice the result with half the effort!

It's here that I figured out the refining method of the Twelve-Layer Tower.

Xu Ying said silently in his heart, After leaving here, I refined the twelve-layered tower and placed it on the other side of the Underworld Sea. Then, I returned this clear oil lamp to Emperor Beiyin. From then on, Emperor Beiyin's spirit recovery……

This kind of fate is really wonderful.

Wan Shen Leiji and Beidi fought until they were under two horns.

Wan Shen Lei Si has the word Wan, which means that there are as many as ten thousand immortal souls. These immortal souls are like primitive gods, towering and tall, with unparalleled divine power.

Beidi raised Fengdu Mountain and pressed it down. The gods and spirits of Wan Shen Lei Si came out of their bodies and stood in the void. They were shouting and shouting. They raised their hands to hold up Fengdu Mountain. They saw that Fengdu Mountain was blocked and could not fall. Get down!

At the same time, Beidi had revealed his true form. He was no longer an old man, but a standing emperor with a purple gold crown on his head and a shrine formed by the people's beliefs.

His divine power formed a blue cloud behind him, and floating in the cloud was the Yintian Palace of Zhou Jue. In the Yintian Palace, thousands of gods stood tall, including ghosts and gods from the underworld, standing among the clouds and mist.

These ghosts and gods are incomparably powerful emperors or ascended Qi masters from all over the world. After death, they enter the underworld and serve as officials in Zhou Jue Yin Heavenly Palace. They enjoy the incense of the human world. Each of them has powerful divine power!

The system of Zhou Jueyin's Heavenly Palace is perfect. In the Heavenly Palace, ghosts and gods perform their respective duties, including Taifu, Yushi, Left and Right Prisoners, Prime Minister, Right Commander, Zhongduhu, three officials, Dujinlang, Shuiguan, and Shidichen. , Zhonglang Deacon, Dajinchen, Zhongjinchen, Zhigailang, North and South Danfanghou, Tianmen Pavilion Chief, South Gate Pavilion Chief, Ximen Dujinlang, Ghost Official, etc.

There are countless civil servants and military generals who manage the affairs of the heavenly palace and the underworld!

During the heyday of Fengdu, all the heavens and the underworld were managed by the six heavenly palaces!

The strength of these ghosts and gods is also extraordinary. They stand in the Yintian Palace, with the power of all gods blessing Beidi.

Beidi's golden body was vast, and he placed a palm print on Fengdu Mountain. His divine power exploded, and he immediately suppressed the gods and spirits of the Ten Thousand Gods and Lei Division, making them unable to hold on. They all groaned.

Thousands of immortals were crushed and fell like raindrops, falling into the ancient sea of ​​underworld.

King Su Xian stepped forward and praised: You are indeed a wild god who has enjoyed incense in the underworld for a long time. He has come back from the dead and has such magical power, which is admirable. In your heyday, your strength must be higher than mine! But fortunately, I am I came prepared and borrowed a magic weapon for you!

Behind him, a fairy sword soared into the sky. The sword light illuminated half of the underworld in an instant, and it stabbed towards Beidi like lightning.

King Su Xian smiled and said: Bei Yin, do you still recognize this sword?

The expression on Beidi's golden body changed suddenly. This fairy sword was the sword that killed him back then!

King Su Xian was not the one who killed him. The person who killed him was named Jinhe Sword Lord. He was a master of swordsmanship. He had practiced to an extremely high level and was stronger than King Su Xian.

This fairy sword is the Jinhe Sword of Jinhe Sword Master. The sword was taken away by the Sword Master after he killed Beidi, but the sword brand was still inserted into the chest of Beidi's golden body.

If not for the promised fairy water from Yaochi, Beidi would not be able to resurrect and break the mark of the Golden River Sword.

But what Beidi broke last time was, after all, just the mark of the Golden River Sword. Now that he saw the true body of the Golden River Sword, he felt his heart stop, as if he had been stabbed by the sword again.

He made a prompt decision and immediately offered sacrifices to Fengdu Mountain. He saw that the sacred mountain was getting smaller and smaller, like a three-foot-square black iron seal.


Fengdu Mountain faced the impending Golden River Sword. The moment the mountain and the sword collided, the sky was filled with sword shadows, like a raging golden river, washing away at Fengdu Mountain.

Beidi's physical body was also shrinking rapidly, avoiding the impact of the sword shadow Jinhe.

Facing this sword, He could only hold on.

Su Jingyan laughed loudly. He did not do it himself, but only wielded the sword. He smiled and said: I have heard for a long time that the Northern Emperor's soul is vast, so I came here to learn from it!

At the same time, the immortals of Wanshen Leisi set up the Wanshen Jiuxiao Formation, blocking the surrounding space layer by layer, and set up the Jiuxiao Dojo, not giving Beidi a chance to escape!

But in the sky, the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder struck at Beidi one after another, breaking his golden body, cutting off his soul, and damaging his divine power.

Su Jingyan's cultivation strength was not weaker than that of Beidi. He controlled the Golden River Sword outside the formation, and coupled with the formation of the gods, he immediately suppressed Beidi.

In just a short moment, Beidi had dozens of wounds on his body.

He fought hard and tried to escape from the Jiuxiao Dojo, but there was still a great formation of the Nine Heavens of the Ten Thousand Gods outside. The Taoist power of the immortals condensed to form a Taoist chain, which was much more powerful than Immortal Kings like Su Jingyan, forcing him back time and time again. !

Xu Ying sat still. In front of him and behind him, the five princes of the palace were sitting in the void, but they were restless and looked down one after another.

The Lord of Shengqi Mansion said: If this continues, it will be bad for my eldest brother. I am afraid that the tragic situation of dying in the battle will happen again.

Lord Si Jinfu frowned and said, Su Jingyan's cultivation is so advanced. If we kill him, we may not be able to win.

The Lord of Siming Mansion said: Besides, Su Jingyan is enveloped in fairy light, the fairy world is open, and even the Heavenly Palace of the Ten Thousand Gods Lei Si hangs above. There will be support from the Lei Department at any time. If we go up, we will die.

Mr. Shengxingfu laughed and said: We escaped once back then, and if we escape again, it will be nothing.

The Lord of the Zonglu Mansion said: Besides, there is also someone named Xu. My eldest brother always accumulates good karma, and the person named Xu will definitely not ignore death.

The princes fell silent and looked at Xu Ying eagerly.

Xu Ying sat on the jade platform, gradually entering a mysterious state, turning a deaf ear to everything outside.

The five princes frowned.

Below, the sword light was fierce. Although the Lord of the Jinhe Sword was not here, the power of the Jinhe Sword was getting stronger and stronger. He almost killed Beidi with his sword several times!

While resisting the Jinhe Sword, Beidi fought his way out of the Jiuxiao Dojo and forced his way into the Ten Thousand Gods Formation. Just as he was about to break out of the formation, Su Jingyan suddenly slapped him from outside the formation.

Beidi wanted to fight against the large formation on one hand and the Golden River Sword on the other. He endured his palm forcefully and was shocked to the point where his eyes, ears, mouth and nose were bleeding, and he retreated into the formation.

In his Zhou Jue Yin Tian Palace, all the Yin gods also vomited blood and became exhausted.

I'm not like Jinhe Sword Lord, who cuts the grass without eradicating the roots, so he was not liked by his superiors and was demoted to Wei Xu. I like to cut the grass and root out the roots, so that I can gain a firm foothold in the fairy world!

Su Jingyan said leisurely, Beiyin, this time I will refine you to death. I will use your body to claim credit from the Heavenly Lord!

Seeing this, Mr. Zong Lufu frowned and said: Last time, if the eldest brother didn't die in front of me, I could bear it, but if the eldest brother dies in front of me this time, I can't bear it! I'll go first!

He roared out of the void and headed straight for the gods below.

Lord Shengqi Mansion said: Last time it was Jinhe Sword Lord who came to kill the eldest brother. We are no match for Jinhe Sword Lord, but Su Jingyan, what are we afraid of?

He also rushed out of the void and went to the rescue.

Lord Si Mingfu rushed out of the void and said with a smile: In the past, my eldest brother always protected us from disasters. This time it is my turn to protect him from disasters!

Lord Si Jinfu and Lord Shengxingfu also rushed out. Lord Shengxingfu said with a smile: If you all die and I am the only one left, I will not be happy even if I sit on the throne of Beidi!

That's what I said!

The other four princes laughed and said, If you become the Northern Emperor, our brothers will be the Eastern Emperor, the Western Emperor, the Southern Emperor, and the Central Emperor!

The Lord of Shengqi Mansion offered sacrifices to Taisha Shizong Heavenly Palace, the Lord of Shengxing Mansion offered sacrifices to Mingchen Naiguo Wucheng Heavenly Palace, Si Jin offered sacrifices to Tianzhao Sinful Qi Heavenly Palace, Death Life offered sacrifices to Zongling Qifei Heavenly Palace, and Zonglu offered sacrifices to Dare Silian Wan visited the Heavenly Palace.

The scale of the five heavenly palaces is no less than that of Zhou Jue Yin Palace. There are many gods and the incense is flourishing. Under the leadership of the five great palace lords, they attack the formation of the gods and fight against the immortals!

Lord Shengqi Mansion reached out to grab it, and saw dozens of immortals suddenly cut off their vitality and died unexpectedly, but their physical bodies and souls were still lifelike.

Master Shengxing Mansion slapped it away with a palm. Wherever the wind passed by, the flesh and blood of the immortal statue rotted away, and the bones and flesh melted away. In an instant, only the spirit remained.

Lord Si Jinfu waved a flag of all diseases, and the banner was swaggering, and hundreds of immortals suddenly became sick. Lord Si Mingfu held up chains one after another, locking people's souls, directly pulling out the souls from the soul, and taking people's lives. .

Lord Zong Lufu governs all living beings, wearing an official hat, holding a pen as big as a rafter in one hand, and the book of life and death in the other hand, looking at the immortals one after another, laughing and saying: You immortals, have you jumped out of my book of life and death? How dare you call yourself an immortal without jumping out?

He moved his pen like flying, ticking out the names of the immortals illuminated in the book one after another!

As long as someone's name is ticked off, he will die immediately!

Each of the five masters had their own strengths, and the Nine Heavens Formation of All Gods was in chaos for a while.

The five princes of the palace entered the siege, and Lord Shengqi shouted: Brother, the person named Xu is unreliable, but your own brother is reliable! After your death, the position of Beidi will be passed on to me. After you die, I will be the eldest brother!

Beidi had a dark face. Although he was rescued by them, he didn't seem happy.

Su Jingyan finally took action, taking charge of the formation of Ten Thousand Gods Leisi, leading his troops to surround the six masters of the palace, and sneered: I'll send you six brothers on the road together today!

He personally presided over the formation, and the Jiuxiao Dojo blessed him. Su Jingyan existed like an emperor, Yuanjun. He came to kill with a sacrificial sword. In just a short moment, his arms were cut off due to his energy, and his head was cut off due to his physical form. Si Jin's legs were cut off at knee level. The chain of life is gone, and a large sum of money has been cut off!

Almost all of the six heavenly palaces were destroyed and turned into ruins. The gods had no choice but to float behind the heads of the six palaces.

The six palace princes looked pale, and Lord Shengqi sighed and muttered: I just said that we should preserve our strength...

At this moment, a light suddenly shone from the sky, shining on the six mansion princes.

Su Jingyan looked up and saw a small figure standing between the two horns.

Behind that tiny figure, divine light suddenly appeared, and huge gods shone brightly. They slowly straightened up from the darkness, and their divine bodies stood between two horns.

Xuanming Palace, King Qin Guang! A god wearing an emperor's crown buzzed in a low voice.

Another majestic god bowed and said: Puming Palace, King of Chujiang!

Zhou Jue Palace, Emperor Song!

Taihe Palace, King of Five Senses!

Jiulun Palace, King Yama!

Mingchen Palace, King Bian Cheng!

Shenhua Palace, King Taishan!

Bizhen Palace, City King!

Qifei Palace, King of Pingren!

Suying Palace, King Chakravartin!

The ten major gods said in unison: Thank you, fellow Taoist, for your help in waking us up!

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