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Chapter 404 Farewell to Childhood

It's just that the real person is in the state of self-destruction. How can he be cut on the back?

The two god kings were quite puzzled when they saw the bloody mess on his back.

They are also well-informed beings. During the Battle of Tianlu, they saw many immortals from the lower realms encircling and suppressing Xu Ying, but none of them needed to kill themselves on their backs like Master Yuhu.

Master Yuhu saw the look in their eyes, and then he remembered his own embarrassment, but he didn't have any extra clothes in the Xiyi Domain. The situation was urgent at that time, and he could only clear out all kinds of treasures in his Xiyi Domain in order to escape from King Kong Zhuo's swallowing.

He briefly thought about it, and there were clothes that could cover his body. But after all, they were not real clothes. If you saw through his thoughts, you would find that he was actually wearing nothing.

I was plotted against me this time, so I was wronged.

Master Yuhu was calm and said to the two god-kings, I originally planned to go down to the lower world, first get my magic weapon in the mortal world, then go to the underworld to settle a grudge, and then complete what Yuan Jun entrusted me with. I didn't expect that I stumbled here. .Xu Ying was the one who opened up the cave in the fairy world. This person got the news from nowhere and set up an ambush to plot against me. I was not paying attention and was injured by the snake demon's bracelet and a bird demon holding two swords. .”

Xuankong and Xuantian looked at each other in surprise.

Xuan Tian said: How could Xu Ying know the real person's movements? Is there a ghost in the immortal world?

Master Yuhu felt awe-inspiring in his heart and said: Nowadays, the fairy world seems to be peaceful, but in fact it is turbulent and unstable. It is indeed not peaceful. Many people want to take advantage of the arrival of the tide of the Three Realms to cause trouble. The forces from all sides are ready to move, and it is difficult to guarantee that some forces will make mischief. I secretly informed Xu Ying to set up an ambush to harm me.

In his opinion, he did seem to be ambushed.

Xu Ying first used the water-fire Huntian Cauldron and other heavy treasures to lure him here. When he relaxed his vigilance, he asked the big snake to sacrifice the silver bracelet, and then ambush the backhand, allowing the extremely fast bird to chop him down.

What's more important is that Xu Ying also shouted a sacrifice trap!

It can be seen that there are indeed people who do not want him to return to the fairy world alive!

The struggle between the immortal world is relatively calm, but when it comes to the lower world, the struggle is life and death!

Master Yuhu said, Two fellow Taoists, we must not take it lightly.

Xuantian and Xuankong bowed in awe, and each stepped forward to present their treasures. Xuantian knew that he liked women, so he brought a dozen young women with him this time.

Master Yuhu waved his hand and said: Although I like women, I pay attention to the mutual love between two people, so I can't force it.

Divine King Xuantian smiled apologetically and said: After making love, don't two people feel happy with each other? If they don't, just let them leave.

Master Yuhu suddenly realized and said with a smile: That's true.

Among the filial treasures of the two god kings are fragrant chariots and dragon horses. The beautiful lady is beside them, serving them tenderly, and they are really carefree. Master Yuhu sighed: Where in the immortal world can there be such a happy life?

He selected a few pieces of clothing from the treasures presented by the two god kings and asked the girls to put them on, which was more respectable.

These girls are all young women selected by the mortal kingdom to pay tribute to the God King. They are all proficient in music, chess, calligraphy and painting, and their witty words make Master Yuhu very happy.

Master Yuhu saw that Xuankong's appearance was not as good as before, so he inquired carefully. Xuankong told the story about the incident at Mount Xumi, but only concealed the fact that he indulged his disciple Zixi to become a fisherman.

Master Yuhu thought: Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Extermination Immortal Formation? The emperor has figured out such a powerful formation over the years, and it is really amazing that Bai Yuchuan can compete with you. Xu Ying and Bai Yuchuan joined forces to destroy Mount Sumeru. You have a family and cannot return. Xu Ying got the Water and Fire Cauldron, Bai Yuchuan got the Sumeru Mountain, but we suffered heavy losses. Could it be that the emperor was secretly instigating it and wanted to annex Yuan Jun's territory in the mortal world?

Xuankong was worried and said: Master, you are now in the ascension stage. You must be careful in the mortal world.

Master Yuhu chuckled and said: My Hutian Zhengdao Sutra is extraordinary and has the ability to store the great ways of heaven and earth. This time when I went down to the next world, I cut off my immortal realm and put it into the jade bottle. Come down. After I arrive in the mortal world, I will take the Yuhu Dojo back, so that I can restore the realm of immortality.

The two god kings were shocked and admired him greatly.

Since ancient times, in the lower realm of immortals, except for those orthodox forces in the immortal world, only those with the permission of the immortal court can rely on the secret transmission of the immortal court to bring their cultivation to the lower realm.

Other factions, no matter how strong their cultivation is, cannot leave the fairy world with their cultivation!

Master Yuhu's Taoism can actually break through this limitation. It's so powerful!

At this time, a fairy light flashed in the sky, and Master Yuhu was shocked: There is a fairy descending to the lower world!

He glanced at Xuantian Xuankong, and the three of them immediately followed him.

The two great god kings, Xuantian and Xuankong, are proficient in the way of heaven and are good at concealing their bodies and integrating their bodies with the sky. Yuhuzhenren is the founder of the Hutian Zhengdao Sutra, and his use of the art of space has reached the ultimate level. The car and the beautiful woman are hidden so that outsiders cannot detect them.

The three of them chased after each other without disturbing the immortal light at all.

Not long after, the fairy light paused and joined several other people.

God King Xuankong said in surprise: It's Young Master Yuchuan!

God King Xuantian showed a fierce look in his eyes and said solemnly: There are also new gods Xuanxing and Xuanchen who have taken away our divine power!

Master Yuhu raised his eyebrows slightly and said: The immortal from the lower realm is the disciple of the emperor. His surname is Wu, his name is Sansi, and his nickname is Sansi Immortal. Hey, why is this Sansi Immortal here? I was arrested not long ago. They appeared here after promising to attack, and the emperor may really want to kill someone with a borrowed knife!

Divine King Xuantian asked doubtfully: Wu Sansi is not in the realm of self-destruction?

Master Yuhu showed a fierce look in his eyes and sneered: He is not an orthodox member of the Immortal Court, so it is impossible for him to obtain the secret knowledge of the lower world. This person is a descendant of the lower world, and has once again overcome the tribulation and become an immortal on earth!

The two god kings were stunned and then woke up. Xuankong lost his voice and said: The world of Heavenly Dao is nominally under the control of the Lei Department, but in fact it has already fallen into the control of the emperor. The emperor changed the cage for birds, and the Department of Thunder and Fire Industry had long been replaced by his people. After Wu Sansi went down to the world, in the mortal world After overcoming the tribulation, the gods of heaven released water and made him become an immortal on earth. Wouldn't his realm be restored?

Xuantian sneered and said: The gods of heaven are corrupt and pervert the law. They cannot act according to the law of heaven at all. It's disgusting!

Young Master Yuchuan and others met Wu Sansi. Suddenly King Xuanxing raised a large flag, and the flag shook slightly. By the time the flag moved away, Young Master Yuchuan and others were gone.

The big flag also gradually faded and disappeared without a trace.

Master Yuhu glanced around and suddenly realized: The underworld! They went to the underworld!

The two god kings, Xuan Kong and Xuantian, were also filled with murderous intent, and said in a deep voice: Let's go too!

These two god kings were even more powerful. With the jade pot in their hands, the real body suddenly sank, and also sank into the underworld, disappearing without a trace.

After Xu Ying said goodbye to Guo Xiaodie, he went to Haojing again to meet Emperor Zhou. Emperor Zhou was not as gloomy as before, and became much more cheerful. He said with a smile: I haven't seen you for seven years. The immortal immortal is still the same as before, and has not changed at all.

He is already an immortal on earth, a real immortal. He has made good friends with many immortal sects. He uses the immortal light and immortal energy drawn from these sects' immortal weapons to practice, and takes the immortal medicine. His cultivation level has improved rapidly, and he is much stronger than before.

Xu Ying smiled and said: If I give you the ancestral method, will you abandon the immortal realm and practice from scratch?

Emperor Zhou laughed loudly: My purpose in practicing Nuo is to become an immortal. Now that I have become an immortal, what's the use of stepping into the door?

Xu Ying did not stay in Haojing and left.

Emperor Zhou did not try to keep him, and ordered Jiang Qi to send him off on his behalf.

Jiang Qi sent Xu Ying away from Haojing and said, Master Xu came to Haojing this time, isn't it just to see His Majesty?

Xu Ying smiled and said, I'm here to say goodbye to Yuanshou World. I'm afraid I won't be able to come back many times. No matter whether you are friends or foes, we are all old friends.

An Qi asked doubtfully: Ah Ying, why don't you pass on the ancestral law to other people in Hao Jing?

Jiang Qi smiled and said, In order to protect us, Mr. Xu does not pass on the ancestral law.

An Qi thought for a while, suddenly realized, and said with a smile: The Emperor of Zhou will not allow you to learn the Six Secrets of the Ancestral Method. He does not want someone in Haojing whose strength threatens his rule. If A Ying passes it on, it will harm you! right?

Jiang Qi's expression remained as usual, noncommittal.

Xu Ying asked: I have been looking for Zulong these days, but I have never found him. Where is he?

Ancestral Dragon? We haven't seen him for a long time. But a year ago, someone was on the top of Yuanshuitai Mountain to survive the tribulation, and the tribulation cloud enveloped two thousand miles.

Jiang Qidao said, I went to Mount Tai to see. There are traces of the catastrophe around Mount Tai. There are fragments of twelve golden figures on the top of Mount Tai, as well as fragments of shrines and nine tripods. I picked up some fragments there.

Xu Ying was stunned: You mean, the person who overcomes the tribulation is the ancestral dragon?

Jiang Qi said: It should be him.

Xu Ying asked: Did Zulong successfully overcome the tribulation?

Jiang Qi hesitated, shook his head and said: I don't know whether he will succeed. According to Zulong's plan, he should connect his Taoist image with the entire Yuanshui world, mobilize the heaven and earth avenues of Yuanshui world, kidnap all living beings, and face the catastrophe. . But, he didn’t do that. He just relied on his own way to survive the calamity on Mount Taishan.”

He paused and continued: Logically speaking, without kidnapping sentient beings and without mobilizing the great avenue of heaven and earth in the Yuanshou world, he would never be able to survive that super catastrophe. But on the top of Mount Tai, I happened to find a soaring ray of light. . In addition, there is this thing. Does Mr. Xu recognize what this thing is made of?

He took out a piece of magic weapon fragment. This magic weapon fragment was very large, like a crescent moon with a height of more than twenty feet. The crescent moon was covered with rune marks.

Xu Ying looked up and looked at it, and said in surprise: Is this a magic weapon in the form of the ancestral cave?

Jiang Qi smiled and said: It's exactly what I guessed. I picked up this fragment on the top of Mount Tai. When I saw the fragment, I thought about the twelve golden people floating around when Zulong was going through the tribulation here. Jiuding constructs the land of China, and his Taoist images form the shape of the entire Yuanshou world, competing with the heavenly calamity. Behind him, there should be bright mechanical caves floating in the sky.

This scene on the top of Mount Tai must be extremely spectacular.

It's a pity that I didn't see this scene. I don't know whether the ancestor dragon survived the catastrophe or ascended.

Jiang Qidao, It's just that I haven't heard anything from him for more than a year since then.

Xu Ying bowed slightly, Jiang Qi bowed in return and watched him go away.

Xu Ying took Jian Qi and others to Wuwu Mountain, and saw that the place was extremely evil. His two apprentices, Niu Zhenniu Gan, had become famous demon kings nearby. Xiong Qianli is also here and is the sworn brother of Xian Qi.

If Little Tianzun knew that he had two junior brothers, I wonder what he would think? Xu Ying thought to himself.

He revisited his old place and felt a lot in his heart.

Xu Ying asked Niu Zhenniu to work for a few days, then left Wuwu Mountain alone and returned to Lingling City to travel around.

He found Jiangjiatian Village and found that the village had undergone major changes. Since the invasion of the underworld and the geographical changes, Jiangjiatian Village had also experienced great changes, and the people in the village had become much older.

Are you...A Ying?

A woman in her forties recognized him. She was surprised and happy, and laughed so hard that tears came to her eyes.

Why are you back? the woman smiled.

Xu Ying recognized her. She was the daughter of Jiang Lu's uncle, the bride dedicated to Jiang's family god by a member of the Communist Party of China.

Xu Ying stepped forward and listened to her tell the story of what happened after he left over the years. After a long time, he said goodbye and left.

Xu Ying returned to Wuwu Mountain. Suddenly, the clothes behind him spread out and enveloped the sky. The place covered by his clothes, the sun and moon disappeared, and the great road suddenly changed, turning from the Yang world into the underworld.

Anhui Qi, Jin Buyi and others' eyes were blurred. When they opened their eyes, they saw that Wuwu Mountain had also fallen into the underworld.

Xu Ying said in a deep voice: Master Qi, Master Zhong, let's go to Wangxiang Terrace!

In Wangxiang Taichung, the sky was strangely distorted, and there were explosions everywhere on the sky. In the huge cracks, the fragments of the fairy weapon solidified, as if time and space had also solidified.

Master Yuchuan and others quickly came to the depths of Wangxiang Terrace. Wu Sansi said: Master, the Emperor's Purple Netherworld Sword should be nearby. Have you sensed it?

Bai Yuchuan sensed with his heart, but he only felt that there were all kinds of ancient and terrifying thoughts in Wangxiang Taichung, which disturbed his consciousness and made it difficult to sense anything. He immediately shook his head and said: Why is the emperor putting this treasure here?

Wangxiangtai was so terrifying that even he felt extremely dangerous.

Wu Sansi shook his head and said: I don't know either. When I went down to the lower realm this time, the emperor just said that it would be best to make the lower realm more chaotic and asked me to assist the young master in taking out this fairy weapon.

The two great god-kings, Yuhu Zhenren and Xuankong Xuantian, followed them quietly, monitoring their every move.

Behind them, Xu Ying noticed the abnormality in the underworld, and immediately noticed the two god kings, and his heart suddenly thought: God King Xuankong's ability is far superior to mine, what are you doing sneakily? The one next to Xuankong Who is the God King? He should also be a God King, and his strength may not be weaker than Xuan Kong... Wait a minute!

His expression changed slightly, and he immediately activated the Hutian Zhengdao Sutra to cover himself, Jian Qi, Jin Buyi and others, hiding them in the void.

At this time, Master Yuhu's sharp eyes swept across the sky, sweeping across them brightly, but he did not notice Xu Ying and others.

Although he is the founder of the Hutian Zhengdao Sutra, Xu Ying has surpassed him in his understanding of the Hutian Zhengdao Sutra.

Xu Ying followed them and gradually went deeper into Wangxiang Terrace. Suddenly, he sensed a strange aura.

Wangxiang Taichung, there is the ancient avenue of heaven and earth! Wait a minute, this sword energy...

His face changed slightly, and he felt as if his whole body was about to burst, and he couldn't help but shudder.

He sensed that there was a peerless magic sword in front of him, the peerless magic sword that had killed him physically and cut off his realms one by one!

————Thank you to the leader, Ink Paper for the reward, thank you boss! ! Asking for a monthly ticket at the beginning of the month~~

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