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Chapter 403 Visiting an Old Friend

That Golden Crow was Jin Buyi. After Yuhuren came to Yunmengze, it also left Yunmengze and rushed to Jiuyi Mountain. Master Yuhu came to Jiuyi one step ahead of him, and he was behind. When he heard that Master Yuhu wanted to assassinate Xu Ying, he immediately became angry and without any explanation, he drew his knife and chopped.

If Master Yuhu hadn't escaped quickly, he would have been chopped into pieces.

When the old bird saw Yuhu Zhenren jump into the void and disappear, he put away his sword, flew up Jiuyi Mountain, landed in front of Xu Ying, and said happily: The little master is back! After saying that, his eyes were burning, and he wanted to Wipe away tears.

Xu Ying was also surprised and happy, and quickly comforted it and said with a smile: Jin Buyi, when I came back this time, I planned to look for you in the sun, but you came out unexpectedly.

Jin Buyi said: I was afraid of dragging you down again. I have been practicing hard these days. I didn't come to you until I felt that my memory was better. Who are they?

He looked at An Qi, Fool Afu and others with great interest, waiting for Xu Ying's introduction.

An Qi rescued the big bell from the jade pot and felt something bad after hearing this.

Xu Ying hesitated and said: He is Gan Qi, this is Fool Ah Fu, and she is Feng Xian'er. And the big clock, have you forgotten it?

Of course I remember! Jin Buyi laughed loudly, but he felt a little guilty.

Xu Ying was suspicious when he saw a small golden crow soul emerging from the back of the big bird's head. It was holding a pen and paper in its claws and was recording something very seriously.

Xu Ying quietly activated his Heavenly Eye to look, and saw that Jin Buyi's Yuan Shen had drawn the images of Gong Qi, Fool A'fu, Feng Xian'er and Da Zhong on the paper, and solemnly wrote their names beside them. Name, lest I forget it.

And in his little notebook, there are many names and portraits of people.

Obviously, his forgetfulness problem has not been improved much.

Xu Ying was both amused and touched, so he did not expose him.

Have you cultivated your soul? I have the ancestral method of Nuo here, and I plan to pass it on to you. Xu Ying felt a little regretful.

Jin Buyi smiled and said: You just pass it on to me. I am so strong and my memory is much better. Maybe I can open it up.

He is already an adult ancient beast with unfathomable strength. Qi refining is the icing on the cake for him, but it can greatly extend his lifespan.

If he could continue to practice the ancestral techniques in Nuo, his lifespan would definitely be greatly increased.

I just want to teach the church money, but I'm afraid it will be a little troublesome.

Gong Qi, Fool Afu and others looked at Xu Ying with sympathetic faces. They could already predict Xu Ying's miserable life in the future. Most of them would become furious after being taught.

It's strange. Master Yuhu went down to the lower realm and said he came to target me, and he wanted to arrest the person who opened up the cave in the fairy world. That Mr. Yuchuan also wanted to arrest me, and he also wanted to arrest the man who opened up the cave in the fairy world. Aren't they? Together?

Xu Ying thought about it, these should be two groups of people.

He told the fool Afu about his experiences during this period, from the invasion of the demonic realm in the early Yuan Dynasty, to the resurrection of heaven and earth in the Land of Dao Qi, and then to the revival of the Great Dao in Lihentian. Then he talked about the Mount Sumeru incident and what he had seen in the Yuan Zheng world, and finally the nearest Yuxu Palace in Kunlun. He told the story exactly, and then looked at the fool Afu with bright eyes.

There are at least four immortal forces secretly competing here.

The fool Afu thought, One of these four forces is the orthodox force in the immortal world. It should be the Heavenly Lord of the Lei Department and belongs to the orthodox force. The other three forces are the emperor force represented by Mr. Yuchuan and the other force represented by Yuhu Zhenren. And the fourth force represented by Wei Xu. In addition, there may be fifth and sixth forces, such as the forces that secretly awakened the great road of heaven and earth in ancient times, such as the forces represented by Xuankong God King. But it is more likely The thing is, these forces overlap.

Xu Ying said: Then, whose power was Ah Fu back then?

The fool Afu glanced at him and said: I promoted the invasion of the underworld, so I should belong to the faction of Yuhuzhenren. The power behind Yuhuzhenren should be related to the fall of the four emperors of the underworld, and those abyss monitors also obeyed Master Yuhu’s dispatch.”

Xu Ying said with a smile: If you want to join Yuhu Zhenren's gang, others may not like you.

The fool Ah Fu was so angry that his mind was filled with light, and he stammered: Master Yuhu just caught me off guard. If I knew about his lower realm, I would definitely plot him to death and would not allow him a chance to escape!

Xu Ying stopped irritating him and said with a smile: You are good at using all available power. Are you interested in going out to help me and the ancestral court?

The fool Ah Fu said: My heart is dead...

Xu Ying smiled and said: Nonsense. It's obviously your brain that died.

The idiot Ah Fu stood up and left with a dark face. Xu Ying quickly said: Hey, I haven't finished speaking yet, why did you leave?

An Qi whispered: Ah Ying, do you feel that his self-esteem has been hurt by you?

Xu Ying said leisurely: Of course I know. In the past, his heart was so depressed that he had no self-esteem or self-love. Now he has self-esteem and knows how to love himself, which means that he has survived. A serious illness requires strong medicine. If I give this strong medicine, he will You will definitely be alive and kicking to help me!”

An Qi expressed disbelief.

At this time, the sound of the big bell came: Ah Ying, what should I do with these immortal weapons belonging to Master Yu Hu?

When Xu Ying walked up to him, Dazhong and Jin Buyi were sorting the things dropped by Master Yuhu. Master Yuhu was armed to the teeth during this trip. He was wearing many large and small fairy weapons and immortal weapons. There are as many as four to five hundred pieces!

This real person is the Immortal King of the Immortal Realm, with powerful magical powers, extraordinary supernatural powers, and amazing financial resources.

Xu Ying casually picked up a jade pendant, examined it, and couldn't help but frown. Yuhuzhenren is proficient in space Taoism and is the founder of the Hutian Zhengdao Sutra. He hides his own imprint deep in this magic weapon, making it difficult to find it and refine it.

It is extremely difficult to master these immortal weapons.

These magic weapons need to be suppressed by Gan Qi's Vajra at all times to prevent them from escaping.

Mother of Insects, I will leave these immortal weapons to you.

Xu Ying gave an order, and the insect mother on his shoulder flew out. With a shake of his body, thousands of fairy insects flew out, pounced on the fairy weapons and bit them. It didn't take long for them to eat up most of the fairy weapons, leaving only Two jade pots.

These two immortal pots are treasures carefully refined by the real person Yu Hu. One of them is of excellent quality, while the other is of inferior quality.

The power of the jade pot is extraordinary. After the sacrifice, even the rare treasures refined by Xu Ying's four great realms were collected. Of these four great rare treasures, three were heavy treasures refined by the Immortal King, and one was the supreme treasure of heaven, which could be refined. Even if the stars swallow up all things, they cannot escape the capture of the jade pot.

Xu Ying is very attracted to the jade pot. Although the jade pot is not as good as the jade pot, there are things that the vajra pot cannot take away, but the jade pot can take everything.

What's more important is that Yuhu doesn't have such a big cause and effect. Just kill the real Yuhu to end the cause and effect.

The cause and effect of King Kong Zhuo is too heavy, although it is enviable, but his life is at risk at any time.

Xu Ying is also proficient in the Hutian Zhengdao Sutra, and even has some insights. Yuhu Zhenren is not as good as him, but it is too difficult to find the place where Yuhu Zhenren hides his brand.

At this time, the fool Afu came over and said: Leave the jade pot to me for refining. I am sure that I can find all the imprints of the real Yuhu hidden in this treasure.

Xu Ying threw the jade pot to him and said with a smile: Didn't you sacrifice this treasure in the past? Why was it still taken away by the real man Jade Pot?

The fool Ah Fu said: In the past, I didn't use my heart to make sacrifices. I just gave it to Feng Xian'er to refine, but now I take it seriously.

He exuded a different kind of brilliance and his eyes were bright.

Xu Ying played with the jade pot with a slightly inferior texture and said with a smile: I'm very happy that you can regain your strength. Yuanzai is too small and is not a place where you can display your talents. Ah Fu, you should go to a wider place. Use your talents!

The fool Ah Fu activated the four-character inscription on the prison cell, trapped the jade pot, and said: Don't worry, I will go to the ancestral court.

Xu Ying smiled slightly, called Dazhong, Jin Buyi and Gan Qi, and said, I will leave Yuanshou after I go to see a few old friends. I hope to see you in the ancestral court.

The fool Ah Fu watched him go away and said to Feng Xian'er: Pack up, let's get ready to leave.

Feng Xian'er exclaimed in shock: Where to go? This is Jiuyi Sect, our sect!

The fool Ah Fu said: We are going to the Ancestral Court, which is called the Demon Realm. If you are willing, you can go to sea with me. I have been there. If you are reluctant to leave the Jiuyi Sect, then stay.

Feng Xian'er hesitated and said, Wait for me!

She returned to the palace in the sacred sycamore tree, tidied up, and summoned a golden-winged roc. She gave the headmaster's token to each other and said: From today on, you are the headmaster of the Jiuyi Sect!

The golden-winged roc was a foreign species whose ancient bloodline was awakened by Feng Xian'er. It was born powerful and practiced with Feng Xian'er. Hearing this, he couldn't help but be shocked.

Our technique is called Hutian Zhengdao Jing and Tianyao Jingshi Jue. I have placed them in the palace. You can practice them by yourself. Don't make mistakes!

Feng Xian'er happily flew down from the sycamore tree and said to the fool Afu: Ready, let's go!

The fool Ah Fu looked at the barren grave under the sycamore tree, put a few sticks of incense on the grave, and whispered: I can no longer accompany my fellow Taoist...

He turned around and left hand in hand with Feng Xianer.

Xu Ying came to Jiucailing, the nearest place in Jiulong Mountain, and chatted with Xue Ying'an, exchanging Taoist and magical powers. When talking about their experiences back then, both of them felt a little sad.

Although Xue Ying'an is the leader of Jiulong Mountain, his cultivation is not as good as those of the great sects that have been passed down for a long time. He has practiced hard over the years, but he is still not a top expert.

The legacy left by Li Xiaoke has been unable to keep up with this era.

But the big bell quietly found Xue Ying'an and said, I practiced with A Ying and secretly wrote down a lot of things, which are imprinted on the wall of my bell. You should seize the opportunity to copy them quickly.

Xue Ying'an was inexplicably moved and said: Uncle Zhong, I...

The big bell said: If you are asked to copy it, do it quickly!

Xue Ying'an suppressed the emotion in his heart and hurriedly copied down the various immortal runes and heavenly runes on the wall of the bell. Some of them were the runes copied by the bell from the ancestral court, which he also copied.

Dazhong knew that Li Xiaoke's inheritance was not as good as others. Although it was an imitation treasure refined by Li Xiaoke, he felt towards Xue Ying'an like a master towards his apprentice, so he was determined to fulfill him.

On the day Xu Ying left, Xu Ying gave Xue Ying'an the Six Secrets of the Ancestral Dharma that he had copied, and said with a smile: Stay, Fellow Daoist Xue. I will see you again in the future when I have the opportunity.

An Qi flew into the air and carried him to the Golden Summit of Emei.

Seeing his arrival, Yankong City quickly removed Emei's mountain-protecting fairy weapon. He was worried that the immortals in Emei in the fairy world would allow the fairy weapon to hurt him if they knew Xu Ying came here, so he took the risk to remove the fairy weapon.

Xu Ying went up the mountain, Yankong City was eager to try, and said with a smile: Fellow Daoist Xu, we were equally matched back then. We haven't seen each other in these years, why don't we show off again?

Xu Ying smiled slightly: Okay!

Behind him, a treasure of the three immortal kings and a treasure of heaven appeared, and two caves descended from the sky and connected with his physical body.

Upon seeing this, Yan Kongcheng said sternly: You and I have been old friends for many years. If we fight each other when we meet, doesn't it hurt our feelings? Put the magic weapon away quickly!

Xu Ying laughed loudly and stayed at the Golden Summit of Emei for several days, personally teaching the Six Secrets of the Ancestor Dharma of Yankong City before leaving.

When he returned to Shushan Jianmen, Shi Yuqing had already received the news and came to greet him, saying, I heard that the Supreme Elder returned to Yuanshou, why wasn't Jianmen the first stop?

Xu Ying smiled and said: Does Jianmen still recognize me as the Supreme Elder? Are you not afraid that the founder of Jianmen will betray Jianmen overnight?

Shi Yuqing couldn't help laughing, and said with a smile: If he ran away from him, what does it have to do with me? I only know that you are kind to Jianmen!

Xu Ying entered the Sword Gate and stayed for a few days, competing with Shi Yuqing in swordsmanship and exchanging swordsmanship. It was a competition in name, but in reality it was to teach each other the swordsmanship he had learned over the years.

As for how much Shi Yuqing can comprehend in the past few days, it depends on her own destiny.

Before leaving, Xu Ying taught her the six great ancestral techniques and waved goodbye.

Shi Yuqing had a complicated look on her face, standing under the sword gate and waving to him from afar. She knew that once he left, he would rarely come back. The strand of infatuation she had tied to him would probably be like a dream, and would never be possible again.

Xu Ying left, taking away her lovesickness.

Luoyang, the capital of gods.

Guo Xiaodie jumped up, punched Xu Ying hard on the chest, her eyes were red, and she shouted: You are finally willing to come back to see me! If you don't come, I will get married! Where is Yuan Weiyang? You Have you married her?

Brother Xu rubbed his chest and said with a smile: Not yet. The situation between me and her is a bit complicated...


Guo Xiaodie punched him hard on the chest again and said fiercely: If you don't marry her, I will marry her! I have always missed her!

Let’s say that Yu Huzhen was running like lightning all the way, trying his best to escape, and finally avoided the light of Jin Buyi’s magic sword.

He paused, with no hair on his body and blood dripping from his back.

All the treasures on his body, including the Xiyi Domain, were plundered by King Kong Zhuo, so he had no clothes to wear.

The old man didn't care, and thought: The big snake next to Xu Ying, the magic weapon is so powerful, I almost couldn't escape. What is the origin of this treasure?

At this moment, the stars outside were swaying, and the sky was shaking like jelly. Master Yuhu looked up and saw two ancient god-kings falling off the jelly-like sky and descending on Yuanshou.

Xuankong, Xuantian, why are you here? Master Yuhu asked in shock.

When the two god kings saw the real Yuhu, they couldn't help but turn pale with fright. They saw that the real Yuhu's body was smooth and clean, with not a single strand of hair on his back, and his back was bloody and bloody. They didn't know what happened.

Does it mean that in the lower realm, not only do you have to cut yourself off, but you also have to strip naked before you can go down to the lower realm? The two god kings thought to themselves.

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