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Chapter 405 Broken Sword, Underworld Sword

This knife is the Emperor's Purple Netherworld Knife! Xu Ying shivered again and couldn't help but want to escape.

Da Zhong, An Qi and Jin BuYe haven't felt anything yet. To them, the Purple Nether Sword is just one of the thousands of strange auras in Wangxiang Taizhong. There is even some aura in this ancient territory that is more powerful and terrifying than the Purple Nether Sword.

But for Xu Ying, what the Purple Nether Sword brought to him was almost a fear carved into his immortal soul!

This knife cut off his body and destroyed his soul. If his immortal true spirit had not been refined to an extremely high level, Xu Ying would have been wiped out long ago, and he would not have suffered the tens of thousands of years that followed.

How come this immortal weapon is in Wangxiang Taichung? Xu Ying suppressed his fear and forced himself to follow Yuhu Zhenren.

But the deeper he went into Wangxiang Terrace, the stronger the Ziyouming Sword's oppression on him became.

An Qi saw that something was wrong with his expression and quickly said: Aying, what's wrong with you?

Xu Ying's face was pale, his forehead was covered with beads of sweat, his breath was a little unsteady, and his voice was hoarse, and he said, I'm fine.

He thought about the Zhuxian Broken Sword and used the supreme killing intent of the Zhuxian Broken Sword to fight against the Ziyou Mingdao, and then he felt better.

Ahead, Master Yuhu and the two god kings came to the depths of Wangxiang Terrace. This was an area that Xu Ying had never set foot on before. There are ruins and broken walls everywhere, as well as dilapidated caves, and most of the cave sky is decayed.

There are even mausoleums made of countless immortal weapons!

In some places, fairy light is scattered in the sky, and you can see the fairy world when you look up. In some places, the pollution of the fairy road is serious, even exceeding the pollution of the fairy road in the ancestral court!

There are still some places that are very peaceful, except for the black coffins floating in the air.

The Wangxiang Terrace is extremely vast. It is the Wangxiang Terrace in all the worlds. It is not unique to Yuanshou. However, as Xu Ying went deeper, he discovered that this place might not just be as simple as the Wangxiang Tower in all the worlds.

The world is filled with not only the avenues of the underworld, but also the avenues of the immortal world, as well as the atmosphere of the avenues of ancient times.

Most of these great avenues of heaven and earth are in decay.

In front of a thatched cottage, he saw two skeletons sitting under a tree playing chess. The clothes they were wearing were not rotten, and the clothes were ancient. It was unknown what year and month they were from.

The tree had been withered for an unknown amount of time and was decayed and dilapidated.

The two skeletons seemed to have seen him and turned their heads, their eyeless eye sockets moving with the movement of his figure.

Here he comes again.

Xu Ying vaguely seemed to hear the voices of the two skeletons, Every time he comes, he's definitely up to no good.

Xu Ying looked back and saw that the skeleton had disappeared and was replaced by two old men, one black and one white, playing chess under the tree. The tree was lush and green, completely different from the decayed and dilapidated scene just now!

Ah Ying, this place seems to be much more normal than the outskirts of Wangxiang Terrace. Xian Qi looked around and said.

Xu Ying's expression was solemn. The periphery of the Wangxiang Tower seemed abnormal. All kinds of twisted creatures were everywhere. That was because the great avenues of heaven and earth were in conflict.

But there is no such horrifying scene here, because it is even scarier here!

A coffin in front made a creaking sound. The lid opened, and carriages and horses flew out from inside. Someone rode away in the carriage and horses.

Xu Ying also saw a cliff shaking, sometimes clear and sometimes faint, as if it was caught between Wangxiang Terrace and another time and space.

Under the waterfall on the cliff, a beautiful woman was taking a bath. She was lying by the pool, her beautiful eyes blinking, and she looked faintly at Xu Ying passing by with a big snake, a big bird, and a big clock.

Xu Ying used the Hutian Zhengdao Sutra to hide his figure, and it seemed to her that he didn't exist.

They walked for a long time and came across another door, standing there alone. The door was open. There was an ancient city inside, with people coming and going, bustling and bustling.

However, Xu Ying glanced behind the door. There was nothing behind the door, just a door standing there alone.

An Qi was very curious, so he sneaked to the door, looked around, and asked: A Ying, what will happen if we walk into the door?

Xu Ying did not answer. At this time, the sound of wooden fish came. Xu Ying followed the sound and saw an ancient temple standing on a green mountain.

A monk stood at the door of the ancient temple, knocking on the wooden fish and looking at him with a strange expression.

In addition, he also sensed that the mountains, water, everything, and even time and space here contained terrifying existences. Even some geographical mountains and rivers were transformed and imagined by the thoughts of those terrible beings!

Xu Ying even noticed that someone's thinking formed the celestial phenomena of this world. His thinking had not been moved for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years for millions of years, which caused the thinking to become rigid. However, if it was running, it would surely change in a shocking way. Incomparable!

What are the origins of so many people in Wangxiang Taichung?

Just when Xu Ying thought of this, the pressure caused by the Purple Nether Blade suddenly increased greatly, making him groan and tremble.

He calmed his mind, stopped looking around, and activated his Taiyi Innate Skill to constantly think of the Zhuxian Broken Sword to fight against the increasingly powerful sword.

As he continued to go deeper, An Qi, Jin BuYe and Dazhong also felt the terrifying power of the sword, especially Jin BuYe. The big bird carried two swords on its back, and the two magic swords kept buzzing and vibrating. It seemed that they felt extremely powerful. Great oppression!

Xu Ying's reaction was even stronger. Even before the Purple Nether Sword appeared, he was already tortured mentally, and his physical body also showed pain from his memory, as if he had been cut open again and again.

Jin Buyi suddenly exclaimed and looked at him blankly: Aying, why are you bleeding? Who hurt you?

Xu Ying was a little confused, wiped his face, and asked doubtfully: Am I bleeding?

Only then did he notice that there were faint scars on his face at some point, and the bleeding was not stopping. Not only that, there were also shallow marks on his body. Although they were not deep, they had already hurt his skin. .

He had been thinking about the Zhuxian Broken Sword and fighting against the Purple Netherworld Sword, and he didn't even notice that he had these wounds on his body.

This is the stab wound on my body in my first life.

Xu Ying stabilized his mind and said, At that time, all my physical soul was destroyed by this knife, leaving only the immortal true spirit. The subsequent physical souls were all derived from the immortal true spirit. Maybe it was because of this that when I met Zi When the Netherworld Knife is used, wounds will appear on my body.

He continued to think about the Remnant Sword of Killing Immortals, and fought against the sword intent that permeated the world. The wounds on his body became deeper and deeper, and even the realm within his body began to show wounds!

The terror of the Emperor's Immortal Weapon finally appears!

Xu Ying's blood flow increased and his pace gradually slowed down. The confrontation between the Cunxiang Zhuxian Remnant Sword and the Purple Netherworld Sword became more and more difficult.

Just when he almost couldn't help but want to give up, suddenly, he sensed the vast broken sword standing outside the ancestral Biyou Palace, and a mighty force surged in!

The Zhuxian Remnant Sword uses him as a bridge to transfer its power to fight against the Ziyou Mingdao's sword energy!

Xu Ying was overjoyed, mustered up his energy, and fought against the sword energy. The wounds on his body immediately shrank and healed!

Jin Buyi and An Qi were relieved when they saw this.

Xu Ying continued to walk forward, Zhu Xian Broken Sword seemed to have a temper, and with the help of his spiritual bridge, murderous aura continued to flow out, colliding with the Purple Netherworld Sword.

The Purple Netherworld Sword seemed to have sensed something, and the sword energy coming towards Xu Ying became stronger and stronger.

But the stronger the Purple Nether Sword is, the safer Xu Ying and others will be, because the murderous aura transmitted from the Zhuxian Broken Sword will become more ferocious!

Xu Ying was also surprised and happy. He had thought about the sword energy of Zhu Xian twice. The first time was when Xu Ying relied on his immortal body to observe the broken sword of Zhu Xian and understood the sword spirit of the sword. .

The second time was when Xu Ying entered the ancestral court and saw the stone wall left by himself in the first life in Biyou Palace, so he observed the Broken Sword of Zhu Xian on the basis of the first life and understood the mystery of the Broken Sword.

But these two times, he observed from a distance and had no chance to get close to the Zhu Xian Broken Sword.

Because the power of the Broken Sword is too strong, no one can bear it when visualized from a distance. Only by cultivating the promise of the ancestral method can it be accomplished. But even if you have completed the promise of the ancestral method and watched it at close range, you will be torn to pieces by the sword intention of the Zhuxian Broken Sword!

Now, the Zhuxian Broken Sword uses his spirit as a bridge to fight against the Ziyouming Sword, allowing Xu Ying to observe the Zhuxian Broken Sword at an extremely close distance, and his understanding of this sword is getting deeper and deeper!

For me, this encounter with the Purple Netherworld Sword may not necessarily be a disaster!

At this moment, a broken jade mountain suddenly came into view in front of him. The jade mountain was broken into two parts, as if it was slashed diagonally downward from above by a sharp weapon, splitting the mountain.

The Jade Mountain above slid down and pressed on the land next to the Nai River. With this Jade Mountain as the center and along the banks of the Nai River, a Wangxiang Tower was formed that connected all the worlds!

There is a fairy-like palace on the Jade Mountain, but it is dilapidated and desolate.

An Qi looked up and saw a column of characters on the mountain, and whispered: Xuandu Yujing Mountain.

Xuandu Yujingshan?

Xu Ying was stunned, and suddenly thought that the two skeletons playing chess on the road just now seemed to be saying that he was here again. Could it be that he had been here before?

If you have been here before, is this Yujing Mountain in the Xuandu City the place where you, in your first life, understood the secrets of Yujing and refined the Yujing Palace?

Unintentionally inserting willows and willows into the shade! My purpose this time was to find the Great Emperor of Beiyin and ask him about the location of the Twelve Towers of the Underworld. I didn't expect to encounter Xuandu Yujing Mountain at Wangxiangtai!

Xu Ying was overjoyed, and then his eyes froze, landing on the top of the mountain. A huge purple fairy knife penetrated the void, and behind him was the fairy world. The light of the fairy road was shining, and the blade was pointed directly at the palace of the gods on Yujing Mountain!

There is also a very strong force in that fairy palace, competing with the purple sword!

This sword should be the Purple Netherworld Sword that can penetrate the three realms and point straight to the Netherworld!

Immortal weapon refined by the emperor of the immortal world!

At this time, the two great god kings Wu Sansi and Xuanxing Xuanchen escorted Young Master Yuchuan to Yujing Mountain in Xuandu, and everyone came to another Yujing Mountain. ——Yu Jingshan was divided into two halves by the sharp weapon. The other half of Yu Jingshan was not pointed at by the Purple Nether Sword, so the pressure was less.

Wu Sansi said: Young Master, the Emperor values ​​you very much, so I teach you the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Demon-Destroying Technique. This skill is the key to collecting the Purple Netherworld Sword. Please also ask the Young Master to activate this skill, bless the Purple Netherworld Sword, and suppress the Jade Demon Sword. The evil thing in Jingshan, collect the fairy sword again!

Young Master Yuchuan looked at the mountain peak opposite and said, Senior Brother Three and Four, what was it that was suppressed by the Purple Netherworld Sword?

Wu Sansi said: I heard from Master that there is a strange avenue sealed in Yujing Mountain in Xuandu. After killing the rebel Xu Ying, he realized that the alien avenue was about to revive, so he released the Purple Netherworld Sword to suppress it. This Once suppressed, it took forty-eight thousand years. Now the merits are almost complete, only one sword is missing.

Young Master Tamagawa was inexplicably moved and said: This place is the Naihe River, which connects all the heavens and all realms. If the heretics invade all the heavens and all realms, countless people will die. The emperor sacrifices his sword here to suppress the heretics. Such merits are immeasurable, but it requires If you entrust this merit to me, how can I be so virtuous and capable as a disciple?

Wu Sansi smiled and said: This is the emperor's order. The emperor asked you to refine the different ways and collect this great merit. Then you suppress Xu Ying and kill him. With these two merits in your body, you can ascend to the immortal world and become an immortal king. None of my achievements are as good as yours. By then, it won’t be easy to arrange the young master’s errands? If the emperor wants to be in power, it’s best if those who hold the positions of real power are his own people!”

Young Master Tamagawa no longer hesitated, activated the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Demon Breaking Technique, and interacted with the Purple Netherworld Sword in the sky. The Purple Netherworld Sword vibrated slightly, and the sword's light became brighter and brighter.

Yuhu Zhenren and Xuantian Xuankong were hiding in the dark. Seeing this situation, they secretly thought: Bai Yuchuan has not yet ascended. He is just a small qigong practitioner. He is not even an immortal, yet he is assigned such a big credit! He has given this Even I can’t compare to him when he gets the credit in the fairy world! It’s really irritating to see people comparing themselves to each other!”

Xuankong Xuantian, prepare to take action!

Master Yuhu's eyes flashed, and he suddenly shot out of the void, slashing at Wu Sansi's back!

At the same time, Xuantian and Xuankong all started to attack, one to kill the Xuanxing God King, and the other to kill the Xuanchen God King to avenge the past!

After all, Wu Sansi was a disciple of the emperor, and he was also famous in the immortal world. Although he knew he was being attacked, he did not panic at all. The dojo spread out with a roar, and his own mysterious power was activated to the extreme. He shouted: Young Master, sacrifice the immortal array!

While Master Yuchuan was refining the Purple Netherworld Sword, he activated the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Extermination Immortal Formation. When the Immortal Formation was spread out, Wu Sansi also suffered a blow from Yuhu Zhenren and was beaten until he vomited blood from his mouth.

But when the immortal formation was spread out, he had already stepped into it.

How could Master Yuhu give him a chance, but seeing that his magical power had invaded the void of the immortal formation, palms shot out from all directions and landed on Wu Sansi.

In just a moment, Wu Sansi had countless bones broken and was unable to fight against him!

Master Yuhu is best at assassination. Is his reputation in vain?

At the same time, the two great god kings, Xuanchen and Xuanxing, were also severely injured. There was a big gap in strength between them and Xuankong Xuantian, and they were seriously injured by Xuankong Xuantian in a single encounter!

Yuhu, Xuankong, and Xuantian were about to kill them. Suddenly, Master Yuchuan finally took control of the Purple Netherworld Sword. When the sword flashed, Yuhu, Xuankong, and Xuantian each looked frightened and hurriedly escaped!

But the next moment, purple saber energy flew in all directions, Xuan Kong and Xuantian were bleeding profusely, Yuhu Zhenren shuttled through the void, but he was lucky enough to escape, and he was still frightened.

Young Master Yuchuan was about to activate the Purple Netherworld Sword to strike at the palace palace on the top of Yujing Mountain. Suddenly the sword light suddenly vibrated. Instead of listening to his control, the sword light flashed and struck the void on one side!

The sharp sword energy split the void in an instant, and the figures of Xu Ying, An Qi, Dazhong and Jin Buyi appeared, under the light of the sword!

The blade was domineering and boundless, and it was about to kill everyone at once. Suddenly, a sword-like energy surged out from between Xu Ying's eyebrows, as if it was split open between his eyebrows!

The gap between the brows revealed a vast wilderness of thousands of miles. In the wasteland, a broken sword stood against the sky and the earth, standing between the gray sky and the earth!

The Zhu Xian Broken Sword uses the spirit of Promise as a bridge to tear apart time and space, and its supreme murderous aura meets the falling Purple Netherworld Sword!

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