Choose a day to soar

Chapter 394 Fairy

Queen Mother Xi waved her hand and said with a smile: She has worked hard and achieved great results. She is tired during this period. I let her rest in the palace. Just go find her.

Xu Ying felt happy, got up and headed to the harem of the Palace of the Gods.

The Palace of the Gods is quite vast, and the mountains and rivers in the palace are as graceful as a woman's. Xu Ying was walking among them, admiring the surrounding scenery, when he suddenly heard the sound of a musical instrument, accompanied by the sound of water.

Xu Ying followed the sound and soon came to a waterfall. The waterfall was not high, only two or three feet high. The water gurgled and gathered into a pool, flowing under the bridge.

But when I walked to the bridge, I saw the waterfall flowing down from the high mountain, becoming extremely spectacular, flying like beautiful flowers and jade.

This is a unique scenery of the Pantheon Palace. When the scenery is far away, it seems small and delicate, but when you look closer, it becomes magnificent.

Xu Ying walked onto the bridge and saw a pavilion not far away, and the sound of the piano came from the pavilion.

He looked up and saw that the doors and windows of the pavilion were open, and someone was playing the guqin upstairs. The sound of the guqin was leisurely and distant, just like the player's state of mind at this time, which was also leisurely and distant.

Suddenly, the sound of the piano was disordered, and it seemed that his state of mind was also disturbed.

Xu Ying stood under the pavilion, only to hear the music of the piano slowly stop, and then saw the female fairy appearing in front of the window lattice, looking down.

Xu Ying looked up, met her eyes, and smiled.

The woman upstairs also smiled and disappeared from the window lattice. After a while, she came down from the pavilion and came to Xu Ying's side.

Although she is no longer Yuan Weiyang, seeing her still makes people's hearts flutter.

Xu Ying will still think of all the things he did when he first met her, he will think of catching dragon loaches in the locust tree, he will think of Shendu's unscrupulous behavior, and the charming Rouge.

Xu Ying suppressed the strange emotions in his heart and smiled: We haven't seen each other for many years.

Yuan Weiyang said: It has been seven years since the last time we said goodbye.

Xu Ying was stunned: Seven years already? Time flies so fast.

The two of them walked side by side. Xu Ying opened his mouth and wanted to tell her about the Taoist and magical powers he had learned during this period. He wanted to tell her about the ancestral methods and other methods he had learned. However, when the words came to his mouth, he found that The fairy was not interested in this.

She was already an immortal and had no birth, old age, illness or death. The daily practice before becoming an immortal that she wanted to talk to her about had no meaning to her.

In the past, when she was Yuan Weiyang, Feng Xue'er, and Yan Bao'er, he could talk to her about these things, but now that she was a peerless fairy, they couldn't.

There seemed to be a thick film between the two of them, making them look a little blurry to each other.

The two came to the garden side by side. Xu Ying stood under a flower tree. The fairy raised her hand to explore the flowers on the branch, and her sleeves slid down her arms.

At this time, the female fairy fell to the flower tree involuntarily. Xu Ying was shocked and hurriedly grabbed the other hand of the female fairy.

The moment he held her hand, he couldn't help but fall towards the flower tree.

The flower and the tree grew bigger and bigger before their eyes, and their figures floated in the air, floating among the stamens of the flowers.

Only then did Xu Ying realize that they were as small as bees. The fairy held his hand and led him through the flowers. The nectar was fragrant and intoxicating.

There were bees and insects among the flowers, bigger than them, flying around.

It's not that they have become smaller as promised, but the fairy trees in the Pantheon Palace are originally so big, and the bees are as big as humans. It's just that the Queen Mother of the West used magic to fold the space to make them look about the same size as ordinary tree bees. But if you get close, these flowers, plants, insects, and fish will return to normal and look extremely huge.

Xu Ying followed the female fairy and walked through the flowers. A fairy bird spread its wings and flew over their heads. The wind and waves caused their clothes to flutter.

Although this is the human world, it is like a fairyland.

The female fairy flew down from the branch and sat down on a leaf as big as a mat. Xu Ying sat next to her, as if he knew her for the first time, and said: What should I call you? Yuan Weiyang, or another name?

The female fairy smiled calmly and said: Just call me Yuan Weiyang. When you remember the past, you will naturally remember my name.

Xu Ying said sadly: I don't remember the past. Over the years, I have used various methods to break the seal and try to recover my memory. I have solved it to 30,000 years ago. I can find you everywhere in these 30,000 years of memory.

He recalled his experiences in these years, and countless tender feelings arose in his heart.

The female fairy has been reincarnated over the years. Although she has changed into a different appearance, has a different name, and has a different life experience and experience, she will always come together with him.

The two seemed destined to meet each other inadvertently in the vast sea of ​​​​people in the universe.

I know that you are under the reincarnation curse. I rescued Samsara Xuannv, she is the empress of the underworld and rules reincarnation. She told me that you are still under the reincarnation curse and have not jumped out of the curse.

Xu Ying suppressed all the tenderness in his heart, reason prevailed, and said with a smile, With this good relationship between me and the empress, I can ask her to help you solve the reincarnation curse. After the curse is solved, we can Get rid of this generational entanglement, and I won’t bother you anymore.”

The female fairy looked at him, and after a moment, she smiled and said, Okay. When you have enough time, let's go to the underworld.

Xu Ying breathed a sigh of relief and said: I don't know if I can escape the fate of being manipulated in this life. Maybe one day in the future, I will fail again and become a stupid boy. I don't want you to fall into reincarnation again because of me.

The female fairy said softly: I understand everything.

She paused and smiled: Do you still think of me as Yuan Weiyang?

Xu Ying hesitated for a moment. He wanted to think of her as Yuan Weiyang, but he knew that Yuan Weiyang was just a part of this fairy's long life.

He thought of Fairy Qingyu, and suddenly understood why Qingyu was so distant from him.

What you want is all of him or her.

But what you encounter is just an incomplete version of him.

You don't know how much weight you hold in his or her heart.

The female fairy felt a little sad when she saw his expression, but she also knew that she was not Yuan Weiyang. In other words, it’s not exactly Yuan Weiyang anymore.

Perhaps after another reincarnation, we will return to the past. She said silently in her heart.

In these few days of leisure, Xu Ying and the female fairy visited Kunlun together. The two picked ripe elixirs and enjoyed the scenery along the way. Occasionally they talked about the little things between the two, and gradually they became familiar with each other. There was laughter.

There was no topic, so Xu Ying still found a topic, talking about his experiences in the ancestral court these days, and exploring the mysteries of the ancestral court.

He still tried hard to close the relationship between the two, and told the embarrassing story between himself and Xiao Tianzun, and also told the story of his experience in the Great World of Taishi.

The relationship between them is gradually getting closer, but they can't determine the relationship between lovers, at best they are friends.

The female fairy listened and suddenly said: The scroll you got, if it was painted by the emperor who broke the seals of the Buddhas, then it must be extraordinary and contains the emperor's wisdom and achievements. Your seal was also placed by the emperor. Perhaps, you You can explore the secrets of all seals based on what you get from the painting.

Xu Ying was stunned, suddenly overjoyed, and laughed loudly: God help me! I finally have hope of unblocking!

He laughed so loudly that the snowy mountains around Kunlun almost avalanched. Fortunately, many mountain gods stabilized the snow, so it did not cause a disaster.

Xu Ying kept laughing, and suddenly his eyes were sore. He couldn't help but burst into tears, and murmured: I can finally break the seal, I can finally do it...

Tens of thousands of years of grievance and pain suddenly came flooding back, occupying his heart and making him unable to hold back his tears.

The female fairy was also very happy for him, but also a little sad, and her heart was slightly disturbed: Maybe when he recalls the memories of his first life, our relationship will return to the past.

Xu Ying finally regained his composure, immediately took out a pen and paper, and wrote down the sixteen words Ordered to be imprisoned and imprisoned forever. He looked at these sixteen words carefully and tried to decipher them.

In the past, he only knew how to write these sixteen characters, but knew nothing about the mystery of these sixteen characters. The emperor's seal-breaking diagram came into his eyes, and he got the mystery of the seal-breaking diagram. Looking at these sixteen characters, the secrets of these sixteen immortal runes suddenly came one after another!

In his mind, the various immortal avenues contained in the sixteen immortal runes emerged one by one, and various wonderful principles turned into vibrating Taoist sounds that sounded in his ears.

In his eyes, the sixteen-character text decomposed and turned into various chains of the Tao, forming an immortal Taoist dojo. The Tao chains shuttled back and forth, and then the Tao chains decomposed, forming various strange Tao phenomena.

Time passed day by day, and the Queen Mother of the West ordered Feng Yao to come and ask Xu Ying to come over. The female fairy replied: Master Xu is still meditating, and he is at a critical moment.

Feng Yao looked around and saw all kinds of strange Taoist images flying around Xu Ying. The Taoist sounds vibrated endlessly, and some immortal Taoism turned into rays of light, reflecting in the sky, which was extremely brilliant.

Fengyao had no choice but to go back and report to the Queen Mother of the West.

Queen Mother Xi said: We will talk about it after he wakes up.

More than ten days later, Feng Yao came again on the order of the Queen Mother of the West. She saw that Xu Ying was still as before, with the glow of the immortal path emerging around him, and the symbols of the path condensed into various avenue characters, recording some mysterious truths. .

The female fairy said: He is still in the process of enlightenment.

Feng Yao had no choice but to leave sadly.

More than a month passed and Feng Yao came again. The female fairy said: He hasn't woken up yet.

Feng Yao shook her head and said: The Queen Mother of the West invited the fairy to come. She said that there were immortals coming down to the world recently to search for the whereabouts of Kunlun. Their cultivation was extremely impressive. The Queen Mother of the West invited the fairy to go there. She probably planned to move to Kunlun and go to other worlds.

The female fairy went with her to see the Queen Mother of the West. After some discussion, she activated her soul and communicated with all the heavens and worlds. There were endless visions in the sky, and thousands of heavens and worlds emerged one after another.

Master Huolong and Master Han Zekang also had extraordinary encounters in Kunlun these days. They ate fairy grass, dug fairy gold, drank fairy springs, and even went to Lu Wu, Kaiming and other mountain gods to observe and comprehend these sacred things.

The two masters and disciples had long forgotten about the Condor Palace, and when they saw such a strange phenomenon appearing in the sky, they both couldn't help but look dull.

Master Huolong suddenly said in a trembling voice: This is the Tao and Tao phenomenon of all realms! It is the Tao phenomenon of all heavens and all realms!

Han Zekang's mind was in chaos and he didn't understand what he was talking about.

Master Huolong grabbed his neck, shook him back and forth, and said in a trembling voice: Fool, this is the Taoist phenomenon of all heavens and worlds! Any Taoist phenomenon contains the power of the world. After understanding it, you can become yourself. His magical power must be incredibly powerful!

Han Zekang rolled his eyes when he pinched him, and struggled: Master, Master, I'm going to die...

Master Huolong let him go and stared blankly at the sky. Suddenly, two lines of old tears fell down and he choked with sobs: I, Zhang Huolong, can finally get rid of the shadow of the founder of the Condor Palace. I can finally surpass the ancestor...

He muttered, talking about his long-cherished wish when he was young, determined to surpass his ancestor and make the Condor Palace a great portal. However, when his generation came to the Condor Palace, there were only two people left in the Condor Palace.

I suffered so much that all my hair fell out, and I also practiced the wrong exercises, which caused horns to grow on my head. I was ridiculed by others as the Fire Dragon Master, which means that the Fire Dragon Master has a person.

But now, Zhang Huolong, relying on these ten thousand realms of Taoism, will definitely be able to surpass the founder of the Condor Palace and carry forward the Condor Palace!

The Patriarch of the Condor Palace betrayed his master, so Zhang Huolong is the new Patriarch of the Condor Palace!

Han Zekang couldn't take his eyes off, observing the Taoist phenomena of the Ten Thousand Realms in the sky, and thought to himself: Master is so excited here that he goes crazy, but taking this opportunity, I understand the Taoism of the Ten Thousand Realms and the Heavens, and understand the supernatural powers of the Ten Thousand Realms. Become the Patriarch yourself!”

Around Kunlun, the sky tilted and the earth tilted. After a while, Kunlun suddenly disappeared from the Lingjun world!

The next moment, in the world of Gengyin, the land of the West Pole, the earth suddenly shook violently, and an earth-shaking loud noise came from the depths of time and space. The vast Kunlun appeared from another time and space, with rays of light in the sky, and thousands of realms guarding it, which would last for a long time.

In the world of Lingjun, on the old site of Kunlun, suddenly rays of fairy light fell down, turning into a strange man with a powerful aura. He looked around and searched, but could not find the whereabouts of Kunlun.

The leader was a middle-aged man with an extremely majestic aura, dressed in red robes and a golden crown. No matter where he went, the sky would open, and a ray of fairy light would fall from the sky, illuminating his figure.

It seemed that wherever he went, the fairy world followed him!

The middle-aged man said: Kunlun is on the run. But they can't escape far. Let's go -

They turned into rays of fairy light and disappeared.

Kunlun stopped at Gengyin World. It took more than ten days before the various Taoist sounds in Xu Ying's ears gradually subsided, the sixteen-character text no longer decomposed, and all the visions disappeared.

He slowly opened his eyes, and there was a dazzling light brewing in his eyes. After a while, the light gradually dimmed and returned to normal.

Xu Ying stood up.

Ordained by Heaven, this life will last forever; imprisoned and imprisoned, closed and imprisoned.

The various mysteries of these sixteen words, for him, there are not many secrets left!

He can even perform the magical method derived from these sixteen words at will, which is definitely more exquisite than the magical power contained in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Demon Breaking Technique!

Based on these mysteries of immortality, he also deduced the flaws in the method of deciphering the character prison and the four characters 囹圄囿圉!

Yan Baoer's promise in that life understood the method of deciphering the prison characters, and Xiao Tianzun understood the method of deciphering the prison characters, but they did not completely decipher these immortal characters.

Although Xu Ying's understanding of the sixteen-character text is not as high as that of the Lord of Heaven, it is not far behind. Following the methods of deciphering left by his former self and Little Heavenly Lord, he can completely break through these five characters!

He sat cross-legged, and the Immortal World suddenly opened. The Water-Fire Mixing Heaven Cauldron, the Twelve-Storied Tower, the Immortal Yao Pond, and the Third Heaven Pass appeared one by one. With a strong aura, he immediately started to decipher the remaining part of the five words Prisoner Prisoner!

The Queen Mother of the West saw a fairy cave descending from the sky from a distance. She couldn't help but be extremely surprised. Suddenly she felt something in her heart and said quickly: Fairy, someone is catching up with me again! The people coming to the fairy world this time are not trivial. They bite hard. Let's leave quickly!

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