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Chapter 393 Return to Kunlun

Xu Ying asked in confusion: The green rock flies away, the dream of immortality ends...what does it mean?

Fairy Qingyu said: I don't know either. I have been practicing here these days, comprehending the great ways of the immortals in ancient times, and I have noticed that some strange power exists between heaven and earth, and it seems that it is about to awaken.

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly, and he blurted out: The great avenue of heaven and earth in the ancient era is about to awaken?

Fairy Qingyu blinked and looked at him curiously. Xu Ying hurriedly explained: I have already encountered an ancient era awakening event in the great world of Taichu. People there call it the invasion of the demon realm, saying that the demonic path of the demon realm invaded Taichu, causing a scene of devastation of all living beings. In fact, it should be Someone deliberately awakens the ancient avenue of heaven and earth.

Fairy Qingqi was confused: Awakening on purpose? Could it be that after the death of the Great Way of Heaven and Earth in the ancient era, it could still revive and be awakened?

Xu Ying didn't know the reason for this, and said: It should be possible. I also encountered a similar situation in Taishi World.

He gave a general summary of the invasion of the demonic realm in the Great World of Taishi, saying: The suppression of the ancient Buddhist verse Bodhi by the Great Leiyin Temple was the cause of the invasion of the demonic realm. It seemed like a natural disaster, but it was actually a man-made disaster. It was caused by the God of Xuankong. It was caused by the king’s selfish motives. However, the two revivals of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth in the ancient era both caused extremely terrifying scenes.”

In the great world of Taichu, there was a phenomenon of demonization of living beings. Under the attack of two different avenues of heaven and earth, people, animals, plants, insects, and fungi all underwent mutated changes, which were extremely terrifying.

The invasion of outsiders led to the collision of the avenues. The manifestation was that the creatures under the avenues of different worlds attacked each other and regarded each other as demons. The turmoil in the Great World of Taishi was due to this reason, which caused the death of countless living beings.

Xu Ying said: If the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth is revived in the Yuan Zheng World, it should also have corresponding consequences.

Fairy Qingqi glanced at him and said, Are you willing to stay and deal with this revival of the avenue with me?

Xu Ying hesitated for a moment, shook his head, and said: I'm going to find Kunlun. I don't know when the great avenue of Yuanzheng World will be revived. I'm going to find a way to open other immortal worlds to prepare for greater turmoil in the future. Prepare.

Fairy Qingqi didn't speak.

Xu Ying said with a smile: I have understood the ancestral method of the Xu family, and I will teach this ancestral method to you. If the great road here revives in the future, you will be better prepared.

He taught the complete Six Secret Ancestral Techniques to Qingqi, and stayed here for a while, helping to refine a complete set of Tiandao flags, with a total of 360 flags, which can form a complete Tiandao dojo.

Qingqiu, see you in the future. Xu Ying waved to her, raised the Third Heaven Pass, turned and left.

Master Fire Dragon and Han Zekang quickly followed him. Fairy Qingqiu watched them walk into the door, and heavy snow blew from the other end of the door.

The door closed, and the Third Heaven Gate disappeared. Only the snowflakes fluttered, turning into rain in the wind.

Mr. Xu, there seems to be some friendship between that girl and you, but you are still distant from each other and have not come together. Why is this? Han Zekang asked.

Master Fire Dragon quickly winked at him and signaled him not to ask anymore. Hearing him ask this question, his heart couldn't help but feel cold: I'm afraid that the Condor Palace will not be able to establish a firm foothold in Penglai, and I'm afraid that this generation will become extinct... ...Wait a minute, kill this kid and me, and the Condor Palace will still last forever!

Xu Ying thought for a while and said: Although I have a good impression of her, at that time I was just a young man whose memory had just been wiped away, and I had a relationship with her. Later I recovered some memories, and she knew those days and the relationship with her. The boy she was in love with was just a few days in my long ancient life. And...

His face was calm: She is not sure whether I still care about the emotions I felt in those short few days. Even if I do, how heavy it can be.

Han Zekang was stunned, he really didn't understand this strange feeling.

The Fire Dragon Master said: Then, in Mr. Xu's heart, do you care about the emotions of those short few days? How much does it weigh in Mr. Xu's heart?

When he said this, he wanted to give himself a few mouths, and secretly regretted: Why do I talk so much? It's over now, the Condor Palace will die on its own.

Xu Ying recalled his experience four thousand years ago. At the foot of Jiuyi Mountain, the boy herding sheep and the girl grieving over the death of her teacher. The ignorant love affair was as white as a lamb and as tender as the grass after the rain.

But another figure appeared in his eyes, it was Yan Bao'er, it was Feng Xue'er, they were soft and beautiful girl images, and finally Yuan Weiyang turned into women's clothing.

His relationship with Yuan Weiyang has gone through forty-eight thousand years of hard work and entanglement for forty-eight thousand years. It is so strong that it cannot tolerate other women.

And this time, he will go to Kunlun and see Yuan Weiyang again.

However, he couldn't help but feel sad when he recalled Yuan Weiyang's unsealed memories and her return to the unparalleled fairy. From Yuan Weiyang's eyes, he could no longer recognize the Yuan Weiyang from back then.

He didn't see Feng Xueer and Yan Baoer anymore, what he saw was a peerless female fairy.

This was also the reason why he sadly left that year.

The woman who has been with him for more than 40,000 years is not the peerless fairy, but a mortal woman who was captured, suppressed, sealed by reincarnation, and manipulated by fate.

That mortal woman's fate was also arranged, and she had to be entangled with him for the rest of her life, becoming his lover, and experiencing life and death.

The moment she returned to being a fairy, she was no longer a mortal woman controlled by fate, but an immortal with supreme wisdom and power.

The relationship that lasted for more than 40,000 years may have been just a mistake for her.

Xu Ying walked through the wind and snow and looked at this strange world. The vastness of Kunlun came into view.

He finally found the Kunlun Mountain!

Looking from a distance, you can see the majestic ancient sacred mountain, and you can feel the powerful aura of the Queen Mother of the West and the Kunlun gods from a distance. The ancient primitive gods guard this ancestral mountain.

Xu Ying composed himself and flew towards Kunlun.

Is Yuan Weiyang still there? He asked silently in his heart.

However, should he call her Yuan Weiyang or another name?

Does she still know herself?

Xu Ying's heartbeat was a little erratic, and he hurriedly activated the Taiyi Innate Skill, running it for several days, before he returned to his former calmness.

He came to the territory of the Snow Mountain Goddess. The Goddess was fine and greeted him from afar. Xu Ying bowed slightly. After walking through the snow-capped mountains, the resurrected mountain gods exuded an ancient and powerful aura and bowed to him one after another.

Xu Ying was surprised and didn't understand why they did this.

Master Huolong and Han Zekang were shocked. Since they came to Kunlun, they have been respectful and bowed to a mountain god three times and nine times. This is the ancestral land of the human race, not just the ancestral land of the human race in a certain world, but the ancestral land of all races!

All races in the world are said to come from Kunlun!

Back then, the human race migrated from Kunlun to all the heavens and worlds, setting foot in every world.

If the leaders of all heavens and realms have made some extraordinary achievements, they will personally lead their tribes to Kunlun to pay homage to the Queen Mother of the West in the year when Kunlun arrives.

The gods here are the ancestral gods in the hearts of people from all over the world.

However, these gods actually bowed their bodies to Xu Ying, which really scared the fire dragon master and his disciples.

Xu Ying is clearly a great villain who cut off the path to heaven, and is clearly a great demon who pushed the catastrophe to such an extent that no one can overcome it. Why does he get the respect of Kunlun God instead?

At this moment, a god with a tiger head and nine tails suddenly descended from the sky and landed in front of them with a thud. The powerful divine power distorted the surrounding space, and the nine tails danced, somewhat similar to the mountains behind him.

Xu Jiazi, have you returned to Kunlun?

The mountain god was Lu Wu. When he saw Xu Ying, he was surprised and happy. He jumped around them like flying, his tail flicked back and forth, and said with a smile, After you left, Kunlun experienced several fierce battles! I encountered When the immortals from the immortal world are chasing after me, I will do this, do this, do this again, and kill them!

Lu Wu was inexplicably excited. He stood up and launched a series of earth-shattering attacks.

Xu Ying smiled and said: Lu Wu, I will go to see the Queen Mother of the West first.

Lu Wu hurriedly knelt down and said with a smile: How long will it take for you to go? I will send you there!

Xu Ying said yes, and the mountain god turned into a golden light and roared away with them, arriving at the foot of Yuzhu Peak not long after. Yuzhu Peak is the sacred mountain of the Queen Mother of the West. She did not dare to fly directly up the mountain, so she had to place her promise at the foot of the mountain.

Master Fire Dragon and Han Zekang got off Lu Wu's back tremblingly, still a little dizzy.

At this time, another small spirit with a nine-headed tiger body came running towards Xu Ying, and suddenly split into nine pieces, turning into nine fluffy little tigers, jumping into Xu Ying's arms, or hanging on his body. , very intimate.

Xu Ying recognized Him and said with a smile: It turns out to be the enlightened god. I want to go up the mountain to pay homage to the Queen Mother of the West. See you later.

The nine little tigers jumped up and down and sent him up the mountain. Lu Wu looked gloomy and stared at these fluffy little tigers with an unkind look.

Xu Ying came to the mountainside and saw two girls, Feng Yao and Qing Luan. The two girls were surprised and happy. Feng Yao said quickly: Why is Qing Luan chirping non-stop? It turns out that the great uncle has arrived!

Xu Ying's seniority was too high. Feng Yao was lucky, thinking that Xu Ying was just her uncle, but she didn't expect that he was the great uncle. All her fantasies were interrupted at once.

Xu Ying was extremely happy to see his old friend, and said with a smile: Feng Yao, I have understood the Xu family's ancestral method, and I will teach it to you after I meet the Queen Mother of the West.

Feng Yao's heart was pounding wildly, and she thought: What does it mean that my great uncle taught me the Xu family's ancestral method? Could it be that my great uncle wants to break through the shackles of etiquette and forcefully marry Qingluan and me? We are not from the same family, but we are just different generations. , so we can still be together. As for Qingluan, they are not the same species, so naturally there is no problem...

Xu Ying bid farewell to his two daughters and came to the Palace of the Gods where the Queen Mother of the West lived. The Palace of the Gods has been restored to its original state, and the scent of incense has gradually become stronger. It seems that Kunlun has appeared in all the worlds in the past few years and has been worshiped by many people.

The powers of the Queen Mother of the West and the Kunlun gods have also recovered a lot.

Xu Ying paid homage to the Queen Mother of the West. The Queen Mother of the West hurriedly helped him up and said with a smile: The Xu family does not need to be like this. In the future, you will be the master of another mountain, Yuxu Peak. You and I are on the same level, why do you need to do this? That means you can worship now.

Master Fire Dragon and Han Zekang looked at each other, and both saw the horror in the other's eyes. Is this person that the Queen Mother of the West is really talking about a great evil person?

Xu Ying smiled and said: Xujiaping has been destroyed, the Yellow Emperor's palace was also destroyed in the war, the sacred bridge was broken, and Kunlun has become a place of exile. How can I dominate Yuxu Peak as a single person?

Queen Mother Xi glanced at him and said: It is your Xu family's responsibility to dominate Yuxu Peak. When the human race migrated from the ancestral court to the heavens and the world, Kunlun was the most important stronghold connecting the ancestral court and the heavens and the world. You guys The Xu family does not defend Kunlun for the Yellow Emperor, but for all the people in the world to defend Kunlun. As long as you are still alive, it is your responsibility!

Master Fire Dragon and Han Zekang were stunned, their heads buzzing.

Could it be that many evil people are not evil people at all?

Could it be that the great villains are still descendants of the oldest group of humans?

Xu Ying said with a smile: Let's talk about the future in the future. Queen Mother of the West, I came back this time to ask for advice about Yuxu Palace.

Queen Mother of the West said in surprise: Yuxu Palace? Don't you have a Yuxu Palace? It's in that other world.

Xu Ying shook his head and said: It's another Yuxu Palace. This Yuxu Palace is the prototype of the Yuxu Palace on the other side that I refined.

Queen Mother Xi's face changed slightly: Do you remember what happened in your first life? No, if you remember it, there is no need to ask me, just go and look for it. You went to the ancestral court, right?

He had great wisdom and immediately made the correct judgment, saying: You went to the ancestral court, and someone pointed you to find Yuxu Palace. Is that right?

Xu Ying nodded and said, It was a Taoist named Taiqing who said that Yuxu Palace is in the Kunlun realm.

Queen Mother Xi sighed and said, That's true. Taoist Taoist Taiqing is still alive?

Xu Ying explained what he had done in the Land of Daoqi, saying: The great avenue of heaven and earth in the Land of Daoqi has revived, and He, as the soul of the Land of Daoqi, has been resurrected.

Queen Mother Xi looked sad and said: It turns out that only the soul of heaven and earth survived. Did that Taoist friend pass away, or did he really find the real other shore...

He cheered up and said: There are two Kunlun realms. One refers to the Kunlun Mountains here, and the other is a Dao realm, but it is incomplete. If you want to go, wait for me for a few days, and I will prepare it and send it to you. Just go in.

Xu Ying hurriedly thanked her, hesitated for a moment, and then said: Queen Mother of the West, why don't you see that female fairy?

You want to see her? Queen Mother Xi smiled.

Xu Ying was a little embarrassed and said: I don't think too much about it, I just want it a little bit...

——Earlier than yesterday, keep up the hard work! !

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