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Chapter 395 Do you want to overthrow the world?

The female fairy once again mobilized her soul to sense all the heavens and worlds, and migrated with the huge Kunlun.

The towering Kunlun connects the heavens and all realms and can move between worlds. In ordinary times, this movement is driven by the movement of the heavens and all realms. However, the immortals who came down from the immortal world were chasing them too closely. If they wanted to escape from the pursuit, they would need people with great supernatural powers to move to Kunlun.

The female fairy is this person.

The Queen Mother of the West helps the female fairy recover her memory in reincarnation and awaken her memory of her first life, in order to use her power to migrate to Kunlun.

But Kunlun is a group of mountains. The mountains are huge and weigh astonishingly. Moving to Kunlun will consume a lot of mana. Even a female fairy cannot take Kunlun through many worlds continuously.

She also had her moments of exhaustion.

The Queen Mother of the West spread out her vast divine power and watched the void nervously. She noticed that the pursuers from the fairy world were coming here after Kunlun.

In the past seven years, they have encountered many such pursuits, and the strength of the pursuers has become stronger each time.

His heart sank. Just now, the female fairy led them from the Gengyin world to another world, but she still couldn't get rid of the pursuers.

The pursuing immortal must have an extremely powerful immortal weapon that can track and lock Kunlun, and even lead his pursuers through all the worlds!

Queen Mother Xi frowned slightly and looked back at the female fairy.

The female fairy's soul is vast, and her consciousness is like a hair, connecting all the heavens and all realms. She is already preparing to mobilize her magic power to move to Kunlun again, leaving this world and going to other worlds!

The next moment, the world was in turmoil, and Kunlun disappeared from this new world.

Tianyuan world.

The residents living in Wangyou City were working on their own. Suddenly, the void shook violently, and rays of light surged from the ground. A brilliant light rose from the ground, illuminating the sky, making half of the sky extremely bright.

Then, the huge mountains of the Kunlun Mountains came into view of the residents of Wangyou City. Towering snow-capped mountains blocked their vision.

Around the majestic mountain, the heavens and the world are like a series of stars, hanging all over the sky, extremely bright.

But the next moment, the sky and the earth were twisted and tilted. The Kunlun Mountains that had just appeared had not yet stood firm, and they were once again chasing one of the heavens in the sky.

call out--

Kunlun Mountain disappeared without a trace.

The residents of Wangyou City were wondering, when suddenly the sky cracked open again, and the light of another world fell down. Accompanying the light of the fairy world is a group of strangely dressed people, carrying a misty fairy spirit. Their own dojo is spread out, and the sound of the Tao fills the air.

The strange sound caused the surrounding creatures to grow wildly, become monstrous and twisted, and even create a terrifying scene of the fusion of multiple species.

Even in cemeteries, strange things happen frequently. Bones that have been dead for hundreds of years are crawling out of the graves, and the dead are resurrected and wandering in the streets!

Kunlun has left, we are chasing-

Those weirdos disappeared quickly.

This strange phenomenon has not disappeared. Creatures contaminated by the immortal way appear and appear everywhere, eating people everywhere, which is very dangerous.

As the female fairy carried the Kunlun Mountain and passed through the worlds, the Queen Mother of the West's face became more and more solemn. He could see that the female fairy's strength was greatly consumed and she might not be able to hold on for long before she would be exhausted.

However, the pursuers were still pursuing him and were not thrown away by them.

Fellow Taoist, there is no need to move Kunlun!

The Queen Mother of the West stepped forward, stopped the female immortal, and said, The immortal weapons used by the pursuers are probably made from Kunlun stones collected from the second mountain of Yuzhu Peak and Yuxu Peak. After these treasures are refined into immortal weapons, they can Traveling across the world, tracking Kunlun. No matter where we escape, we may be overtaken. In this case, prepare to fight to the death!

The female fairy stopped and came to the fairy world above Kunlun, where she tried to restore her cultivation with the help of Kunlun's fairy energy. This cave is connected to the Yaochi and can condense the fairy water of the Yaochi. It is the supreme holy medicine for curing diseases and saving lives!

The Queen Mother of the West summoned all the Kunlun gods to prepare for the attack.

Kunlun suddenly appeared all around, squeezing the space and forming thunderstorms. Countless lightnings gathered near many sacred mountains in Kunlun, causing lightning and thunder.

The sky flickered between bright and dark, and the gods of Kunlun looked nervous, looking around to guard against incoming enemies.

Master Fire Dragon and Han Zekang were extremely nervous. Han Zekang was trembling a little and whispered: Master, didn't we go to Penglai to become immortals? Why are we here in Kunlun now to fight with the immortals?

Master Fire Dragon was also trembling a little, trying hard to suppress the trembling in his throat: This is probably the certificate of submission for entering Penglai.

Han Zekang said: Master, if we fight with immortals today, can we still ascend to immortality?

Master Fire Dragon was silent.

Lu Wu, who was next to him, kindly comforted them and said, Are you still thinking about ascending to immortality? You may not be able to survive today, so what are you thinking about if you have something or not?

The master and apprentice looked pale.

Kai Ming said: Lu Wu, don't scare them. In fact, the strength of the immortals is not stronger than them. In the past tens of thousands of years, no immortals have ascended. The cultivation strength of the immortals who ascended before is not much better than that of the current Qi Refiners in the ascension period. . The tribulations they overcame were only those with a radius of a hundred miles. How could they be like those that are thousands of miles away now? With your strength, it is absolutely no problem to defeat a few immortals and then die.

Qingluan chirped and said: I heard from the Queen Mother of the West that the immortals who came to chase us this time are not trivial. They are probably the group of immortals who destroyed Kunlun back then. They seem to be the immortals from the Thunder Division among the three divisions of the Lei Department! Among them, the commander-in-chief The one who belongs to the Thunder City is the Immortal King! There are very few immortals in the Thunder City, and most of them are earthly and heavenly immortals.

The expressions of the master and the disciple were ashen.

Suddenly, all the thunder suddenly stopped. The next moment, thousands of thunders exploded. The light of thunder shone so brightly that all the places in Kunlun Realm were so bright that no one could be seen!

After the thunder light passed, all the divine thunder in the sky was seen standing in the air, as if time had solidified, freezing the divine thunder.

And beneath the thousands of divine thunders, a stone city appeared. On the stone city, there was an immortal dressed in strange clothes. His clothes were covered with thunder patterns and thunder fire patterns. He was holding strange fairy weapons, mostly hammers, chisels, flags, Axes, golden cymbals, mirrors and other fairy weapons.

The leader was a middle-aged man wearing a red robe and a golden crown. He stood on the stone city. The sky opened up and the fairy world appeared outside the sky.

The middle-aged man looked at the Queen Mother of the West from afar and saw the boundless power of her. He could not help but shake his head and said: Back then, Lei Bu Tianzun led the first government, two courtyards and three divisions to eradicate Kunlun. I led the generals to suppress and kill you and other wild gods. I didn't expect you to be able to survive. Resurrection. It seems that the undead people of Kunlun did not die and woke you up.

Queen Mother Xi sneered: Fang Songhuai, the Immortal King of Thunder City, you were the Immortal King of the Immortal Realm back then, and you are still the Immortal King today. It seems that destroying Kunlun did not allow you to advance to another level.

The middle-aged man Fang Songhuai shook his head and said: The wild gods don't want to sow discord. If I advance to another level, I will be an emperor. How can I be promoted to an emperor based on my contribution to annihilating the Kunlun wild gods? If this is the case, wouldn't the immortal world be an emperor? All over the place?”

Queen Mother of the West said: You also used the corpses of your subordinates who died in the battle to set up formations in Kunlun in an attempt to suppress me. This shows that you are also useful after death.

Thunder Chief Fang Songhuai's face darkened. This was indeed what made him sad. He wanted to bury his fallen comrades, but he was not the one in charge.

He could only follow the order and use the corpses of his comrades to set up a formation to suppress the remaining consciousness of the Queen Mother of the West to prevent her from resurrecting.

The Queen Mother of the West wanted to talk about destroying her Taoist heart, but Fang Songhuai didn't give him this chance at all, and sneered: My lies are misleading!

After saying that, he waved his hand and gave the order, and immediately the immortals under the Thunder Chief Division in Stone City rushed out to kill Queen Xiangmu and others!

The Queen Mother of the West has not yet recovered her peak divine power, and the gods such as Lu Wu have also resurrected from death and have not fully recovered. If they were in their previous peak state, they would not be afraid at all.

You must know that when Kunlun was besieged and suppressed, the Immortal Realm used all the power of the Lei Department, the First Palace, the Two Courts and the Three Divisions, plus the Lei Department Tianzun, to destroy Kunlun.

Lei Bu Tianzun is an existence like the emperor. His cultivation strength is not trivial. Such a huge force joined forces and finally eradicated Kunlun. It is conceivable that Kunlun's strength at that time was not an exaggeration to call it the primitive world of heaven.

At that time, in the world of Tiandao, they were just subordinates of the Thunder Fire Engineering Department under the Third Division of the Thunder Department, and were not ranked first. So far, the gods in the world of heaven are still under the control of the Department of Thunder and Fire Industry.

The immortals from Thunder City came to kill them and sacrificed various immortal weapons from a distance.

Lu Wu said to the Fire Dragon Master: Follow me and fight out later. Apart from the Queen Mother of the West, I have the strongest combat power in Kunlun. Don't be afraid of death. After the battle, the Xu family will wake us up.

The two masters and disciples were trembling with fear. Han Zekang said in a trembling voice: Honored God, is it possible that our master and disciples will not be able to wake up after they die?

Lu Wu yelled, roared and rushed away. The lightning flashed across the immortals, and there was a roar from a distance, which collided with the thunder bursting from the immortal weapon. The sound waves vibrated and exploded!

Kaiming said to Master Huolong and his disciples: You'd better follow Lu Wu. Indeed, as he said, he has the strongest fighting power and can protect you. When he cannot protect you, he will most likely die in battle. when.

Master Fire Dragon gritted his teeth and rushed forward with Han Zekang, shouting: Apprentice, follow me closely!

The other gods of Kunlun roared out and met the immortals of the Thunder City. They were brave and good at fighting. They used the immortal gold produced in Kunlun to refine a weapon. Although it was an extremely primitive weapon, its power was extremely amazing.

In the sky, the Thunder Immortal Weapons came out one after another, bursting out with divine thunder comparable to the Heavenly Tribulation, striking downwards.

Master Fire Dragon and Han Zekang rushed to Lu Wu's side. Suddenly Lu Wu swept the two of them up with his tail and put them on his forehead.

The two masters and disciples were on Lu Wu's forehead, and their bodies were shaking violently. They saw Lu Wu using all parts of his body as weapons to shake the thunder weapon and attack the immortal. The nine tails were as heavy as a mountain, and he whipped them down!

The two masters and disciples also quickly took action, each using their magical powers, offering sacrifices to their souls, and fighting the immortals coming from all directions, trying to prevent Lu Wu from being surrounded.

However, the number of Kunlun gods is too small, and it will only be a matter of time before they are surrounded.

At this moment, the robes formed by the surging divine power of the Queen Mother of the West spread out as flat as the vast ocean, covering the entire Kunlun territory and blocking some of the Thunder Dusi's immortal weapons so that they could not attack the gods of Kunlun.

The pressure on the Kunlun gods, the Fire Dragon Master and others was greatly reduced. Immortal King Fang Songhuai stepped out in one step, and the Immortal Dao Yuan Shen behind him offered sacrifices. He was extremely majestic, like the original ancient god, facing the Queen Mother of the West, and sneered: Brother Taoist, you are still sleeping obediently, too. So that I can go back and deliver the work!

Under the clothes of the Queen Mother of the West, Feng Yao and Qing Luan flew past with heavy divine power. Two earth immortals came from behind to kill them. It is really powerless to face the Earthly Immortal.

The two women were exhausted from the killing, and all the magic weapons in their bodies were empty. Qingluan gritted his teeth and raised a bell. The bell floated in the air, tinkling and ringing loudly.

Suddenly, the ringing turned into a tinkling bell, and a fairy bell as big as a star emitted a ringing sound that shocked the two earthly immortals into chaos.

Qingluan was stunned, but Feng Yao had already taken the opportunity to fight back, activated the five secret treasures, and severely injured one of the Earth Immortals with a series of heavy blows.

Another Earth Immortal raised his Immortal Ax and slashed at the huge Immortal Bell, but it cracked open with a loud sound.

Only then did Qingluan wake up, hurriedly fluttered his wings and flew away, grabbed the silver ring of the fairy bell, and swung it at another Earth Immortal, shaking the Earth Immortal's spirit so much that he was unhappy with his body.

The two women killed the two earth immortals, and Qingluan said excitedly: Miss, I may have misunderstood Zhu Tiangong, this bell is indeed very effective!

At this moment, a huge dojo unfolded, covering the two women.

A Celestial Immortal from Thunder City spread out the dojo, the two women each groaned, and their spirits were suppressed.

The immortal walked over, and behind him, the immortal weapon, the Five Dragon Spears, flashed with lightning.

In the fairy world, the emperor rarely has leisure time, so he comes to find Yuanjun and play chess with Yuanjun. The emperor held the white child and said with a smile: It's strange to say. My crane boy went to the lower world, but for some reason, he has not returned yet.

Yuan Jun held Heizi and said: Although the immortal world is good, it cannot be majestic. Your boy is probably taking advantage of the efforts of the lower world to dominate and gain some benefits.

The emperor said, I heard that Yuanjun also sent Yu Huzhen to the lower realm.

Yuan Jun pondered, making no move, and said with a smile: The lower realm is full of troubles, and many old guys from the immortal world are reaching out. If I don't extend my hand, I may not be able to fish it out in the!

She settled gently.

The emperor picked up a white piece and was about to place it when his face suddenly changed and he stood up suddenly: No!

Yuan Jun was surprised and asked: Why is the emperor so panicked?

The emperor's face was uncertain: Prison, prison, prison, prison, prison... My good fellow, break my five-character seal in one breath! Xu Ying, do you want to overthrow the world?

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